Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Is CENTCOM Going Native


a special report

Frank Gaffney in Newsmax:

It was bad enough when, two months ago, word got around that U.S. Central Command's commanding general, David Petraeus, had embraced the meme that Americans were being killed in his theater of operations because Israel had refused to make peace with its Palestinian enemies.

Now comes word that elements within his command – including many of its "senior officers" and "intelligence personnel" – believe the United States should abandon its longstanding policy of "isolating and marginalizing" Hamas and Hezbollah.

THE CENTER FOR SECURITY POLICY is a non-profit, non-partisan national security organization that specializes in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that are vital to American security and then ensures that such issues are the subject of both focused, principled examination and effective action by recognized policy experts, appropriate officials, opinion leaders, and the general public.

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.

Is Petraeus Going Native?

By: Frank Gaffney

It was bad enough when, two months ago, word got around that U.S. Central Command's commanding general, David Petraeus, had embraced the meme that Americans were being killed in his theater of operations because Israel had refused to make peace with its Palestinian enemies.

Now comes word that elements within his command – including many of its "senior officers" and "intelligence personnel" – believe the United States should abandon its longstanding policy of "isolating and marginalizing" Hamas and Hezbollah.

According to an article entitled, "Red Team: CENTCOM thinks outside the box on Hamas and Hezbollah" by Mark Perry published today online by Foreign Policy magazine, a Red Team at Central Command is recommending "a mix of strategies that would integrate the two organizations into their respective political mainstreams." The justification for treating these designated terrorist organizations as though they were part of the solution is to be found in the following, astounding remarks by unidentified CENTCOM officers:

"Putting Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaida in the same sentence, as if they are all the same, is just stupid," [one] said. "I don't know any intelligence officer at CENTCOM who buys that." Another mid-level SOCOM [Special Operations Command] officer echoed these views: "As the U.S. strategy in the war on terrorism evolves, military planners have come to realize that they are all motivated by different factors, and we need to address this if we are going to effectively prosecute a successful campaign in the Middle East."

The contention that Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaida are "motivated by different factors" is pure Brotherhood taqqiya – dissembling for the faith. Its embrace by anyone, let alone by intelligence personnel and senior military officers, constitutes an appalling dereliction of the "professional duty to know" the facts.

The reality is that all these groups absolutely, positively are the same in one respect, at least: They all share a commitment to the theo-political-legal-military program authoritative Islam calls Shariah.

As adherents to Shariah, they are all pursuing the same goal: the global triumph of Shariah under a theocratic Caliphate. Their tactics may differ from time to time, depending on circumstance. But what is really "stupid" is the notion that such differences or even structural differences actually preclude these groups and many others promoting Shariah (notably, the Taliban) from being kindred spirits – and unalterably our enemies.

Further evidence of the defective nature of the CENTCOM Red Team analysis can be found in the emphasis it reportedly places on "a quote from Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, stating that if Lebanon and Iran's interests ever conflicted, his organization would favor Lebanese interests." According to Perry, the Red Team concluded that "Hezbollah's activities increasingly reflect the movement's needs and aspirations in Lebanon, as opposed to the interests of its Iranian backers."

The notion that Hezbollah can be weaned from its client relationship with Tehran – either on the basis of appeals to its nationalist ardor or because of Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan's stated willingness to engage with its so-called "moderate elements" – is unsubstantiated by any material facts. Random quotes, particularly those cited out of context, are of course not at all the same thing as an established pattern of behavior on Hezbollah's part that demonstrates the proxy's actual independence from its Iranian masters. No such pattern can be discerned. The same dependency on Iran is operating with Hamas, as well, to say nothing of Syria.

These inconvenient facts notwithstanding, the Red Team is said to have recommended that the United States government open direct negotiations with Hezbollah and that they "be pursued again with the same vigor that peace talks in Northern Ireland were pursued." The Team goes on to note that, "As the U.S. took the lead with peace talks in Northern Ireland, the British could take the lead with unity talks between the Lebanese Armed Forces and Hezbollah in Lebanon." Never mind that the difference between Northern Ireland and Lebanon is the IRA was thoroughly defeated by the British in the former. In the case of the latter, Hezbollah would clearly be perceived as the victor.

The Red Team's views with respect to Hamas are equally inane. According to Perry: "The report argues that an Israeli decision to lift the siege might pave the way for reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas, which would be 'the best hope for mainstreaming Hamas.'" As though the object of U.S. policy should be to facilitate Hamas' domination of the entire Palestinian proto-polity.

Even more instructive was the following line by Perry: "The Red Team also claims that reconciliation with Fatah, when coupled with Hamas's explicit renunciation of violence, would gain 'widespread international support and deprive the Israelis of any legitimate justification to continue settlement building and delay statehood negotiations.'" Indeed, delegitimation of Israel seems pretty much to be the Red Team agenda – a nation that has been and remains a key ally of what one would hope remains the Blue Team: the United States of America.

