Monday, August 8, 2011

Ray William Johnson Should Hit 5 Million Subs By November 2011

Not a bad way to ring in the new year, 2012 with 5,000,000 subs right? If RayWilliamJohnson continues gettings subs like he has been doing all through 2011, he will hit the five million subscriber mark sometime before Christmas 2011 or New Years at the latest.

You might have heard that Ray passed Nigahiga as the most subscribed channel on Youtube in late June 2011 (something I predicted would happen back in November 2010 in this blog post) and two weeks alter his Equals 3 channel passed 4 million subs. Here he is along with a number of familiar faces celebrating at VidCon and going to a party put together in his honor by Maker Studios.

So, now that he's number one and has 4,000,000 subscribers how long will it be before Ray hits the five million mark? He's already a third of the way there. At last count, his main channel has 4,376,533 subscribers. And that's not all. His two other channels, Yourfavoritemartian has 1,379,341 subs and his 3rd channel, BreakingNYC which has 827,896 subs. So across all three of Ray's channels he has an amazing 6,583,770 subscribers. Never mind 5 million, when's he going to hit 10 million subscribers overall?

So right now the main channel of Ray William Johnson has 4.376 million subs. He needs 623,467 new subscribers to hit the five million mark. He has been averaging about 55K in new subs each week. That means if he keeps getting about 55,000 each week (and recently his new subs totals have been around the 70K mark) he will hit 5 million sometime in November 2011.

I wrote a post a few days ago called Youtube Flashback: August 2007 Top 100 which showed the number one channel at that time (Smosh) with just 148,000 subscribers and they looked untouchable back then which just shows how far Youtube has grown since 2007. What does the future hold? Will anybody be able to knock Ray out of the number one spot? Right now he's shining pretty brightly but Youtube keeps evolving and changing so who knows who could be the next number one most subscribed channel. Yours? Mine? (yeah, right lol), someone who is starting out today? I'm looking forward to seeing if anyone can challenge Ray as top dog.

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