Rebel Newsflash: Human Stupidity: The Biggest Conspiracy Of Them All (plus 63 more items) |
- Human Stupidity: The Biggest Conspiracy Of Them All
- Influential Newsweek Magazine Sold for $1 To CFR's Super-Rich, Pro-Israel Harman Couple
- How ADL Wants to Outlaw Christians
- Are Jews Today Guilty for the Crucifixion?
- "Ye are of your father – the devil" = Jesus to the Jews – John - 8 – 44
- Arizona immigration law neutere
- 'Unity' Key to Economic Revival?
- Paedophilia - a tribal affair
- Phil Berg: The Latest on Lawsuit Showing "Barry Soetoro" is Obama's Legal Name
- Texas Officer: Fusion Centers Militarizing Local Police for "Gestapo Role" Under (COG) Plan
- Radio interview with Eric Hunt
- Interview With the Parents Of Murdered Peace Activist Rachel Corrie
- Obama Threatens "Amnesty" by Executive Order if Congress Doesn't Pass Immigration Reform!!
- Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed Addendum - Chemical BPA Linked to Medical Problems
- Paul Craig Roberts: We Are Almost Past The Point of No Return!
- Trapped in Gaza
- Making Gaza a 'European ghetto'
- Return to Kuwait
- Destructive Jews and the death of an academic
- Treason by Members of the United States Congress
- Understanding the Muslim world
- Media Pushes BRAIN Eating Vaccine... Nano Tech Injection Lobotomy
- Border skirmish a 'fire douser'
- Why the United States Will Not Strike Iran Now
- Targeted Assassinations: Challenging US Policy
- Remembering Hiroshima
- Smoke on a Bridge: Lebanon Awaits a Verdict
- Palestinians Denied Access to Water
- Israel Plans Mass Forced Removals of Bedouin
- Survey: Arabs lose faith in Obama
- Brain Eating Vaccines: The Reality Behind The "Conspiracy Theory"
- Alan Watt: Ghost in The Machine - How You're Being "Medically Lobotomized"
- Aaron Dykes & Rob Dew: Tx County Sheriff Treats Infowars Reporters LIke "Al-Qaeda Terrorist!!"
- Plumbing the Depths of Lawless Executive Depravity
- Recent Israeli Provocations
- Comedy and Entertainment – The Enemy's Weapons
- Behind the Blackberry ban
- War Is Coming
- Iran Benefits from Arab Disillusion with Obama
- Laos Takes Center Stage in Cluster Bombs Treaty
- Whose Hands? Whose Blood?
- A Failure to Protect Civil Liberties
- Iraq: We're 'Withdrawing' – But Not Leaving
- Michael Coffman, PhD: Rescuing A Broken America
- The Psychology of Conspiracy Denial
- Thursday: 15 Iraqis Killed, 16 Wounded
- Nuclear-Free Mideast
- A Country in Fragments: The Subjective Atlas of Palestine
- Lebanese Army Thwarts Israeli Landscaping Effort
- A Cakewalk Against Iran
- Obama defends his 'good war'
- Tony Blair Must Be Prosecuted
- Omar Thornton's "Anti-Racist" Killing Spree
- Tag Teaming Media Ownership
- Seeds of a self-sustaining future
- An Alliance with Whom?!?
- New York Times & Big Think Pushing for Lithium and Other Drugs in Water Supply
- We Are Change San Francisco confronts David de Rothschild on Climategate, sustainability agenda
- Financial Times demands Obama 'break his tax promise'
- City uses Google Earth to spy on pool permit violators
- Gaza in Plain Language
- Neocon Gingrich Stokes Anti-Muslim Rhetoric as He Prepares for Presidential Bid
- The Mandatory Serviece Bill and the Impending Attack On Iran
- The Mandatory Service Bill and the Impending Attack On Iran
Human Stupidity: The Biggest Conspiracy Of Them All Posted: 07 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT If I had to pick the single biggest contributing factor to human suffering, I would choose human stupidity. Just take the example of smoking. Everybody knows that smoking causes cancers. And yet the uptake of smoking amongst teenagers, especially girls, is on the increase. How stupid is that?! It's the same with binge drinking. It costs a lot of money and we all know how miserable we feel the next day. Nevertheless, many of us, male and female, do it quite regularly, not just as adolescents. And let's not forget those idiots who fry their brains taking illegal drugs. |
Influential Newsweek Magazine Sold for $1 To CFR's Super-Rich, Pro-Israel Harman Couple Posted: 06 Aug 2010 05:52 PM PDT Newsweek magazine is now the property of Zionist billionaire Sidney Harman and his wife Jane—a fervent advocate for the interests of Israel—who (rather than serving in Congress as she does) should instead be serving time in prison for influence peddling and conspiracy to obstruct justice on behalf of two Washington operatives for AIPAC, the powerful lobby for Israel. |
How ADL Wants to Outlaw Christians Posted: 06 Aug 2010 02:33 PM PDT Few familiar with the 97 year history of the Anti-Defamation League would deny its ambition to destroy the Christian/conservative right. ADL's first great step was passing its federal hate crimes law last fall. The next stage was indicated last week by national director Abe Foxman. He said 80 million Americans are "anti-Semitic"-40 million "seriously infected" and 40 million "mildly" so. |
Are Jews Today Guilty for the Crucifixion? Posted: 06 Aug 2010 02:27 PM PDT Abraham Foxman, of the Anti-Defamation League, recently pronounced that acceptance of the New Testament record that the Jews had Christ killed is "anti-Semitic." This implicates tens of millions of Bible-believing Christians worldwide. With ADL's charge comes the necessity, especially for Christians, to reexamine the issue of who is to blame for the crucifixion. Scripture teaches no one is guilty for the sins of another. We all enter the world innocent of the misdeeds of our parents. This includes every Jewish child. |
"Ye are of your father – the devil" = Jesus to the Jews – John - 8 – 44 Posted: 06 Aug 2010 11:09 AM PDT No truer words have ever been spoken by any man in any time in history. Jews are the essence of hatred cruelty malice and evil – like no other creature on the planet. Theirs is the kingdom of hell on earth – an evil so putrid – as only the Jew can be. I have warned and pleaded with my 'neighbors' to heed the truths I witnessed in that God forsaken land of demons thieves liars cheats fornicators murderers and sadists. If any of my readers still respect my truth and passion for justice to give a voice to the voiceless – to defend the defenseless – to stand for the right against the greatest evil on earth – then promise me this: |
