Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Controlled Burn

Rebel Newsflash: Controlled Burn? (plus 24 more items)

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Controlled Burn?

Posted: 31 Jan 2011 06:32 AM PST

Consider possibility that  this Egypt "Revolution" and its likely suppression and purge of opposition by international intervention is a practice run for future "interventions"  where similar pre-planned agent-provoked rioting and revolt breaks out here? 

Are the Egyptians victims of a trap?  The start of a planned military conquest of the world disguised as policing the world against "extremist rioters"?  --  and perhaps an exercise in preparation for a long planned final-stroke military conquest of their enemies and targeted  potential enemies in Europe and the US? -- including their chosen racial enemies -- since  Zionists and the ruling elites of the world are, in almost every nation, of different racial stock than the masses) in Europe and the US?

The Other Holocausts of World War 2

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 09:20 PM PST

This brief video is extremely powerful. Many of the images and some of the Narrative has come form a book I'm nearly through with, called "Hellstrom" by Goodrich, it's a horrible walk through what the Allies did to the German people, mostly woman and children, during and after the WW2.

Ending the New World Order

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 07:41 PM PST


With the impending total-success of the ousting of Mubarak from Egypt, the world is now knocking on the door of the global-tyrants and traitors that have tried to seize this world by force. Let's take a short walk through the mounting debris from which that inexorable-Phoenix of Freedom will soon begin to rise; despite everything that the NWO has tried to do!

The Fourth Dimension

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 06:35 PM PST

Modernity successfully gave birth to three major competing political doctrines; liberalism in the eighteenth century, socialism in the nineteenth century and fascism in the twentieth century. Being the last in line, fascism was also the one that disappeared most rapidly. However, the breakdown of the Soviet system has not brought to a halt socialist aspirations and even less so the ideas of communism. Liberalism, for its part, seems to be the biggest winner in this competition. In any case the principles of liberalism, spearheaded by the ideology of human rights, and thriving now within the New Class all over the globe, are today the most widespread within the framework of the process of globalization.


The Riots In Egypt And The Price Of Oil

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 04:10 PM PST

As if the world economy did not have enough problems already, now the riots in Egypt threaten to send the price of oil soaring into the stratosphere.  On Friday, the price of U.S. crude soared 4 percent.  A 4 percent rise in a single day is pretty staggering.  The price of Brent crude in London closed just under the magic $100 a barrel mark at $99.42.  The incredibly violent riots in Egypt have financial markets all over the globe on edge right now.  Any time there is violence or war in the Middle East it has a dramatic impact on financial markets, but this time things seem even more serious than usual.  Many believe that we could see an entirely new Egyptian government emerge out of this crisis, and the uncertainty that would bring would make investors all around the globe nervous.  Financial markets like predictability, peace and security.  If Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's 30 year reign is brought to an end, it will severely shake up the entire region, and that will not be good news for the global economy.

Daniel Bell and Jewish ethnic networking

Posted: 29 Jan 2011 12:36 PM PST

The death of Daniel Bell is another one of those moments when you get a glimpse of how the world works. Writing in Slate, Jacob Weisberg recalls his fond memories of the great man. It's a totally Jewish reminiscence. As a student, Weisberg wrote a letter to Bell. Bell responded, inviting Weisberg "for a "nosh'" — "over lox and bagels" as we later find out.

Victory in Mississippi

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 12:36 AM PST

It is time to crack open the champagne.

The Mississippi House has approved the Arizona-style immigration law. This is the same bill that passed the Mississippi Senate earlier this month. The final vote was 77 to 40.

The Prince's Wedding Present

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 08:03 PM PST

When the modern-day eminences grises in grey suits from St. James's gave the nod of approval to William and Kate's marriage, only the most hardened cynics were heard groaning in Old England's republican boroughs—them and the Bishop of Willesden, that worthy prelate who had censured the royal family as "philanderers." On this the church is clearly divided, the Archbishop of Canterbury referring to the marriage as a symbol of hope.


Obama Makes an Exception for American Exceptionalism

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 08:01 PM PST

Obama's State of the Union speech was a smashing rhetorical success, as the New York Post conceded in its editorial the next morning, because it expressed the movement-conservative truth of "American exceptionalism." The Post quoted Obama's statement about the US being "the first nation to be shaped for the sake of an idea." The president went on to affirm the USA's moral, political, and economic superiority over any other country at any time, thereby demonstrating his capacity for moral growth. At last we discover, according to the Post's editorialists, that "America is exceptional even in Obama's eyes."  His stress on this patriotic theme indicates that he's "made notable progress" from the time he believed that "the country he leads is no better than any other."

