Sunday, January 16, 2011

US Marine Slays Afghan Policeman over a tactical dispute

Messages In This Digest (11 Messages)



Obama Meets Georgian Despot; Holbrooke Knighted Posthumously

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:55 am (PST)

Civil Georgia
January 15, 2011

Obama Meets Saakashvili

-"The U.S. President tasked the National Security Council to continue cooperation to report on every concrete issue raised by the Georgian leader."
-Saakashvili also met with Republican Congressmen David Dreier and Bill Shuster, as well as Senator Joe Lieberman, who he awarded with the St. George's Victory Order. Saakashvili also met with Senator Richard G. Lugar, the top Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, and Senate Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin.

Tbilisi: U.S. President Barack Obama met his Georgian counterpart Mikheil Saakashvili in Washington on January 14 after the two leaders attended a memorial service for a veteran U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke, who died in December.

"Vice President Biden joined him for the conversation," the White House said in a statement.

"The leaders discussed Georgia's efforts to advance its economic development and increase trade. They also discussed security challenges in the Caucasus and the work of ISAF forces in Afghanistan, where brave Georgians stand shoulder to shoulder with American forces," it said.

The White House also said that President Obama thanked Saakashvili for making the trip to Washington for the memorial service and for the award that the Georgian President had bestowed on Richard Holbrooke.

The U.S. diplomat was awarded with Saint George's Victory Order posthumously for "promoting peace and democracy throughout the world, for his personal shares in strengthening Georgian-American relations, for his special support provided for Georgia." Shortly after Holbrooke's death President Saakashvili also announced renaming one of the streets in Tbilisi after Holbrooke, calling him his "trusted friend and confidant."

The Georgian President's administration said in a statement, that the meeting, which lasted "more than 25 minutes", was held "upon the initiative of the White House."

"Barack Obama reiterated steadfast political support towards Georgia," the Georgian President's administration said. "During the meeting, the leaders of two countries have agreed on a meeting in frames of a broader format."

"The U.S. President tasked the National Security Council to continue cooperation to report on every concrete issue raised by the Georgian leader," it said.

The first face-to-face meeting between Obama and Saakashvili was held on the sidelines of NATO summit in Lisbon in November.

In Washington President Saakashvili also met with U.S. House of Representatives Speaker, John Boehner, on January 12.

Saakashvili also met with Republican Congressmen David Dreier and Bill Shuster, as well as Senator Joe Lieberman, who he awarded with the St. George's Victory Order. Saakashvili also met with Senator Richard G. Lugar, the top Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, and Senate Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin.


U.S. Marine Slays Afghan Policeman

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:56 am (PST)

January 15, 2011

U.S. marine kills Afghan policeman after dispute

KABUL: A U.S. marine shot and killed an Afghan police officer Saturday after a dispute between the pair during a security operation in southern Afghanistan, the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said.
Violence in Afghanistan is at its worst since late 2001 when U.S.-backed Afghan forces overthrew the Taliban....

The insurgency has spread out of its traditional strongholds in the south and east over the past two years into once peaceful areas of the north and west. The north in particular has become a deadly new front in the war.

Last year, a record 711 foreign troops were killed, according to monitoring website, up from 521 in 2009.

Afghan security forces have been hit even harder than foreign troops. A total of 1,292 Afghan police and 821 Afghan soldiers were killed last year, according to the Afghan government.

Ordinary Afghans, however, have borne the brunt of the fighting. The United Nations has said 2,412 civilians were killed and 3,803 wounded in the first 10 months of last year, a 20 percent increase over 2009.

The Afghan government has said 5,225 insurgents were killed last year. (Reporting by Michelle Nichols, editing by Ron Popeski)


Pakistan: At Least 20 NATO Oil Tankers Set Ablaze

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:56 am (PST)

The Nation
January 15, 2011

20 NATO oil tankers torched near Dera Murad Jamali

At least 20 Nato oil tankers have been set ablaze when some unidentified miscreants opened indiscriminate firing on the tankers here in Naseerabad on Saturday while one driver received serious injuries and another is missing

According to eyewitnesses, four armed men opened indiscriminate fire on the 20 Nato oil tankers in Naseerabad near Dera Murad Jamali and set ablaze the oil tankers, injuring the driver. Soon after torching the tankers the miscreants succeeded in escaping from the scene.

