Saturday, August 14, 2010

Oy, the Humanity! An Isreali Jew Takes on the ADL

Rebel Newsflash: Oy, the Humanity! An Isreali Jew Takes on the ADL (plus 44 more items)

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Oy, the Humanity! An Isreali Jew Takes on the ADL

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 10:09 PM PDT

Except for a very brief moment at the start of Defamation , a smart, mordant, and incisive documentary which examines the tendency of forces within contemporary Judaism to exploit the Holocaust for political ends, we never see the man behind the camera, Israeli Jew Yoav Shamir. One imagines, however, that this fellow had his poker face honed to perfection, because he was able to pull off a terrifically effective undercover job.

Clearly no fan of the Anti-Defamation League and like organizations, Shamir during the making of this movie managed to sell himself as a sympathizer, and somehow won the confidence of Abraham Foxman and other high-level figures within the ADL, who in turn seemed totally unaware that they were ultimately going to receive a cinematic drubbing at his hands. Indeed, one even almost sympathizes with Foxman and Co. for opening themselves up to the soft-spoken filmmaker from Tel Aviv with such touching, open-hearted naiveté; they must have figured that Shamir's Jewish background and professed interest in exploring "anti-Semitism" must have meant that he could be trusted not to break from the party line.

Glenn Beck, the Weather Underground, and SDS

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 02:01 PM PDT

Today Glenn Beck was talking about the "socialist" agenda of the Weather Underground and SDS. He didn't point out anybody's jewishness, of course, but he did make a subtle analogy. I'll paraphrase:

Suppose you're sitting on the couch, watching TV, and you say to your wife, "Hey, I think I smell smoke. Do you smell smoke?" And she answers, "Why do you always have to HATE people?!?"

Rituals of death

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 10:07 AM PDT

IAF helicopter crash in Romania

The memory of the victims, as well as the conclusions to be drawn from the disasters, if there are any, do not benefit from these death dances, which are devoid of good taste, restraint and sensitivity.

A state afraid of its past

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 10:07 AM PDT

Jerusalem convent

The information that remains classified deals, among other things, with the expulsions and massacres of Arabs in the War of Independence, Mossad operations in foreign countries, surveillance of opposition politicians by the Shin Bet security service in the 1950s and the establishment of the Biological Research Institute in Nes Tziona and the Nuclear Research Center in Dimona.

Black Panthers, Obama & White Civil Rights!

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 09:25 AM PDT

This video from Dr. David Duke ( shows how the New Black Panthers preach death to White people. A court found them guilty of threatening and violating the civil rights of White voters and poll watchers. Yet, Obama and his AG Holder won't prosecute. One more bit of evidence that European Americans have lost their civil rights in America!

Bedouin village razed in Negev as Israelis cheer on

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 06:51 AM PDT

Early morning on 27 July, Israeli bulldozers, flanked by helicopters and throngs of police, demolished the entire Bedouin village of al-Araqib in the northern Negev desert. Despite their land rights cases still pending in the court system, hundreds of al-Araqib villagers were instantly made homeless a month after Israeli police posted demolition orders.

Eyewitness reports say the police were accompanied by several busloads of right-wing Israeli civilians who cheered during the demolitions.

Who's afraid of Iran's civilian nuclear programme?

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 06:38 AM PDT

The White House issued a press kit explaining the thrust of Security Council resolution 1929. Its content – as well as the widespread communication campaign behind it - were relayed by the mainstream media without, as usual, the slighest critical approach.

According to the Western media – parroting the White House – the resolution was adopted by a "large majority" and constitutes "a reponse to Iran's constant refusal to comply with its internacional obligations related to its nuclear programme". Let's take a closer look.

Dutch Christian Zionists enjoy political clout

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 06:00 AM PDT

Sandwiched between giant car and furniture stores on a motorway stop-off, a blue-and-white Star of David flag droops nonchalantly on a stifling summer's day. The factory-like building beside it could easily be missed by a traveler who blinks too soon, yet the work undertaken here in the Israel Center is far from commonplace.

