Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blood Money from Davis as per Lockerbie Formula -From a Retired Air Commodore

Costing Davis-From a Retired Air Commodore

There is behind the scenes manoeuvring for a compensation package for the Raymond Davis victims' families. I think they are trying for an out of court settlement. If it has to be settled this way, why not demand $10 million per bereaved family -- the same as extracted by USA from Libya as compensation for the Lockerbie bombing victims. (Libya was made to pay $2.39 billion for the 239 victims)
Let the brown man's respect be the same as the white man's.
Also demand all 500+ CIA agents to be withdrawn from Pakistan, poste-haste.
Let us stand up and regain some self-respect and also save the country from destabilisation by these mercenary forces.

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