Particularly alarming is Perry's assertion that, "There's little question the report reflects the thinking among a significant number of senior officers at CENTCOM headquarters – and among senior CENTCOM intelligence officers and analysts serving in the Middle East." Add into the mix the controversial views previously espoused by Gen. Petraeus and you have a significant military organization that seems fully prepared to throw Israel under the bus.

If there is any glimmer of good news in Mark Perry's portrayal of the leaked Red Team analysis it is that, even though "There is a lot of thinking going on in the military and particularly among intelligence officers in Tampa [the site of CENTCOM headquarters] about these groups," according to an unnamed senior CENTCOM officer familiar with the report, "senior military leaders are [not] actively lobbying Barack Obama's administration to forge an opening to the two organizations. 'That's probably not in the cards just yet,' he said."

The bad news is that, given the determination of the Obama administration to isolate and undermine Israel, it is not clear that much "active lobbying" on the part of Central Command will be necessary to egg it on. But the political cover provided by General Petraeus, or at least by his CENTCOM staff, will surely come in handy for Team Obama when the chickens of the war that such policies will inevitably encourage come home to roost.

Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death."  --
Albert Einstein !!!

Does President Obama Need a Hearing Aid

This appeared in the latest EIR news weekly

Does President Obama Need a Hearing Aid?

by Ramtanu Maitra

June 25—On June 23, President Obama summarily dismissed Gen. Stanley McChrystal as the U.S. military chief in Afghanistan following the publication an article based on an extended interview with him in the counterculture magazine Rolling Stone. The article featured disparaging remarks by the general and his fiercely loyal staff about some of Obama's senior civilian advisors and Vice President Joe Biden. McChrystal was replaced by Gen. David Petraeus, the present Centcom chief, as U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan.


Upon his appointment of Petraeus, Obama, totally oblivious of the ground situation in Afghanistan, issued a statement, in which he said that the change in command of U.S. troops in Afghanistan would not change the Administration's policy in the war, which will enter a transition phase in 2011. Obama said Petraeus "understands the strategy because he helped shape it," adding, "Right now we're losing the tactical-level fight in the chase for a strategic victory. How long can that be sustained?"

No Change in Policy

The appointment of Petraeus made it evident that the counterinsurgency (COIN) policy being employed in the Afghan War, adopted by the Obama Administration last Fall, which has become as destructive as the failed Vietnam War policy of the last century, will be continued. As one unnamed civilian advisor to the U.S. military in Afghanistan told the Washington Post on June 23, "the strategy McChrystal put together is a counterinsurgency strategy, and Petreaus is the godfather of counterinsurgency. It's putting Yoda in charge of running the war," he said, referring to the fictional Jedi master in the "Star Wars" universe.


Simply put, the grinding war will continue leading to further destruction of the U.S. military, yielding nothing but more opium from the fields of Afghanistan; creating more heroin addicts around the world; weakening nations; and fattening the wallets of City of London and Wall Street bankers.


There is a reason why this author wonders whether President Obama needs a hearing aid: One obvious reason, is that McChrystal made these "disparaging remarks," about a policy which has no purpose and is not achievable. In addition, McChrystal was left to fight al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Washington's Af-Pak envoy Richard Holbrooke, Vice President Joe Biden, and U.S. Ambassador to Kabul Karl Eikenberry. The general wanted direct access to the President, but was thwarted by a White House, where, as one Washington source pointed out, duplicity is not just acceptable, it is a necessity. If Obama had cared to listen to, or read, what eyewitnesses have been reporting from the ground, he would have realized that there is nothing to win in this war: Instead, Afghanistan, and the entire region, would lose a lot deal if it is pursued any longer.


Anyone can see that the COIN policy has failed. That, however, does not mean that the counterterrorism effort, which is being pushed by an other powerful lobby in Washington, has any meaning whatsoever. This was what McChrystal pointed out in the Rolling Stone piece, when he said: "The Russians killed 1 million Afghans, and that didn't work." The Russians pursued counterterrorism in Afghanistan for almost ten years, before showing their weary and wounded backs to the Afghans, and trudging back home through the Salang tunnel.


The failure of the COIN program can be seen at Marjah. On Feb. 13, under McChrystal's leadership, the International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF)—a mish-mash of U.S. and NATO troops, with the Afghan National Army (ANA)—began a military campaign, Operation Moshtarak, ostensibly the largest in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban, in the southern province of Helmand. The main target of the offensive was widely considered to be Marjah, a small town in the central part of the province, which had been under control of Taliban militants, as well as drug traffickers, for years. With a lot of trumpeting, the campaign to win the "hearts and minds" of the southern Afghan Pushtuns residing there was launched. Afghan troops were given a lead role in the ground forces, comprising about 60% of those troops. Around 8,000 ground forces and 7,000 support troops are involved, when Coalition troops are included.


Weakening the U.S. Military

Four months later, the situation in Marjah has deteriorated to the point that the ISAF troops have been confined to a virtual stockade, harassed by a couple hundred of insurgents, shooting at them from all angles. The objective to capture, hold, and administer—the magic words of COIN—has long been given a go-by. U.S. and NATO troops are out there trying to stay alive.