The fire engulfed an adjacent hotel and market.

After the incident, the Levies Force closed the national highway from Sukkar to Quetta. The Levies Force has cordoned off the area and started a search operation while only one fire brigade arrived at the site to control the fire.


After TAPI, Pipeline Under Caspian For Turkmen Gas To Europe

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:22 am (PST)

Trend News Agency
January 15, 2011

President: Turkmenistan stands ready to study options and sign agreement on delivery of gas via Caspian Sea to Europe
G. Hasanov

Ashgabat: Turkmenistan is ready to study options for gas supply to Europe via the Caspian Sea both through subsea pipelines and tankers, and sign a relevant agreement, Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov told reporters Saturday in Ashgabat after meeting with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, who arrived in the Turkmen capital the night before.

In particular, speaking on the issues discussed during the extended meeting regarding various versions of delivery of Turkmen natural gas to the European markets, Berdimuhamedov noted "construction of a pipeline under the Caspian Sea, transportation of natural gas across the Caspian Sea on specialized ships, tankers."

According to the President, technical, commercial, financial and organizational issues related to implementation of such projects should be the topic of detailed discussions at the expert level in the near future, and the results of their work should be fixed in relevant agreements and contracts in the future.


NATO "Comes Together" With 45 Global Partners

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:25 pm (PST)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
January 13, 2011

Come together: why getting comprehensive matters

NATO's new direction, outlined by November's Strategic Concept, places a heavy emphasis on working with partners.

This partnership is important not just with non-Alliance countries; it's also needed with other organisations, who offer other, complementary skills.

The new Concept states clearly: 'The Alliance will engage actively to enhance international security, through partnership with relevant countries and other international organisations'.

This combining with other organisations and partners has become known as 'the comprehensive approach'.

Few doubt its merits. 'The comprehensive approach not only makes sense – it is necessary,' said NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen last year.

The approach benefits areas from healthcare to governance. It can help in conflict and post-conflict environments.

But, though the idea is not new, most concede a fully functioning comprehensive approach still needs more work and attention.

In this video (right), NATO Review asks NATO Defence Ministers and the UN's top envoy in Afghanistan about how, where and why the comprehensive approach can help.


NATO Pays Tribute To Dick "Bulldozer" Holbrooke

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:25 pm (PST)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
January 14, 2011

A tribute to Richard Holbrooke

-Ambassador Holbrooke's death came just as the U.S. Administration released its review of Afghanistan policy, which affirmed the decisions on Afghanistan that NATO Allies and Partners took at their Summit in Lisbon.
-Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussan honored Ambassador Holbrooke's legacy, "I pay tribute to his diplomatic skills, strategic vision and legendary determination. He knew that history is unpredictable; that we sometimes have to defend our security by facing conflicts in distant places; and that the transatlantic alliance remains indispensable."

On 13 December, 2010, President Obama's Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke, died at the age of 69. Heads of State and Government will gather in Washington on 14 January to honour this dedicated diplomat.

At the time of his death, he was President Obama's Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan. He will rightly be remembered for his success as a diplomat in negotiating an end to the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and for his part in the NATO efforts to ***resolve the crisis in Kosovo*** in 1998-99. But he also distinguished himself as an investment banker, a magazine editor, a charity executive and an author.

Ambassador Holbrooke was passionately committed to the search for peace in the former Yugoslavia. At Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, near Dayton, Ohio, Holbrooke negotiated the accords that ended the fighting in Bosnia. His role in this process won him a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize - an honour that he was nominated for several times over the course of his career.

He held numerous important positions in the US diplomatic service. He was Ambassador to the United Nations, Assistant Secretary of State twice, and Ambassador to Germany, helping Europe emerge from the Cold War and encouraging NATO to welcome new allies.

More recently, Ambassador Holbrooke, as the US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, dedicated himself to the people and problems of this complex region. As a key member of President Obama's team, he helped shape the United States' policy on the region. Ambassador Holbrooke's death came just as the U.S. Administration released its review of Afghanistan policy, which affirmed the decisions on Afghanistan that NATO Allies and Partners took at their Summit in Lisbon.

