Thursday, January 27, 2011


In Egypt, police us water cannon and tear gas, in dispersing the

26.01.2011 20:51

Egyptian police began to disperse thousands of demonstrators on the
capital's central El Tahrir Square. According to information received,
a unit of the riot police some time ago began to use tear gas grenades
and water cannons, pusjing protesters in the surrounding streets.

From 20 to 30 thousand people gathered Tuesday night in downtown Cairo
in the "Day of Anger" - anti-government protests organised by the main
opposition parties and movements of the country in the wake of recent
events in Tunisia. Protesters have promised to hold an indefinite
strike until such time until their demands are met - the resignation of
the government, dissolve parliament, raise in wages. Previously,
authorities have warned they will not allow protesters to remain on
Tahrir square.

Reportedly, the protesters resisted police, periodically engage them in
skirmishes. Riot police, trying to calm the raging crowd, is also
actively beating protestors with rubber truncheon. To the area have
been sent dozens of ambulances.

On Tuesday, in clashes with security forces, three people were killed ,
including two protesters and a policeman having received a fatal injury
from a stone thrown from the crowd, reportsITAR-TASS.

Posted By -- to FOR BOLSHEVISM - AUCPB on 1/27/2011 04:29:00 AM

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