Why has it come to such a sorry pass? That becomes evident from eyewitness reports. For example, C.J. Chivers, writing from Marjah for the New York Times, described on June 23, the shattered morale of the troops engaged in this impossible mission. "Young officers and enlisted soldiers and Marines, typically speaking on the condition of anonymity to protect their jobs, speak of 'being 'handcuffed,' of not being trusted by their bosses and of being asked to battle a canny and vicious insurgency 'in a fair fight.' "


Some rules meant to enshrine counterinsurgency principles into daily practices, they say, do not merely transfer risks away from civilians. They transfer risks away from the Taliban. Before the rules were tightened, one Army major who had commanded an infantry company, told the Times, "firefights in Afghanistan had a half-life." By this, he meant that skirmishes often were brief, lasting roughly half an hour. The Taliban would ambush patrols, typically break contact, and slip away as patrol leaders organized and escalated Western firepower in response.


Now, with fire support often restricted, or even idled, Taliban fighters seem noticeably less worried about an American response, many soldiers and Marines say. Firefights often drag on, sometimes lasting hours, and costing lives. The United States' material advantages are not robustly applied; troops are engaged in rifle-on-rifle fights on the enemy's turf. One Marine infantry lieutenant, during fighting in Marjah this year, told Chivers he had all but stopped seeking air support while engaged in firefights. He spent too much time on the radio trying to justify its need, he said, and the aircraft never arrived, they arrived too late, or the pilots were reluctant to drop their ordnance.


"I'm better off just trying to fight my fight, and maneuver the squads, and not waste the time or focus trying to get air," he said. Several infantrymen have also said that the rules are so restrictive that pilots are often not allowed to attack fixed targets—say, a building or tree line, from which troops are taking fire—unless they can personally see the insurgents doing the firing. This has led to situations that many soldiers describe as absurd, including decisions by patrol leaders to have fellow soldiers move briefly out into the open to draw fire once aircraft arrive, so the pilots might be cleared to participate in the fight.


Financing the Killers

In addition, what has been known to the outside world for years, has now been presented to the American people by a Report of the Majority Staff, prepared under the chairmanship of Rep. John F. Tierney (DMass.), Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, in June 2010. The report pointed out that the task of feeding, fueling, and arming American troops at over 200 forward operating bases and combat outposts sprinkled across a difficult and hostile terrain with only minimal road infrastructure, is handled by what is called Host Nation Trucking (HNT), a $2.16 billion contract split among eight Afghan, American, and Middle Eastern companies. Most of the prime contractors and their trucking subcontractors hire local Afghan security providers for armed protection of the trucking convoys.


Transporting valuable and sensitive supplies in highly remote and insecure locations requires extraordinary levels of security. A typical convoy of 300 supply trucks going from Kabul to Kandahar, for example, will travel with 4 00 to 5 00 guards, in dozens of trucks armed with heavy machine-guns and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs). The "security" to these convoys is provided by the insurgents, who are paid with American taxpayers' money, for, later, killing American soldiers or those Afghans who allow the insurgents to take a piece of the pie along the way, also for the purpose of killing American soldiers. This has been allowed to continue because, according to Washington, there is no better way of doing this.


The Afghan War cannot be won, because there is nothing to win. The only legitimate objective that President Obama has, as the Commander-in-Chief, is to wipe out the Afghan opium, which has shown phenomenal growth in recent years, under the British occupation of Helmand, the most prolific opium-growing region in Afghanistan. To infest Afghanistan with poppy, is the policy run top-down from Britain, the old colonial handlers of opium. What the U.S. troops have begun to realize, and speak out bitterly about, is they are being asked to lay down their lives to protect drug warlords and traffickers.


In essence, all that the Obama Administration has done, is to go along with this British imperial policy, by using the U.S. military to protect the drug traffickers, who generate oodles of cash for the bankrupt bankers of City of London and Wall Street. This was pointed out, at least a year ago, by the United Nations Office of Drug and Crimes (UNODC) chief, Antonio Maria Costa.


Obama's "benign neglect" of the Afghan opium explosion is not only destroying the U.S. military, but is further pushing Afghanistan to the edge of the abyss. Already a depleted nation, fighting for the last 30 years—first, in the war launched by Soviets that lasted for ten years; then the civil war launched by the druglords and warlords, that lasted for another ten years; and, after a respite of two years, the ongoing occupation by the U.S. and NATO troops since 2001—Afghanistan has no institutions, no infrastructure, devastated agriculture, and hundreds of thousands of opium addicts. The addiction has now become a part of the society, and, as Dr. Bruce Goldberg of the University of Florida pointed out in his recent report, Afghan infants are becoming addicted. The homes of Afghans are now smeared with opium and heroin. In other  words, what the Obama Administration is allowing to occur in Afghanistan is sheer criminality.


