Like the many quotes for attending the university this too made my head spin as I read. She plays both sides a lot. Remix Magazine has an editorial piece and photo shoot /interview with Emma Watson. The magazine is on the stands now. I have yet to see it and I don’t think I’ll be wasting my money on it. This is a pre-emptive post before those who read it via the magazine itself or some website. However, by the quote below I have a good idea what Emma says in it. I know what she is doing. Below is the only quote available at the moment. I’m going to show that to you and then let you match it up with her other quotes related to this most recent one in Remix magazine. Of course the blue links go back to my blog posts related to the word. I could use so many here but I’ll just limit it to a few.
Quote in magazine below reads "Playing Hermione has been such a big responsibility. Now it's over, it feels like a massive weight has been lifted off me! It's such a relief that I can just be myself - be Emma - again."
Quote in magazine below reads "Playing Hermione has been such a big responsibility. Now it's over, it feels like a massive weight has been lifted off me! It's such a relief that I can just be myself - be Emma - again."

From "That's why I cut my hair," she reveals. "I'd spend more than half my life being somebody else - with their hairstyle - and I wanted to be Emma and have my hair the way I wanted it. I didn't realise it, at the time, but it was actually incredibly symbolic having all this hair cut off that people so identified with Hermione. It felt great - it was very liberating - like I was shedding that old skin and starting a fresh, new chapter!" Why does she keep on talking about her hair? Ever since her magazine blitz before Deathly Hallows it's like Farewell tour 2010 continued into 2011? I don't think anyone cares about her hair anymore. As for Potter if you keep on talking about the more people will still recognize you for it. Besides part 2 of Deathly Hallows hits theaters in July so she will be linked to Hermione and Potter longer than she thinks. Keep in mind she has yet to do anything other than Potter. She's trying so hard to stay current it's sad. From Nov 2010 (10 questions for emma watson) Are you afraid of always being seen as Hermione? "Maybe it's ignorance, naiveté, but I really am not. I don't have this intense fear or a desire to separate myself from the role. I'm really proud of the work I've done. I'm a geeky Harry Potter fan myself, so it would be stupid to try and fight it."
For years Emma Watson has used the endearing character of Hermione to her advantage. She's also done this recently but of late she is trying to distance herself. Now Hermione was a thorn in her side now that she no longer has to do the Potter films. That's the excuse present day. I find it ironic that she comes out in a magazine called "Remix" to remix the history regarding her and the character she portrayed. This is the beginning stages of an image re-invention. She's not coming clean or being honest. She's trying to sweep it under the rug. With the quotes below I do not believe JK Rowling or any other brass connected to producing Potter or Warner Brothers tied her hands and put a gun to head telling her she has to say these quotes below. The Emma Watson-Hermione Granger personality connection is her doing.
From (Io Donna: March 2011) "I do not think I "ought" to be a model of reference for my fame. But I want to do something good by using my public image and reputation."
I hope after you read this you will see why above in my disclaimer in bold print yellow that I say Emma Watson is a media hyped and self created celebrity that uses the endearing character of Hermione to hide who she really is. It's all an act to cover up many things I've touched upon within this blog. She is a savvy person alright.
From March 16th 2011"One who knows her socially said that all her friends know to never mention Harry Potter. ‘She pulls a bad smell face if you even say the name,’ she said." From March 20 2011 "Watson - who has spent more than half of her life playing Hermione - once claimed her personality was fused with her character's to such an extent that in the latter films she hardly felt she was acting"
Here are just a few quotes showing Emma using Hermione both for and against. You can find these quotes all over my blog. I lucked out here with her newer quote above. It may make your head spin.
