Sunday, January 16, 2011

John Cleese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett: Class

Rebel Newsflash: John Cleese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett: Class (plus 20 more items)

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John Cleese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett: Class

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 07:28 AM PST

The classic line... "I know my place".

Cleese, Barker and Corbett take the pee out of the English class system. Upper, middle and lower classes.

Bizarre Shrine in Loughner's Backyard for Jewish Ritual of Sukkot

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 04:33 AM PST

Note that the bizarre shrine pictured in the Loughners' backyard came from the NY Daily News. It isn't Internet gossip or rumors. Note that oranges in the shrine are shrivelled. The feast of Sukkot is in September or October and the harvest of fruit is a big part of it. I suspect that rather than construct an elaborate booth in their backyard each year for this ritual, some Jews simply keep the same shrine and booth in their backyard.

This strongly, strongly indicates that the Loughner family were not only Jews, they were practicing Jews carrying out the cultural rituals of Judaism. This additional evidence strongly supports the early statement by Jared Loughner's friend, Bryce Tierny that Jared's mother is Jewish.

Greece to Build Wall to Keep Out Turks

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 12:20 AM PST

A Reuters article reports: "The U.N. refugee agency voiced concern on Friday that Greece's proposed 12.5 km-long fence at its border with Turkey will shut out asylum-seekers fleeing violence and abuse in their troubled homelands. The fence could lead illegal migrants, including people in need of international protection, to resort to even riskier routes with the help of unscrupulous human traffickers, it said."

An Analysis of the Missile of Flight 175

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 06:24 PM PST

What bothers me is the fact that the fireballs seem to be exploding much too quickly to be merely jet fuel. As you know, I am of the opinion that depleted uranium tipped missiles preceded the entry of each plane, by a few milliseconds of impact. This is apparently what caused the white flash seen as each plane impacted the tower. The depleted uranium warhead would have created a super-heated space inside the tower which would have detonated any pre-placed thermate charges on the floor (for example in the large "battery" racks in the computer room, which were "never turned on," according to a person who worked there) and ignited the dispersed jet fuel. The DU-tipped missile was the trigger of the spectacular fireballs witnessed by millions.

Wall Street Goldman Sad Sachs to Reveal Historic Profit Methodologies

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 05:33 PM PST

"Behind every great fortune there is a great crime" - Honore de Balzac

"In recent months, as Goldman has fended off widespread accusations that it has become the leading example of the gambling culture permeating Wall Street." Posted by Shahien Nasiripour.

Transparency has now become the new buzz word deception for incoherent Wailing Wall Street anomalies the Social Darwinists.

Gardasil Exposed: Deadly vaccine pushed on millions of young boys and girls worldwide

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 09:29 AM PST

Gardasil is a vaccination that has been linked to multiple deaths and over 8,000 adverse reactions. Recently, the FDA approved this deadly injection to be used against anal cancer. This means that in addition to pushing Gardasil on millions of young men and women to "prevent" the human papillomavirus (HPV), Gardasil is now marketed towards men and women up to age 26 as a "preventative" tool against anal cancer. As of January 2010, Gardasil has been linked to 49 deaths and countless side-effects, while cancer associated with HPV is only responsible for 1% of all cancer deaths. Why then, is it being recommended to millions worldwide?

As of June 2009, 15 million girls have been injected with the Gardasil vaccine. Out of 15 million people, 49 deaths may not seem like a lot. Unfortunately, however, there are many more cases of extreme side effects from the vaccination. In fact, the amount of adverse reactions was so high that Judicial Watch, a group that claims to expose government corruption, was forced to step in. Between May 2009 and September 2010 alone, Gardasil was linked to 3,589 harmful reactions and 16 deaths. Of the 3,589 adverse reactions, many were debilitating. Permanent disability was the result of 213 cases; 25 resulted in the diagnosis of Guillain-Barre Syndrome; and there were 789 other "serious" reports according to FDA documents.