Arizona immigration law neutere Posted: 06 Aug 2010 08:28 AM PDT Arizona's highly popular S.B. 1070 law, which makes being an illegal alien in Arizona a state crime, has been partially stopped by a federal injunction. But the overall law took effect July 29 in a state whose residents have been killed, vandalized and otherwise adversely affected by what really is an invasion. According to S.B. 1070's author, state Sen. Russell Pearce, 50 percent of all illegal aliens entering the U.S. cross into Arizona. "Enough is enough," he has often said. |
'Unity' Key to Economic Revival? Posted: 06 Aug 2010 08:28 AM PDT Just as Wall Street reform legislation that includes a limited audit of the Federal Reserve System was signed into law, a Sustainable Michigan meeting at an Ann Arbor library on July 25, which focused on local control and self-sufficiency, included a presentation on an interesting alternative to using only Federal Reserve notes for purchases. Ypsilanti resident Bob Van Bemmelen's presentation did not outline a typical local currency like New York's "Ithaca Hours" and others used around the nation, useful though they may be. Taking grassroots monetary reform to new horizons, his explanation of the "Unity" coupon currency revealed that, by all indications, Unity could be a workable implementation of what is known as "social credit." |
Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT In addition to the newspapers they publish for the Goyim to read, Jews have a number of publications intended to be read only by other Jews. Some of the stories in these intramural Jewish publications are merely bizarre, seeming to be about creatures of an entirely different species from us. A story which appeared in an August 2 1997 edition of the Jewish Chronicle (London) falls into this category of bizarre. |
Phil Berg: The Latest on Lawsuit Showing "Barry Soetoro" is Obama's Legal Name Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT Alex also talks with Phil Berg, an activist attorney who brought a RICO lawsuit charging president George W. Bush and 154 others with complicity in the 9/11 attacks and filed a complaint in federal district court in 2008 alleging that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya, and thus not legally qualified to serve as president. |
Texas Officer: Fusion Centers Militarizing Local Police for "Gestapo Role" Under (COG) Plan Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT Alex talks to an officer from his home state of Texas about the Fusion Centers training police and new hires to be like the same military force that is over in iraq terrorizing iraqi citizens under a total police state run stystem. |
Radio interview with Eric Hunt Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT The 26 years old American Revisionist is interviewed on TalkShoe Radio about debunking Steven Spielberg's Holocaust documentary The Last Days, debunking Irene Zisblatt's book - "The Fifth Diamond", being imprisoned for attempting to interview Elie Wiesel and his ongoing attempts to prove that Wiesel is an impostor. |
Interview With the Parents Of Murdered Peace Activist Rachel Corrie Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT Dave Gahary interviewed Cindy and Craig Corrie, the parents of Rachel Corrie, the Washington state peace activist who was murdered in 2003 when an Israeli Defense Force bulldozer, used to illegally demolish the homes of Palestinians, ran over her. The Corries explain what brought their daughter to Palestine, lend insight into their attempts to carry Rachel's message forward, and provide the latest information on their lawsuit against the Israeli government, along with some shocking details in their fight to get justice for their daughter. |
Obama Threatens "Amnesty" by Executive Order if Congress Doesn't Pass Immigration Reform!! Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT Alex breaks down the latest on Obama threatening to us executive order to give 20 million "illegal aliens" full amnesty if congress doesn't pass immigration reform bill. |
Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed Addendum - Chemical BPA Linked to Medical Problems Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT A new study appearing in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that higher levels of the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in people's urine were associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and liver problems. People with the highest BPA levels were twice as likely to suffer from diabetes or cardiovascular problems than those with lower levels. THE DETAILS: Found in those hard-plastic water bottles we all carry, BPA is also used in the lining of some soda, food, and baby-formula cans. The hormonelike chemical has been linked to genital abnormalities, early puberty, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and fertility problems in hundreds of animal studies. This latest study examined data previously collected from 1455 adults between 18 and 74 years old. |
Paul Craig Roberts: We Are Almost Past The Point of No Return! Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT Alex talks with economist Paul Craig Roberts about his article, The Year America Dissolved. Roberts served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service. His articles appear widely across the alternative media. Dr. Roberts' latest book is How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds. |
Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT Fatma Sharif is a lawyer at Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, a non-partisan, Gaza-based NGO that has voiced sharp criticism of both Hamas and Israel. A women's rights activist, Sharif planned to study at the West Bank's Birzeit University for a Masters in human rights and democracy, a degree unavailable in Gaza. But whether or not she could travel from Gaza to the West Bank rested in Israel's hands. |
