Sunday, August 14, 2011

Charles Trippy's "Zombie Kid Doctor!" With Some Behind The Scenes Stuff

A while back, around the end of VidCon 2011, Charles Trippy was doing a sequel to his Doctor Zombay video which he posted on his personal channel charlestrippy (as opposed to his CTFxC channel) and filmed it at Shay Carl's house while they were in L.A. And yes, that is Princesstard as Trippy the policeman's step-daughter.

If you want to see some behind the scenes stuff about while they were making this video, both Charles and Shay included some footage (loved the part of a leather-lunged Princesstard screaming). First, here's the CTFxC video as they were leaving VidCon and doing some filming. Doctor Zombay is Ben and Dr Chris are both from RuinTheInternet. The daughter is of course Princesstard from the Shaytards and her mom is played by Alli Speed (CTFxC).

Also, Shay Carl included some footage and behind the scenes stuff on the Shaytards vlog just around the same time so watch that too.

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