Duval's 'Next Generation Democracy'

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 08:41 AM PST

In this edition of The Autograph a leader and thinker of the millennial generation Jared Duval is interviewed. Duval's new book "Next Generation Democracy" and his political views embedded in it are reviewed.

Will Asia, Africa Follow Latin America on Palestine?

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 07:12 AM PST

Thalif DeenWith seven Latin American countries formally recognising Palestine as an independent state, there is one question floating in the corridors of the United Nations: will Asia and Africa follow suit?

"It is a decision to be made by individual countries in their respective capitals," says one U.N. diplomat, who also ruled out any chances of a collective decision by regional or other power blocs such as the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) or African Union (AU).


In Corrupt Global Food System, Farmland Is the New Gold

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 04:19 AM PST

Famine-hollowed farmers watch trucks loaded with grain grown on their ancestral lands heading for the nearest port, destined to fill richer bellies in foreign lands. This scene has become all too common since the 2008 food crisis.

Food prices are even higher now in many countries, sparking another cycle of hunger riots in the Middle East and South Asia last weekend. While bad weather gets the blame for rising prices, the instant price hikes of recent times are largely due to market speculation in a corrupt global food system.

Kelvin MacKenzie and me

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 03:31 AM PST

I've met Kelvin MacKenzie now on two or three occasions. I've chatted to him on the phone about Andy Coulson. I spent an hour in the green room with him last Sunday chatting about the Lib Dems, Rupert Murdoch phone-tapping, etc. So I'm surprised he couldn't remember my name; or, if he did, chose not to share it with his readers. I appear in his column only as "the chap from the New Statesman" and "the bloke from the New Statesman". Can the Sun subs not spell "M-e-h-d-i" or "H-a-s-a-n"? I'm also amused that the only other journalist I've ever debated or spoken to who couldn't remember my name, despite being told twice on air what it was by the presenter, was the Sun's Trevor Kavanagh.

But let's look at the substance of Kelvin's column (and I use the word "substance" rather loosely):

HAITI: OAS Whitewashed Flawed Polls, Says Watchdog Group

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 09:43 AM PST

Fresh calls emerged Wednesday for Haiti to void its recent disputed presidential elections, following a new analysis from the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) showing serious and unprecedented flaws in the Nov. 28 voting process.

The CEPR analysis also challenges the Organisation of American States' (OAS) official review of the election which was released earlier this week, calling the report "fundamentally flawed".

Is Jared Loughner Another Medicated Killer?

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 06:27 PM PST

Acts of violence towards others are a genuine and serious adverse drug event associated with a relatively small group of drugs… We identified 1527 cases of violence disproportionally reported for 31 drugs. Primary suspect drugs included varenicline (an aid to smoking cessation), 11 antidepressants, 6 sedative/hypnotics and 3 drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). - Prescription Drugs Associated with Reports of Violence Towards Others

Shortly before he went on a killing spree in Tucson, Jared Lee Loughner wrote about sleepwalking in a way that sounded like he was affected by a sleep disorder known to be one of the more serious side-effects of antidepressants like Prozac.  Just hours before the shooting, Loughner posted this goodbye message to his friends on Myspace: "Please don't be mad at me...I cannot rest."

The moral treason of David Icke

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 05:08 PM PST

Are we going to let our world be destroyed so as not to offend a tiny number of people who accuse us of anti-Semitism to cover up the crimes they are committing against us? - Count Cherep-Spirodovich, The Hidden Hand, 1925 (paraphrased)

It is a moral crime against all humanity to defend Jews, Judaism or Jewishness in any way, because the Jewish religion commands its followers to kill or enslave all the non Jewish inhabitants of the world, according to its holy book, the Talmud. It also mandates its adherents MUST lie to non Jews or suffer penalties from its rabbis.