Making Gaza a 'European ghetto' Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT While most Israeli leaders are resistant to fully lifting the blockade of Gaza, Avigdor Lieberman, the right-wing foreign minister, is advocating that Israel abandon the Strip to international monitoring and economic rehabilitation. The proposal, recently leaked to the Israeli press, does not amount to freeing Gaza but rather to placing it under European sea and land inspections and a reconstruction plan. |
Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT If someone had told me earlier this year that I would not only meet some of my former classmates from the New English School in Kuwait, but that I would make a film about it, I probably would have laughed them out of the room. I had lost touch with most of them, almost overnight, when Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait on August 2, 1990. |
Destructive Jews and the death of an academic Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT On June 11, 2010, a badly decomposed body was discovered wedged in between the seat of a parked vehicle in a shopping center located in Karolinka, Opole, in Poland. The cadaver was decomposed beyond recognition, and DNA tests turned out to be inconclusive in establishing the identity of the victim. However, papers and documents discovered inside the vehicle led police to conclude that the deceased individual was Dariusz Ratajczak, a Professor of History who formerly taught at the University of Opole.
Treason by Members of the United States Congress Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT It must have been realised that the letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, signed by nearly 300 members of the US Congress, affirming their commitment to Israel, would be widely publicised and fall into the hands of that illegal Apartheid State, so the writing and signing of that letter should be considered an act of treason. The letter has totally undermined the power of the President of the United States by virtually telling Israel: "It does not matter what you do to the Palestinians, how many illegal structures you build on the territory you stole from them; how you behave towards the Lebanese, or what you have in mind for Iran, we, the signatories on this letter are with you, all the way." |
Understanding the Muslim world Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT What does it say about the chances for American success in Afghanistan and the larger global 'war on terror' - which despite the Obama administration's official name change to "Overseas Contingency Operations" remains deliberately far removed from any contingency that might hasten its end - that the wives of the military's most senior commanders better comprehend the reasons for the continued difficulty in pacifying the country than do their husbands? The military wives, it seems, have as a group given their stamp of approval to the now ubiquitous bestseller Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Renin. Many of their husbands have also read the book at their urging, and according to The New York Times, recently cashiered General Stanley McChrystal met with Mortenson several times. |
Media Pushes BRAIN Eating Vaccine... Nano Tech Injection Lobotomy Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT The establishment media and the scientific dictatorship are promoting brain-eating vaccines that virtually lobotomize people and rewire their brains into a state of subservient compliance so that their natural instinct to get angry and rebel against the tyranny being imposed upon them is neutered and sterilized. "Academics say they are close to developing the first vaccine for stress -- a single jab that would help us relax without slowing down," reports the Daily Mail. |
Border skirmish a 'fire douser' Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT Four years after Israel's war in Lebanon ended, Hezbollah has announced that it is prepared to put its forces at the service of the Lebanese army should there be an Israeli attack or act of provocation. The announcement by Hassan Nasrallah followed an exchange of fire between Israeli and Lebanese soldiers in which one Israeli soldier and two Lebanese soldiers and a journalist were killed. |
Why the United States Will Not Strike Iran Now Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT The reasons that there will be no US war or military strike against Iran, in the near future, and under the current political environment, are that the US military command, under the guidance of its political leadership, is implementing a strategy of "deterrence" to prevent Iran from continuing its nuclear program. This strategy is based on the latest US military concept of "Joint Operations" which was released on 15 January 2009. |
Targeted Assassinations: Challenging US Policy Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT The WikiLeaks "Afghan War Diaries" provided documented evidence of America's out-of-control lawlessness, including Special Forces death squads (Task Force 373) extrajudicially murdering or capturing suspected Taliban and Al-Qaeda figures, many hundreds or perhaps thousands on a so-called Jpel (joint prioritized effects) list, also willfully killing civilian men, women and children, the London Times Kabul-based Jerome Starkey reporting earlier on these crimes, suppressed in US media accounts, presenting an embedded view of the war, omitting the targeting of Americans until then Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair acknowledged it in February, explaining that:
Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT One of the most popular pieces on display at Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Museum is a wristwatch; its hands frozen at 8:15, the exact moment in 1945 that an American B-29 bomber dropped its atomic payload over the city. Survivor Masahiro Kunishige has long felt that progress in creating a world free of nuclear weapons was, much like the watch, halted. |
