Rebel Newsflash: Why Jews are considered dangerous to the well-being of al non-Jews (Part 2) (plus 64 more items) |
- Why Jews are considered dangerous to the well-being of al non-Jews (Part 2)
- Why Jews are considered dangerous to the well-being of al non-Jews (Part 1)
- Empire's Deal
- Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara, May 31st 2010
- The One State Solution Sounds like a Good Idea, but..
- The American "Pirate" Nation
- Why Vice President Joe Biden and USA Occupied Congress are Wrong!
- Pornography in disguise
- Germany may have intentionally leaked alleged Mossad man's arrest
- Beatings, arrests, nighttime raids and dubious indictments
- Lindsey Williams Talks with Alex Jones About Deadly Gases Leaking from BP Spill
- Good Riddance, Clark Hoyt
- Flotilla raid Israeli myths debunked
- From the Ground: BP Censoring Media, Destroying Evidence
- The Post War II New World Order Map: A Proposal to Re-arrange the World after an Allied Victory
- Canada's Deepening Democracy Crisis
- BP Official Admits to Damage Beneath the Sea Floor: Dim Prospects for Stopping the Leak
- Jamaica's Shower Posse: How The CIA Created "The Most Notorious Criminal Organization"
- Sunday: 21 Iraqis Killed, 54 Wounded
- Sunday: 36 Iraqis Killed, 64 Wounded
- Is there a Global War Between Financial Theocracy and Democracy?
- Bob Chapman's Friday 6/11/2010 Economic Report
- James Edwards' "Racism Schmacism: How Liberals Use the 'R' Word to Push the Obama...
- Global Warming Deniers and Their Proven Strategy of Doubt
- Israeli Minister of Defence Cancels Trip Due to Possible International Charges for Role in Attack on Freedom Flotilla
- Another Police State Beta Test
- Morris Herman on the Flotilla
- Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara // Raw Footage
- GMO Woes, BP Cover-up, Crash Continues - Sunday Update
- Matt Waldman on Taliban-ISI links
- Disinformation about the Gaza Freedom Flotilla
- 81 Questions: Who is Afraid of a Real Inquiry?
- Museum of Tolerance: Round Two
- It Is Enough
- Obama As Moral Dupe – Will Erdogan Blink?
- Is Israel losing another ally because of Dubai hit?
- The European Union must put an End to the Shameful and Illegal Siege that Israel Imposes on Gaza.
- Explaining the Seemingly Inexpicible: This Is Why Israel Is Shooting Itself in the Foot
- McChrystal Faces 'Iraq 2006 Moment' in Afghanistan
- Is New "Love Drug" the NWO's "Soma" ?
- Larry Pulled It, Greece Riots
- Noam Chomsky: Obama's Imperialist Policies
- Israeli Embassy in Poland Intervened to Protect a German Mossad Agent
- Norman Podhoretz's "My Negro Problem — and Ours," Then and Now
- Translation of Solzhenitsyn's "In the Camps of GULag" — Chapter 20 of "200 Years Together"
- Freedom Watch's national tv debut
- The European Central Bank (ECB). One Bank Ruled Them All; Trichet's Powergrab
- Slip of the Tongue
- 'Domino effect after Greece unlikely' - OSCE head
- If Turkey Joins the EU and the Arabs Unite Behind the Turks, the Circle Will Be Complete
- Why Are the Jews Setting Up the Turks to Lead the Arabs, at Great Expense to Themselves?
- Ralph Nader says reinstate Helen Thomas
- FLOTILLA:"Arrest me, I'm a Terrorist" [VIDEO]
- There's Nothing Christian about Zionism
- Only Psychiatrists Can Explain Israel's Behavior
- The "History" Channel: Boring Jew Propaganda
- MEMRI Flotilla Coverage: Sheik Zaghmout Calls for Violence against Israeli Embassies
- MEMRI Flotilla Coverage: Organizer of "Freedom Flotilla," in a Hamas Rally in Gaza
- Turks, Learn from the Iranians, Beware Russia and China!