The elimination of drugs, however, will be the first, and most important step in allowing the Afghans to set up institutions. Without a total eradication of opium, Afghanistan has no hope, and dangers will continue to mount in the region. A recent report by the U.S. Geological Survey shows that Afghanistan has huge stores of iron, copper, cobalt, gold, and critical industrial metals like lithium. These reserves are so big, and include so many minerals that are essential to modern industry, that Afghanistan could eventually be transformed into one of the most important mining centers in the world, U.S. officials believe.


In 2004, American geologists, sent to Afghanistan as part of a broader reconstruction effort, tumbled across an intriguing series of old charts and data at the library of the Afghan Geological Survey in Kabul, that hinted at major mineral deposits in the country. They soon learned that the data had been collected by Soviet mining experts during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s, but cast aside when the Soviets withdrew in 1989. "This will become the backbone of the Afghan economy," said Jalil Jumriany, an advisor to the Afghan minister of mines.


Ferghana Valley—The Next Target

However, in order to make it the "backbone of the Afghan economy," the war has to end, and the British-run opium industry must cease to exist. If it is allowed to continue further, it is going to engulf the Central Asian nations touching the borders of Russia and China, two powerful nations. With the riot in southern Kyrgyzstan this month, the drug mafia, and its usual collaborators, have sounded the clarion call. Their target is to unleash a long war in the Ferghana Valley, drawing in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan, in particular, and cause an Afghan-style opium explosion there. Already, the Ferghana Valley is producing hundreds of tons of opium, besides being one of the important transit points to get the Afghan heroin to Russia.


The Ferghana Valley was cut up into three pieces following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Such fragmentation gave rise to dissensions among the countries that each got a piece of it. Furthermore, the Valley is the most fertile land where water is plentiful in the water-starved Central Asia. This dissension among the nations over who should own the Ferghana Valley has allowed the foreign NGOs to move in. Drug-legalization promoter George Soros's Ferghana Valley project is at least a decade old.


The Soros Foundation is involved in "supporting and developing the socio-economic infrastructure" of the Osh and Jalal-Abad regions, where, incidentally, riots took place this June. There were reports that the Soros-funded Open Society Foundation had been active financially, in pushing through the now-defunct Tulip Revolution. Soros's Foundation, which promotes the legalization of opium production, "to help ease financial problems of the farmers," has apparently lost out to the drug mafia. One may also ask: Was the Tulip Revolution organized to hand over southern Kyrgyzstan to the drug mafia? If that was the intent, it has mostly succeeded.


In addition, an alliance between the drug mafia, headed by the younger son of the ousted Kyrgyzstan President Kurmanbek Bakiyev, Maksim Bakiyev, and the British forces has been established. Maksim has ownership in a British soccer club, the Blackpool Football Club, which like most British sports clubs, depends on drug money to pay its players. Maksim Bakiyev fled to Britain seeking asylum, and he is now under protection of the British Border Forces.


Under the circumstances, all insidious forces continue to grow stronger. The massive amounts of opium and heroin flowing in from Afghanistan have not only strengthened the drug mafia, the bankers, and others associated with those cash-generating criminals, it has also strengthened the hands of the Islamic fundamentalists, represented by Hizb ut-Tahrir, who are headquartered in Britain.


The following appeared as a box item with my article

LaRouche: Wipe Out the Afghan Opium Trade

June 26—Lyndon LaRouche emphasized in discussions with colleagues last week that the military revolt, represented by Gen. Stanley McChrystal's ouster as commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, following his highly publicized break in Rolling Stone magazine, with U.S.-NATO policy there, is yet another indication that the Obama Presidency is on the ropes. The mass strike that began last August in town hall meetings across the country, has now "trickled up" to the top military brass.

LaRouche said that McChrystal, like many other American military commanders, was worried about the "Vietnam War Syndrome"—the idea that the military will be blamed for the failure. "There is a dynamic within the military command, that extends far beyond General McChrystal. They see Afghanistan, increasingly, as a hopeless case. They want to get out."

LaRouche provided his own assessment: "We should go in and do what has to be done: Wipe out the opium trade, at every level. The problem is that Obama is unwilling to do that—because it is not British policy to wipe out the Afghan opium business. Russia would work with the U.S. to accomplish this, India would help, for their own reasons. And even Pakistan would see such an action as an opportunity to free themselves from the London/Saudi problems

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.

Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death."  --
Albert Einstein !!!

hello I'm in the queue for versailles

oh hai

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Published with Blogger-droid v1.3.8

X JAPAN - Rusty Nail PV HQ [FULL]

New PV From X Japan

SuG - 2Tracks

Two tracks from the new single, couldn't find the other one,
anyway posting this here as maybe someone will want them.

Shouldn't Be To Long Till The Full Release Appears.

