Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pakistan-A Unique State

How to define a pathetic state :--

1-Survived in 1971 because Nixon warned Indira Gandhi not to overrun
West Pakistan.This point discussed in detail by Nixon and Kissinger in
his memoirs.

2-Survived being totally isolated and from economic breakdown because
of crumbs thrown by USA because of Soviet Afghan War of 1979-88 and
Afghan war of 2001-till to date.

3-All major political and military leaders including army chief ,
president and prime minister appointed by USA and whose tenures are
guaranteed by US government.

4-Civil officials mostly middle class or lower middle class are so
corrupt that Pakistans financial minister admitted that some 750
Billion Rupees are misappropriated every year.

5-Main export is terrorism to neighbouring countries while constantly
moans and cribs that it is victim of terrorism.Has to its credit
completely destroying Afghanistans infra structure from 1978 till 2010
and is now lead figure in attempting to broker peace between
extremists and USA !

6-Parliament consists of Guiness book level crooks and swindlers and
tax evaders !

7-Military famous for breaking the country from 1958 to 1971 and
possibly again in between 2010 and 2013 and also famous for having
largest business and real estate value in the country !

Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear
of punishment and hope of reward after death." --
Albert Einstein !!!

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