Thursday, June 17, 2010

Israel's premeditated violent flotilla attack

Rebel Newsflash: Israel's premeditated violent flotilla attack (plus 71 more items)

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Israel's premeditated violent flotilla attack

Posted: 15 Jun 2010 06:33 AM PDT

A review of the falsly prepared propaganda, the Internet's strength in deconstructing it and the brutality of Israel. With the obvious conclusion that all was preplanned.

When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder ... I'll Be There

Posted: 15 Jun 2010 03:09 AM PDT

The games of Congress remind me of the 1919 World Series.

You don't have to buy all the players, the key ones can throw the game while the rest tag along going through the motions, but since they're so cheap, why not cut them all in on the action.

A Land of Kurdled Milk and Kosher Money

Posted: 15 Jun 2010 02:20 AM PDT

The Kurds are unwise to align themselves with the Jews. The Jews will only provide enough support to keep the Kurds in trouble, but never enough for the Kurds to win the homeland the Jews are promising them if they sacrifice millions of Kurdish lives for Jewish causes.

There is talk of Jewish "reverse flotillas" sending supplies to Kurds and Cypriots. Let them do so, it is not likely to cause anyone harm, other than Israelis--and Kurds and Cypriots, who, if they are foolish enough to play games on the Israeli side, will only expose their complicity in their own demise.

Why Do the Muslims Neglect the Palestinian Diaspora?

Posted: 15 Jun 2010 02:19 AM PDT

The Gazan Palestinians absolutely need help and relief, and I applaud efforts to bring them relief and lift the Israeli siege. But there is another front to this war which the Muslim nations are ignoring, and that is the Palestinian diaspora.

Muslim nations should be pressuring the Israelis for the right of return and shine a spotlight on Jewish racism. At the same time, Muslim nations should invite in Palestinians of the diaspora and give them training and aid and promote their interest in political and journalistic careers. Muslim nations should create an international scholarship program for Palestinians and welcome them into their universities as well as financing their studies in America and Europe.

Israel's accession to the OECD: another failure of human rights in the international community

Posted: 15 Jun 2010 01:30 AM PDT

Critics have also argued that the aid provided by the Marshall Plan did not find its way to the people in need, but rather served to strengthen the position of pro-American governments who squandered millions of dollars and thus corrupted the entire European political structure. Some of the aid was also used by European countries, such as France and the Netherlands, for example, to support their colonial presence in South East Asia.

Haifa University "Proud to Be Academic Home of (Israeli) Security Forces"

Posted: 15 Jun 2010 12:08 AM PDT

"Haifa University is proud to continue being the academic home for the security forces and to teach the IDF leadership a large number of different and diverse perspectives. This is the sole way to be better people and better commanders," said Haifa University Rector Professor Yossi Ben Artzi through a press release.

Professor Ben Artzi made this announcement following Haifa University's winning of an Israeli army tender to continue training students at the army's College for National Security for MA studies in the next five years.

OECD Selects Jerusalem to Host Its Tourism Conference

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 10:55 PM PDT

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recently announced that Jerusalem will be hosting its annual Tourism Committee Conference in October of this year. This will be the first OECD event held in Israel since it was welcomed into the prestigious economic consortium in May. It will also be the first time ever that the Tourism Committee Conference is held outside of Paris.

"Israel's joining the OECD is of great importance in terms of building a positive image for the country," said Israeli Tourism Minister Stas Misezhnikov. "The positive image gained will have an effect on the tourist's choice to visit Israel, and it will attract foreign investors to the country, including, among others, investors in tourism."

Gaza Closure: Not Another Year!

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 08:19 PM PDT

Geneva/Jerusalem (ICRC) - The hardship faced by Gaza's 1.5 million people cannot be addressed by providing humanitarian aid. The only sustainable solution is to lift the closure.

The serious incidents that took place on 31 May between Israeli forces and activists on a flotilla heading for Gaza once again put the spotlight on the acute hardship faced by the population in the Gaza Strip.

Gaza Closure: Not Another Year!

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 08:19 PM PDT

Geneva/Jerusalem (ICRC) - The hardship faced by Gaza's 1.5 million people cannot be addressed by providing humanitarian aid. The only sustainable solution is to lift the closure.

The serious incidents that took place on 31 May between Israeli forces and activists on a flotilla heading for Gaza once again put the spotlight on the acute hardship faced by the population in the Gaza Strip.