- Israel pisses off Australian journalist - priceless
- Jen Finds Love, Lindsay's Assistant Quits, and Star Jones Tells All
- Gaza-Based Yemeni Professor: As Much As the Heroes on the Flotilla Want to Reach Gaza
- Marijuana as big as trees, miles of poppies - destroying it will kill the Afghan economy
- Ten Ways Zionists Would Spin BP Disaster
- MEMRI Flotilla Coverage: Expert Ahmad Omar, 'Flotilla Incident Is Israeli Terrorism'
Why Jews are considered dangerous to the well-being of al non-Jews (Part 2) Posted: 14 Jun 2010 12:01 AM PDT Well here we are once again at the wellhead of wisdom truth and knowledge. It is said that insanity is what ensues when people make the same mistake over and over and expect different results. If there is any truth in that – the American people are a collective classic example. We elect Jews to our Congress and they support and submit legislation to subvert nullify and trash OUR Constitution over and over and over again. |
Why Jews are considered dangerous to the well-being of al non-Jews (Part 1) Posted: 14 Jun 2010 12:00 AM PDT Those of you who know my writing style either are ardent fans – or just plain dislike me. That is OK with me. I have lived my life with honor and truth as my compass and I do not care a farthing for a rodents rectum what my enemies think. I don't write to annoy them – I write and educate so that good and decent men will LEARN from my efforts and eventually take some sort of action to defend their own homes freedoms and families from what Jews have in store for us cattle. |
Posted: 13 Jun 2010 06:00 PM PDT When NATO launched Operation Allied Force in March 1999, everyone involved in the operation thought it would be a short, victorious war. How could a tiny country, devoid of allies, besieged from without and divided from within, possibly hope to resist the world's greatest – nay, only – military alliance? |
Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara, May 31st 2010 Posted: 13 Jun 2010 05:12 PM PDT On the night of Sunday, May 30, showing a terrifying disregard for human life, Israeli naval forces surrounded and boarded ships sailing to bring humanitarian aid to the blockaded Gaza Strip. On the largest ship, the Mavi Marmara, Israeli commandos opened fire on civilian passengers, killing at least 9 passengers and wounding dozens more. Others are still missing. The final death toll is yet to be determined. Cultures of Resistance director Iara Lee was aboard the besieged ship and has since returned home safely. |
The One State Solution Sounds like a Good Idea, but.. Posted: 13 Jun 2010 12:48 PM PDT Due to recent events, things are coming to a head in the Middle East. As Israel becomes more belligerent and aggressive, more committed than ever to using overwhelming force as its only answer to a rapidly deteriorating situation, feeling itself even further victimized and becoming ever more paranoid, two issues come to the fore: the question of legitimacy and the question of long-term viability. More and more people, even within Israel itself, are becoming aware that what we are looking at is a severe societal case of paranoid schizophrenia, a split personality featuring the Jewish Uebermensch and the poor innocent yiddische victim, in light of which the search for a solution becomes even more pressing. |
Posted: 13 Jun 2010 11:47 AM PDT Since when did the United States advocate the first use of nuclear weapons? As long as we are on the subject of this "new" United States, when did we start the practice of torturing enemy combatants? In the same kind of light, when did we decide to rule the world? Do we have such a wonderfully managed country that it would be in the entire world's interests that we control every nation? It sure seems to me that this is the mission of our government. We want the entire planet Earth as our empire. It appears that the recent UN resolutions against Iran put us in the driver's seat even when it comes to Russia and China's foreign policy. |
Why Vice President Joe Biden and USA Occupied Congress are Wrong! Posted: 13 Jun 2010 11:32 AM PDT Rather than recognize the legitimacy of Hamas as the freely elected representative of the Palestinian people and seize the opportunity to support the development of good governance in Gaza Palestine and seek an end to the bloodshed; Israel, the US and EU collectively punished the Palestinian people for exercising their right to choose their own parliamentary representatives. |
Posted: 13 Jun 2010 11:04 AM PDT "Since the school principal sexually assaulted her, abetted by physical and psychological threats, A., a 15-year-old girl from central Israel, has not left her home. She is suffering from insomnia and nightmares, her grades have declined, and she has lost touch with most of her friends. As in hundreds of other cases of sexual assault, A. was attacked by someone who was supposed to be responsible for her welfare but who abused the authority of his status and his physical strength in order to harm her. The damage caused by the physical and psychological abuse that the girl has undergone at the hands of the principal is likely to affect her soul for many years to come."