Smoke on a Bridge: Lebanon Awaits a Verdict Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT Jamal is a Lebanese driver in his late 50's. He appeared unshaven and terribly exhausted as he drove his old passenger van from the airport in Beirut to the Bekaa Valley. Although it was not a particularly arduous trip, it was made more grueling by the way Jamal drove, negotiating the elevation, the hectic traffic and the many army vehicles speeding by. |
Palestinians Denied Access to Water Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT According to OCHA (the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs), Palestinians face a serious water crisis, being denied access to their own resources. Cara Flowers with the Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Group (EWASH - a coalition of almost 30 water and sanitation sector organizations in Occupied Palestine) said many vulnerable communities in Israeli-controlled Area C (covering 60% of the West Bank) are hardest hit, the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) having limited say over its own resources, ones Israel uses itself, an international water expert saying:
Israel Plans Mass Forced Removals of Bedouin Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT Israeli security forces destroyed a Bedouin village this week for the second time in a matter of days, leaving 300 inhabitants homeless again after they and dozens of Jewish and Arab volunteers had begun rebuilding the 45 homes. Human rights groups warned that these appeared to be the opening shots in a long-threatened campaign by the Israeli government to begin mass forced removals of tens of thousands of Bedouin from their ancestral lands in the southern Negev. |
Survey: Arabs lose faith in Obama Posted: 06 Aug 2010 07:00 AM PDT Arab opinion of the United States and its president Barack Obama has dimmed in the past year, while the popularity of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, has skyrocketed, according to an annual survey released by the US-based Brookings Institution on Thursday. The survey found that a majority of Arabs continue to believe that peace between Israel and the Palestinians will never happen and that - unlike in past years - a larger number are identifying as Muslims, rather than as Arabs or citizens of a particular country. |
Brain Eating Vaccines: The Reality Behind The "Conspiracy Theory" Posted: 06 Aug 2010 06:52 AM PDT Wired Magazine writer Jonah Lehrer has labeled concerns that vaccines which alter brain chemistry and induce states of "focused calm" could be abused by governments to create lobotomized, servile populations as delusional, paranoid, and idiotic conspiracy theories, despite the fact that major mental health professionals are already pushing for lithium to be introduced into water supplies as a means of mass medicating against "mood disorders". Lehrer, an Oxford University graduate and a Rhodes Scholar, brazenly calls Alex Jones a liar in his article today after Jones put out a You Tube video in which he warned that new vaccines designed to reduce stress and neutralize people's anger could lead to a nightmare THX 1138 scenario, in which the population is controlled and subjugated through the use of special drugs to suppress emotion. Jones also encouraged listeners to Google search the words "brain eating vaccines," causing the term to rise to the number 1 position on Google Trends for August 3rd. |
Alan Watt: Ghost in The Machine - How You're Being "Medically Lobotomized" Posted: 06 Aug 2010 05:06 AM PDT Alex Jones is launching a new campaign to inform the public about the toxic chemical fluoride being added to tap water across the country. While EPA scientists and workers are calling for an end to water fluoridation, the government is doing everything in its power to continue and even increase the amount of toxic chemicals being added to public water supplies. While sodium fluoride is commonly used as a rat poison, globalists and eugenicists have decided to add it to water supplies with the message to the public being that it is good for teeth, despite warnings from the ADA stating that young children risk a disease called dental fluorosis. The Guardian reported that fluoride water can also cause cancer. |
Aaron Dykes & Rob Dew: Tx County Sheriff Treats Infowars Reporters LIke "Al-Qaeda Terrorist!!" Posted: 06 Aug 2010 04:50 AM PDT While on assignment, Aaron Dykes & Rob Dew are questioned by a Texas county sheriff who was called to the scene at camp swift by national guard personal for videotaping in a pubic setting! Texas County Sheriff treated the infowars reporters like "al-qaeda Terrorist!!", but after asking a few short questions, the sheriff was satisfied that they were not a threat to the homeland, and let them go about their business. look for a detail article about this event later on today or tomorrow from infowars. |
Plumbing the Depths of Lawless Executive Depravity Posted: 06 Aug 2010 03:06 AM PDT "There's no difference between one's killing and making decisions that will send others to kill. It's exactly the same thing, or even worse." - Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir |
Posted: 06 Aug 2010 02:05 AM PDT Perhaps suggesting a larger-scale planned offensive, recent violent Israeli outbreaks struck Gaza, the West Bank, and Israeli/Lebanon border, the first there since the summer 2006 war. Like Cast Lead, it was Israeli aggression - violent, lawless and unrelenting, a scorched-earth blitzkrieg, inflicting vast destruction, causing billions in damage, killing over 1,000 Lebanese, injuring thousands more, and displacing around a million others (about one-fourth of the country's four million population), including over 300,000 children fleeing north for their lives. In the end, Hezbollah handed Israel a humiliating defeat. Perhaps revenge is planned.
