Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Pakistani Left

Messages In This Digest (7 Messages)



CMKP supports strike at Abu Dawood Logistics

Posted by: "imran"   isb_666

Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:40 am (PST)

Today (19.01.2011), there is a strike of all the delivery personnel at Abu Dawood Pakistan, a multinational logistics and distribution company located at 10km Raiwind Road, near Wild Life Park, Lahore.

Over a year ago, the delivery personnel were promised by the management of Abu Dawood that they would receive a 2-liter petrol allowance for their delivery motorcycles. Naturally, this agreement was left unfulfilled, because the prevailing trend among capitalists in the Raiwind and Thokar area is to outdo the next capitalist in exploiting workers and employees. By squeezing workers and employees of every drop of their labor, by cutting benefits and allowances, the moneybags add slightly higher profits to their mountains of wealth.

Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party's Comrade Irfan Ali immediately visited these strikers and offered guidance and support. A response from the management is expected by today's end. If the response is negative, then the labor court option can be used.

Victory to the workers!


A big gathering of Anjuman Muzareen Okara.

Posted by: "Amir"   amirmax_parvez

Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:43 am (PST)

A big gathering of Anjuman Muzareen Okara.
a Muzareen meeting held in Okara Chak No 5/4L District Okara. This Program is arranged under presidency of Younis Iqbal Founder and Chairman of Anjuman Muzareen Punjab. In this program members are elected from four farms of Okara district for Anjuman Muzareen Okara Unit. In addressing to mass people of Muzareen Founder and Chairman Younis Iqbal said our purpose to organize this committee to work better way in Okara Unit.
and i hope from these new members that they will do hard work for Anjuman Muzareen Punjab. In the end all peasants women,men and Children say prayer for soul of Bashir Shaheed.
There names are as Below.
Talub Hussain Number dar 3/4L Okara.
Ch. Abdual Jabar 5/4L Okara, Chairman Okara Unit.
Hamaid Ali Dakuo Depalpur,Vice Chairman Okara Unit.
Nadeem Abbas Ch. 5/4L Okara, President Okara Unit.
Yoquoob Sahotra Teh RenalaKhurad, Senior Vice President Okara Unit.
Khlaid Jutt 45/3R Okara, First Vice president Okara Unit.
Ashiqu Jutt 3/4L Okara, Vice President Okara Unit.
Nasir Kamboo from Kulania State, General Secretary Okara Unit.
James Masih 45/3R Okara, Additional General Secretary Okara Unit.
David Rahmit 10/4L, Press Secretary Okara Unit.
Haji Rasheed 4/4L, Finance Secretary Okara Unit.
Munwer Bibi 11/4L, President Women wing Okara Unit.

these are Anjuman Muzareen videos on youtube.

Reported by: Amir Parvez


Living in Alice's Wonderland By: The Anonymous Greying Wise Man

Posted by: "Mobeen Ahmed Chughtai"

Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:38 am (PST)

Living in Alice's Wonderland —The Anonymous Greying Wise Man


My purpose is to furnish the wake-up call our dear bearded 'peaceful Muslim ulema' have so considerately served all of us all hot and passionate; but I wish to furnish it cold so you can feel the flash-burn of intense chill as you savour its sour taste

"The players all played at once without waiting for turns, quarrelling all the while, and fighting for the hedgehogs; and in a very short time the Queen was in a furious passion, and went stamping about, and shouting 'Off with his head!' or 'Off with her head!' about once in a minute. Alice began to feel very uneasy: to be sure," and she is not alone. In the Mumliqat-e-Khuda-daad-e-Pakistan (God's country Pakistan), another such cry resounds. It seems the queen got her wish at least once; how else would you describe what happened to the erstwhile governor of not so very yore. Poor chap, much like anyone of us — you or I. You, if you can read this article as is without the benefit (or otherwise) of translation; you, who are fortunate enough to have found a comparatively better education in a system that has developed faults along 'class lines'.

So let the propagandising begin. First things first.

Am I a fan of Salmaan Taseer?

Not really. To be fair I was a critic of most of Mr Taseer's policies. That is not to say that I had designated him to the same depths of the trash bin of ineptitude that most Pakistanis had thought fair for him before his sudden and tragic dismissal from office and life. The guy had his minuses and his pluses — like any one of us. Or must the age-old adage of 'let he who is without sin, cast the first stone' be repeated?

His chief political opposition (tells a lot about a person, by the way) gave the man many unsavoury epithets but that was their job, was it not? Can they truly be blamed?

But how will we deflect blame from the needless gossiping about the Governor's many 'private' faults that we all partook of aplenty? From the corporate water cooler to the motorcycle parking — whenever individuals have congregated for a shared cigarette — 'the Governor's latest antic' was one of the topics of 'choice'.

What we forgot was that the man was, again, just a man; that his private life was just that — private; that both the spirit of Islam and modern, secular and broadminded thought encourage healthy exchange of ideas of a 'constructive' nature. Needless destruction is abhorrent to progress.