Obama So Far… New Strategies for Progressives

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 08:03 PM PDT

Consumer advocate, former presidential candidate and author, Ralph Nader, provides an assessment of the Obama administration's first sixteen months in office, and suggests new ways for progressives to succeed in electoral politics.

Gilad Atzmon: Time for World to Confront Israel

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 07:18 PM PDT

According to the famous Israeli-born Jazz musician, Gilad Atzmon, "The ideology that carried out execution-style killings on the Gaza aid flotilla the 'Mavi Marmara' is the same ideology that carried out the massacres at Deir Yassin, Qibya, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana, Gaza, Jenin and the murder of Rachel Corrie — more than that it is the same ideology that killed Christ."

Why Organic Palm Sugar is the next big thing in natural sweeteners

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 07:00 PM PDT

The search for healthy, natural sweeteners sometimes seems to involve a whirlwind of information. I've been writing about stevia since 1997 -- back in the day when the FDA was actually seizing stevia products and threatening to arrest the owners of stevia companies. But today, stevia is now widely accepted as a safe, natural sweetener. That doesn't make it super popular, however: Many people complain about the aftertaste of stevia, and it doesn't melt or cook like sugar does.


U.S. Hospitals Secretly Promote Black Market Trading of Harvested Organs for Transplants

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 07:00 PM PDT

Many hospitals in the United States are tacitly participating in the illegal organ transplant industry by not scrutinizing potential donors too closely, experts worry.

The purchase or sale of organs is illegal in most countries, including the United States, but a chronic shortage of organs for transplant has led to a thriving international black market. Typically, poor donors (usually from Third World countries) are paid several thousand dollars for organs that are then resold for upwards of $100,000 to rich recipients, usually from the First World.


Israel's 'Friends' Still Shamelessly Swinging from the Chandeliers at Westminster

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 06:53 PM PDT

It's been one atrocity after another, so you'd think that Israel's cheer-leaders scattered about the upper echelons of the British Establishment would have the decency to keep quiet and "consider their position".

But no. In the wake of the Free Gaza flotilla hi-jacking this letter appeared in The Daily Telegraph

COIN Think-Tank Jumps Shark

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 06:00 PM PDT

The first thing one noticed about this year's annual conference for the Center for a New American Security – the think-tank for the Washington defense and foreign policy establishment today – is how un-newsworthy it was.

In fact, Google it, and pretty much nothing comes up.

Timing of Afghan Mineral Story Wealth Evokes Skepticism

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 06:00 PM PDT

Jim Lobe

The timing of the publication of a major New York Times story on the vast untapped mineral wealth that lies beneath Afghanistan's soil is raising major questions about the intent of the Pentagon, which released the information.

Given the increasingly negative news that has come out of Afghanistan – and of U.S. strategy there – some analysts believe the front-page article is designed to reverse growing public sentiment that the war is not worth the cost.

King David and His Howling Commandos

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 06:00 PM PDT

As Renaissance political scientist Niccolo Machiavelli noted, the fall of Rome came about when its military elite, known as the Praetorian Guard, gained control over the emperor and the Senate. Had irony survived the Bush Jr. administration, it would relish that America's empire is crumbling under the undue influence of its military elite, the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM).

A May 24 New York Times story by Mark Mazzetti informed us that last September "King David" Petraeus empowered himself, through a secret directive, to expand "clandestine military activity" throughout his Central Command (CENTCOM) area of responsibility without seeking permission of Congress or the commander in chief. "Clandestine military activity" involves SOCOM assets.


Posted: 14 Jun 2010 05:38 PM PDT

Of all the tasks before us, the one that strikes me on reflection as the most difficult is deprogramming the European-American.

Simply put, despite the wide advance of dysfunctional liberalism, our men, who, after all, are the products of centuries of the European tradition, still adhere in their soul to tenets and principles which once served us well but which, now under radically changed circumstances, handicap us and actually set us at a disadvantage.

RE: White Nationalism is Not Enough

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 05:34 PM PDT

Keith Preston over at Alt.Right has written an article critical of White Nationalism. The title is "White Nationalism is Not Enough". That's sensible enough. Few thinking people in the White Nationalist movement think mere adherence to racial identity is a political movement in itself. I'm a White American, with a specific heritage, way of life, and way of perceiving the world that's unique to my ethnonational tribe. I'm not a citizen of some mythical "Whitemanistan". To put it succinctly, racial kinship is a necessary but insufficient condition.