(1)Five Starz

Download Here

Plastic Tree: Moonlight [PV preview]

Still cant find the full version but i know its out there, for the mean time here's a preview~


Awesome or what?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

D : New look 2010
credits to Ryuu

Ao-kun : "It's important"

credits to ao-chan~ :3
Matenrou Opera's Live DVD "Emergence from Cocoon" that is. xD

The Emergence from Cocoon -Tour Document Film- release features tour documentary of their first one-man tour "Emergence from COCOON", -Tour Final Live Film- "Birth of Genesis" version features their tour final and also three anniversary concert "Birth of GENESIS" performance at Shibuya C.C. Lemon Hall on May 6, 2010.

Pre-order cdjapan:
Emergence from Cocoon -Tour Document Film- Emergence from Cocoon -Tour Document Film-
Matenro Opera
DVD | Release: 2010/09/01
ships on the release date
(US$ 44.25)
Emergence from Cocoon -Tour Final Live  Film- "Birth of Genesis" Emergence from Cocoon -Tour Final Live Film- "Birth of Genesis"
Matenro Opera
DVD | Release: 2010/09/01
ships on the release date
(US$ 52.00)

Girugamesh - Color, Sunrise, Flower [PREVIEWS]

3 Samples

[Album] ACID BLACK CHERRY - Recreation 2 [30th June 2010]


05.ラ ヴ・イズ・オーヴァー(欧陽菲菲)
06.ハーシー(Fish & Chips)
11.大 都会(クリスタルキング)
※Guest Vocals : DAIGO from BREAKERZ
12.ラストダンスは私に(越 路吹雪)

Bit-Rate: 320kbps

Megaupload Or Mediafire

Credit: Norishi

kannivalism : Resuming Activity as 3 man team
Source MusicJapan+:
The release of kannivalism's new single "split recollection" is right ahead and scheduled for August 11th, yet with this out look a message from drummer Mitsuya has arrived.

Right now, kannivalism are active in their second stage. Their first formation had consisted of Ryo, Kei (at that time "K"), Yuchi and Kiri, who is now active with heidi. However, in 2001, they disbanded with a lot of regret. After that, Ryo and Kei started their activities with baroque, which however disbanded in 2004 already. Only a year later, kannivalism was reborn again and they resumed activities with the second generation members as announced on the official homepage.

From then, they once paused their activities again from January 2008 and while taking an unsteady road , they welcomed their new member Mitsuya as Ryo returned to the band on August 25th in 2009 - they had just taken up their activities.

Comment on Mitsuya leaving the band:
With this we announce that Mitsuya will be leaving kannivalism.

The reason behind it, comes down to his personal reasons and while having been discussed in numerous meetings with the other members and the staff, the result arises from the thoughts regarding all future activities.

To all the fans, who showed their support and all the associates: we are grateful for the opportunities we had.

We hope for your unchanging support regarding kannivalism from here on.


The single will still be released on August 11th and regarding the scheduled lives, further announcements will be made soon.

Off topic : Studio Ghibli Songs to be Covered by Rock artists?
Source MusicJapan+
When speaking of Studio Ghibli, it is the hit label, which produced classics like "Tonari no Totoro" or " Kiki's Delivery Service" and on July 17th the latest movie "Karigurashi no Arrietty" will be released. At the same time, the cover album "Ghibli Rock" will be released, it has now been announced.

The album will be pre-released on July 21st via VILLAGE VANGUARD and there will be a total of nine songs, covered by near-to-unprecedented rock bands even for a Ghibli cover album

Among them will also be Nakamori Ayako of the 2008 disbanded girl group "Nakanomori BAND", who will be singing "Princess Mononoke", deserving great attention. This is certainly an album to wonder about how the soothing Ghibli songs will turn out to be rock songs in the end.

D'espairsRay : Is in Despair'espairaysfb.JPG

Oh dear. You guys in America better start buying tickets or they'll never go there again D:!

Source JaME:
Visual kei band Dolly has announced the news of two new releases and a tour.

This year being Dolly's fifth anniversary, they have decided to commemorate it with a one-man tour in September, titled CAPSULE. Also in September we will see the release of their second album, also titled CAPSULE. The regular edition will come with a bonus track, while the CD+DVD edition will come in two versions.

Before the album release, Dolly will release the single GOTHIC PARTY. This single will go on sale on July 21 but further details are yet available.

Pre-order @ cdjapan:
Capsule [w/  DVD, Limited Edition / Type A] Capsule [w/ DVD, Limited Edition / Type A]
CD | Release: 2010/09/01
ships on the release date
(US$ 42.04)
Capsule [w/  DVD, Limited Edition / Type B] Capsule [w/ DVD, Limited Edition / Type B]
CD | Release: 2010/09/01
ships on the release date
(US$ 42.04)
Capsule  [Regular Edition] Capsule [Regular Edition]
CD | Release: 2010/09/01
ships on the release date
(US$ 33.19)

ayabie : Aoi's solo project.

Source JaME:
ayabie's aoi has announced the first release of his new solo project. The release, currently untitled, is a maxi-single set to come out on September 8. The main track will be used as a tie-in for a CM.

This release will be available in two editions. The first edition will just be the CD and will include three songs as well as their instrumental versions. The other edition will include only two songs and their instrumental versions but also a DVD. The DVD will contain a music clip, an off-shoot of the music clip as well as an interview.

