Saturday, April 9, 2011

"Take those acid-washed-jeans-bell-bottoms-designed-by-your-mama..." [How far have we really come]...

Image taken from here, sorry.

In 1989 De La Soul released '3 Feet High And Rising' [which, curiously, you can't get on either iTunes or Spotify... hullo?]... Track ten, rapped to the beat from 'God Made My Funky' by the Headhunters, was 'Take It Off" and read - essentially [and as my assumption] as a list of stuff that annoyed them, [rather like listening to an episode of all the stereotypes in Nathan Barley...]

Listening to the lyrics today, it's interesting to see how many of the brands remain prevalent and ubiquitous enough to annoy and how - with the perpetual trend for irony - these lyrics are just as relevant for the streets of 2011... Couple of tweaks here and there, and we've got a rerelease ready... Nice.

Walking around Barley's Shoreditch looking at people 'babbling in to hand-held twit machines' proves just this... [Y'all might also wanna have a look at last year's 'Being A Dickhead is cool' video here]... 'Course, this isn't a stab at culture, especially not since we've moved pretty much in to Shoreditch [Old Street ac-tu-a-lee], but more a point about postmodernity, where trends rise and fall, often that little more than 3 feet... [hi Kangol].

All the same - 23 years on, it's interesting how many examples on the list I still see... Oh, and for all those who've been wondering how many feathers a Perdue chicken has since 1989, Yahoo apparently now has that answer. Sick...

Lyrics taken from here:
Take that suede front off
Take those contacts off
Take that horse meat off
Take those shell-toes off
Take those track fleas off
Take that doo-rag off
Take that moth rag off
Take those fat laces off
Take that bomber off
Take that BVD off
Take those Converse off
And those Gazelles too [See the David Beckham ones here, what?!?]
Take that Kangol off [think we can safely say that happened...]
And that Jordache off
Take that afro off
Take that Jheri curl off
Take that Le Tigre off
Take those acid washed jeans [American Apparel], bell-bottomed [H&M current campaign] designed by your mama... off... for once... please...

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