Monday, January 24, 2011

TimothyDeLaGhetto And The New Boy Band

There are some who don't really take TimothyDeLaGhetto all that seriously as far as his music is concerned, but maybe the following video will make you change your mind. Tim along with a bunch of his buddies Andrew Garcia, JR Aquino, LeeJay Abucayan, Passion and Jesse Barrera stopped by the local radio station in Aquino's hometown of Anchorage, Alaska where they were promoting a concert and sang a bit.

I've seen most of these guys in other videos Tim has posted and in a few they sang a little, but they did sound pretty darn good here. I saw this video right after Tim posted it and haven't had a chance to post it here for more folks to check it out. Once again, thumbs up.

While I'm adding that last video, I thought I had to post this other one Tim did months ago that I laugh at every time I see it. All I can say is that if I woke up with a girl as butt ugly as supereeego (Eric Ochoa) I'd be chewing my arm off lol.

Yup, Eric makes one UG-ly girl, near or far. You might want to check out his channel too as he's now topped 200,000 subscribers. You have to wonder what Bruno Mars thinks about this parody.

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