VANESSA : 【TRUE END】 (Brand-X special present DVD)

Hirose Satoshi : Obession

Shiva: First Mini Album [Samples]

Wow, they sound great, never heard of them before.

Luzmelt - Lunatail [PREVIEW]

UnsraW in Europe

CLJ Records just updated with the following announcement:

And finally some thrilling news for all fans of dark and heavy J-Rock: UnsraW will take part at the IFA in Berlin, where they will impress the audience with one of their fascinating shows. After this great event, UnsraW will tour again in Europe in September, due to the big demand from fans after their last successful tour!

Source: CLJ Records & Shattered Tranquility

Monday, June 28, 2010

[EP] Pay money To my Pain - PICTURES [9th June 2010]





Download Here

Credit: Arya92

[Album] the HIATUS - ANOMALY [30th June 2010]



01.The Ivy
02.Talking Reptiles
03.My Own Worst Enemy
06.Betelgeuse no Akari
07.Walking Like A Man
10.Notes Of Remembrance
11.Seimon no Mansou

320 kbps

Download Here

Credit: setsustark

SuG- Five Starz ~五枚目俳優~ PV

Credits: MrApplelonia

meth. CAN'T COME BACK PV preview

Credits: meth21akito


I promised for updates on this, and NOBOBBBY was good enough to put the USTREAM live interview videos on Youtube, so here they are! ( Review of the ViViD interview )