But the article would have been more appropriately entitled "White Nationalism is Not Necessary", or "White Nationalism Sounds Trashy", or even "Screw Preserving our White Heritage, There are Colored Conservatives!" He endorses anarchism in the first sentence, which led me to predict, accurately, that this is a man of abstractions, unconcerned with the sweaty and sticky reality of the human condition. Anybody so lost in abstractions that he loses sight of the incontrovertible reality of sovereign oligarchies as direct results of mankind's instinctive quest for territory and dominance is lost to me. Regardless of his motives or intentions, a man who objects to submitting to a sovereign oligarchy in a world in which we're threatened by powerful predatory oligarchies is as useless on the political battlefield as a pacifist is on the military battlefield.

Who knew that the Israeli blockade is 'economic warfare'?

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 04:15 PM PDT

Philip Weiss

When the corporate media explain the logic behind Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip, they turn to what Israel says officially and publicly. For example, today's New York Times, in an article on an Israeli government–backed investigation into the deadly Israeli raid on a flotilla heading to Gaza, states:

Israel argues that the blockade is necessary to prevent Hamas from smuggling in weapons or materials needed to make them, and to weaken Hamas control.

Liberalism Feminizes Men

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 04:15 PM PDT

Forget arguing with liberals. Point out that liberalism is about the subordination of men, and it is happening in real life, everyday, all around you. Roissy writes about this all the time, and I realized that for most of my life, I had internalized the rules about the subjugation of men.

The TV and movies constantly depicted masculine men as people who got out of control and destroyed their own lives and the lives of people around them. The Jewish media message "Testoserone makes you stupid." There is perhaps the slightest grain of truth to this, but they took this message and delegitimized the father as the head of the family, and turned generations men into supplicants.

Big Problems, Small President

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 02:12 PM PDT

In 2004, John Kerry, a genuine war hero with a surprisingly consistent voting record, was mercilessly (and unfairly) ridiculed for his gaffe, "I actually did vote for the $87 billion [Iraq war supplement] before I voted against it."  Though entirely about Senate procedure, not war support, this celebrated flip-flop did him in, making him appear weak.

Yet compared to today's president, Kerry is a blaze of consistency, for Obama has been for (or against) nearly every issue of importance he's now against (or for).  No wonder David M. Green offers his biting wisecrack of a title, "I Can't Wait For Barack Obama To Become President." My head swirls just tracking what no longer qualifies as mere flip-flops but an array of upside-down, dipsy-doodle, double reverses.  Any more backsliding and "turnabout is fair play" becomes Obama's next campaign motto.   Irony on "reform" has its limits.

North American Jews meet to 'confront racism and Israeli apartheid'

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 01:34 PM PDT

Philip Weiss

You can learn about this historic gathering at And here's more from the Electronic Intifada article "Jewish challenges to Zionism on the rise in the US":

Accountability of Israeli, US government and international Zionist support for Israel will not come from a shift in US policy but through shifting American public opinion and debate, fomenting popular movement, using international and US legal sanctions and supporting the Palestinian call for BDS. The 2010 US Assembly of Jews seeks to contribute to these efforts and reflects a significant departure from Zionism that has been building since the second Palestinian intifada broke the stranglehold of the Oslo accords. It has continuity with a long history of Jewish participation in struggles for human emancipation. Ours are among the growing voices of Jews who seek a departure from the course that Zionism has been and continues down -- a course that is a betrayal of our humanity as it simultaneously denies that of Palestinians.

Muslim Student Union threatened with suspension for disrupting Israeli Ambassador

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 01:24 PM PDT

Philip Weiss

More on the suppression of Muslim and Arab-American speech. From the LA Times:

The Muslim Student Union at UC Irvine should be suspended for one year for its involvement in repeated disruptions of a February speech by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren, according to a disciplinary report released by the university.

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Paul Watson Details MSNBC's Chris Matthews "Hypocrisy"

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 01:08 PM PDT

Chris Matthews will this week smear millions of politically active Americans as dangerous and violent radicals when he hosts the MSNBC special, "The Rise of the New Right." However, when terrorist bomber, leader of an organization that wanted to kill 25 million Americans, and the man who helped launch Barack Obama's political career, Bill Ayers appeared on Matthews' show, all he got was softball questions and platitudes. As we reported last week, after obtaining a leaked transcript of the program which will air this Wednesday at 7pm ET from a concerned MSNBC staffer, it became clear that the show's producers had gone back on their word to make a fair and balanced biography of the growing influence of the anti-big government movement, and in fact had resorted to exercising the same tired old cliches about how anyone who criticizes the federal government is a dangerous radical neo-nazi racist who probably wants to kill people. MSNBC's Matthews has made a habit out of portraying Tea Party members, second amendment activists and anyone who is concerned about the growth in government as part of a new frontier of violent extremism.