Comedy and Entertainment – The Enemy's Weapons Posted: 05 Aug 2010 08:27 PM PDT As the title says, comedy and entertainment might seem like nothing but fun and games to the average moron, but they are extremely dangerous weapons in the hands of the jew. Here in the near future, SN will be bringing more information showing just how powerful these tools can be in the hands of your enemy. |
Posted: 05 Aug 2010 07:16 PM PDT It has not been a good week for Blackberry users in the Middle East. First came the news that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) would ban the devices in October, then Saudi Arabia announced it would block the Blackberry instant messenger function from Friday.
Posted: 05 Aug 2010 06:00 PM PDT
L: Doug, last time we conversed, you said: "Let's talk about what Clausewitz called 'the extension of politics' next time – I think the odds are increasing that we may see war rear its ugly head again soon." |
Iran Benefits from Arab Disillusion with Obama Posted: 05 Aug 2010 06:00 PM PDT U.S. President Barack Obama has suffered a sharp drop in popularity in the Arab world over the past year, and Iran may be reaping the benefits, according to a major new survey of public opinion in five Arab countries released here Thursday. Only 20 percent of respondents in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) now view the U.S. president positively, compared to 45 percent who did so in the spring of 2009, according to the 2010 Arab Public Opinion Poll conducted by Shibley Telhami of the Brookings Institution and the Zogby International polling firm. |
Laos Takes Center Stage in Cluster Bombs Treaty Posted: 05 Aug 2010 06:00 PM PDT After being relegated to the shadows for decades by its more powerful neighbors, Laos is finally taking the lead role in a global campaign to ban the use of cluster bombs. It is a role that the poverty-stricken South-east Asian nation of 6.3 million people easily qualifies for. After all, it is the country most affected by the deadly payload it has borne since the U.S. military intervention in the region nearly four decades ago. |
Posted: 05 Aug 2010 06:00 PM PDT Consider the following statement offered by Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at a news conference last week. He was discussing Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks as well as the person who has taken responsibility for the vast, still ongoing Afghan War document dump at that site. "Mr. Assange," Mullen commented, "can say whatever he likes about the greater good he thinks he and his source are doing, but the truth is they might already have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that of an Afghan family." Now, if you were the proverbial fair-minded visitor from Mars (who in school civics texts of my childhood always seemed to land on Main Street, U.S.A., to survey the wonders of our American system), you might be a bit taken aback by Mullen's statement. After all, one of the revelations in the trove of leaked documents Assange put online had to do with how much blood from innocent Afghan civilians was already on American hands. |
A Failure to Protect Civil Liberties Posted: 05 Aug 2010 06:00 PM PDT Should lawyers be required to obtain a government-granted license before being allowed to represent an American terror suspect? It's a U.S. Treasury Department regulation, an unconstitutional one to my mind, and one that's being challenged. But this latest civil liberties skirmish is indicative of a larger point, that President Barack Obama is putting less and less daylight between his policies and those of his predecessor. The issue comes up because the Obama administration has decided to kill Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical Muslim cleric and American citizen who is believed to be in Yemen. Al-Awlaki's father objects to the targeting of his son, claiming his child is not a terrorist. He contacted the American Civil Liberties Union and the Center for Constitutional Rights, enlisting those groups to challenge the use of lethal force against an American civilian who is far from a combat zone and who hasn't been given a chance to rebut the allegations against him. But under Treasury Dept. rules, human rights lawyers can't provide free legal help to a designated terrorist without first getting a license from the Office of Foreign Assets Control. |
Iraq: We're 'Withdrawing' – But Not Leaving Posted: 05 Aug 2010 06:00 PM PDT Like everything else in our oh-so-modern world, things are not quite what they seem: "complexities" get in the way. So let's look at what is actually happening, not what the President and his amen corner would like us to see, before we throw our hats in the air. To begin with, Obama's original campaign promise was to get all the troops out by May of this year. But I guess we aren't supposed to remember that, and it would be rude to bring it up. |