US Goes on the Offense in Lebanon

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 02:11 PM PST

When Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri met with president Obama on Wednesday, the meeting was read by the opposition in Beirut as part of an American plan to press for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) to issue its finding and indict individuals connected to Hezbollah. This meeting was preceded by another one with US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton who also pressed for the STL to go ahead and voiced its support for the Hariri's government. Such high profile statements and meetings with top US leaders indicate that the US government has put a veto on the Saudi efforts to resolve the internal Lebanese crises. This also explains why Saad Hariri was granted such high profile meetings with Obama and Clinton which in normal circumstances would not have taken place.

Britain's Squeezed Middle

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 07:23 AM PST

British politicians are fighting to win over the squeezed middle class society; those of average or above average income who struggle to pay the crippling bills and taxes. In this episode of the Big Story the question would be: Is Britain's middle class in crisis?

Disappointment May Yield to Distrust

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 12:27 AM PST

While U.S. officials took strong exception to outgoing Brazilian President Inacio Lula da Silva's recent complaint that "nothing has changed" in Washington's relations with Latin America two years into the Barack Obama administration, many independent U.S. analysts ruefully nodded their heads.

"(The administration) began very well," noted Abraham Lowenthal, a veteran Latin Americanist and founding president of the Inter-American Dialogue (IAD), at a forum last week at the Brookings Institution, where he serves as a senior fellow. "But it went awry."

Deprogramming Yourself

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 05:48 PM PST

A video by Eddie Consciousness Levin.

Dr. Who, David Icke, George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Alex Jones, Len Horowitz... and You.

Illegal Settlements: Canada's Money at Work

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 02:25 PM PST

Canada's tax system currently subsidizes Israeli settlements that Ottawa deems illegal, however, the Conservative government says there's nothing that can be done about it.

In June of last year, Guelph activist Dan Maitland emailed Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon concerning Canada Park, a Jewish National Fund of Canada initiative built on land Israel occupied after the June 1967 War. Three Palestinian villages (Beit Nuba, Imwas and Yalu) were demolished to make way for the park.

Post-Quake Haiti: One Year Later

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 02:23 AM PST

steve lendman

On January 12, 2010 at 21:53 GMT, 4:53PM in Haiti, the earth massively shook. For affected Haitians, it never stopped. The combination of initial shock, devastating destruction, vast loss of life, injuries, suffering, and human misery disrupted millions of Haitians already overwhelmed by crushing hardships.

A year ago, people wandered the streets dazed, searching for loved ones. Lost power cut communications except by satellite phone. Haiti's quake vulnerability was well known but little reported, and no advance precautions were taken.

To Liberate Palestine, Humanity: The Winning Attitude

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 02:34 PM PST

After I finished my last book on popular resistance in Palestine over the past 130 years, I became certain that political Zionism will fail and that Palestinian refugees will return to their homes and lands. My certainty is based on the lessons of history in Palestine and lessons from similar struggles like South Africa, Vietnam, and Algeria. Some of the peculiarities that will be critical for our success are:

- The incredible and inspiring history of the local popular resistance: The subtitle of my book is "A history of hope and empowerment". Over 200 forms of popular resistance are practiced including a wide spectrum of what we call in Arabic Sumud.  Resistance is the main thing that stood in the way of the Zionist project. Five and a half million Palestinians still live in the dreamed of "Eretz Yisrael".

Hard Times in Illinois

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 02:58 AM PST

steve lendman

With America's worst budget crisis per capita, Illinois reflects the crushing nationwide burden facing most states. As a result since 2008, they raised taxes, made big cuts in health care (including Medicaid), education and other social services. They also laid off thousands of state workers, cut pay and benefits for others, and plan more of the same going forward.

Collectively in FY 2011, state governments face about a $140 billion deficit, besides major shortfalls in large and small cities. In fact, according to Nick Johnson of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, this year "will actually be the most difficult budget year for states ever," and 2012 may be as or more challenging.

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