Sunday, June 27, 2010

July release schedule

07/xx ==> ikd-sj - A Copy God [album]
07/xx ==> VAMPS - Beast [album]
07/XX ==> BLADE - Title Unknown [live-limited single]
07/01 ==> VIRGENOW - 朦朧灰と死す(mourouhai to shisu) [maxi-single]
07/01 ==> KISAKI - MONOLOGUE [revival program DVD]
07/01 ==> レインマン(rainman) - 落日(rakujitsu) / 青(ao) [maxi-single]
07/02 ==> ALiBi - SUMMER PARTY [live-limited one-coin single]
07/04 ==> D'eiz - Raspberry Romance [live-distributed single]
07/04 ==> ELECTNINE - End of Relation [live-limited single]
07/06 ==> m:a.ture - Soleil [maxi-single]
07/07 ==> meth. - CAN'T COME BACK [maxi-single]
07/07 ==> Levia - Fairly Scale [maxi-single]
07/07 ==> ViViD - Precious [maxi-single]
07/07 ==> Aldious - Defended Desire [maxi-single]
07/07 ==> SKULL - kagerou / souen [maxi-single]
07/07 ==> vistlip - Hameln [maxi-single]
07/07 ==> Sel'm - ARROWS [maxi-single]
07/07 ==> ICe0AGe - ZERO [maxi-single]
07/07 ==> MASQUERADE - Sweet Rain Ruby Sky [maxi-single]
07/07 ==> DELUHI - The Farthest [maxi-single]
07/07 ==> SADS - The 7 Deadly Sins [album]
07/07 ==> girugamesh - COLOR [maxi-single]
07/07 ==> lilt - kiken〜kiku nayo!zettai ni kiku nayo!〜) [mini-album]
07/07 ==> Polysics - Budokan Or Die!!!! 2010.3.14 [live DVD]
07/07 ==> PaRADEiS - Loli★ロリポップ(Loli★lollipop) [single]
07/07 ==> Rhetoric. - 螢(hotaru) [digital single]
07/07 ==> キャンゼル(canzel) - BeST SONGS-SOFT TRACKS- [best album]
07/07 ==> キャンゼル(canzel) - BeST SONGS-HARD TRACKS- [best album]
07/07 ==> Plastic Tree - ALL TIME THE BEST [album]
07/07 ==> アヲイ(awoi) - 葵(awoi) [selection album]
07/07 ==> Irokui. - owaranai sekai no utaikata LIVE [LIVE DVD]
07/07 ==> HOLSTEIN - HOLSTEIN anthology [best album]
07/07 ==> HOLSTEIN - A HOLSTEIN film~eschatology~ [LAST LIVE DVD]
07/09 ==> ex-XodiacK Gt. hizuki session band orochimaru - Title Unknown
07/14 ==> 12012 - SEVEN [album]
07/14 ==> gaudie. -CRASH shuushigata-kanshou [maxi-single]
07/14 ==> TOON-FACTORY - Heart [mini-album]
07/14 ==> The KIDDIE - smile [single]
07/14 ==> hitotsume - shuushoku grand guignol [album]
07/14 ==> NightingeiL -tsurisage no koi [mini-album]
07/14 ==> guruguru eigakan - aru ahou no hansei kouhen [album]
07/14 ==> Luzmelt - Lunartail [live-limited one-coin single]
07/15 ==> LuLu - 胎動(taidou) [maxi-single]
07/16 ==> GREGORY - IN VAIN [maxi-single]
07/17 ==> Kaya - Sugar Rose [live-distributed single]
07/17 ==> PRIMEADDICT - Title Unknown [live-distributed DVD]
07/17 ==> Rosalie - Re:boot [live-distributed single]
07/18 ==> Un=(XAG) - カレイドスコープ(kaleidoscope) [maxi-single]
07/21 ==> the GazettE - SHIVER [maxi-single]
07/21 ==> Dolly - GOTHIC PARTY [digital single]
07/21 ==> GAIN01 - The LASTNAME [single]
07/21 ==> DOES - Title Unknown [best album]
07/21 ==> ネオン (neon) - Sweet Hearts [single]
07/21 ==> Jackman - Multi Color Freeks [maxi-single]
07/21 ==> kannivalism - she said, under the helios. [live DVD]
07/21 ==> GOLDEN BOMBER - 上半期ベスト2010(kamihanki best 2010) [album]
07/21 ==> GOLDEN BOMBER - ゴールデン・アワー(GOLDEN HOUR) vol.1 [DVD]
07/21 ==> GOLDEN BOMBER - ゴールデン・アワー(GOLDEN HOUR) vol.2 [DVD]
07/21 ==> baddies - kyoufuu hello!!-OTOMETIC NEO ANNIVERSARY- [live DVD]
07/21 ==> ACIDMAN - DEAR FREEDOM [single]
07/21 ==> CODE7203-KineSicS - DOGネコCAT(inu DOG neko CAT) [digital single]
07/21 ==> 大佑と黒の隠者達(daisuke to kuro no injatachi) - 嫌(iya) [maxi-single]
07/21 ==> GACKT - THE ELEVENTH DAY [single collection album]
07/22 ==> Rubik - パラレル流星群(parallel ryuuseigun) [maxi-single]
07/22 ==> Butterfly Effect - sakura shiboujikoku [live-distributed single]
07/22 ==> D'LORE - Voice of quantum [maxi-single]
07/23 ==> Sensmith - ATOMS [album]
07/25 ==> REIRA - yami no naka de usureyuku kioku [maxi-single]
07/27 ==> Bi;shop - tsundere rockin' peace) [live-limited one-coin demo single]
07/28 ==> chemical pictures - sekai wo utta otoko case 3 hinawajuu [maxi-single]
07/28 ==> GACKT - EVER [single]
07/28 ==> Plastic Tree - ムーンライト---。(Moonlight) [single]
07/28 ==> Secilia Luna - Auroral Sky [maxi-single]
07/28 ==> Angelo - El Dorado [single]
07/28 ==> LIX. - 生命の終焉(seimei no shuuen) [maxi-single]
07/28 ==> D - 赤き羊による晩餐会(akaki hitsuji ni yoru bansankai) [maxi-single]
07/28 ==> Kaya - Awilda-アヴィルダ- [maxi-single]
07/28 ==> LIX. - 生命の終焉(seimei no shuuen) [maxi-single]
07/28 ==> GLACIER - かりゆし(Kariyushi) [digital single]
07/28 ==> MoNoLith - Postscript [maxi-single]
07/28 ==> VII-Sense - Title Unknown [maxi-single]
07/28 ==> LOST ASH(f.k.a. Ocelot) - innerCORE [maxi-single]
07/28 ==> D'espairsRay - MONSTERS [album]
07/28 ==> Cinema S'trip - (tenjoutenge yuigadokuson) [maxi-single]
07/28 ==> wakeshima kanon - shoujo shikake no libretto) [album]
07/29 ==> EsoLLa(f.k.a. SOUND of DRUG) - div [maxi-single]
07/29 ==> LICKER - Last GAME [maxi-single]

Big Thanks To Kodomia

LEON : REGELUS [13/12/2009]

1. Cruel Sacrifice
2. 黒紫陽花
3. 孤高に問う追憶の下弦の月

credits to ed47a and vkmd
Download @ MF

xTRiPx : [double] [09/06/2010]
Release: 09/06/2010

01. Intro[w]
02. [double]

credits to vkmd
Download @ MF

kannivalism : Mitsuya Leaves

Source JaME:
According to an announcement on the band's website, drummer Mitsuya has left kannivalism. This departure is due to personal reasons. Further details are unavailable.

kannivalism will be releasing a DVD this July, titled she's under the helios as well as new single called split recollection this August.

Hana Shounen Baddies : Ballerina / Kyoufuu haro!! -OTOMETIC NEO ANNIVERSARY-

Source JaME:
Hana Shounen Baddies will release a live DVD on July 21.

Titled Kyoufuu haro!! -OTOMETIC NEO ANNIVERSARY-, this will be the second DVD in band's career. It will contain footage from band's one-man live celebrating Baddies's first anniversary, which took place in Shibuya O-WEST in May. This DVD will be limited to 501 copies.

This band will also be releasing a new single, Ballerina, on August, 4. It will be available in two types. This will be their fourth single.

THE BACK HORN : Tozasareta Sekai

Source JaME:
THE BACK HORN will release a new single called Tozasareta Sekai on August 4th.