Michael Coffman, PhD: Rescuing A Broken America Posted: 05 Aug 2010 05:10 PM PDT Today Alex welcomes Dr. Michael Coffman, author of "Rescuing a Broken America, why America is Deeply Divided and How to Heal it Constitutionally". Order his latest book here at the infowars shop... Over the past 100 years global forces have actively worked to change the world view of Americans and create what they now call global governance. Unknowingly indoctrinated Americans have moved from a liberty and constitutionally focused world view based on the writings of Englishman John Locke, to that of government control of the individual based on the writings of Frenchman Jean Jacque Rousseau. After failing in the early 20th century, Rousseau's progressive model of state control once again dominates government policy and America's world view. Progressive ideology permeates our education, judicial, media, and legislative institutions. It is non-partisan, infecting both the Democrat and Republican parties. It is destroying the free market system, individual civil liberties and protections guaranteed by the United States Constitution. There is hope. Although seriously weakened, the Constitution still stands and its protections are still in most federal and state laws. Little known — even to attorneys — these provisions offer protection for local communities from the tyranny of laws passed by mislead progressives. |
The Psychology of Conspiracy Denial Posted: 05 Aug 2010 12:44 PM PDT Wired Magazine writer Jonah Lehrer claims his critics are engaging in "cognitive dissonance," by expressing concern about experimental vaccines, which in fact is the perfect description for Lehrer's own behavior. Wired Magazine writer Jonah Lehrer attempts to offset the overwhelmingly critical response to his attack on Alex Jones by characterizing skepticism of authority in the context of vaccines and mass medication as a psychological dysfunction, despite the fact that the history of government-funded medical research in the United States is replete with examples of scientific abuse against unwitting victims. Lehrer fires another salvo in the controversy surrounding brain-altering vaccines that eliminate stress and induce artificial states of "focused calm" by portraying those who are concerned about the potential abuse of such treatments as paranoid cult members who believe in space aliens coming to rescue them from an imminent apocalypse. Unable to properly address Alex Jones' video journal about the dangers of mind-altering vaccines point by point, Lehrer resorts instead to retelling a completely unrelated story from the 1950′s about a woman in Minneapolis who thought a giant spaceship would rescue her from the end of the world. Eat like a king, stock up at eFoodsDirect today! |
Thursday: 15 Iraqis Killed, 16 Wounded Posted: 05 Aug 2010 07:10 AM PDT At least 15 Iraqis were killed and 16 others were wounded in new attacks. lso, the United Nation's assistance mission in Iraq (UNAMI) has renewed its mandate for another year. The U.N. is concerned that the political impasse will be exploited by those opposed to the government. In Baghdad, gunmen attacked a money exchange in Baghdad al-Jadida, where they killed three people, including the exchange's owners, and wounded eight bystanders. Three policemen were killed in separate drive-by shootings across western neighborhoods. A bomb in Mayseloon Square wounded a policeman. Another blast in Yarmouk left no casualties. |
Posted: 04 Aug 2010 11:04 PM PDT Americans of all walks of life have lately been mesmerized by the drama launched by WikiLeaks, an anti-secrecy group, which published on its website a major portion of 92,000 classified and embarrassing U.S. documents said to be in its possession, on the Afghan war, now in its ninth year, the longest American military intervention. |
A Country in Fragments: The Subjective Atlas of Palestine Posted: 04 Aug 2010 09:48 PM PDT 'We have on this earth what makes life worth living: |
Lebanese Army Thwarts Israeli Landscaping Effort Posted: 04 Aug 2010 08:50 PM PDT In the latest Israeli inversion of cause and effect relationships, the clash near the Lebanese border village of Adaisseh yesterday between Israeli and Lebanese soldiers—which resulted in the deaths of one of the former nationality and three of the latter—was characterized by Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak as a "planned provocation", by Kadima MK Shaul Mofaz as a "planned terror attack", and by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as something for which the Lebanese government was "directly responsible". It is not clear how anyone in Lebanon is responsible for the Israeli decision to have its army uproot a tree lying outside the confines of Israel's border fence in order to obtain a more unobstructed view of the area, especially given Israeli possession of numerous unmanned aerial vehicles for which single trees do not constitute an obstacle. |
Posted: 04 Aug 2010 08:09 PM PDT Everyone who is concerned that yet another war in the Middle East could wreck what remains of the United States economy and probably strip away even more of our liberties should be troubled by the numerous calls for war against Iran. No one believes that Iran is anything but a nation that is one small step away from becoming a complete religious dictatorship, but the country has a small economy, a tiny defense budget, and, as far as the world's intelligence services can determine, neither nuclear weapons nor a program to develop them. Labeling the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a new Hitler and describing the regime as "Islamofascist" is convenient but hardly conveys the reality of the complex political interaction taking place inside today's Iran. Ironically, the animus directed against Tehran relates not so much to what it is doing as to what its government might do, hardly an adequate pretext for going to war and a standard of behavior that many countries in the world would fail. |