Germany may have intentionally leaked alleged Mossad man's arrest Posted: 13 Jun 2010 11:04 AM PDT A German weekly's report on the arrest of an alleged Israeli Mossad agent in Poland thwarted an emerging deal for his release, Polish sources told Haaretz. As a result, both Israel and Poland suspect the story was leaked to Der Spiegel by German officials. According to Der Spiegel, Germany issued an international arrest warrant for Uri Brodsky on suspicion that he was involved in fraudulently obtaining a German passport, which Mossad agents then allegedly used to assassinate senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai in January. |
Beatings, arrests, nighttime raids and dubious indictments Posted: 13 Jun 2010 11:04 AM PDT M., a Haaretz reader from Zichron Yaakov, was disturbed by reports about the manner in which Palestinian children are arrested in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. They are being detained held in the middle of the night, held in conditions of fear and pain before their interrogations, and then finally interrogated without the presence of their parents or a lawyer. On March 14, M. wrote the following to attorney Yuri Gai-Ron, the head of the Israel Bar Association: "I am appealing to you to use all of your authority to intervene and put an end to the abusive behavior and violation of the law with regard to children and youths... Any decent citizen silent - and even more so the body you have headed over the past few years - cannot remain silent in the face of the frivolity with which children are kept in detention, interrogated and even condemned." |
Lindsey Williams Talks with Alex Jones About Deadly Gases Leaking from BP Spill Posted: 13 Jun 2010 08:48 AM PDT Alex welcomes back to the show Lindsey Williams, author of The Energy Non-Crisis, who talks about Big Oil and the Gulf spill. Bilderberg hound and journalist for the American Free Press, Jim Tucker, gives a Bilderberg round-up following the latest elite confab in Spain. Alex also covers the news and takes your calls. |
Posted: 13 Jun 2010 08:16 AM PDT New York Times; woeful Public Editor/apologist, Clark Hoyt, ends his three-year term at the "paper of record" today with a column in which he tries to shape his own legacy as their (supposed) "readers representative". There are, however, some 400,000 low and middle-income families across this nation, struggling to fight-off, or emerge from poverty who would might prefer to remember Hoyt by Tom Tomorrow's recent immortalization instead:
Flotilla raid Israeli myths debunked Posted: 13 Jun 2010 07:51 AM PDT Almost every defense the Israelis offered has been shattered by the internet. Smuggled footage, survivors interviews. |
From the Ground: BP Censoring Media, Destroying Evidence Posted: 13 Jun 2010 07:38 AM PDT While President Obama insists that the federal government is firmly in control of the response to BP's spill in the Gulf, people in coastal communities where I visited last week in Louisiana and Alabama know an inconvenient truth: BP -- not our president -- controls the response. In fact, people on the ground say things are out of control in the gulf. |
The Post War II New World Order Map: A Proposal to Re-arrange the World after an Allied Victory Posted: 13 Jun 2010 07:30 AM PDT Published in Philadelphia in early 1942, this 'Outline of (the) Post-War New World Map', created by Maurice Gomberg, shows a proposal to re-arrange the world after an Allied victory against the Axis forces. Its title refers to a 'New World Order', a vague concept, its many definitions often contradicting each other. At the core of the NWO, however, is always the notion that a small group of powerful individuals, institutions, industries and/or nations must lead the world in the right direction (i.e. towards 'unification'). This may be against the world's own will (and therefore done covertly, at least in some versions of the NWO-story), but ultimately it is for its own good. |
Canada's Deepening Democracy Crisis Posted: 13 Jun 2010 07:12 AM PDT Canada is in the midst of a crisis in democracy unique in its history. There is simply no other historical example that one can compare it to. It is multi-faceted and it affects every aspect of our national politics and political discourse. It is inexorably eroding the political fabric of the country and therefore our viability as a democratic nation. |
BP Official Admits to Damage Beneath the Sea Floor: Dim Prospects for Stopping the Leak Posted: 13 Jun 2010 06:16 AM PDT There is growing evidence that BP's oil well - technically called the "well casing" or "well bore" - has suffered damage beneath the level of the sea floor. The evidence is growing stronger and stronger that there is substantial damage beneath the sea floor. Indeed, it appears that BP officials themselves have admitted to such damage. This has enormous impacts on both the amount of oil leaking into the Gulf, and the prospects for quickly stopping the leak this summer. |
Jamaica's Shower Posse: How The CIA Created "The Most Notorious Criminal Organization" Posted: 13 Jun 2010 06:10 AM PDT With the recent violence in Jamaica and the controversy over alleged drug lord, Christopher "Dudus" Coke, many people are talking about the infamous Jamaican Shower Posse and the neighborhood of Tivoli Gardens, where they have their base. What is being ignored largely by the media, is the role that the American government and the CIA had in training, arming and giving power to the Shower Posse. |
Sunday: 21 Iraqis Killed, 54 Wounded Posted: 13 Jun 2010 05:38 AM PDT At least 21 Iraqis were killed and 54 more were wounded in new violence. The lion's share of the casualties came from a coordinated attack against a bank in Baghdad, just a day before the new parliament is to meet. Meanwhile, a British security contractor is appealing a determination that he is mentally able to stand trial in Iraq in the fatal shooting of two colleagues in Baghdad last summer.