From BBC “It feels sometimes I don’t really have to act anymore, as I’m so close to her and know her so well. And there’s so much of me in her, and her in me that, it feels I’m barely doing anything sometimes. So, I think it’s been wonderful and I’m very fond of Hermione’s character and I think that she’s turned into someone that a lot of people can identify with and I think she’s a great role model.” From July 2007 “J K Rowling based the character on herself, so obviously she will have had a very strong idea of how she would develop, but maybe I have played a small part in the way she is growing up. It would be very flattering if I had. But I think that naturally I am so like Hermione anyway.” From "We’re complete opposites. Totally. I’m not a bookworm, she is. She’s obsessed with reading books and stuff, I’m not. She likes being indoors, I like being outdoors. She wears nerdy clothes, I’m obsessed with fashion. She’s bossy, she’s horrible, I hate her."
From 2007 "There are too many stupid girls in the media," Watson, tells Parade magazine in this weekend's issue. "Hermione's not scared to be clever. I think sometimes really smart girls dumb themselves down a bit, and that's bad." Likening certain aspects of her personality to HERMIONE'S, Watson says, "I'm a bit of a feminist. I'm very competitive and challenging." From March 2007 According to co-star Rupert Grint, who plays Harry's other best friend Ron Weasley, Emma is “tired of being known as 'that girl from Harry Potter'”. (emma held out from signing. She said education reason but she ended up getting more money) From July 2007 Parade magazine “I have too many friends on the set, and I love Hermione too much. I couldn’t see anyone else playing her. It would have killed me. There’s so much of me in her.”
From October 2010 “I hope I’m a little bit less serious than Hermione. I’m a bit more mischievous.” From Feb 2009 "I’d never go out in a mini-skirt. It’s nothing to do with protecting the Hermione image. I wouldn’t do that. Personally, I don’t actually think it’s even that sexy." (Shortly after this comment she started wearing MINI DRESSES From (sunday magazine 2009) “I loved the books—I was a massive fan. I just felt like that part belonged to me. I know that sounds crazy, but from that first audition, I always knew. At the beginning, they were casting the other characters as well — but I always knew I was going out for Hermione. She came so naturally to me. Maybe so much of myself at the time was similar to her.” From (Talking about Brown) "And this is going to sound so much like Hermione, but I find my comfort in reading books.”
From BBC “It feels sometimes I don’t really have to act anymore, as I’m so close to her and know her so well. And there’s so much of me in her, and her in me that, it feels I’m barely doing anything sometimes. So, I think it’s been wonderful and I’m very fond of Hermione’s character and I think that she’s turned into someone that a lot of people can identify with and I think she’s a great role model.” From July 2007 “J K Rowling based the character on herself, so obviously she will have had a very strong idea of how she would develop, but maybe I have played a small part in the way she is growing up. It would be very flattering if I had. But I think that naturally I am so like Hermione anyway.” From "We’re complete opposites. Totally. I’m not a bookworm, she is. She’s obsessed with reading books and stuff, I’m not. She likes being indoors, I like being outdoors. She wears nerdy clothes, I’m obsessed with fashion. She’s bossy, she’s horrible, I hate her."
From 2007 "There are too many stupid girls in the media," Watson, tells Parade magazine in this weekend's issue. "Hermione's not scared to be clever. I think sometimes really smart girls dumb themselves down a bit, and that's bad." Likening certain aspects of her personality to HERMIONE'S, Watson says, "I'm a bit of a feminist. I'm very competitive and challenging." From March 2007 According to co-star Rupert Grint, who plays Harry's other best friend Ron Weasley, Emma is “tired of being known as 'that girl from Harry Potter'”. (emma held out from signing. She said education reason but she ended up getting more money) From July 2007 Parade magazine “I have too many friends on the set, and I love Hermione too much. I couldn’t see anyone else playing her. It would have killed me. There’s so much of me in her.”
