Friday, January 14, 2011


In Defence of Marxism
  Wednesday, 5 January 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  


The Tunisian SpringIn the last two weeks, the streets of Tunisia have been the scene of clashes between protesters and the forces of repression. The direct cause behind the outbreak of these events is the solidarity shown by the masses with a young man who immolated himself in the the town of Sidi Bouzid on the 17th December. After this incident, another young man (Hussein Falahi) committed suicide by jumping off a electricity pylon to protest against his unemployment. After this, a third young man, aged 34, committed suicide by jumping into a well in the Gdir region. These acts reflect the deep frustration that young Tunisians are experiencing.

By El Militante - Bolivia

La abrogación del DS 748 demuestra que no es la movilización la que peligra al proceso de cambio – como pretenden burócratas y oportunistas – sino son la pasividad y la exclusión de las bases las que fortalecen las corrientes procapitalistas, las infiltraciones de la derecha y detienen la avanzada del pueblo al socialismo.

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