Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Salman Taseer Assasination

The assasination of Salman Taseer is a marginal issue for the vast bulk of Pakistans population.

The act got immense attention because the victim in this case was a key political figure holding a high institutional post and a man of this world who was among the top fifty richest people of Pakistan !

But what about hundreds of  lesser Salman Taseers being killed by Pakistans law enforcement agencies in staged encounters , by torture and for political persecution and extortion , in hundreds in all four provinces of Pakistan !

The Taseer episode may have great value for Pakistans more educated ,more well to do , more influential people but for the common Pakistani !
This is so because Pakistans common man is going through the darkest part of Pakistans economic history where mere survival has become difficult for him !
It wouldnot bewrong to say that Pakistan is now a suicide bombers factory where people are willing to sacrifice their life for a few thousand rupees !

People in Pakistan are selling their kidneys to survive ! Selling their children ! Pensioners are dying silent deaths of desperation !
But the Pakistani elite is enjoying life ! Expensive restaurants are full ! Expensive cars are on the road and multiply every day !
Pakistans crooks who constitute its politicians , civil servants (mostly lower middle class social climbers who make money with massive corruption in a few years of joing FBR,Police or DMG!) , generals , feudals and industrialists are enjoying life !
The army , the police , the intelligence has one role ! To keep the have nots under control !
Common man is being killed by police for money ! Baloch are killed by the intelligence !

People are sold to the US for being Taliban although most are innocent ! Drones attack and kill the innocent every day ! People are being killed with 155 mm artillery projectiles , with 7.62 mm machineguns ,with 12.7 mm guns in FATA,Swat ,Balochistan,Punjab ,Sindh !

Every body is being killed so blasphemy law is just one issue !

For the average Pakistani blasphemy law is not an issue !

Perhaps some mullahs who began their lives as fruit sellers selling fruit on carts like the Sunni Tehrik have adopted it as their pet issue ! Again all for money !

Salman Taseers death is tragic but so are the deaths of  hundreds of Pakistanis every day at the hands of Pakistans police , army and Pakistans landlords and politicians !
Pakistan is taking  a deep dive into chaos and anarchy !

Salman Taseer or no Salman Taseer , Pakistan is doomed !

The Pakistani elite is having a rollicking party since 1947 ! Pakistan is a tax evaders drug smugglers paradise !

The real issue in Pakistan is that those who matter control everything ! Some 2 % own 80 % of the wealth and only pay 9 % of taxes ! While the 98 % who own 20 % in assets pay 91 % taxes !

Tax as part of GDP has declined from 18 to 9 % in last ten years !

Major and most lucrative sectors like Agriculture , stock exchange , property are nominally taxed !
Pakistans issue is poverty ,injustice and exploitation !

Religious hatred is a result of frustration stemming out of poverty !
What difference does it make to a pensioner who gets 85 USD per month and dies a premature death from depression and psychosomatic dieseases whether Salman Taseer was unjstly gunned down or not !

So many unknown Salman Taseers are gunned down daily by Pakistans law enforcement agencies every day !

In Pakistan the have nots have only one choice ! Commit suicide or kill the rich ! Its all about economics !

I am not a religious man but this is my one one  cent humble assessment !

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