I submit to you that the events surrounding Mr Taseer's murder and this society's relationship to those events is indicative of a society gone as mad as Alice's Hatter. How appropriate, then, for the echo of the minaret to reach every dim-witted Islamic-drone (not that every drone is dim-witted, no sir). How appropriate for a fast-lumpenising society with a majority represented by the Mumtaz Qadris of the world out to empty their payload into the collective laps of the nearest, most vocal, liberals.

"Off with his head," they say, they cheer.

Is not the call of the Sunni Ittehad Council barring all (gasp) "kind-of-Muslims" (they would say it if they could, you know) from protesting against the murder of Salmaan Taseer just that — an infringement of your constitutionally guaranteed right to assembly and freedom of expression?

Do you feel the sting of that slap on your face? I do.

But what is the point of prattling on and on stating the obvious over and over again ad infinitum? I do not want to sound like some kind of impotent 'senior analyst' trying to instill the fear of God (literally) into the liberals. That is not my purpose.

My purpose is to furnish the wake-up call our dear bearded 'peaceful Muslim ulema' have so considerately served all of us all hot and passionate; but I wish to furnish it cold so you can feel the flash-burn of intense chill as you savour its sour taste. Nothing less seems to rouse us from our collective slumber. We are a nation of a so-called secular, so-called moderate, so-called peaceful and so-called progressive majority besieged by the horse-carts and wagon-trains of literate cavemen — or are we?

I do not want to add the word 'shaheed' (martyr) in front of Salmaan Taseer's name — not because his assassination was not important or because it carries no weight. I do not want to do it because I hate playing on the enemy's turf. And over the last few years I have felt that, increasingly, anyone and everyone dying an unnatural death in Pakistan has somehow attained 'shahadat-dom'. I mean, even grammatically the word has lost its pristine meaning — it has become mundane and everyday. But let us not stoop to sheer semantics, either. Let us talk of important things.

We are in a state of war, my friends. And if you do not 'get with the programme', so to speak, and do it 'pronto' — soon you would not even remember what the freshness of original thought even felt like.

We need a change; a revolution, yes, but I am sick and tired of people dressing up evolutionary practice as revolutionary change. We need the Renaissance too, and much like in the experience of Europe, it would not come cheap.

The only question is: what are you going to do about it?

The writer is a war correspondent from Pakistan and has been associated with journalism for six years. He can be reached at

The Student Magazine New Edition Jan 2011

Posted by: "nsf_pk_org"   nsf_pk_org

Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:59 am (PST)

Dear Comrades,
National Student Federation Lahore publishes a magazine " The Student ", and its new edition is out now, in which we raised the current issues over the privatization, solidarity caravan for Palestinian people, curriculum, partition of Bangladesh and Asian Conciliation. You can all read it by the link given below:

NSF Lahore


IAPSCC hails the victory of the Tunisian People's Struggle

Posted by: "Manik Mukherjee"   aiaif_2006

Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:16 am (PST)

International Anti-Imperialist and People’s Solidarity Coordinating Committee (IAPSCC)

77/2/1 Lenin Sarani, Kolkata 700 013
Tel: +91-33-22653550  Fax : +91-33-2264 7754
President : Ramsey Clark
Former Attorney General, USA
Founder, International Action Centre
General Secretary : Manik Mukherjee
Vice-President, All India Anti-imperialist Forum

January 17, 2011
IAPSCC hails the victory of the People of Tunisia
Manik Mukherjee, General Secretary of International Anti-imperialist and Peoples' Solidarity Coordinating Committee (IAPSCC), has issued the following statement :
IAPSCC salutes the people of Tunisia for their victory over the dictatorial rulers, backed by the imperialist powers. The Tunisians were oppressed for many years with denial of civil liberties, rigged elections and soaring prices of food and all essential commodities. Being driven to the end of their tether they rose up in rebellion against the imperialist-backed rulers by organizing sustained and militant protest movements and forced the President to step down and leave the country in ignominy. We wish success to the effort of the Tunisian people to bring about a people-friendly Government which would look after their interest. Their struggle once more brings home the truth that if the people are united in an organized militant movement based on just and legitimate demands they can bring down an oppressive dictatorial regime. This is a lesson not just for the downtrodden Arab people, but for all the freedom loving democratic people all over the world
who are fighting against imperialism and for justice, dignity and legitimate rights. Let the inspiring example of the courage and perseverance of the people of Tunisia strengthen the solidarity of the oppressed, exploited people all over the globe.

Manik Mukherjee

General Secretary
International Anti-imperialist and
People's Solidarity Coordinating Committee (IAPSCC)
All India Anti-imperialist Forum (AIAIF)
77/2/1 Lenin Sarani
Kolkata 700 013, India
Phone : + 91 (033) 2265 3550
Mobile : +91-983 122 1463
Fax : + 91 (033) 2264 7754
E-mail :


Taseer's murder exposes liberals crisis: Adaner Usmani

Posted by: ""

Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:22 am (PST)


A page from the past: Mir M.A Talpur writes on Baloch struggle

Posted by: "Aziz Narejo"   anarejo

Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:47 pm (PST)

A brief account of various phases of Baloch struggle and the oppression they
have faced.

Aziz Narejo
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