From October 2010 “I hope I’m a little bit less serious than Hermione. I’m a bit more mischievous.” From Feb 2009 "I’d never go out in a mini-skirt. It’s nothing to do with protecting the Hermione image. I wouldn’t do that. Personally, I don’t actually think it’s even that sexy." (Shortly after this comment she started wearing MINI DRESSES From (sunday magazine 2009) “I loved the books—I was a massive fan. I just felt like that part belonged to me. I know that sounds crazy, but from that first audition, I always knew. At the beginning, they were casting the other characters as well — but I always knew I was going out for Hermione. She came so naturally to me. Maybe so much of myself at the time was similar to her.” From (Talking about Brown) "And this is going to sound so much like Hermione, but I find my comfort in reading books.”
From Nov 2010 "I'm not going to get my kit off or snort cocaine in a film, just to leave Hermione behind." (We will see what drugs her character does in PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER) From May 5th 2010Emma Watson told Vainty Fair on the simularities of her and the Hermione Character, “If I'm HONEST, I was her,” says Watson. “I was very keen. I was super-eager to please and be GOOD. And I was always kind of BOSSY.” From Nov 2010 (10 questions for emma watson) What do you like most and least about your character Hermione Granger? I love that she has an opinion, that she's intelligent, that she also has a heart. Things I dislike about her: she's a little bossy, a little mothering — which I'm sure could get very irritating" From Nov 2010 (from “This was my second film and by now Leavesden Studios and the people there had become like a second family. I remember being adamant that I wasn’t like Hermione with her tweed skirts and bushy hair. But, as I grew older I realised she was the greatest role model a girl could have.”
From Nov 2010 (women's wear daily interview) “I’m still getting used to it, but I feel like I have ownership over it. Because I kind of felt my HAIR was half me, half Hermione, and with this, I can obviously completely disassociate myself from that role.” She went on to say, "Maybe I would never have been this interested in fashion if I hadn’t played that role for so long and sometimes felt so constrained by being identified with her so much. I have Hermione to thank, in a weird way, for my sense of style,” says Watson" From Paste Magazine 2009 “I’m not trying to hide or anything like that. It sounds so geeky, but I really do like studying and reading, and if I’m not working on Harry Potter, then my greatest relaxation is to sit with a book. That’s how I escape stress—in literature. I always have several books on the go at any one moment, so it’s no good you asking “What’s on the bedside table at the moment, Emma?” because often I can’t even see the table! I think that all that reading is just about the only similarity I have with Hermione, if you ask me.”
From Vogue UK: December 2010 “That was never going to happen. I soooooooo wannted to be Hermione. Even if I’d been ill, even if I was dying, I would’ve found a way to school that day.” From Nov 20th 2010 Watson acknowledged there has been some "cross-pollination" between herself and Hermione and says she will miss playing the role tremendously — but it's time to enter a new stage. "I think for now I need to, for my own peace of mind, need to say, 'OK, this is over, you need to move on,'" she said, "For my own sanity I need to hang up on her." She went onto to say, "I wish I knew myself as well as I knew Hermione, because I feel as if like I know that character like the back of my hand." She said in this same interview, "I love learning. I'm just addicted to knowledge. It just like, makes me happy. It keeps me motivated." (Now that is also very Hermione like but as you know she dropped out of BROWN)
From Cinemanía Magazine"Definitely [Hermione has taken over Emma]. But, strangely, what I feel has taken over me lately is this famous actress named Emma, which everyone talks about and who people think I am. As we three (Dan and Rupert) have been getting more famous, out of Harry Potter, I have felt that. But the truth is that, from any characters you could be associated with, Hermione is wonderful, she’s a heroine. I feel blessed.” From Dec 6th 2010 "This Hermione is the closest Hermione to my own personality," she says. (Hermione sulked throughout that whole movie and at one point wanted to use a spell on Ron to punish him) "I felt earlier on I played more like a parody of myself." In the darker Deathly Hallows, Hermione "has developed into something much more human and organic." The article went ont to say "Watson is aware that Hermione will always be a part of her-and she's okay with that. "She keeps finding a way back into my life," says Watson. "It's a very gradual goodbye."