Sunday: 36 Iraqis Killed, 64 Wounded Posted: 13 Jun 2010 05:38 AM PDT Updated at 7:50 p.m, EDT, June 13, 2010 At least 36 Iraqis were killed and 64 more were wounded in new violence. The lion's share of the casualties came from a coordinated attack against a bank in Baghdad, just a day before the new parliament is to meet. Meanwhile, a British security contractor is appealing a determination that he is mentally able to stand trial in Iraq in the fatal shooting of two colleagues in Baghdad last summer. |
Is there a Global War Between Financial Theocracy and Democracy? Posted: 13 Jun 2010 05:34 AM PDT Senate and House conferees are about to reconcile a financial reform bill that is virtually designed to institutionalize "too big to fail." And when they do we'll lose another battle in the ongoing war between global financial markets and democratic nation-states. |
Bob Chapman's Friday 6/11/2010 Economic Report Posted: 13 Jun 2010 05:22 AM PDT Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster checks in with his regular Friday economic news update. Alex covers the news and takes your calls. |
Posted: 13 Jun 2010 03:26 AM PDT Frank Salter is a giant in the intellectual defense of White identity and interests. His book On Genetic Interests is a breakthrough in providing a rigorous conception of ethnic interests based on evolutionary theory and modern research in genetics and the social sciences. Salter has just published Salter has just published a wonderful article in Quadrant, an Australian neocon publication ("On misguided advocates of open borders"). It is a masterpiece of elegant argumentation and a complete trashing of his professorial opponent, the unfortunate Mirko Bagaric, who seems almost ludicrously unaware of most of the academic literature bearing on the issue. The good news is that it's an excellent introduction to Salter's thinking–much recommended. |
Global Warming Deniers and Their Proven Strategy of Doubt Posted: 13 Jun 2010 03:14 AM PDT In recent months, a group called the Cooler Heads Coalition - a creation of the Washington-based Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) - has fostered a public image of climate science as a criminal conspiracy. The CEI itself has accused NASA, the largest funder of climate science, of faking important climate data sets. In February, U.S. Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, whose positions are frequently cited and promoted by CEI, called for a criminal investigation of 17 climate scientists from a variety of institutions for allegedly falsifying or distorting data used in taxpayer-funded research. |
Posted: 13 Jun 2010 03:13 AM PDT Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak canceled an official visit to Paris on Sunday (13 June), announcing he would stay in Israel while the government establishes an investigative committee to explore Israel's deadly naval attack on the Freedom Flotilla. The announcement comes after French activists who were aboard the Gaza bound aid convoy threatened to bring charges against Barak over the raid that killed nine. The suit would be filed under the principle of universal jurisdiction, a principle that allows the prosecution of suspected war criminals in countries that have no direct connection with the events, in France and in the International Criminal Court in The Hague, according to the Associated Press. Three members of French parliament have also joined the effort. |
Another Police State Beta Test Posted: 13 Jun 2010 01:48 AM PDT Restricting media access and controlling the message is the fascist goal. Always has been, always will be. The gulf oil spill provides yet another test in progress to see how far cover ups can go.
