By Hamid Alizadeh The Ashura uprising marked the beginning of a new phase in the movement of the Iranian masses that started last June. At the time we wrote that a point of no return had been crossed and that it was becoming increasingly apparent for vast active layers of the masses that the movement had to first of all topple the Islamic Republic with its state apparatus and military machinery. Ironically, the so called green movement have been seemingly in a lull ever since. | By Alex Grant The leaders of the world's 20 richest nations are visiting Toronto in June, and they want your money. They want your job, your home, your education, your health care, your public transport, your social services, your pension, and your paycheque. They want to take anything that makes life even halfway bearable. They want all of these things to pay for the mess that they, and their capitalist buddies, created. But, we are not just going to sit and let them. | By Hands Off Venezuela Britain As part of their visit to Britain in May 2010 to attend the Hands Off Venezuela conference, Venezuelan revolutionaries Katy Jaimes and Elias Chacón also spoke at fringe meetings at the conferences of the Public Commercial and Services Union in Brighton and the Communication Workers Union in Bournemouth. | By Ted Grant in 1972 Class polarisation and radicalisation of the Spanish workers, youth and middle class showed at the end of 1972 that the days of the Franco regime were numbered. Ted Grant examined the paramount importance of the coming revolution in Spain for the international working class and criticised the Spanish CP leaders who appeared to have learnt nothing from the defeat in the Civil War. | | | ESPAÑOL | By Manos Fuera de Venezuela - Gran Bretaña Unos 50 activistas participaron en una jornada muy intensa de los debates durante la Conferencia de la camapaña Manos Fuera de Venezuela en Londres, el 22 de mayo. Los invitados principales de la Conferencia fueron Katy Jaimes Chacón y Elías, miembros activos del Partido Socialista Unido (PSUV) y la juventud del PSUV, así como en el movimiento de fábricas ocupadas, que había viajado desde Venezuela para informar sobre la situación actual de la revolución bolivariana. | By Vladimir Morozov Se está desarrollando una situación explosiva en el Kuzbass, el corazón de la industria minera de Rusia. 66 mineros murieron en un accidente de trabajo y nada se sabe de otros 24 (según otras fuentes), pero la cifra real de mineros muertos probablemente alcance los 150. El dolor se transformó en ira al conocerse las mentiras y la indiferencia de la empresa y del gobierno. | By Corriente Marxista Internacional - Estado Español Hoja de la Corriente Marxista Internacional para la huelga de funcionarios del 8 de Junio - Las movilizaciones convocadas son el primer paso. El siguiente: una HUELGA GENERAL. Descargar en pdf. | |
| OTHER LANGUAGES | By Alan Woods In de nacht van 24 maart, 1980, werd aartsbisschop Oscar Arnulfo Romero doodgeschoten door moordenaars, die dit bevel rechtstreeks hadden gekregen van de conservatieve oligarchie die heerste over het land. Hij werd vermoord omdat hij een stem gaf aan de behoeften van de armen. Tot de dag van vandaag is er nog geen gerechtigheid geschiedt en de mensen in El Salvador wachten daar nog steeds op. | | |
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