Posted: 04 Aug 2010 06:57 PM PDT It is the nature of politicians to take credit for whatever they can when things go well, and to avoid blame as much as possible when things do not. This week the administration of Barack Obama, the US president, has worked hard to do both in the context of Iraq and Afghanistan, but in so doing, it may be further entangling itself in a trap of its own making. In Atlanta on Monday, Obama was not shy in taking credit for claimed successes in Iraq. The successes he chose to stress, however, were telling. They in fact had little to do with Iraq itself, but rather more with the fidelity his administration has shown in meeting its timetable for the withdrawal of US forces, and for bringing the US military engagement there to a "responsible end". |
Posted: 04 Aug 2010 06:00 PM PDT Tony Blair must be prosecuted, not indulged like his mentor Peter Mandelson. Both have produced self-serving memoirs for which they have been paid fortunes. Blair's will appear next month and earn him £4.6 million. Now consider Britain's Proceeds of Crime Act. Blair conspired in and executed an unprovoked war of aggression against a defenseless country, which the Nuremberg judges in 1946 described as the "paramount war crime." This has caused, according to scholarly studies, the deaths of more than a million people, a figure that exceeds the Fordham University estimate of deaths in the Rwandan genocide. |
Omar Thornton's "Anti-Racist" Killing Spree Posted: 04 Aug 2010 09:08 AM PDT Oddly, last night Manchester, Connecticut Shooting.: Several Dead; Omar Thornton Identified As Shooter, at the LA Times, was at the top of a Google news search for Thornton. The fact that Thornton was black was mentioned three or four paragraphs in. On page 4 the significance of the Hollander family was mentioned. Unfortunately I did not excerpt the story, and cannot find any archive of it. Today that LAT link redirects to a two page report, Manchester Shooting: 9 Dead; Omar Thornton Identified As Shooter at, which omits both facts. |
Posted: 04 Aug 2010 06:09 AM PDT Newsweek Losses Revealed - The Daily Beast, 3 Aug 2010: Yesterday's purchase of a 77-year-old magazine, Newsweek, by a 91-year-old audio magnate, Sidney Harman, had all the makings of a feel-good story, even as editor Jon Meacham announced his departure. A venerable media franchise rescued from an uncertain future by someone who loves the printed word—Harman is the author of two books and has said that writing "enables the process of self-discovery"—and considers Newsweek a "national treasure." |
Seeds of a self-sustaining future Posted: 03 Aug 2010 10:10 PM PDT Ten months ago the land around Kadabade, was barren and stony. The deep red soil gave life to very little. But a local group, supported by the Swiss charity Heks and its larger, better known partner, Christian Aid thought this was the ideal place to launch a project to help locals help themselves. |
Posted: 03 Aug 2010 10:15 AM PDT I'm more than a little surprised and baffled by Richard Spencer's suggestion that those on the Alternative Right might form some kind of alliance with right wing elements in Israel. I'm quite certain that if he took some time to consider the issue more carefully he would find that such hopes are based on little more than specious arguments about "common interests" that don't exist and wishful thinking. When talking about alliances, the first thing we must ask is whether the group you're thinking about joining together with has anything to offer you and what the cost of calling them your friends may be. Spencer differentiates between American Leftist Jews, whom he sees as the enemy, and his potential partners among the far Right Likudites: |
New York Times & Big Think Pushing for Lithium and Other Drugs in Water Supply Posted: 03 Aug 2010 03:11 AM PDT New York Times and Other Media Pushing for Drugging Water Supply Matt Ryan August 2, 2010 Big Think, a website that interviews scientists and experts in various fields has begun a month-long series called, "Dangerous Ideas" and the first post features drugging the public water supply. The expert they interviewed for this story is Jacob M. Appel, a bioethicist and medical historian, who has written in favor of adding lithium to the public water supply. He states clearly that he believes lithium and other "enhancers" are beneficial additions to our public water supply and any opposition is based on false assumptions that natural water is better than artificially enhanced water. He expanded on this claim in his 2009 article featured in Huffington Post. In the article he cites a Japanese study claiming that lithium reduces suicides. Meanwhile, the New York Times has published a story admitting that drugs are currently in the public water supply. These drugs include Ibuprofen, Naproxen, anti-epileptic and anti-anxiety drugs. Earlier this week, Aaron Dykes wrote a detailed article in response to an Oxford professor calling for adding drugs to the water supply. |
We Are Change San Francisco confronts David de Rothschild on Climategate, sustainability agenda Posted: 02 Aug 2010 01:36 PM PDT Members of We Are Change San Francisco caught up with David de Rothschild, heir to the notorious Rothschild family, and asked him some relevant questions. Heir to a global system of manipulation, lies and enslavement for the average family, David de Rothschild has put his reputation on the line to push for climate change taxation. David de Rothschild shilled for the Copenhagen climate summit and stumped for his 'earth saving' plastiki boat that runs on human feces fuel. He has boldly advocated for carbon taxes his family's carbon exchange firm would benefit directly from. He has even gone so far in the name of arguing for phony global warming as to claim that icecaps melt on Mars because the planet is closer to the Sun than Earth. |