From birthright to boycott

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 11:43 AM PDT

Philip Weiss

A recent post by Adam Horowitz asked what it will take for liberal Zionists to come around and support a boycott. My mind was changed by going to Israel on a Birthright trip and seeing firsthand the effects of the wall and checkpoints. However, I doubt that a full scale boycott of Israel will catch on in the American Jewish community. My recent project, the Boycott Toolkit, enables an open discussion of what exactly a boycott of the occupation should involve, lets users choose their own level of involvement, and lists concrete steps for action.

I was brought up in a religiously conservative but politically liberal Jewish community. While I was aware of and interested in politics, I didn't consider myself an activist. Like most American Jews, I was aware of the ongoing peace process and lamented the inability of both sides to resolve their differences. A trip to Israel and the West Bank shattered my preconception of the two parties as equal antagonists, and convinced me to become more politically active and outspoken.

Shedding light on the dark hole in the Gulf By Jerry Mazza

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 10:53 AM PDT

Do you have this feeling that despite all the press, you don't really have a clue what's going on down there in the oil-hemorrhaging Gulf, that is, with either the spill or BP. Except that the whole situation is getting worse by the minute? But here's some light for thought.

Wikileaks to Publish Secret State Dept. Cables: Daniel Ellsberg Fears Pentagon Hit on Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 10:28 AM PDT

Daniel Ellsberg fears a US hit on Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

The best brand

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 09:52 AM PDT

If the wake of the Gaza flotilla incident proves anything, it's that Benjamin Netanyahu is clearly better than any other political brand now on the shelf.

The rise in support for Benjamin Netanyahu after the flotilla affair, as reported in a survey published in last weekend's Haaretz, should not surprise anyone. It reflects what is known in modern leadership discourse as "open brand strategy." The term comes from the building of Barack Obama's leadership model; its practical implication is that the preferred leadership style in 21st century democracies is that of a head of state who communicates with his citizens at eye level. It also allows for deliberation on the part of the leader and views exchanges of opinion, as accepted in the public sphere, as a possible source of empowerment of personal leadership.

Who's Really Misreading Tehran?

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 09:43 AM PDT

Foreign Policy's seven-part series, "Misreading Tehran," is, for the most part, a disappointing example of the phenomenon it purports to explain -- inaccurate interpretations of Iranian politics surrounding the Islamic Republic's June 12, 2009, presidential election. Such misinterpretation has had a deeply corrosive effect on the debate about America's Iran policy.

Hapless Doesn't Mean Harmless

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 07:03 AM PDT

If you're interested in international security, I strongly recommend that you check out a new documentary titled Burma's Nuclear Ambitions. The film comes from the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), an Oslo-based nongovernmental organization that has made a name for itself as a source of good independent reporting on events inside that benighted country. The reporters at DVB spent the past five years collecting the material for this project, which makes a persuasive case that the generals who run Burma (aka Myanmar) have spent vast sums on a program to develop weapons of mass destruction. Robert Kelley, an ex-U.S. nuclear scientist and former U.N. nuclear inspector who collaborated with the filmmakers, told me that their effort offers a unique opportunity to blow the whistle on a rogue state's nuclear plans earlier rather than later. "This is a small program at early stages," he says. "I hope that by releasing this information we're letting the cat of the bag, and that no one can put it back now. There should be a public debate."

A 'Prophecy' Worth Watching

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 07:01 AM PDT

Orson Welles and John Houseman were preparing to mount a production in June 1937 in New York City called "The Cradle Will Rock," a musical written by Marc Blitzstein and set in "Steeltown USA." The musical followed the efforts of a worker, Larry Foreman, as he attempted to unionize steelworkers. His nemesis was the heartless industrialist Mister Mister, who owned the steel mill and controlled the press, the church, local civic groups, politicians, the arts and the local university, where, as a trustee, Mister Mister made sure the pliant college president fired professors who did not laud the manly arts of war and capitalism. "The Cradle Will Rock" spared no one, from Mister Mister's philanthropic wife and spoiled children to Reverend Salvation, who preached war in the name of Jesus, to feckless artists who devoted themselves to the cult of art.

