Saturday, September 18, 2010

A thoroughly bogus ‘revolution’ —Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur <>
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 10:08:32 +0500
Subject: ANALYSIS: A thoroughly bogus 'revolution' —Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur

*Dear Agha Humayun Amin Sahib,*

* I hope all
is well with you. I'm sending my piece, "A** thoroughly bogus 'revolution'**"
which was printed in the 'Daily Times' today for your kind perusal.***

* With Very Best Regards*
* Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur*

ANALYSIS: A thoroughly bogus 'revolution' —Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur

A revolution is a revolution only when it is thorough, otherwise it is a
thoroughly bogus revolution. If only the heads of the Sindhis and the Baloch
roll down from this revolution's economic plus law and order guillotine, it
is ethnic suppression and not a revolution

Revolution, like patriotism, has become the last refuge of scoundrels who
seek survival by demanding something they pathologically fear and abhor.
Altaf Hussain demands a 'patriotic generals'-led French Revolution and seeks
the economic annihilation of waderas and jagirdars (feudals and landlords)
by the occupation of their lands. He, his party and others of their ilk want
to hoodwink people with bogus revolutionary slogans. Power and pelf make
people do things that ordinary mortals like us cannot even half comprehend.

Remarkably, the average wealth of the MQM's honest middle-class MNAs is Rs
25 million; an impartial assets review since 1980 would reveal the bitter
truth. Naturally, redistribution of this wealth is glossed over and not a
word about the land that its land mafia owns is uttered. The MQM also
opposes flood relief property tax in urban Sindh; duplicitous conduct is it

Selective amnesia afflicts these bogus revolutionaries. Neither he nor his
deceitful co-revolutionaries ever mention the tyranny at the Okara Military
Farms or mazarains' (tenants') rights nor demand punitive measures against
industrialists and businessmen. They never demand appropriation of the
generals' lands in Guddu, Kotri Barrages or Chashma-Jhelum Link Canal. They
conveniently forget the innumerable Chak Shahzads and also the plots and
privileges that the judiciary, the bureaucracy and the military have.

All enthusiastically condemn the mirs, pirs, waderas and sardars, but not a
word is uttered about the Manshas, Hashwanis, Monnoos, Schons, Razzaks,
Habibs, Saigols, Malik Riazs, etc, as if these angel incarnates devote their
lives to the selfless and profitless service of mankind. This chorus for
revolution brazenly stinks of ethno-centric bias specifically targeting the
Sindhis and the Baloch. Even the print media puts waderas, jagirdars and
sardars in italics while other parasites are spared this honour.

Revolution has its own logic and charts its own course; it cannot be
tailor-made for targeting the Sindhis and the Baloch only. Revolution should
destroy the existing order completely. A revolution is a revolution only
when it is thorough, otherwise it is a thoroughly bogus revolution. If only
the heads of the Sindhis and the Baloch roll down from this revolution's
economic plus law and order guillotine, it is ethnic suppression and not a

So why stop at the occupation of waderas' and jagirdars' lands only, why not
occupy the generals' lands? Why not urge the workers to take over industries
and businesses and share the enormous profits among themselves? Why not let
the people appropriate the profits of the stock exchanges where billions of
rupees exchange hands daily? This would obliterate economic disparity in
weeks rather than decades. Why not immediately commandeer the profits of the
economic empire of the army for distribution among the people too? But that
will touch a raw nerve.

Why not admit poor children free of cost to half the seats in all the posh
private educational institutions that cater only to the moneyed and feudal
classes and thereby mint money quicker than the State Bank does? It would
level out the playing field but would the gentry allow their children to rub
shoulders with slum-dwellers? Transport problems must be eased by making
multiple car owners surrender extra cars to those who have none, and by
making transport companies reserve half the seats for poor people's free

Should owners of all the houses measuring more than 120 square yards not be
made to share them with their servants, the homeless and slum dwellers? This
would solve housing problems and eradicate the feudal mindsets that exist in
palatial houses; moreover servant abuse would become history.

Profits of all fast food chains, starred hotels and eating joints should be
requisitioned so that their billions are distributed equitably. Moreover,
these businesses should compulsorily be made to reserve 50 percent seats
during business hours for free food and service to poor and homeless people.
Incidentally, if the poor are served in these joints you will come to know
where the real feudal mindset lies because none of the 'down with feudalism'
crowd would like to patronise places where dirty, smelly, bedraggled people
are served.

But all these suggestions will seem extremely disagreeable, unreasonable,
unviable and even preposterous to supporters of the bogus revolution because
they promote an ethno-centric revolution and not the French Revolution. All
they want to do is neutralise whatever remaining economic clout the Sindhis
and the Baloch possess. A thorough revolution is an anathema for counterfeit
revolutionaries because they stand to lose more than the waderas and
jagirdars in it.

In the wake of the floods, compassion for the dispossessed Sindhi and Baloch
has surged but no one bothered when old Sindhi villages in Karachi were
uprooted by the MQM city government or when 10,000 residents of 600-year-old
villages were dispossessed to make way for the Super Highway, DHA. No one
utters a word at the daily killings of the Baloch in Balochistan or the FC
firing at IDPs in Quetta. All this reinvigorated hate for feudalism smacks
of deeply rooted ethno-centric bias.

It is indeed a sad day for revolution and revolutionaries that the
honourable legacy of Voltaire, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh and Che
Guevara has come to a pass where Altaf assumes the vanguard role. I advise
the true revolutionary cadre to take charge of revolution; if not they
better compromise with the extortionists, kneecap drillers, land and drug
mafias and robber barons. They will have to reconcile with the fact that the
corrupt elite, i.e. the industrialists, businessmen, bankers, waderas and
jagirdars and the establishment, i.e. the military, bureaucracy and
politicians, who have usurped the rights of the common man will continue to
decide their destiny till eternity.

The writer has an association with the Baloch rights movement going back to
the early 1970s. He can be contacted at\09\19\story_19-9-2010_pg3_4

Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear
of punishment and hope of reward after death." --
Albert Einstein !!!

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