Tuesday, September 14, 2010

On Future Political Leaders of India -Kamal-www.orbat.com

This is a letter on future Indian Leaders by one Mr Kamal in Ravi
Rikhyes www.orbat.com

Letter from reader Kamal: the new generation of Indians will change little

You wrote that things in India will change only when post-1971
generation takes power. Unfortunately, it doesnt look like that
either. Rahul Gandhi, son of Rajeev and Sonia Ghandhi, is already
being touted as not only the next PM of India, but the future and hope
of India.

And as of now, he doesnt seem to believe in any such change that will
stop the Muslim appeasement. After all, it was only his father under
whose tenure the Shah Bano case happened. What is even more
unfortunate is this that the same dynastic rule will continue, with
Congress fracturing Hindu fabric even further by caste based politics
(reservations etc), and most people seem oblivious to that.

Bollywood stars like Deepika Padukone who probably dont know 1% about
a country as diverse and complex as India and how its run, go on to TV
shows and claim that they see Rahul Gandhi as the future of India,
probably cause she was charmed by Rahul and his power when he met her
once or twice. The propaganda machine in his favor is massive, with
such headings literally being used in media- 'Is Rahul Gandhi the
savior of India?' etc. Even my friends, who are well read and
everything, somehow feel that Rahul Yuvaraj will be harbinger of
change! You can only imagine the massive propaganda done here in his

I dont mean to say that Deepika or anyone else should not have an
opinion that does not match to mine, but what I want to point is the
blatantly disgusting media habits in India where everyone gets to
write and speak in media, but not those whose heart beats for India or

Its strange that we get editorials in national dailies from people who
hardly have done anything for the nation or hardly anything that would
groom them about how the nation runs. For example, we get editorials
by 'Chetan Bhagat', who is a guy who wrote two hit, but mediocre to be
honest, books. He writes editorials on everything under the sun. He
writes about politics, religion, commonwealth games, the education
system, foreign relations, Naxal problem, communal situation and
everything that one can come up with. Or for example, another
Bollywood star, Bipasha Basu, not only makes a movie which glorifies
Kashmir separatists (I only saw the promo, it had dialogues such as-
'What do we want? Azaadi!!!!' and 'Kashmir is a beautiful jail of
India' and had scenes where a group of children is playing while
hundreds of Armymen were standing pointing their guns at them) but
also gives an statement that 'Kashmir wants Azaadi from both India and
Pakistan' and gets to write editorials about it.

Or for that matter, we get editorials by Mahesh Bhatt, who not only
always had a strange penchant for all things Pakistani, his own son
was accomplice (a friend of David Hedley when he was in India, claims
he did not know the motives. Maybe.) in the 26/11 terror attacks on

Or from Pritish Nandi, a film producer, who also writes about
everything under the sun. And finally, how can we leave editorials by
Suzanne Arundhati Roy, who, and she said this in her own words, has
seceded from India and supports Naxals killing our brave Jawaans, or
by Teesta Javed Stalavad, who gets to write drivel against Gujarat
Government even when it is proven now that she and her NGO conjured up
false evidences and witnesses against the Modi Government, making up
stories that Hindus tore babies from the wombs of Muslim women.

Of course I don't even need to begin how the media blatantly censors
any disruption done by Muslims and exaggerates and tries to invalidate
even the retaliation of Hindus. Or where do I begin to describe a
media which does not find any fault in stone pelters of Kashmir, but
rather publishes headlines such as- 'Govt pits gun toting jawaans
against youth in Kashmir' (Times of India)? Or what do I say about
those news channels who not only support the dilution of AFSPA (Armed
Forces Special Powers Act), but ask this question from a sobbing
mother of a martyr army man- 'Dont you think that if AFSPA wasn't in
place and your son had to ask for warrant against those terrorist who
were hiding in that house, he would be alive today?' (NDTV)

My only hope, sir, comes from the reply the brave mother gave. She
said, while weeping, that if she had another son, she would've sent
him too, to fight the enemies of the nation.

Editor's (RAVI RIKHYE) comment Back in the US of A,

we too have our problems with "intellectuals", movie stars, and the
media. But though they get much attention, they don't represent
America. We suspect its the same back in India. The new generation in
America gives Editor, at least, great hope for the future. We are
equally sure that despite the stupidities that reader Kamal has to
endure, as part of the Indian younger generation he will help create
the change India needs

Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear
of punishment and hope of reward after death." --
Albert Einstein !!!










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