Wednesday, March 23, 2011



You again confirm my view by saying the US has right to retaliate whereas the US has no business being in Pakistan. You are not prepared to answer the question if the CIA and ISI are NOT in this game together, how come the US has supplied arms worth about 12 billion dollars to Pak Army. 

You also do not answer the question if ISI and the CIA are really in conflict, how come the drone flight take off from Pakistan? The trouble is your arguments sound like the mouth piece of US public stance and you refuse to see that both the ISI and CIA are in this together? Are they or they not? 

That is the question. I won't comment on your ignorance comment. Let the readers decide who is rational, logical, and coherent! I did not accuse you of USAID funded. Pls read my email again carefully. You don't do any service to your credibility by hurling insults! Come up with a clear answers to questions above if you really are serious about the discussion.

Farrukh Siddiqui

-----Original Message----- 

From: Farhat Taj <>
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 07:24:12
To: <

Subject: Re: Drone attacks - a joint CIA-ISI double game

Your argument is straight out of your ignorance about Waziristan and myself.
You constantly refuse to admit it despite my encouragement to go to Waziristan
or at least meet the Waziristan people based in DIK, Tank etc and see the
ISI-imposed Nazi concentration camp like situation in which people of
Waziristan live. 

I have been speaking out of my love for my land. But now you have engaged
yourself in personal attacks on me. I am not into the business of any USAID
funded projects, have never been so. On his part the moderator is encouraged to
make some investigation about my any connections with USIAD. Because from now onwards I would request the moderator to check this attitude of making this
kind of baseless allegations against me out of figments of sick mentalities
or do not expect me to carry on discussions on this important issue.

Regarding the latest attack and media 'fanfare' around it- this is again- just
as in past a propaganda to mislead the world and Pakistani outside FATA about
the ground reality. You will never understand- because you seem to have no
capability for that- but let me repeat for reasonable/rational members of the
forum that the tribal society in Waziristan is hostage. 

The  military/intelligence authority order any people there they choose to say
whatever they dictate them in front of media and they simply do it. The current
media uproar is one of them. Those who would refuse to do so, have been target
killed long ago from the face of Waziristan. Fear of targeted killing constantly
hang on all, rich or poor, people of Waziristan whether in Waziristan or
elsewhere in Pakistan. 

This latest attack happened in a far flung area and it will take some time
before I could have some independent information about it. But let me say that
from what I know for now it was an attack targeted at Hafiz Gul Bahader men.
Assuming some civilians died in this attack (I repeat assuming), the tribesmen
will hold ISI responsible for that. Gul Bahadar is ISI's 'strategic asset'
attacking the US forces in Afghanistan. 

The US thus has a right to retaliate and kill them. It is the ISI, not the US, killing people. People in Waszristan want  (although they can't publicly say in media due to fear of targeted killing) that the ISI must remove its strategic assets to Rawalpind. 

Let Rawalpindi also taste some drone attacks. Rawalpinid is not far flung like Waziristan and in full  watch of media. Only then then people- like the sender of this email, would see how precise are the drone attacks. 


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