Its staff and management are dedicated not to the manufacturing of goods or to devising sales strategies but to drumming up support for a contentious political project: expanding Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

A nasty, lying Zionist?

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 05:58 AM PDT

Israeli historian Benny Morris is famous for being part of the "New Historians" of Israel that exposed a great deal of Zionist myths about the founding of the state of Israel, including the falsehood that leaders of surrounding Arab states told Palestinians to leave their homes, and that they listened.  The truth, of course, is that there was a deliberate policy of expulsion carried about by Jewish forces, and that many Palestinians fled and became refugees because they were fearful for their lives.
Morris obviously has had a huge impact on the discourse on Israel/Palestine.  But he's also an ardent Zionist who routinely expresses racist attitudes towards Arabs and Palestinians.  In a piece he wrote for Tablet magazine, where he interviews Israeli President Shimon Peres, he asks Peres:

Wednesday: 29 Iraqis Killed, 56 Wounded

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 05:52 AM PDT

Margaret Griffis

At least 29 Iraqis were killed and 56 more were wounded, mostly in two attacks against Shi'ites in Baghdad and Karbala. At a British inquiry, General Richard Dannatt said that the simultaneous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan nearly broke the British military in 2006, when he took over as commander. Also, P.M. Maliki blamed foreign influence for a political impasse that many Iraqis view as his party's own creation.

In a meeting with Admiral Mike Mullen, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki blamed "regional interference" for the impasse preventing the formation of the new government. Meanwhile, a senior member of Maliki's State of Law party admitted that they will not allow a prime minister backed by the winning Sunni bloc to take the premiership. Iraqiya won the most seats in the new parliament and constitutionally has first crack at forming the new government. Separately, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Rowsch Nuri Shaways warned that allowing the impasse to continue could result in a painful intervention from the international community, suggesting the solution actually lies within Iraq.

How to Create Grotesque, Toxic Stereotypes

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 05:44 AM PDT

Oliver Stone Controversy - Media Decoder Blog -

In an interview with The Times to promote his documentary "South of the Border," which is about South American politics, Mr. Stone defended Hitler. "Hitler was a Frankenstein, but there was also a Dr. Frankenstein," he said. "German industrialists, the Americans and the British. He had a lot of support. Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than the Jewish people."

Mr. Stone then proceeded to discuss what he called "the Jewish domination of the media," adding with an expletive that Israel had messed up "United States foreign policy for years." Bloggers quickly picked up on the comments, and the American Jewish Committee issued a news release condemning him. "By invoking this grotesque, toxic stereotype, Oliver Stone has outed himself as an anti-Semite," the committee's executive director, David Harris, said in the release.

Politics before and after the Gaza flotilla

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 03:48 AM PDT

Palestinians have refused to surrender. The Collective Punishment unleashed on them by the combined might of Israel and the United States has failed to crush the extraordinary resistance mounted by the Palestinian people.

Regardless of the unconscionable suffering and desolation that Palestinians continue to endure as a result of Collective Punishment – a brutal and nihilistic concept that mistakes force for power – Palestinians have refused to surrender. From the early days of the last century to the continuing daily struggle faced by thousands of Palestinians at this very moment, their resistance has deflected, confused and thwarted the Imperialists' designs for the Arab World.

Israel Refuses to Pay Medical Bills of Injured Internationals

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 03:05 AM PDT

The Israeli government refuses to pay the medical expenses of Emily Henochowicz, a 21-year-old Jewish-American citizen, who lost her eye after being struck by an Israeli military tear gas canister in May of this year.

Emily, who was studying at Jerusalem's Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, was struck at the Qalandiyah checkpoint during a peaceful protest following the Israeli attack of the Freedom Flotilla aid convoy on 31 May.

Blowing the whistle

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 02:42 AM PDT

The leak of more than 90,000 US military files by whistle-blower website, WikiLeaks is one of the biggest in US military history.