Posted: 13 Jun 2010 12:42 AM PDT Morris Herman on the Flotilla |
Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara // Raw Footage Posted: 13 Jun 2010 12:35 AM PDT Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara // Raw Footage |
GMO Woes, BP Cover-up, Crash Continues - Sunday Update Posted: 13 Jun 2010 12:29 AM PDT Sunday Update is a public service of The Corbett Report podcast. For more information, please visit the homepage: UK Gov Under Fire for GM Potato Field Tests http Russian Study Links GMO Foods and Sterility More on the Study Including Interview With Jeffrey Smith Picture of hair growing in GMO-fed hamster's mouths GM lobby helped draw report on Britain's food supply Zimbabwe rejects GM maize food "aid" Haiti says no to hybrid seeds donated by Monsanto BP beach boss claims he can stop journalists from accessing public beach Japan's new PM warns of possible Japanese collapse G20 finance ministers tell world to get ready for severe austerity Soros on Act II of the unfolding economic crisis Meet George Soros |
Matt Waldman on Taliban-ISI links Posted: 13 Jun 2010 12:14 AM PDT Matt Waldman, a fellow at Harvard University, is the author of a new report accusing Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) of funding and training the Afghan insurgency. In an interview with Al Jazeera, Waldman discusses his methodology and the reasons why Pakistan might view the Taliban as an ally. |
Disinformation about the Gaza Freedom Flotilla Posted: 12 Jun 2010 11:34 PM PDT The Israeli propaganda effort has been really active in spreading disinformation about Israel's attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. Deflection, distraction and disinformation are used to obfuscate about something that should be straightforward. |
81 Questions: Who is Afraid of a Real Inquiry? Posted: 12 Jun 2010 11:29 PM PDT If a real Commission of Inquiry had been set up (instead of the pathetic excuse for a commission), here are some of the questions it should have addressed: 1. What is the real aim of the Gaza Strip blockade? 2. If the aim is to prevent the flow of arms into the Strip, why are only 100 products allowed in (as compared to the more than 12 thousand products in an average Israeli supermarket)? |
Museum of Tolerance: Round Two Posted: 12 Jun 2010 11:25 PM PDT Israeli authorities are pressing ahead with plans to build a courthouse complex on a large historic Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem that is already at the centre of protest over plans to locate a 'Museum of Tolerance' there. The proposed courthouse is expected to provoke stiff opposition, especially from Islamic groups, after it was revealed that an excavation last year for the museum, close by, unearthed as many as 1,500 Muslim graves. |
Posted: 12 Jun 2010 09:40 PM PDT I will be traveling a good deal this summer and time will be even more at a premium than is usual, so this blog will not be updated again until probably sometime in September, if then; though there is one post I've been working on which may go up later this month, but I can't say for sure. So in the meantime, I leave you with the post below which is a repost from quite some time ago. Many of you will probably not have seen it before. It is a bit of a different post than many on this blog and represents what may be an ill-fated attempt at doing some short story writing. You be the judge. |
Obama As Moral Dupe – Will Erdogan Blink? Posted: 12 Jun 2010 08:37 PM PDT A recent article by Patrick Cockburn, one of the ablest reporters covering the Middle East, provides an excellent character portrait of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan. It is certainly consistent with what little I have been able to learn about this fascinating politician. Regardless of what you may think of Erdogan, and he has many detractors (I am not one), he is certainly establishing himself as an influential world leader who must be reckoned with in an emerging multi-polar world. |
Is Israel losing another ally because of Dubai hit? Posted: 12 Jun 2010 07:42 PM PDT The Israeli government is pressuring Poland to not extradite alleged Mossad spy Uri Brodsky to Germany. If he is sent to Germany, Brodsky could be tried in court or even extradited to Dubai for his suspected role in the assassination of Hamas agent Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in January. A Polish source told Haaretz that no decision had been made on an extradition. The source also declined to say where Brodsky was being held. Brodsky, who says he is a businessman and has no connection to the events, was arrested based on information provided by the Dubai and United Arab Emirates police and on an international arrest warrant issued in Germany via Interpol. |
The European Union must put an End to the Shameful and Illegal Siege that Israel Imposes on Gaza. Posted: 12 Jun 2010 06:58 PM PDT The European Union must put an end to the shameful and illegal siege that Israel imposes on Gaza. For 4 years, 1.5 million people have been living in inhumane conditions for having democratically elected a party Israel does not accept; for 43 years, Israel has been blocking all access to Gaza and controlling its territorial waters. |