Amy Goodman on Gaza attack, BP oil spill catastrophe and Obama's wars

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 06:52 AM PDT

RT's Anastasia Churkina sits down for an exclusive interview with award-winning journalist, TV/radio host and author Amy Goodman to talk about all the latest stories the mainstream media has not been too truthful about.

Palestinian boycott coordinator: "The movement has a huge impact"

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 06:38 AM PDT

Hind Awwad, national coordinator of the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), recently toured Europe to support the growing worldwide campaign. The movement aims to end the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the discrimination against Palestinian citizens in Israel, and calls for respect for the rights of Palestine refugees. The Electronic Intifada contributor Adri Nieuwhof interviewed Hind Awwad in Bern, Switzerland.

An Iran-U.S. Grand Bargain

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 06:31 AM PDT


Iran's nuclear program has become the centerpiece of global security discussions for the last 10 years. It is a main sticking point in the relationship between Iran — a key regional player — and western countries, and it has acquired oversized significance in the international war against extremism. Despite Obama's promise for change, and greater emphasis on multilateralism and diplomacy, the specter of military confrontation between Iran on the one hand and either Israel or the United States on the other persistently looms over the horizon, even though the probability remains low.

Teacher bailout, teacher reform?

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 06:14 AM PDT

President Obama is trying to save the Gulf Coast, and also jobs – particularly up to 300,000 jobs of teachers who could face layoffs due to tight state budgets.

The president wants Congress to help cash-strapped states fend off this layoff wave. But if Congress merely funnels more money to the states without asking for anything in return, it will have missed a huge opportunity to further education reform – in this case, fixing seniority rules that limit firing flexibility.

The Country in the Mirror

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 05:35 AM PDT

Behind one of the beaches that line Burundi's capital city, Bujumbura, 10 men sat at a bar in the afternoon sun, passing cigarettes, buying bottles of beer. I had just arrived on the bus from Rwanda to report on the neighboring country. They welcomed me to their group, and soon I asked, nervously, whether ethnicity was still a problem. One of them threw his arm around my shoulder and gave me a cold Primus beer. He laughed and started pointing.

"He's Hutu," the man said, going down the circle. There were even students from Rwanda, on vacation at the beach. "Hutu, Hutu, Tutsi." The men smiled and raised their glasses. "That one over there is a Tutsi, a colonel in the army." It didn't matter that ethnic war had decimated Burundi, as it had Rwanda; the banter wasn't taken offensively, and the men were drunk. This was life in Burundi -- in your face, but honest.

Reader Challenge: Is Afghan Mineral Find a Game-Changer?

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 05:09 AM PDT


The New York Times reports in U.S. Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan.

The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according to senior American government officials.

Jewish challenges to Zionism on the rise in the US

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 05:01 AM PDT

In June 2010, two opposite ends of the Jewish political spectrum will vie for one historical moment. As Israel and the Zionist movement struggle to maintain their century-long pull on Jewish minds, a new project is emerging to rechart the course away from Zionism and toward embracing a renewed commitment to a shared humanity.

The Consequences of Foreign Entanglements

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 04:47 AM PDT

In this story from the New York Times, more light is shed on what happens when the U. S. government involves itself in the affairs of others:

It is well known that Somalia's radical Islamist insurgents are plucking children off soccer fields and turning them into fighters. But Awil is not a rebel. He is working for Somalia's Transitional Federal Government, a critical piece of the American counterterrorism strategy in the Horn of Africa.

Monday: 5 Iraqis Killed, 32 Wounded

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 04:36 AM PDT

Margaret Griffis

The new Iraqi parliament met today just long enough to swear in its new members. Meanwhile, at least five Iraqis were killed and 32 more were wounded.

The new parliament met for 20 minutes before adjourning its inaugural session over an inability to move forward with pending appointments of various government positions. The session is technically "open" to allow the new government to form within constitutional requirements, but no date has been set for the next gathering. The formation of the new government stalled when no party won a clear majority in March elections.

Monday: 7 Iraqis Killed, 38 Wounded

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 04:36 AM PDT

Margaret Griffis

Updated at 8:06 p.m. EDT, June 14, 2010

The new Iraqi parliament met today just long enough to swear in its new members as at least seven Iraqis were killed and 38 more were wounded in attacks around the country. Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department wants its own "mini-army" to provide security for its diplomatic staff after the U.S. military withdraws. The U.S. military announced it is removing all hazardous waste it produced during the occupation.