The London press conference by Julian Assange was also a rare public appearance for the WikiLeaks founder who has been dubbed "one of the most dangerous men in the world" by critics. To supporters he is a hero, the godfather of whistleblowers.

But what of Assange and his organisation? The US authorities have made it plain they would like to talk to him about the leaks. But as Australian reporter Andrew Fowler explains so far he has proved elusive.

Is Israel a liability for the US?

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 01:20 AM PDT

File 3221Last week, the Nixon Center sponsored a debate between pro-Israeli Washington Institute executive director Robert Satloff and Chas Freeman, a former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia and an opponent of unconditional US support to Israel. The subject was whether Israel is an asset or liability to US strategic interests.

Satloff made the case that Israel has greatly served US interests in the region - making it not only an asset but a strategic bargain, even bonanza, to the US. Freeman for his part, expressed scepticism about Israel's strategic utility making the argument that Israel is a liability.

Israel's Shin Bet encouraged accused killer to assassinate Raed Salah

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 01:15 AM PDT

The arrest by Israel's internal security service, the Shin Bet, of an Israeli Jew accused of killing at least four Palestinians has thrown a rare light on the secret police, including attempts by one of its agents to enlist the accused to assassinate a Palestinian leader.

Chaim Pearlman, who was arrested a fortnight ago, has been charged with murdering four Palestinians in Jerusalem and injuring at least seven others in a series of knife attacks that began more than a decade ago. Police are still investigating whether he was involved in additional attacks.

From globalisation to migration

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 12:10 AM PDT

Of the innumerable tragedies caused by the ongoing leak in the Gulf of Mexico, few are as poignant as the plight of Vietnamese fishermen who plied the waters off Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. The fishermen, who today make upwards of half the commercial fishermen in these states, first emigrated to the US as a result of the Vietnam War in the mid-1970s, and today - along with fellow Southeast Asians from Laos and Cambodia - constitute a population of over 500,000.

But thousands of Gulf fishermen are unable to fish today because of the environmental impact of the spill on all manner of species of Gulf marine life.

WikiLeaks "Afghan War Diaries"

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 10:01 PM PDT

steve lendmanCalling itself "the intelligence agency of the people," WikiLeaks is "a multi-juristidictional public service designed to protect whistleblowers, journalists and activists who have sensitive material to communicate to the public" that has a right and need to know - to then use responsibly for better government in a free and open society, absent in today's America run by warlords, criminal politicians, and corporate bosses, spurning the rule of law for their own gain.

On July 26, WikiLeaks published "The Afghan War Diaries," its modern day Pentagon Papers, top-secret documents eroding support for the Vietnam War, The New York Times saying they "demonstrated, among other things, that the Johnson Administration had systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress, about a subject of transcendent national interest and significance" - what Julian Assange has done on Afghanistan, revealing Bush and Obama administration lies and duplicity about their illegal war of aggression, America's longest. More on that below.


Shoe Bombers, crotch bombers, 9/11 and Israel

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 07:39 PM PDT

How much has Israeli control of American foreign policy cost the people of the United States? The government and media has worked mightily to keep the American people from fully realizing that the Zionist domination of our politics and support for the murderous Israeli regime, has directly led to 9/11 and other acts of terrorism against Americans around the world. Their power in media and politics has also led us into catastrophic wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with thousands of American casualties and billions of dollars spent, for what? For Israel, that's what. The PhD who teaches International relations, dares to tell the truth!

The Main Effect of the WikiLeaks Documents Is Political

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 06:00 PM PDT

Ivan Eland

The 92,000 classified U.S. government documents leaked to didn't reveal many new shocking truths about the U.S. military quagmire in Afghanistan. The facts on the ground have been well known publicly for some time – that the Taliban adversary is getting stronger and is being actively assisted by a faux ally (Pakistan) to whom the United States is shoveling billions, the Afghan government is corrupt, and the U.S. has killed civilians.