Financial Times demands Obama 'break his tax promise' Posted: 02 Aug 2010 12:39 PM PDT What's another broken promise to a puppet president? Just more grease on the wheel. Lies about wiretapping, expanding war, using executive orders to create law, less secrecy & 5 days to read bills online and the economy already stand on record. After all, even the critics have become used to Obama's pile of cheap, cynical but politically-expedient campaign lies. The Obama Deception, released in March 2009, already counted dozens of broken promises and outright lies. Days before his inauguration, Barack Obama himself reneged on the bold promises that made a nation "believe." Due to the economic crisis, all Americans would feel the effects, Obama stated. "Everybody's going to have to have some skin in the game." As of February 2010, Obama had become "agnostic" about tax increases. |
City uses Google Earth to spy on pool permit violators Posted: 02 Aug 2010 10:25 AM PDT The AP reports today that Riverhead, N.Y. is employing Google's user satellite technology to spy on its residents and issue fines for improperly permitted backyard pools. The small town of Riverhead, population 27,680, has reportedly raked in more than $75,000 in fines from more than 250 violating pool owners. Chief building inspector for Riverhead, Leroy Barnes Jr., says safety is his first priority, but revenue generation appears to be a close second. |
Posted: 02 Aug 2010 03:27 AM PDT The article "Gaza in Plain Language", by Joe Mowrey, first published by Dissident Voice was brought to my attention by Robert H. Stiver, and I immediately agreed to do a video treatment of it. Joe and I shared the research effort, and we would like to thank all of those whose video and photographic work is included in this chilling tale of a fledgling nation gone mad. We have used this material in good faith; as fair comment; for no personal gain and in the interests of truth and justice. We have not been able to contact and thank every contributor, personally, but we do so now. Without your efforts, which were so much more harrowing than ours, because you saw the slaughter, the devastation and the grief first hand, this video would not have been possible. We dedicate this video to the people of Gaza, and to all of those decent people who are trying to help them. Although some people will attempt to characterised it as such, what I have read and the pictures put to Joe Mowrey's words do not amount to anti-Semitism. If it needs an "ism", call it anti-Nasty-Peopleism. Which is an ism that decent people, the world over, should adopt and develop, because if we don't, the nasty people will always win. Many thanks to Kim Petersen, Joshua Frank and Sunil K. Sharma of Dissident Voice, where one will always find unflinching commentary in support of human rights and social justice. Also thanks to the Coalition for Prisoners' Rights (CPR), in Santa Fe, New Mexico |
Neocon Gingrich Stokes Anti-Muslim Rhetoric as He Prepares for Presidential Bid Posted: 01 Aug 2010 03:42 PM PDT Newt Gingrich, when confronted by 9/11 truth activists, has a rehearsed response — they are crazy. 9/11 truth is so abhorrent to Gingrich, so contrary to the forever war and mass murder objectives of the neocons and the ruling elite pulling their puppet strings, his only option is to dismiss any such argument as the irrational ravings of mental patients. In the political bizarro world that dominates the United States, millions of people consider Newt Gingrich to be not only a heroic figure, but a possible presidential contender. |
The Mandatory Serviece Bill and the Impending Attack On Iran Posted: 01 Aug 2010 08:02 AM PDT Rep. Charles Rangel may be in trouble because he is your standard corrupt district of criminals opportunist, but that has not killed his mandatory slavery bill. On July 15, Rangel introduced H.R. 5741, the Universal National Service Act, and it was referred to the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel on July 23. Even though the bill does not have co-sponsors, it is currently under debate. "I have introduced legislation to reinstate the draft and to make it permanent during time of war. It is H.R. 5741, and what this does is to make everyone between the ages of 18 and 42 – whether they're men or women, whether they're straight or gay – to have the opportunity to defend this great country whenever the president truly believes that our national security is threatened," Rangel said from the floor of the House. |
The Mandatory Service Bill and the Impending Attack On Iran Posted: 01 Aug 2010 08:02 AM PDT Rep. Charles Rangel may be in trouble because he is your standard corrupt district of criminals opportunist, but that has not killed his mandatory slavery bill. On July 15, Rangel introduced H.R. 5741, the Universal National Service Act, and it was referred to the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel on July 23. Even though the bill does not have co-sponsors, it is currently under debate. "I have introduced legislation to reinstate the draft and to make it permanent during time of war. It is H.R. 5741, and what this does is to make everyone between the ages of 18 and 42 – whether they're men or women, whether they're straight or gay – to have the opportunity to defend this great country whenever the president truly believes that our national security is threatened," Rangel said from the floor of the House. |
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