The title song will be used as a theme to the theatrical anime "Mobile Suit Gundam 00 - A Wakening of the Trailblazer -". The limited edition of the single will include wide cap sticker of the anime and an encode card.

[Single] BrainStein - Answerfor... [28th April 2010]



01 - Answerfor…
02 - HeartAid

Download Here

Credits: luckyegg

[Single] BrainStein - Hakanasa ni Todomareba [28th April 2010]



01 Hakanasa ni Todomareba

Download Here

Publish Post
Credits: luckyegg

the GazettE : SHIVER radio rip

credits to verx & phones666
Download @ MF

[Album] ClearVeil - Anthology (Regular) [16th June 2010]



3. 『SWEET』≠『PAIN』 
7.Secret Letter 
8. 揺れるロザリオと赤い薔薇 
12.Blazing Star 

Download Here

Credits: BellatrixDieu

Saturday, June 26, 2010

ViViD : TV PRECIOUS PV Exclusive Clip

the sound is really quiet, but thats because it was broadcasted that way~

credits to NOBOBBBY

New Single Luzmelt

Credits: me

The new live limited single entitled "Lunartail" will be release 14 July. Details soon.

Download Here track ripped MySpace.

Off topic : Cat Fish Weight Lifting

credits to japanator

ViViD is at ustream- LIVE just at this moment, 1time chance, DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY!

I feel sorry for the fangirls, who missed this, because in the end they showed their new PV ''Precious'' with half naked Shin in it XD
Overall the show was amazing and fun! The host was a fun japanese woman which spoke fluent english and translated everything the bandmembers said, so it was easy to keep up. The members answered to questions made by ViViD fans,they even made funny drawings about France, and made a drawing of kanji which resembles them the most, these are the Kanji which ViViD chose:
  • Ko-ki = Darkness ( 闇) He explained it as ''Visual kei XD''
  • Shin = Heart ( 心 )
  • IV = Light ( 光 )
  • Reno = Always keep going forward ( 進 )
  • Ryoga= Happiness ( 幸 )
I think someone will upload it to Youtube later, so stay tuned for updates.

Edoh& Real Life. Dreams Exhibition 2010

There was a short time when I practically stopped posting for a while (Don't know, Don't remember? ;__; you don't love me. lololol -cough-)

Anyways, I've been put in charge of the design team for this upcoming exhibition called "Dreams Art and Design Exhibtion" so I've been busy making the sites blogs, posters and other advertising materials. Yah, Edoh is turning into a real adult.

Anyways, it'll be cool if folks can help me out to advertise the event on their own blogs as stuff so I don't end up being a loner at the show D:

It's going to be hosted in London from 31stAugust till 4th September, and we are currently getting partnered with Corona, sketchpixel and Mathmos.

Miyavi : Fathers Day with Lovelie

edoh: a little late, but better than never!! Lovelie is just... too goddam sweet

even though i cant spend the time with her so much,
im always filled with tons of love.

あんまずっと一緒に居てやれ ねーけど

Suneohair : Sakasama bridge [23/06/2010]

Release : 23/06/2010


1. Sakasama Bridge
2. Tokimeki Schneider
3. kimiga suki
4. Sarari

credits to metanorn
Download @ MF

Edoh& Opinions on Bands after Label Change

Change... no one likes it sudden... or do they?

Specifically the GazettE's SHIVER after someone requested it, but I suppose it also applies to other jrock/indie bands too.

Well, first off, I personally think that the band's/artist's style changes when folks move to huge lables which usually specialises in pop music. Not just the music, but the clothes, makeup and generally how they present themselves in videos and comments. This is pretty normal as each label wants different things.

Like I always say, they just grow out of all the fancy clothes to attract attention. I guess dressing up gets tiring... especially when you get older (HO YES JROCKERS GROW OLD AND WILL ALSO GROW BEARDS. Oh, except for gackt but he's a special case.)

In the case of the GazettE first single with good ol' Sony, as much as I'd hate to admit to myself. They've tamed and gotten softer to my ears. It's a shame people believe they made the song FOR the anime, when it was really the other way round. Either way, I can't deny the song sounding ...well, a little flat and boring.

Oh, before everyone rages, I am a gazettE fan. I like their recent stuff and I'm pretty open to new ideas, it's just... If a song is good, then it's good. This song, just isn't my regular cup of tea. Maybe it'll grow on me.

On the downside, the kid main character in the upcoming kuroshitsuji season pisses me off in the short 1minute trailer so I have no idea if I ctually have anything to look forward to. (yeh this is the anime they're using SHIVER for)

On the brightside, let's hope their B and C tracks are heavier... I can't imagine a song titled "Hesitating Means Death" sounding very happy... unless... they somehow wrote the song in a cheesestring factory. Positive cheddary fun for children and everyone!!

You know it could be worst.

Imagine this.
boy band.

all of them drop their instruments and take up dancing.

Well, we all know jrockers are stiff in the joints anyways, maybe with them all body popping would be legendary.