Ambassador Holbrooke's efforts over the years have supported NATO's efforts to bring peace and security, whether to expand the NATO alliance in the post-Cold War environment, to encourage NATO involvement in the Balkans, and most recently, working for peace in Afghanistan.

Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussan honored Ambassador Holbrooke's legacy, "I pay tribute to his diplomatic skills, strategic vision and legendary determination. He knew that history is unpredictable; that we sometimes have to defend our security by facing conflicts in distant places; and that the transatlantic alliance remains indispensable."


Afghan War: U.S. Troops In Russia For First Time Since Civil War

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:34 pm (PST)

Azeri Press Agency/Xinhua News Agency
January 15, 2011

Medvedev passes transit deal with U.S. to State Duma

Baku: Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Saturday forwarded an agreement between Moscow and Washington allowing the transit of U.S. weapons and troops through Russian territory to the State Duma for ratification, APA reports quoting Xinhua News Agency.

The intergovernmental agreement, which allows the transit of U. S. weapons and troops through Russian territory into Afghanistan, was inked on July 6, 2009, during U.S. President Barack Obama's visit to Moscow.

According to Obama, the deal "is a substantial contribution by Russia to an international effort," which will also save the U.S. troops time and money.

"The total number of such flights is up to 4,500 flights in one direction in a year," said a statement posted on the Kremlin website.
The weapons, military hardware, material and personnel allowed to be transited via Russia and thus bypassing Pakistan, will be used in international forces' operations in Afghanistan.

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov has been appointed as the presidential representative during the ratification process by the State Duma and the Federation Council, the two houses of the Russian parliament.


U.S. Air Forces Europe: 1/5 Of World, 51 States, 1 Billion People

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:43 pm (PST)

U.S. Air Forces In Europe
January 14, 2011

USAFE commander visits Aviano
by Staff Sgt. Julius Delos Reyes
31st Fighter Wing Public Affairs

AVIANO AIR BASE, Italy: The U.S. Air Forces in Europe's top brass visited Aviano Air Base Jan. 10 to 11 to learn firsthand about the base's mission, vision and priorities as well as to meet with its Airmen.

This was Gen. Mark A. Welsh III's first official visit to a USAFE wing since his assumption of command Dec. 13 at Ramstein Air Base, Germany.
General Welsh and Chief Master Sgt. David Williamson, USAFE command chief, accompanied by their wives, visited various base organizations including the 510th Fighter Squadron, 603rd Air Control Squadron, 31st Security Forces Squadron, 31st Force Support Squadron, 31st Logistics Readiness Squadron, 31st Comptroller Squadron and more.
General Welsh also discussed USAFE's No. 1 priority -- partnering to win today's fight.
As the USAFE commander, General Welsh is responsible for Air Force activities, conducted through 3rd Air Force, in an area of operations covering almost one-fifth of the globe. This area includes 51 countries in Europe, Asia and the Middle East and the Arctic and Atlantic oceans with total population reaching nearly one billion people.


Pentagon Orders List Of Elite Czech Scientists

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:50 pm (PST)

Czech Position
January 13, 2011

US government orders list of elite Czech scientists
CzechInvest and ČVUT are compiling databases of Czech scientists to attract business and foster international cooperation
Martin Rychlík

Two countrywide databases of research teams and scientists are currently being compiled in the Czech Republic. According to information obtained by Czech Position, the US government has ordered one of these databases, from the Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT), while the other database ("Who is Who in Czech Research") is being prepared by the Czech government agency CzechInvest.

Already a year and a half ago, the Pentagon commissioned a list of Czech scientists who excel in their field of research. "At the request of the American side we are currently, in cooperation with the Czech Ministry of Education, working on a comprehensive update of the list and on a summarization of the applied methodology for its utilization in other European countries," Vladimír Mařík, head of the ČVUT's department of cybernetics and coordinator for the selection of eminent scientific research teams, told Czech Position.

"In the previous selection, we picked around 120 scientific research teams for the Americans. How many teams will feature in this next stage is something we obviously don't know yet. But it's clear that [the list] will be far more extensive. This time, we are taking a cross-section approach across various scientific fields although we have yet to agree on a completion deadline," Mařík said. "The methodology applied in compiling the list for US government institutions proved very effective."