Stealth Superpower

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 04:28 AM PDT


The future is no longer in plastics, as the businessman in the 1967 film The Graduate insisted. Rather, the future is in China.

If a multinational corporation doesn't shoehorn China into its business plan, it courts the ridicule of its peers and the outrage of its shareholders. The language of choice for ambitious undergraduates is Mandarin. Apocalyptic futurologists are fixated on an eventual global war between China and the United States. China even occupies valuable real estate in the imaginations of our fabulists. Much of the action of Neal Stephenson's novel The Diamond Age, for example, takes place in a future neo-Confucian China, while the crew members of the space ship on the cult TV show Firefly mix Chinese curse words into their dialogue.

A Bad Week for the Monroe Doctrine

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 04:20 AM PDT



It is hard to find words that quite describe U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's performance at the June 7 meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Lima, Peru. Cluelessness certainly comes to mind, but leavened with a goodly dash of arrogance and historical amnesia.

A cover-up commission, toothless and powerless

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 04:15 AM PDT

The Gush Shalom movement intends to petition the Supreme Court in Jerusalem, challenging the validity of the Netanyahu Government's decision to establish the Tirkel Commission which is supposed to probe the lethal raid on the Gaza Flotilla two weeks ago. The commission's terms of reference exclude in advance all the main points which should be investigated.

It is no coincidence that the government refrained from taking the judicial highway which Israeli law makes available for exactly such cases: appointing a truly independent Commission of Inquiry whose members are appointed by the President of the Supreme Court and which is free of governmental interference. Such a commission may have uncovered facts, or come to conclusions, which would have proven uncomfortable to the government. Such a danger does not exist with the tame commission with which Netanyahu and his ministers came up.

America's debt is creating a security threat to Europe

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 03:01 AM PDT

America's spiral of debt isn't just hurting our economy, it's weakening our national security and making the world a more dangerous place.

No nation can maintain its power or projection of power if its economy is weak. That holds for Sparta, Rome, and the United States. Although America's potential is formidable, Washington has so far lacked the courage to make the bold moves we need to restore our strength through vigorous economic growth in the years ahead.

Hostility to Plans for New Mosques

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 02:41 AM PDT


It has been said before that Al-Qaeda's greatest victory was not September 11th but Abu Ghraib. Indeed, the images of Americans reveling in the humiliation of Arab prisoners enhanced the potency of al-Qaeda's narrative and won it scores of new recruits.

But to achieve this propaganda victory, the terrorist organization first had to accomplish something more basic: provoking a vigorous hatred of Arabs and of Islam among Americans. In that sense, September 11th was not so much a lesser victory as it was preparation for the real goal.

Ralph Nader: Time for a peaceful, political revolution!

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 02:11 AM PDT

Ralph Nader: The finance reform bill is a set of weak regulations; what's needed is a shift in power

MEMRI Flotilla Coverage: US Citizen Claims Violence Followed Mahatma Ghandi's Principles

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 02:09 AM PDT

Translated by MEMRI, Mossad's free misinterpretation service for Middle-Eastern languages.

Israel is not Above the Law: "Not as Untouchable as Before"

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 01:24 AM PDT

"Israel now has committed new crimes and is not as untouchable as before. Almost all countries in the world have been critical of its latest attack in one way or another," he told Today's Zaman for Monday Talk regarding Israel's attack on May 31 which killed nine people and wounded several dozen on an aid ship carrying activists from more than 30 countries.

Suddenly, "lift the siege" becomes "ease the siege"

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 01:16 AM PDT

The possibility of "relaxing" or "easing" the blockade will be discussed by EU Foreign Ministers meeting in Luxembourg today. Tony Blair has been invited to attend by Cathy Ashton, the EU's foreign policy chief. Spain has the current EU presidency, and the Spanish Prime Minister has called for "a strong joint EU position on the siege". José Luis Zapatero has said his foreign minister will argue at the meeting for "an end" to the blockade.

MEMRI Flotilla Coverage: Remarks by Coordinator of Algerian Delegation to "Freedom Flotilla"

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 01:11 AM PDT

Translated by MEMRI, Mossad's free misinterpretation service for Middle-Eastern languages.

More Kosher crap exposed... a must watch new video

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 12:54 AM PDT

A complete deconstruction of Israeli forgery....

I wonder whether in Israel they  remember what truth stands for..

