Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Emma Watson's and George Craig's 2010 summer fling

If you read my Rubbish girlfriend post this George Craig summer comes after the end of that. I paint this picture in that post that Emma's claims of wealth and fame hurting her dating life may not be true. This supports that claim. I think this summer fling or fiasco or whatever you want tom call it is basically how her dating life goes. Early on she was labled as a wanton woman because of all the guys she's linekd with and seen with of which Emma denied over and over again. I think a person should live how every that want in terms of dating but I don't think it's right to mislead. Besides, what do you have to hide or lie about if you're honest about it?

You can tell a lot about someone from some of the things they say no matter what age. It can open up the door and your eyes to how they will be as an adult.

From  October 2002 THE ULTIMATE SPELL: “I would make myself invisible so I could sneak into concerts and be near rock stars.”  HER HOUSE: If she could choose, Emma would be in Slytherin instead of Gryffindor at Hogwarts because she’d have more fun.  From 2005 What character would you like to play in the films if you could be anyone besides Hermione? Malfoy! I’d like to be the bad guy for a change. I think it would be fun to be someone different, to be bad. It’s easier and more fun to play a severe character. From October 2010 “I hope I’m a little bit less serious than Hermione. I’m a bit more mischievous.” From Nov 2010 (10 questions for Emma watson) If you could run away from all the bother of being a celebrity for one day, where would you go and what would you do?Alexander Clapton, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, ENGLAND "I would go and stand in the middle of a mosh pit at a rock concert, because I usually can't get away with that." (She is a closet wild child that hides it real well)

Google SNL skit and Mother lover for her fake tatoo she got there

Future bad boys and rock stars she was linked to druggie Johnny Borrel, ladies man Rafael Cebrian and now curious George Craig. Some others as well but no photos for proof. As for wanting to be in Slytherin because she'd have more fun that says it all right there. 
From June 2010

Earlier in the day, Mr Craig, 19, spoke publicly for the first time of his admiration for Miss Watson.
He described her as 'wonderful' and told how much he was looking forward to their evening together.
On his Twitter internet site, he wrote: 'Heading to London this afternoon, going to the theatre tonight with a wonderful lady. Here they are going to catch a  play


Weird as to how George is lingering behind compared to earlier as the papparazzi caught them.

Emma Watson enjoys a date at the Theatre with Burberry model George Craig.  The couple who front the Burberry campaign together watched War Horse at the New London Theatre.  George has been hinting on their hot new romance on his twitter page describing Emma as a "wonderful lady.".Emma Watson enjoys a date at the Theatre with Burberry model George Craig.  The couple who front the Burberry campaign together watched War Horse at the New London Theatre.  George has been hinting on their hot new romance on his twitter page describing Emma as a "wonderful lady.".

Their faces tell it all. I know these are photos but the body language and facial expression say it

Emma Watson enjoys a date at the Theatre with Burberry model George Craig.  The couple who front the Burberry campaign together watched War Horse at the New London Theatre.  George has been hinting on their hot new romance on his twitter page describing Emma as a "wonderful lady.".Emma Watson enjoys a date at the Theatre with Burberry model George Craig.  The couple who front the Burberry campaign together watched War Horse at the New London Theatre.  George has been hinting on their hot new romance on his twitter page describing Emma as a "wonderful lady.".

From June 2011 Watson said of him last June: ‘We’ve been friends (there is that word again, "friends", lol) since the Burberry shoot. And when I was in the states, George was taking me through a lot of his music as he was recording it. ‘I couldn’t believe [how good the music was]. I’m a big fan. Everything he did was amazing. (Basically as she is dating Jay and seen around campus with Rafael she is also talking to her soon to be ex-boyfriend)

At this below youtube clip fast forwward it to the 2:15 mark and listen to emma describe their celebrity couple name. Followed up with George telling the interviewer to just call us by our real names. When pressed on their relationship status Miss Watson could not answer the question so she let George.

Once the summer ended so did the story of their relationship. Emma never said anything but George had this lengthy almost seeming like break-up statement. Emma didn't say anything until she came back to London for Deathly Hallows. Plutonic friends don't say what he said. Opposite sex that are friends don't say stuff like this because it makes their relationship akward.

From  7-21-2010 forum member notices George stopped following Emma on twitter, “George isn't following her anymore” (They’re a funny bunch but you can rely on them to be diligent with things like this)  From August 19th 2010 Speaking to XFM's Steve Harris, who asked him if they were a good fit "because when you go out with someone you've got to fit musically", George said: "Um yeah, she's an indie girl." From August 26th 2010 (now he's claiming to be single a well after last quote and the weekend before emma leaves for Brown) GEORGE: “I`m a single man. We really fancy each other but are just good friends. We`re not boyfriend and girlfriend. We both live such busy lifestyles. In an ideal world, for me anyway, it would be great if we could be together but we can`t. I`m doing my thing, and she`s doing hers. Maybe if the situation changed, we might be together,” he added. The hunky insisted that the actress holds a special place in his heart and don’t want to lose her friendship at any cost. We went to Glastonbury together and there was a lot of chemistry between us. We like each other a lot and I have a lot of respect for her. She`s an amazing person and all that matters to me is I don`t lose her as a friend,” he added."
From Feb 2009 (older but fits here since he's a famous muscian) “I’ve had the same group of friends since junior school and it has saved me. People I’ve dated have been friends of friends. I’d be unlikely to go out with anyone famous. I just wouldn’t. From June 28th 2010 (Glastonburry Music festical) When asked what their celebrity dating nickname would be, she replied, "We haven't heard one yet. 'Watage'? It wouldn't really work", she said. From Nov 2010 EMMA “George and I were only ever friends. But he’s fantastic. We went to Glastonbury. While I don’t really drink, I’m always first on the dancefloor. I drag everyone up there.” (she doesn't really drink she says? Hmmm check THIS out) From Jan 2011 "I'm never going to confirm or deny who I am dating, but if they keep doing it, the tally will get so high - not very Hermione," she said(Is that not funny with the above quote and how she always uses HERMIONE for her image?)

