Sunday, August 29, 2010

Indecent proposal —Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur

I hope all is well with you. I'm sending my piece, "Indecent
proposal" which was printed in the 'Daily Times' today for your kind

* With Very Best Regards*
* Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur*

ANALYSIS: Indecent proposal —Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur

The MQM has lost all moral ground, if it ever had any, to continue in the
assemblies and government. If it has an iota of shame it should resign and
give up the power and pelf that it has acquired by running with the hare and
hunting with the hound

In the movie 'Indecent Proposal' starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore, a
loving couple trying to build their dream lives stumble upon bad times and,
by a twist of fate, meet a millionaire. In the hope of making it good, the
husband (Woody Harrelson) sells his conjugal rights, with the wife's
consent, to the millionaire for a night and ruins their blissful lives.

I suppose you will have guessed what I am alluding to. Yes, to the 'indecent
proposal' made by Altaf Hussain, the leader of the supposedly secular,
middle-class, liberal and democratic MQM to 'patriotic generals', offering
the conjugal (democratic) rights of the people inhabiting the geographical
frontiers of Pakistan. He made no bones about it and brazenly offered for
sale something he has no right to whatsoever. He may be entitled to sell the
MQM's conjugal rights, which he willingly, lucratively and frequently does,
but has no right to offer selling others into matrimony. He has invited
patriotic generals to impose something akin to martial law so that, with the
MQM's collaboration, things can be put right. What cheek!

After this indecent proposal, the MQM has lost all moral ground, if it ever
had any, to continue in the assemblies and government. If it has an iota of
shame it should resign from the assemblies and the government forthwith and
give up the power and pelf that it has acquired by running with the hare and
hunting with the hound. But then this free agent has prospered by always
providing services to the highest bidder, professed differences
notwithstanding. This appeal is a classic example of the MQM's running with
the hare and hunting with the hound policy.

Daily Times' editorial of August 24th was poignant: "Altaf Hussain, chief of
the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), has appealed for a 'martial law-like'
intervention by patriotic generals against corrupt feudals and landlord
politicians. Coming from someone whose party is known for its ethnic
exclusivism — despite pretending otherwise of late — and various other
crimes like land grabbing, bhatta (protection money), torturing and/or
murdering dissenters, Mr Hussain's statement could have been laughed at for
its sheer absurdity. The only problem is, this is no laughing matter."

True, no laughing matter this.

One can only wonder at whose bidding Altaf's statement has come. Is it the
US, the IMF, the World Bank or the generals themselves? And whose goose or
gander is to be cooked? Interestingly, there has been no immediate public
response from the army. Condemnation has been widespread but support has
come from Imran Khan and Pir Pagara.

Tragically, this appeal may find takers in the ranks of pivotal members of
the establishment and tempt them to replace this set-up with another
composed of the MQM and other politicians of equally easy virtue. The fact
that the politicians are corrupt, inept and self-serving is not a good
enough reason to invite 'patriotic' generals. Moreover, the MQM has been a
part and parcel of the establishment and is, therefore, equally responsible
for the present mess. And who decides what patriotism is and who is
patriotic? Patriotism's connotations here differ not only from region to
region, party to party, but also from individual to individual, except
perhaps in MQM-like organisations that run on fascist principles. Moreover,
if the patriotic generals have the right to rule, why should patriotic
doctors and teachers not have the same right?

Already a new government of supposedly selfless persons is being touted on
the internet. A major cause of concern are the unprincipled and unscrupulous
politicians who delight in such mishaps because of lucrative prospects and
will overtly or covertly offer their services and encourage the patriotic
generals. Such politicians have always abetted in depriving people of their
rights and accepted even the most dishonourable arrangement as kosher if it
was deemed profitable enough — 1999 being a glaring example.

Musharraf favouring the MQM was understandable but the way the spineless,
consensus-driven PPP has been appeasing it is simply unpardonable because it
has jeopardised the rights of Sindhis in Sindh like never before. But then
the PPP's singular aim is to stay in power and it is too busy doing this to
think about the rights of those it fools with emotional slogans during the

The MQM's policies are devious, divisive and destructive, as the May 12th,
April 9th and recent carnages after the murder of its MPA amply prove.
Though always an aggressor, it has adopted the Israeli tactic of presenting
itself as a victim. Israel bombards the Palestinians and Lebanese with
depleted uranium weapons, cluster and white phosphorus bombs in response to
ineffectual rocket attacks and then claims to be a victim of terrorism. The
MQM too employs similar strategies to justify its violence in Karachi. The
MQM sees urban Sindh as its fiefdom. The IDPs have already been attacked
twice there.

Significantly, many nationalists see this indecent proposal as an attempt at
a renewal of the nexus between two ethnic groups to dominate the rest. It
has been unequivocally condemned by Sindhi and Pashtun leaders, but the
Baloch have maintained a meaningful silence, knowing their lot remains the
same under all regimes. If the patriotic generals accept this indecent
proposal, then there are hard days ahead for the Baloch, Sindhi and Pashtuns
in Karachi particularly and in Pakistan generally, because they are
considered corrupt, feudal and tribal while the MQM is saintly middle-class.

Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur has an association with the Baloch rights movement
going back to the early 1970s. He can be contacted at\08\29\story_29-8-2010_pg3_5

Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear
of punishment and hope of reward after death." --
Albert Einstein !!!

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