Explaining the Seemingly Inexpicible: This Is Why Israel Is Shooting Itself in the Foot Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:46 PM PDT The recent wars the USA has started in the Middle East are designed to be fruitless and endless endeavors with no beneficial results. The Jews started these wars to ruin America by weakening us as we weaken the Jews' enemies. These wars are designed to destroy America by bogging us down and consuming our resources in unproductive and counterproductive measures which bring the wrath of the World against us, which wars have no favorable outcome, and drag on and on, dragging the USA further and further down into the grave. It is our curse for blessing the Jews. The Jews are deliberately destroying us. |
McChrystal Faces 'Iraq 2006 Moment' in Afghanistan Posted: 12 Jun 2010 03:55 PM PDT Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal confronts the specter of a collapse of U.S. political support for the war in Afghanistan in coming months comparable to the one that occurred in the Iraq War in late 2006. On Thursday, McChrystal's message that his strategy will weaken the Taliban in its heartland took its worst beating thus far, when he admitted that the planned offensive in Kandahar City and surrounding districts is being delayed until September at the earliest, because it does not have the support of the Kandahar population and leadership. |
Is New "Love Drug" the NWO's "Soma" ? Posted: 12 Jun 2010 01:17 PM PDT I just learned this--it gives creepy insight into how they think they can homosexualize the military. They plan to do nothing less than turn straight young men into butch homos. Now that they've suppressed natural bonding between young men and women, phase two is a CHEAT - using a drug to force involuntary bonding in controlled same-sex situations - like army and navy duty. |
Posted: 12 Jun 2010 10:31 AM PDT Sunday Update is a public service of The Corbett Report. Download the latest episode from the home page: Shapiro Reveals Bombshell About Larry Silverstein and WTC7 http Pull It CNN Clips Display WTC7 Collapse Foreknowledge Riots Erupt as Greece Asks for Bailout How Goldman Sachs helped Greece to Mask Its True Debt |
Noam Chomsky: Obama's Imperialist Policies Posted: 12 Jun 2010 09:49 AM PDT June 12, 2010 — Following a NY Peace Action Benefit viewing of Karen Malpede's new play, Prophesy, Noam Chomsky criticizes Obama's rightwing policies, war making, medical care, coziness with commercial interests . He warns of the coming war in Kandahar and Israel's possible attack on Iran that could go nuclear. In the Q & A, moderated by Karen, Chomsky comments on BP's Gulf Oil disaster, the Free Gaza Flotilla incident, urges Guantanamo being returned to Cuba and tortured detainees either being tried or released. June 9, 2010 Camera: Joe Friendly |
Israeli Embassy in Poland Intervened to Protect a German Mossad Agent Posted: 12 Jun 2010 06:53 AM PDT Israel indirectly admitted the responsibility of "Mossad" for the assassination of Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh last January 20 2010 in the Al-Bustan Rotana hotel in Dubai. Israel's indirect admission of the crime was revealed during the interference of the representative of Israel in Poland, ambassador Zvi Rav-Ner, who demanded that the polish government should not hand the Mossad element Uri Brodsky, a "German citizen" who was caught by the Polish police on Monday June 7 2010 trying to enter Poland through Warsaw Airport. |
Norman Podhoretz's "My Negro Problem — and Ours," Then and Now Posted: 12 Jun 2010 06:25 AM PDT In one of his most famous essays, "My Negro Problem - And Ours," Norman Podhoretz writes of "being repeatedly beaten up, robbed, and in general hated, terrorized, and humiliated" by Negroes as a boy growing up in Brooklyn in the late 1930s and early 40s. He was "puzzled to think ... that Negroes were supposed to be persecuted when it was the Negroes who were doing the only persecuting I knew about - and doing it, moreover, to me." Consequently, though he viewed his left-wing sister's racial dogmas as "sacred" and believed her when she told him that Negroes were oppressed and persecuted not only in the segregationist South but in America generally, he was "still afraid of Negroes" and "still hated them with all [his] heart." Obviously, such feelings were wholly rational and justified given his childhood experiences. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Translation of Solzhenitsyn's "In the Camps of GULag" — Chapter 20 of "200 Years Together" Posted: 12 Jun 2010 06:25 AM PDT Alexandr Solzhenitsyn's important 200 Years Together has unfortunately not been translated into English. However, this process is now beginning with the posting of Chapter 20, "In the Camps of GULag." As the title suggests, the chapter discusses the role of Jews in the Gulag. There are several important themes: Despite apologetic claims by Jews, in fact Jews lived better in the camps. Obviously, it's a touchy subject–just like everything else about the role of Jews in the Soviet Union. |
Freedom Watch's national tv debut Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:09 AM PDT Don't forget that this Saturday marks the national debut of Judge Napolitano's Freedom Watch on the Fox Business Network. The show will begin at 10 am eastern, and the guest list for the first episode includes Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Jim DeMint, Michele Bachmann, Dick Armey, and Sarah Palin.