The Obama administration is trying to spin its way out of this significant public relations problem by saying that the period of the documents, from 2004 until December 2009, was mostly during the Bush administration and before a surge and a move to a counterinsurgency strategy by the incoming administration. However, only one of the outcomes the documents mentioned has since changed – the United States has tried to reduce the number of civilian casualties to attempt to win the "hearts and minds" of the Afghan people.

Why Is the Antiwar Movement Stalled?

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 06:00 PM PDT

Justin Raimondo

A recent gathering of the remnants of the antiwar movement, sponsored by something calling itself the United National Antiwar Conference, underscores the reasons why there is almost no effective organized opposition to the present administration's occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. One has only to look at the conference program to see why the antiwar movement remains marginal, at best: a keynote address by perennial leftist icon Noam Chomsky, who was paired with Donna Dewitt, a left-wing labor official, and also featuring workshops – reflecting some of their primary concerns – on "Health Care is a Human Right," "Deepening the Base & Building Bridges between the Climate Change, Peace & Economic Justice Movements," and – most telling of all – "The Rise of Right Wing Populism & the Tea Party: Do We Need a Right-Left Coalition?"

That this question is in dispute tells us how misguided, and out of it, these people are. It also shows how immoral and narcissistic they are: while Afghans, Iraqis, and Pakistanis are being blown to bits, they are wondering whether we ought to be building a broad-based movement that transcends their petty sectarian concerns, or whether what passes for the antiwar movement should be their own personal sandbox.

Obama's Afghanistan Strategy Increasingly Under Siege

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 06:00 PM PDT

Jim Lobe

Monday's release by WikiLeaks of tens of thousands of classified documents detailing the travails of the U.S. military in Afghanistan and Pakistan's secret support for the Taliban from 2004 through 2009 comes amid a growing crisis of confidence in the nearly 9-year-old war.

Coming on top of the steady increase in U.S. and NATO casualties in Afghanistan – July may yet exceed June as the highest monthly death toll for U.S. and NATO forces since the war began in late 2001 – the unprecedented leak can only add to the pessimism that has spread from the liberal wing of the Democratic Party to the heart of the foreign policy establishment, and even to a growing number of Republicans.

Leaked Reports Make Afghan War Policy More Vulnerable

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 06:00 PM PDT

Gareth Porter

The 92,000 reports on the war in Afghanistan made public by the whistleblower organization WikiLeaks and reported Monday by the Guardian, the New York Times, and Der Spiegel offer no major revelations that are entirely new, as did the Pentagon Papers to which they are inevitably being compared.

But they increase the political pressure on a war policy that has already suffered a precipitous loss of credibility this year by highlighting contradictions between the official assumptions of the strategy and the realities shown in the documents – especially in regard to Pakistan's role in the war.

Rape, Deception, or Racism?

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 06:00 PM PDT

"It was consensual, I owe an apology to no one other than my wife and two children. They're the ones who've suffered from this. And myself."

Sabbar Kashur, 30, is a Palestinian Arab resident of the Shuafat neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem. He's just been convicted by an Israeli court of "rape by deception" and sentenced to 18 months in prison.

White Liberals are Retarded Children

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 05:58 PM PDT

This article deserves a longer and more thought out response but I'm afraid I'll do permanent damage to my brain if I tried to get into minds this idiotic. The self-hating Maureen Dowd has written an article where she decries the Obama White House as "too white".

Holocaust Survivor Redefines AntiSemitism

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 03:13 PM PDT

Another great video by former Representative, Dr. David Duke, showing how the Jewish extremists have simply gone crazy with the term "anti-Semite" even going to point where they label a Jewish professor who is a Holocaust survivor an "anti-Semite." Why? It is because he had the courage to defend the Palestinians from the violence done to them by the Zionists, and because he dares to condemn the human rights violations of Israel, and the powerful Jewish power structure around the world that makes these crimes possible. A must see video!st Survivor Redefines "Anti-Semite"

Jews - misdiagnosis

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 12:37 PM PDT

"Like a Jonesing chain-smoker engulfing one cigarette after another or a junkie with a hollow vein to fill, Jewry has made mad consumption of the goods and wealth of others a way of life. They are "a nation living off the good will of the rest of the world" and are wearing their welcome down rapidly with grindstone tactics.