Why Jews are considered dangerous to the well-being of all non-Jews (Part 2)

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 12:01 AM PDT

Well here we are once again at the wellhead of wisdom truth and knowledge. It is said that insanity is what ensues when people make the same mistake over and over and expect different results. If there is any truth in that – the American people are a collective classic example.

We elect Jews to our Congress and they support and submit legislation to subvert nullify and trash OUR Constitution over and over and over again.

Why Jews are considered dangerous to the well-being of all non-Jews (Part 1)

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 12:00 AM PDT

Those of you who know my writing style either are ardent fans – or just plain dislike me. That is OK with me. I have lived my life with honor and truth as my compass and I do not care a farthing for a rodents rectum what my enemies think. I don't write to annoy them – I write and educate so that good and decent men will LEARN from my efforts and eventually take some sort of action to defend their own homes freedoms and families from what Jews have in store for us cattle.

OCHA's Special Focus on Occupied Palestine

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 10:01 PM PDT

steve lendmanOn June 9, McClatchy and other publications revealed some of what's rarely, if ever, acknowledged in the press - that Israel's blockade of Gaza is "economic warfare," not for security as most commonly reported, based on an Israeli document the Gisha Legal Center for Freedom of Movement's lawsuit obtained.


The Case for an Impartial Turkish Inquiry

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 07:38 PM PDT

By now, anyone paying attention understands the broad outlines of Israel's notion of what constitutes an 'impartial' inquiry into the murder of nine activists on the Free Gaza Flotilla. Except for Netanyahu and the cabinet ministers who ordered the armed assault on the humanitarian convoy, no other witnesses will be called. The Israelis now say their inquiry will not even take testimony from the IDF commanders who planned and executed the assault or the seven hundred first hand witnesses who survived the carnage. Besides, the activists have already been deported.

Roger Cohen of the New York Times

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 07:36 PM PDT

Roger Cohen is the rare columnist at NYT who makes an occasional effort to bring some objectivity to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yet, how far does his objectivity go?

Consider his piece of June 10, "Modern Folly and Ancient Wisdom."

Palestine: Maintaining the Momentum

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 07:35 PM PDT

'History has shown that as long as Israel is allowed to act with impunity, it will continue to violate international law. It is innocent Palestinian civilians who continue to suffer the horrific consequences,' stated the Palestinian Center for Human Rights.

Big Pharma lies about statin drugs finally exposed in British Medical Journal

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 07:00 PM PDT

To hear Big Pharma tell it, statin drugs are "miracle" medicines that have prevented millions of heart attacks and strokes. But a recent study published in the British Medical Journal tells a completely different story: For every heart attack prevented by the drug, two or more people suffered liver damage, kidney failure, cataracts or extreme muscle weakness as a result of taking the drug.


Few Women Truly Understand the Risks of Mammograms

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 07:00 PM PDT

One in three breast cancers detected by mammograms would never have posed a threat to the patient's life, making all the treatments that follow unnecessary, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Nordic Cochrane Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, and published in the British Medical Journal.

"The question is no longer whether overdiagnosis occurs, but how should we react to it," said H. Gilbert Welch of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, author of an accompanying editorial. "It's not an imperative to be screened; in fact, it's a close call."


Madoff and Friends

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 06:23 PM PDT

The Madoff Circle: Who Knew What?, by Jake Bernstein, ProPublica:
What these men undeniably shared were similar backgrounds and interests. Based largely in New York and South Florida, they moved through parallel milieus of affluent Jewish country clubs and synagogues. They were active in similar philanthropies and served on the boards of foundations, universities and yeshivas.

The cast of characters, spelled out mostly in complaints filed by the trustee and the SEC, includes: Carl Shapiro,, 97, a Boston-based philanthropist who made one fortune in ladies dresses and a larger one with Madoff; Robert Jaffe, 66, Shapiro's son-in-law; Maurice "Sonny" Cohn, 79, a onetime Madoff neighbor turned business partner; Stanley Chais, 83, a close friend of Madoff's for more than 50 years and one of his earliest investors; and Jeffry Picower, a lawyer and accountant, who recently died of a heart attack at 67.