The European Central Bank (ECB). One Bank Ruled Them All; Trichet's Powergrab Posted: 12 Jun 2010 03:52 AM PDT On Thursday, European Central Bank head Jean-Claude Trichet announced that he would continue the ECB's low interest rates (1 percent) and easy lending policies for the foreseeable future. Wall Street rallied on the news sending shares skyrocketing 273 points on the day. Trichet also said that he would continue his controversial bond-purchasing program which has drawn fire from wary German leaders who fear the onset of inflation. The bank chief adroitly dodged questions on the program suggesting that he will operate secretively like the Fed, buying up downgraded assets and concealing their original owner. By appointing himself the de facto Fiscal Czar of the European Union, Trichet has stopped the fall of the euro, scattered the short-sellers, and zapped the markets upward. Not bad for a day's work. |
Posted: 12 Jun 2010 01:17 AM PDT Liars sometimes have a hard time keeping their stories straight. This morning on BBC news as David Cameron gave a speech to the troops in Afghanistan he said "In/on 9-11 when the twin towers were Blown up'' ... Not long after this the feed was cut and as far as i saw it was never repeated. |
'Domino effect after Greece unlikely' - OSCE head Posted: 12 Jun 2010 12:40 AM PDT RT interviews OSCE Secretary General Marc Perrin de Brichambaut on a whole range of issues both economic and political. |
If Turkey Joins the EU and the Arabs Unite Behind the Turks, the Circle Will Be Complete Posted: 11 Jun 2010 08:01 PM PDT In a blog I just posted, I posed the question in the context of an EU-style union of Turks and Arabs with open borders, "But what are the Jews up to, and why would the Turks want to free up the borders of Arab countries? That aspect strikes me as especially odd." The answer is obvious and occurred to me immediately upon contemplating the question. The Jews would then have an international government that circled the Mediterranean, and could flood Europe with Arabs and Turks (and Africans of all types), as the Jews have tried to do in the past. Arabs could flow from Morocco to Turkey and all points in between, and then enter Europe through Turkey. |
Why Are the Jews Setting Up the Turks to Lead the Arabs, at Great Expense to Themselves? Posted: 11 Jun 2010 07:19 PM PDT I found an interesting article which may explain part of the motivation why the Jews are setting up Erdogan to lead the Arab world as well as making him a national hero of the Turks. It seems the Jews want to internationalize the region which was once the Turkish Empire. See, for example, the following article from the Turkish press: |
Ralph Nader says reinstate Helen Thomas Posted: 11 Jun 2010 06:50 PM PDT Helen Thomas apologized – she was attacked with such ferocity because she always asked 'why'. Named by The Atlantic as one of the hundred most influential figures in American history, and by Time and Life magazines as one of the most influential Americans of the twentieth century, Ralph Nader has helped us drive safer cars, eat healthier food, breathe better air, drink cleaner water, and work in safer environments for more than four decades. |
FLOTILLA:"Arrest me, I'm a Terrorist" [VIDEO] Posted: 11 Jun 2010 06:41 PM PDT American activists who supported, organized, or were on the flotilla headed to Gaza with humanitarian aid stormed the office of U.S. Congressmen Brad Sherman and turned themselves in for their "crimes." The stunt was in response to Sherman's call for Americans on the flotilla be arrested for helping "terrorists." It illustrates the disconnect between a U.S. Congress who supports Israel unrelentingly, a White House that calls policies in Gaza unsustainable, and an international community condemning Israel's raid of the flotilla.