On lies and passports

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 11:12 AM PDT

Palestinian protest.

This is the government that has explained its decision to postpone the municipal and local elections, originally scheduled for July 17 this year, by its desire to prevent the political rift between Gaza and the West Bank from widening. Parallel elections would not have been possible in the Gaza Strip because of the split between the parties and clashes over authority and legitimacy.

The Palestinian Authority is imprisoning Gazans

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 11:12 AM PDT

A Hamas policeman checks passports at Rafah

It is possible to argue over the logic of the initial stubbornness to hold elections that would have fortified the double-rule reality (one political experience in Gaza, and a different one in the West Bank ). This is why, indeed, independent circles in Gaza welcomed the decision to postpone. But everyone knows the real reason behind the postponement was internal disputes within Fatah, as well as a possible fear that competing slates would succeed - despite the fact that Hamas announced it would boycott the elections.

Russia, Afghanistan and Starwars: Westward Hu

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 08:03 AM PDT

The Atlantists are on the ascendant these days in Moscow. Russian President Dmitri Medvedev's hamburger lunch with United States President Barack Obama during his visit to Silicon Valley last month apparently left a pleasant taste in his mouth. Now relations with NATO are on the mend, as Russia plans to send 27 Mi-17 helicopters to Afghanistan, NATO Military Committee Chairman Giampaolo di Paola said after a meeting with Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Nikolai Makarov last Friday. Rosoboronexport has even offered to throw in the first three helicopters for free.

Tuesday: 7 Iraqis Killed, 38 Wounded

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 07:20 AM PDT

Margaret Griffis

Updated at 6:10 p.m. EDT, July 27, 2010

Admiral Mike Mullen arrived in Iraq, where he lauded Iraq's "stunning progress" in security over the last three years, while new attacks left at least seven Iraqis killed and 38 more wounded. Parliament again delayed meeting thanks to a political impasse that threatens long-term security. Meanwhile, inquiries and investigations in the U.K. and U.S. further underscore the lack of accountability in the build-up to the war and in the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food program. Also, the amount of classified documents related to the Iraq War that WikiLeaks is reportedly holding could be three times larger than what was just released on Afghanistan.

Let the apologies to Goldstone begin

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 02:21 AM PDT

I missed this. After the Israelis came out with their lame investigation saying that they would indict several officers and soldiers in four cases arising from the Gaza conflict of '08-'09, a fairminded South African columnist, Allister Sparks, published an important piece a few days ago, calling on South African rabbis to apologize to Judge Richard Goldstone for slamming Goldstone's report last year.

It is permitted to kill non-Jews after all

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 09:49 PM PDT

Ziojustice had been served. Yesterday it was reported that a certain settler 'rabbi' was arrested for inciting murder against non Jews…. that was the good news. Well, hours later he was released with not even a slap on his wrist by the the authorities.

The arrest angered many, including some on the 'left' claiming that "Incitement for racist violence seriously undermines human rights and it should not be ignored. However, it is not entirely clear whether the arrest was justified in this case."

Just when is it justified? When some nazisettler acts on the 'encouragement' put forward in the book? With 'leftists' with such opinions does Israel even need a 'right'?

On the Bloated Intelligence Bureaucracy

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 06:00 PM PDT

Listen to Ron Paul deliver these remarks here.

I have often spoken about the excessive size of government, and most recently how waste and inefficiency needs to be eliminated from our military budget. Our foreign policy is not only bankrupting us, but actively creating and antagonizing enemies of the United States and compromising our national security. Spending more and adding more programs and initiatives does not improve things for us; it makes them much, much worse. This applies to more than just the military budget.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Taking a Look at New 'Antiwar' Republicans

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 06:00 PM PDT

Nine Republican members of the House sided with Democrats in July to start bringing troops home from Afghanistan. Though one can still count on two hands the number of congressional Republicans who publicly oppose the war, this latest development is not insignificant.