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Poster Boy for "Dual Loyalties" Joe Biden: In Israel's Service

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 05:17 PM PDT

Israel appears to be in more serious trouble diplomatically than at any time in its history following the botched attack by an "elite" commando squad on the Mavi Marmara in the early morning hours of June 1 that left at least nine dead and scores wounded.  Thanks to Al-Jazeera and Iran's PressTV, whose reporters were aboard the ship, much of the world was able to watch the attack unfold on its TV and computer screens and the result has been an avalanche of outrage and ongoing protests against the Jewish state.  Within Israel this has led to finger-pointing and calls for resignations while its hasbara machinery has gone rapidly into damage-control and disinformation mode.

Fresh Thinking on National Security

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 05:00 PM PDT


Everyone wants America to be safe and secure. And our government has a wide array of tools for accomplishing that.

We can use creative diplomacy to diffuse tensions. We can use foreign aid to tackle the problems of poverty and despair that make many people more vulnerable to criminal networks, from drug traffickers to the Taliban. We can use border security. And of course we use the military.

Is There no Limit to International Duplicity and Hypocrisy?

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 04:13 PM PDT

Given the intensity of global outrage over the assault on the Gaza aid flotilla, some of us were beginning to hope that the world might finally confront Israel. We were obviously mistaken — once again.

OK, poor Palestinians have long gotten used to getting swatted like flies and being at the receiving end forever. And Israel has always gotten away with murder. But those killed in cold blood in international waters were not some faceless "Palestinian terrorists," as Israel calls them, but international peace activists and aid workers. And mind you they were not running guns or drugs but rushing the critically needed aid like food, medicines and most mundane stuff such as books and toys for children and bricks and cement for the ravaged homes of Gaza.


B'Tselem: 83 Palestinians, Israeli Arabs killed in Gaza, West Bank since Cast Lead

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 03:15 PM PDT

Of the dead, 31 did not participate in hostilities, nine were killed by Palestinian security forces and two were executed for allegedly collaborating with Israel, the report said.

Eighty-three Palestinians and seven Israeli Arabs have been killed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip since Operation Cast Lead in the winter of 2008-2009, according to the annual report of the B'Tselem human rights group, which was released Sunday.

MEMRI Flotilla Coverage: Organizer of "Freedom Flotilla," in a Hamas Rally in Gaza

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 02:58 PM PDT

Translated by MEMRI, Mossad's free misinterpretation service for Middle-Eastern languages.

The truth that cannot be seen

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 11:04 AM PDT

While in every Western democracy a press card opens doors, in Israel it opens only museums.

If the media is the battlefield , the soldiers are the photographers and reporters. Despite advances allowing photographs to be manipulated, their credibility as testimony is decisive.

R.E.A.L. Surprise

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 09:33 AM PDT

OD showed up in Freedom Plaza for Jeffrey Imm's Never Again to Hate event in Washington, D.C. We had planned to attend the last one in April, but assumed it was cancelled on account of the weather. This time we were fairly confident that Imm would show up because he provided a backup location in advance.

Mike Capatano scouted ahead and found Imm walking around Freedom Plaza all by his lonesome:

Documentary: Settlers and the Olive Harvest 2009

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 07:40 AM PDT

In several events filmed by B'Tselem during October, settlers are seen hampering Palestinians from harvesting olives and stealing their crops. We also hear from the settlers who are involved in these actions.

Judge Sides with Guantanamo Detainee

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 05:42 AM PDT

If you haven't noticed, Obama is still holding prisoners down at Guantanamo Bay, even though he promised to have the place shut down by six months ago.

And leaving aside his upcoming shell game, whereby he's going to shuffle prisoners over to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, consider for the moment the case of one individual still held at Guantanamo.

Intellectualism and White American Advocacy

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 03:40 AM PDT

I tore something in my back yesterday while horsing around with the kids, and am on some medication for that. This post will likely feature more cognitive impairment than usual, but that's okay. The central message of this post is that my cardinal motivations are neither intellectual, nor logical, nor rational. The message here is one which transcends abstract thought, so perhaps it's fitting that I write it while those faculties are impaired.

The primary motivator behind my activism can be summarized in one word: patriarchy, the extension of fatherhood to encompass my extended tribal family. I believe that the purpose of a man is as surely the defense and stewardship of his family and his tribal family as the purpose of a hammer is to drive in nails. This is temporal, and yet it's in the highest tradition of the biblical patriarchs and of Christ's message of stewardship. This is instinctive, not rational, yet the scientific observations of Frank Salter, Kevin MacDonald, J.P. Rushton, Robert Putnam, and numerous other respected academicians and thinkers corroborate the optimality of what I would have chosen to do even if they had concluded it to be suboptimal.

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