There's Nothing Christian about Zionism Posted: 11 Jun 2010 06:33 PM PDT On March 20, 2006, I traveled from the Little Town of Bethlehem: Occupied Territory to the Mount of Beatitudes in Israel. This awe inspiring site sits above the shimmering Sea of Galilee where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount, and I ended up delivering my own Sermon on that Mount! Four Franciscan Sisters, one each from Syria, Jordan, Malta and Italy care for the shrine and the pilgrim guests at the Hospice Center where I spent two nights and a day of silent reflection after nine days on a Sabeel Reality tour through occupied Palestine. |
Only Psychiatrists Can Explain Israel's Behavior Posted: 11 Jun 2010 06:18 PM PDT Our wild world of crime has recently been sent for observation. From the bodyguard of the IDF Chief of Staff to the killers of their own children – all have been sent for observation. The time has come, as is the custom around here, to send the country for observation, too. Maybe with ongoing treatment from specialists, the diagnosis that will save us can be made. |
The "History" Channel: Boring Jew Propaganda Posted: 11 Jun 2010 12:00 PM PDT Last week, the "History" Channel finished a multiweek series called "America: The Story of Us." Basically, each episode was a boring, contrived piece of propaganda touting Jew liberal ideology of diversity and immigration. The media brainwashing is so blatantly obnoxious anymore that it's a wonder so many people are too stupid not to pick up on it. Apparently, they were timing this show in expectation of a new Amnesty bill to hit Capitol Hill (on hold because of Arizona). |
MEMRI Flotilla Coverage: Sheik Zaghmout Calls for Violence against Israeli Embassies Posted: 11 Jun 2010 11:14 AM PDT Translated by MEMRI, Mossad's free misinterpretation service for Middle-Eastern languages. |
MEMRI Flotilla Coverage: Organizer of "Freedom Flotilla," in a Hamas Rally in Gaza Posted: 11 Jun 2010 11:13 AM PDT Translated by MEMRI, Mossad's free misinterpretation service for Middle-Eastern languages. |
Turks, Learn from the Iranians, Beware Russia and China! Posted: 11 Jun 2010 09:11 AM PDT For more than three years, I have been warning the Iranians that the Russians and Chinese would always betray the Iranians at crucial moments for the benefit of the Jews: |
Israel pisses off Australian journalist - priceless Posted: 11 Jun 2010 08:35 AM PDT It is a ferocious beast, the Jewish lobby. Write just one sentence even mildly critical of Israel and it lunges from its lair, fangs bared. ''I rejoice every time a f---ing Palestinian dies, f--- them!!!! Israel should flatten Gaza with a nuclear strike and be done with it,'' said one of hundreds of Jewish emailers this week. ''How dare you insult Israel you over priviledged [sic] racist white moron, f--- you and your stupid article. I wish I could smash your dumb face in.'' |
Jen Finds Love, Lindsay's Assistant Quits, and Star Jones Tells All Posted: 11 Jun 2010 05:31 AM PDT Another glorious week of Lindsay Lohan's crazy has come and gone. The SCRAM-wearing starlet narrowly avoided jail time earlier this week when her alcohol monitoring bracelet went off, violating her probation, but she cried foul—despite having been at a club that night, LiLo denied drinking any of the good stuff. Things only got worse from there, as her assistant, Elinore, quit on Wednesday, blaming exhaustion and because she "had enough of Lindsay's demands." Poor, brave Elinore managed to last a few months—far longer than most of Lindsay's relationships. The cash-strapped star may have a new gig in the works, as her ever-reliable mother Dina revealed Donald Trump wants Lindsay for the next season of Celebrity Apprentice. Since she can't leave California (because of that pesky little probation thing) maybe The Donald will consider moving his show to the City of Angels just for her?
Gaza-Based Yemeni Professor: As Much As the Heroes on the Flotilla Want to Reach Gaza Posted: 11 Jun 2010 03:27 AM PDT Translated by MEMRI, Mossad's free misinterpretation service for Middle-Eastern languages. |
Marijuana as big as trees, miles of poppies - destroying it will kill the Afghan economy Posted: 11 Jun 2010 03:19 AM PDT Afghan veteran and "Rethink Afghanistan" activist Jake Diliberto talks about how fighting drug production may bring quite unexpected results |
Ten Ways Zionists Would Spin BP Disaster Posted: 11 Jun 2010 02:37 AM PDT Inspired by the Israeli Foreign Ministry's adroit and deft handling of the Flotilla Massacre, transforming a seeming public relations fiasco into a defining moment of Zionist virtue, bravery, and heroism, I have compiled a ten point plan to help BP spin its way out of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Fiasco. |
MEMRI Flotilla Coverage: Expert Ahmad Omar, 'Flotilla Incident Is Israeli Terrorism' Posted: 11 Jun 2010 02:28 AM PDT Translated by MEMRI, Mossad's free misinterpretation service for Middle-Eastern languages. |
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