In compiling the previous selection, ČVUT's focus was on defense research, including laser technologies, and general IT research; this time around, a wider spectrum of scientific fields is targeted.

'Methodology applied in compiling the list for US government institutions proved very effective.'

Last summer CzechInvest, a Czech government agency promoting business and investment, started working on profile descriptions regarding scientific research. Currently around 70 profile descriptions have been completed of both scientific research institutions and innovative companies.

"The purpose is to draw attention to the technological advancement of Czech industry and research institutions and also to pinpoint above-average expertise in a given scientific field," said Štěpánka Filipová, director of communications at CzechInvest.

"Currently roughly six dozen of these profiles had been [selected] from the approximately 500 entities we have approached. We haven't set a final limit for the number of profiles – it's a freely expanding portfolio," she said. The data obtained will be made available by Czech embassies across the world.

There have been efforts to launch an online database. "An electronic database of interesting scientific research teams would be very desirable and there have already been several attempts at compiling one — for example the website. However, it so far failed to meet the financial requirements to set up such a system," Filipová said.


U.S. Builds Iraqi Air Force "From Scratch"

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:13 pm (PST)

U.S. Department of Defense
January 12, 2011

Airmen build foundation of Iraqi air force
by Staff Sgt. R. Michael Longoria
9th Air Expeditionary Task Force - Iraq

TAJI, Iraq: In an effort to strengthen the strategic partnership etween Iraq and U.S., Airmen assigned to the 821st Expeditionary Training Squadron here are helping the Iraqi government and its people develop a stable and self-reliant air force for their nation.

Airmen with the 821st ETRS work daily with the faculty and students at the Iraqi Air Force Training School to help it become a self-sufficient training pipeline for the Iraqi air force and Ministry of Defense.

"We have helped stand up a training school from scratch," said Lt. Col. Dawn A. Nickell, the 821st ETRS commander....

The school, which was established in 2007, offers professional military training, technical training and English language training for the Iraqi air force and MOD.
New Iraqi air force cadets and those returning to service will attend the basic military training and refresher training, respectively, to teach them the basics of being in the military and the importance of physical fitness.
For more advanced training, Iraqi airmen attend one of the school's 27 technical training courses....

To attend some advanced technical training, students must complete the school's English language training, which also satisfies the Iraqi air force's fourth core value, English language. The ELT at the Iraqi Air Force Training School is based on the Defense Language Institutes' program for teaching the English language. The program consists of 36 books and can take up to 12 months to complete.

The school's commandant and Colonel Nickell agree on the importance for all Iraqi airmen to learn English.

"English is the international language for aviation," Colonel Nickell said. "Mastering the English language is a key to the future success of Iraqi air force operations."

The success of the Iraqi air force will continue to grow with the continued support from U.S. advisors and U.S. Air Force Airmen are playing a tremendous part in providing that support.

"It is nice to see this blossoming school and know that U.S. Airmen are playing a big role in making it possible," Colonel Nickell said.


Report: NATO Loses Drone In Afghanistan

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:23 pm (PST)

Press TV
January 15, 2011

ISAF drone goes down in Afghanistan

Taliban militants claim they have shot down an unmanned aerial vehicle operated by the US-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in northeastern Afghanistan.

The Taliban said that they successfully targeted the aircraft in the Nejrab district of Kapisa province on Saturday, the Afghan Islamic Press reported.

However, ISAF dismissed the Taliban's claim, saying the drone crashed due to a mechanical failure, but did not announce the exact location of the incident.

A recovery force was immediately sent to the site of the crash and swiftly retrieved the wreckage of the drone.

Taliban militants say they have shot down several NATO and ISAF drone aircraft and helicopters in different parts of Afghanistan over the past few years.

US-led airstrikes have killed hundreds of civilians in various parts of Afghanistan over the past few months, with Afghans becoming more and more outraged over the seemingly endless number of deadly assaults.

A countless number of Afghan civilians have been killed since the beginning of the US-led war in October 2001.

Tens of thousands of Afghan civilians have reportedly lost their lives as a consequence of displacement, starvation, disease, lack of medical treatment, crime, and lawlessness resulting from the war.

In a recent report, Afghan Interior Minister Zemarai Bashary said that 2010 had been the deadliest year for civilians.

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