Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Andrew Lansley's Health Bill picked up by Care UK

What's going on?

The below-pasted snippets from today's Daily Telegraph.

It is as if the Telegraph has had a truth drug put in its editorial tea.
Or has woken from a deep slumber.
Or maybe they just do not like anyone who says to them, "Call me Dave"

Whatever, it is a very welcome development. I feel the stirrings of hope within my thorax. Maybe the Coalition is about to execute a majestic U-Turn over the Health and Social Care Bill.

Andrew Lansley, the shadow health secretary, is being bankrolled by the head of one of the biggest private health providers to the NHS, The Daily Telegraph can disclose. John Nash, the chairman of Care UK, gave £21,000 to fund Andrew Lansley’s personal office...Mr Nash, a private equity tycoon, manages several businesses providing services to the NHS...96 per cent of Care UK’s business, which amounted to more than £400 million last year, came from the NHS.

Lansley is not alone in having some financial explaining to do.

The private office of George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, is funded by the hedge-fund bosses Michael Hintze of CQS and Hugh Sloane of Sloane Robinson...Alan Duncan, the then Energy spokesman, was heavily criticised after it emerged that his private office was being funded by Ian Taylor, the chairman of Vitol, a firm of oil traders. 

This Health Bill is rejected or questioned by almost all significant experts. There is evidence that Dave is worried about it.

We can be certain that GPs will be wheeled out in the next few days saying it is a good idea, but they will be the ones who will get fancy salaries and bonuses from running the GP Commissioning authorities.

The Health Bill will be to the detriment of the UKs health care. Nobody wants it except those who expect to get their snouts in the trough. Now we have a direct financial link between a private consortium and the Health Secretary who is passing law that will benefit that consortium, part of a pattern of links that demonstrate unacceptable, anti-democratic practices.

I have a feeling we can win this one.

I also have a feeling that there may be a General Election within a year. This is not a prediction,  unless it happens, in which case it is.

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