Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Seeking Gaddafi information from Barclays Bank

Just sent an email to Barclays bank Press Office,

Hi Gemma

Further to our recent telephone conversation, I am seeking information on the UK-held assets of Colonel Gaddafi.

I have discovered the following facts relating to the relations between Barclays and Libya:

Barclays is today close to securing a capital injection worth more than £6.5bn from governments, including Libya today .

Barclays Bank paid $298m fine to settle criminal charges that it broke US economic sanctions on Libya  (report Aug 16 2010).

It is therefore possible that Gaddafi, his family, and high office holders of the Libyan regime have assets in British banks, including Barclays.

I would be grateful for the following information:

a) has the Coalition Government yet made any approach to Barclays to identify these assets?
b) will Barclays be taking immediate action to identify accounts held by Gaddafi, his family, and high office holders of the Libyan regime. with a view to freezing them as a way to bring about Gaddafi's early exile from Libya?

Thank you for any help you may be able to give on these urgent matters.

Richard Lawson

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