From Nov 2010 "She told him she doesn't want to be exclusive while she's away and he agreed,' says the friend. They're not breaking it off completely and George is actually planning to come for a visit, but they both want to be free during the months of their separation. When George does finally visit her in the States, he may be in for a rude shock because the pal says she's already seeing other people." (she's dating Brown students?). That is true because in one emma fan forum they spoke of george tweeting he's going to providence and later that tweet was deleted. From Nov 2010 Emma watson tells Parade magazine, "My best friend at Brown has never seen a 'Harry Potter' movie or read the books," Watson tells Parade. (That friend was Dem' Moore's daughter Scout) "And one guy I dated (so nowmagazine was right) didn't know anything about the films, much less that I was one of the stars, which I found hilarious." (Do you think he didn't know who she was, lol?) From November 21st 2010 Emma told Parade, “I’m single at the moment. Things are pretty quiet. Not much going on. When I was on the set with Daniel and Rupert, it was normally me who went to the guys with the questions about guys because I don’t pretend to understand the male gender. I’m just like, ‘What is going on here? What should I be doing? I don’t understand.’ So they’ve helped me out a bit and been like my protective big brothers.”

And here is George at the Harry Potter Deathly hallows part 1 after a party. Emma has alwasy ahd her boyfriends at these events. I also find it weird out of all her celebrity friends that George's band one night only is the only one she follows on both twitter and Facebook. 

From November 2011

 George Craig George Craig from One Night Only attends the after party for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1" in Covent Garden, London. Emma Watson squashed any rumors of the two ever having dated as she stated The Sun, "George and I were only ever friends. But he's fantastic. We went to Glastonbury. While I don't really drink, I'm always the first on the dancefloor.

From  November 9th 2009 (days before Deathly Hallows premiere)

She headed off to the U.S. to attend Brown University on Rhode Island, drastically changed her look by chopping off her wavy locks and landed herself a rock star boyfriend (don't forget spanish rocker Rafael Cebrian HERE). But she split from her musician beau in September and the gorgeous young star has been enjoying the single life ever since, as these pictures taken last night show (funny above quote don’t mirror reality of nothing going on with bottom on)
Emma and model James Shuter sharing a cab heading home together or seperate from her favorite night club Bungelow 8. She did admit that she's a RUBBISH GIRLFRIEND as she did there with caped link to the Telegraph. She states that "People" are always coming up to her but she means "guys". Trust me that's what she means. Notice not so shy as with George in their taxi.
Mystery man: Emma Watson leaves a London nightclub last night with a male companion by her side

After watching short advertisment of below youtube clip skip to 1:32 and you will hear emma respond to a question of where her boyfriend is and she'll say, "No. No. that's why I brought my brother. He's a good fill in. And then she is aksed what does George think of her celebrity status and listen to what she says. This was just days before above quote above about being single.  

So much for the "guys are intimidated by me" as she states HERE so many times. I don't find this relationship to be te first of its kind for her. I think she's decieved her woes so she does not come off looking immoral. With above link I just posted I think the issue may be here and the fact she has had many "friends with benefits" relationships.

Geoge Craig waiting outside of THE BOX

George Craig Emma Watson wears a low cut blue dress as she arrives for a  pre-BAFTAs party at the Box nightclub in the red-light district of Soho. Emma was wearing some seriously "bling" cuffs and carrying a sparkly clutch bag as she wandered past the seductive adult sex shops on the way to the party as Emma had a little glance at the naughty sign posts. At one stage, an unidentified man started a confrontation with the actress's security and grabbed him as they walked along. Another man made an attempt to grab Emma, b ut she seemed completely unfazed by the fuss she was causing in the neon streets of Soho. Later on, outside the party Emma's ex-boyfriend George Craig (from the band One Night Only), waited patiently with the forming crowds outside the party. After leaving the party photographers were literally falling over themselves to get a picture of the "Harry Potter" star. On the way back in her Rolls Royce, Emma got police escort back to her hotel where another photographer took a tumble trying to get pictures.

From March 2011  "Her romance last summer with George Craig singer of pop band One Night Only. They did Glastonbury together, and were spotted snogging in hospitality tents across the site. But it didn’t last — Emma says she is starting to wonder if her WEALTH is an issue."


Emma says guys are intimidated by her and they can't handle the fame circus
From 2011 Vanity fair interview So boys are quite intimidated by making a pass at you? That’s why it’s really hard to have a love story for me. I’m a famous actress. I’m usually surrounded by people who take care of me. And I’m shy. Honestly, I don’t know how to come out of this situation. As soon as I find out, I’ll let you know. But if you see someone you like, what do you do?I never know what to do. They don’t make the first move because they think I’m super busy or unreachable. The result is I’m still single. But you sure had a boyfriend in the last three years.Luckily, yes. But not right now. Let’s make a plea. Help me, please. (Laughs)

Emma Watson interview in VOGUE (June 2011) magazine with confirmation they dated

2011 vanity fair Interview "What advice do you feel like giving to Kate Middleton because of this “media hangover”? The only advice I have is always be true to yourself. Never have something to hide or lose."

Now there is Perks co-star Johnny Simmons in the same related position as George Craig


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