By Camilo Cahis With representatives from 7 different regions, the Venezuelan comrades held their re-founding Congress of the Venezuelan section of the IMT in Caracas, taking the opportunity to launch their new paper, "Lucha de Clases" (Class Struggle). Also present were workers from three occupied factories (INAF, Gotcha and INVEVAL). The comrades have had to deal with very difficult internal conditions over the past year but the mood was one of great enthusiasm and optimism, and they are committed to playing an important role within the PSUV and the Venezuelan revolution. | By Camilo Cahis A delegation of comrades of the IMT from several countries is visiting Venezuela, attending the congress of the Venezuelan Marxists and bringing support for the formation of the Fifth International. On their first day they were taken on a tour of the INAF factory, which has been occupied by the workers and is under their management. | By Hugo Prieto - Ultimas Noticias We republish here an interview with Alan Woods by the Venezuelan daily newspaper, Ultimas Noticias, published in its Sunday edition, which has a print run of around 300,000. Alan insists that the revolution is in danger and what is required is to expropriate the oligarchy. | By HoV Denmark More than 100 protestors on Tuesday took part in a picket in Copenhagen to commemorate the defeat of the CIA-backed coup in Venezuela on the 13 April eight years ago. The event was also a protest against the continued aggressions and coups on part of Imperialism in Latin America. | | | ESPAÑOL | By Hugo Prieto - Ultimas Noticias "Sin el control de la banca y los sectores neurálgicos, no se puede hablar en Venezuela de una economía planificada y, por tanto, socialista. Alan Woods lo dice en una sola frase 'no puedes planificar, lo que tú no controlas'" La edición dominical de Últimas Noticias, el diario venezolano con un tiraje de 300.000 ejemplares, publicó esta entrevista el 18 de abril. | |
| OTHER LANGUAGES | By Modaira Rubio - Correo del Orinoco A del Orinoco egy napilap Venezuelában, amit a PSUV baloldali vezetője Vanessa Davies üzemeltet. A lap 100.000 példányban kerül nyomtatásra. Április 14-i számában egy egész oldalas interjút tett közzé a pakisztáni marxistával, Lal Khannal. | By Patrick Larsen, da Caracas Nel percorso che porterà alle elezioni di settembre, l'opposizione si sta preparando su diversi fronti. Da una parte c'è il sabotaggio economico, dall'altra le manovre degli elementi di destra presenti all'interno dello stesso movimento bolivariano. Nel frattempo, tutto questo sta esercitando un effetto di radicalizzazione a sinistra. | By Corrente Marxista Internacional Marx e Engels começaram o seu combate político com o Manifesto do Partido Comunista proclamando a necessidade da classe operária organizzar-se internacionalmente. O presente artigo explica como os marxistas prosseguem este combate nos dias de hoje. | | |
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