Only five Republicans had the guts to cast a similar vote three and a half months ago.

All the Strangeness of Our American World in One Article

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 06:00 PM PDT

Tom Engelhardt

Have you ever thought about just how strange this country's version of normal truly is? Let me make my point with a single, hardly noticed Washington Post news story that's been on my mind for a while. It represents the sort of reporting that, in our world, zips by with next to no reaction, despite the true weirdness buried in it.

The piece by Craig Whitlock appeared on June 19 and was headlined, "U.S. military criticized for purchase of Russian copters for Afghan air corps." Maybe that's strange enough for you right there. Russian copters? Of course, we all know, at least vaguely, that by year's end U.S. spending on its protracted Afghan war and nation-building project will be heading for $350 billion dollars. And, of course, those dollars do have to go somewhere.

Egypt Punishes Gaza More

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 06:00 PM PDT

Almost two months since Egypt announced it would reopen its Rafah border terminal with the Gaza Strip, operation of the crossing remains sorely limited.

"Rafah has only been opened to passengers and some medical supplies," Hatem al-Buluk, journalist and resident of al-Arish, located some 25 miles west of Rafah, told IPS. "Everything else, including food and construction materials, must enter the strip via Israeli-controlled border crossings."

The Stepmother of Invention

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 06:00 PM PDT

Jeff Huber

It's a sign of the New American times that even when we know we don't have cogent grounds to continue our woebegone wars, we can't invent compelling reasons to end them.

In September 2009, President Obama caved to Pentagon demands to send more troops to the Bananastans* even though nobody in the Department of Defense could tell him what they'd do with the extra troops. This was before Obama fired Gen. David McKiernan as Bananastan commander to make way for Gen. Stan McChrystal, who was fired to make way for Gen. David Petraeus, whom Obama should have fired the second he took office, along with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Joint Chiefs chairman Mike Mullen, and the rest of the Bush administration Pentarchy**.

Need for Consistent Condemnations of Injustice

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 05:04 PM PDT

In late May of this year, Thomas Hammarberg – Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights – paid a visit to Turkey. Following his trip, he wrote and published two letters to the Turkish government, one each to the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Interior, regarding human rights issues that had troubled him there.


Fascist Israeli Knesset

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 03:32 PM PDT

This week the Knesset began its summer recess, and its members earned their holiday: in the last days of the previous session, they worked overtime to present various proposals, the common denominator of which was to save the state from its enemies at home.

Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 02:07 PM PDT

The controversial website WikiLeaks collects and posts highly classified documents and videos. Founder Julian Assange, who is reportedly being sought for questioning by US authorities, talks to TED's Chris Anderson about how the site operates, what it has accomplished and what drives him.

The Last Bastion of American Morality Is Under Assault

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 11:52 AM PDT

The morality of the American people now resides, insecurely, in the Presbyterian Church. Every other institution of American society — the evangelical churches, the bought-and-paid-for American media, both houses of Congress, the executive branch, both political parties, the corporations, the financial sector, the universities — all support Israel's genocide against the Palestinians. Only the Presbyterians dissent.

Petition to ban Israel from the 2012 Olympics

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 09:36 AM PDT

But when you really think about it - Could a Jewish Olympian win a medal for anything other than fraud, deception, cheating, lying, greed and nation wrecking?

The background of the "holocaust"

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 08:42 AM PDT

When it was announced a few years ago that the Jews had successfully lobbied to have a special day of remembrance for those of their people killed during the most recent widespread European pogrom (now commonly called "the Holocaust") Phaedrus was deeply saddened. It seemed the Jews (or the most vocal among them at least) were determined to never allow the matter to rest and were continuing to extort reparations from innocent Germans, many of whom were not even born until long after the war ended.

Jewish Paedophiles

Posted: 25 Jul 2010 11:29 AM PDT

We hear about Catholic priests abusing children but never Jews - why might that be?

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