From Jan 2011 "I'm never going to confirm or deny who I am DATING, but if they keep doing it, the tally will get so high - not very Hermione like," she said. (And what was that quote above about Hermione always being identified with her so much?) From “I’m not obsessed with books, I’m not obsessed with school and homework, and I’m not obsessed with not getting into trouble.” From July 2009 “That’s one of the strangest things. I’m sort of — well, not public property, maybe, but there’s no sort of social barrier. The fans are quite forthcoming actually! They all feel they know me. But I’m not Hermione. For one thing, I’m not very good at maths at all.”
From November 2010 Emma told marie Claire magazine, “Playing Hermione just came so naturally; I had a real affinity for her. I felt like I knew exactly who she was. Like me, she’s very loyal and determined, she’s very intelligent, and she has a lot of guy friends, as I do. Her eagerness to please and to have the right answer is definitely like me. I’m a perfectionist, so my bossiness definitely comes out.” From 2007 Do guys assume you’re just like Hermione in Harry Potter – a goody-two-shoes princess? “They definitely think we’re quite similar. But then I like hip-hop and they’re like, ‘What, Hermione likes hip-hop, it doesn’t quite go!’ From oct 2010 (mexico's seventeen magazine) "I think you should be yourself because otherwise, you'll be on the wrong path and the results are not gonna be pretty. Be yourself, be honest. Don't take it too seriously, that's been one of my biggest mistakes." From Feb 2011, "On her Harry Potter costars: "Daniel (Radcliffe), Rupert (Grint) and me have been incredibly protected doing the Harry Potter movies. There seems to be this feeling that all of us were bursting to break out of these images we had created but that’s never been the case. We all share the same view. None of us court celebrity, none of us want to be part of the game."
UPDATE JULY 6TH, 2011, Deathly Hallows part 2 conference call. Now she just loves Hermione.
From July 6th, 2011 "I think of her like a sister, she feels so real to me. When people ask what I will miss the most, of course I'll miss the people but I will actually just miss being her." From forums.pottershots.netJuly 6th, 2011, "How much pressure is it being a role model for so many children? "I think Hermione is such an incredible young woman. Growing up alongside her definitely pushed me and I think she made me a better person and she made me work harder. she continues: I feel so privileged to play her." UPDATE JULY 7TH, 2011 From July 7th, 2011, "There is something existentially weird about seeing her own image everywhere, on billboards, pencil cases, Lego sets. "I have to bear in mind that it's not me, it's my character. It looks like me; but it's not me. It's Hermione." She repeats it softly, like a spell. "It's Hermione, Hermione." Hermione." UPDATE JULY 12TH, 2011 From Deathly Hallows part 2 press conference NYC. She is not like Hermione anymore but she rattles off the entire character of her as to her persoanlity traits. Is she saying none of this is here because "Not so much anymore" means "NO" On what she has in common with Hermione: "Not so much now but I guess an earnestness, an eager to please and do the right thing and terrified of ever getting into trouble. I am very heady in the same way that she is. I am constantly thinking three, four moves ahead. I try and intellectualize a lot, which she does as well obviously. She’s very determined, I am as well. I like to think that I am very loyal in the same way that she is. Bit of a feminist in the same way that she is. I will speak my mind in the same way that she does. It’s hard to say really. I feel as though so much of me went into her and so much of her went into me, I can’t really differentiate too much anymore. It’s all a bit of a blur." UPDATE JULY 12TH, 2011, From July 12th, 2011
Now she’s just so happy about her life. On the David Letterman show but keep in mind she is there to promote the movie and not resort to whoa is my life and I live in this bubble. "I'm pretty happy with the way my life turned out ... I mean, who doesn't want to be the 'Harry Potter' girl?" UPDATE JULY 16TH, 2011 From, "There is so much of me in Hermione that I couldn’t tell the difference. Her earnestness. Her energy. Her desire to do the right thing. Her determination. She and I both would always speak our mind."
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