Responding to Rod Liddle. Sigh.

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 08:33 AM PST

Remember Rod "Islamophobia? Count me in" Liddle? He produces the same upmarket, Richard-Littlejohn-esque, "It's-all-political correctness-gone-mad" column in the Spectator week in, week out.

So I'm never sure whether it's best to just ignore his attention-grabbing attempts at garden-variety bigotry or engage and debate and rebut.

The new dawn of control orders-lite

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 10:08 AM PST

Those of us of a cynical bent were, as usual, proved right. Control orders haven't been scrapped or "replaced" - they have been rebranded, rebadged and repackaged. Officially, they're now called "Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures", or Tpims (!), but I'd agree with those who call them "control orders-lite".

Alex Deane of Big Brother Watch, who once worked as chief of staff to a younger David Cameron, has sent me his eloquent and erudite response and it is worth quoting in full:

Israel Actually Does Not Yet Exist!

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 09:00 PM PST

You would think that after all the time that has passed since Israel declared itself to be a state among the community of nations; that by now, it would be at least an accepted fact in the world. However you would not be correct. Israel is a place that has yet to finish claiming, what 'it' sees as its own border-rights; see the map above.

Valerie Plame Confronted Over New 9/11 Investigation

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 08:50 AM PST

Valerie Plame, a supposed whistleblower and activist who was outed by Dick Cheney minion Scooter Libby seems to contradict herself when asked multiple times whether she supports a new 9/11 investigation.

At one point she actually says she CAN'T support a new investigation.

Warning Signs

Posted: 29 Jan 2011 09:37 PM PST

Do you see all of the warning signs that are flashing all around you?  These days it seems like there is more bad economic news in a single week than there used to be in an entire month.  2011 is already shaping up to be a very dark year for the world economy.  The price of food is shooting through the roof and we have already seen violent food riots in countries like Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia.  World financial markets are becoming increasingly unstable as the sovereign debt crisis continues to get worse.  Meanwhile, the number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits is up, foreclosures are up and poverty continues to spread like a plague throughout the United States.  What we are starting to see around the globe is a lot like the "stagflation" of the 1970s.  All of the crazy money printing that has been going on is overheating prices for agricultural commodities and precious metals, but all of this new money is not doing much to help the average man or woman on the street.

Brendon O'Connell Found Guilty Of "Racial Hatred"

Posted: 29 Jan 2011 07:28 PM PST

An honest hero has been sent to jail.  Evil destroys. Brendon O'Connell took an open stand against that destruction.  The following are two articles about the wrongful accusation and wrongful guilty verdict of  O'Connell.    He is a man who exposed the truth about Zionist racism.  Because Jewish supremacists see themselves above self-examination for their own wrongs, they tolerate absolutely no criticism whatsoever for any evil they commit.  These diabolical supremacists daily exact their revenge by sacrificing others to protect themselves, scapegoating the innocent to preserve their own false self-image of perfection, and blaming and destroying people who expose their guilt, tactics they have perfected over the past 65 years.

Yeaning to Breathe Free

Posted: 29 Jan 2011 06:22 PM PST


Yearning is the special force that on a day before there were days; obliterated 'nothing' into everything! Yearning provides the unseen string that ties the planets to the stars. And 'yearning' is that maddening part of the intuitive world we feel; from first breath to last light.

Now that we know that we have become so enamored with the scale of our shadows that we've chosen to cast over the entire planet; we must begin to change that. And while 'human-failures' are absolutely part of every 'authentic' human life; the fact that too many of us have believed in these shadows of our monstrous-lies; to the point where we have ignored the shear power of the actual-truth, is beyond question!

Foreclosuse crisis will worsen

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 08:57 PM PST

A recent Morgan Stanley finance report cited by financial analyst Jeff Adams warns that a huge "shadow inventory" of homes with delinquent mortgages, which has yet to move through the foreclosure process, would take 47 months to clear at the current market sales rate.

While realtors and bankers claim—or at least want the American people to believe—that the real estate market is "turning around," Adams reports that Americans are not being told of this "shadow inventory" amid the rising tide of residential foreclosures that continues to paralyze prices and hamper housing market recovery. It appears this second foreclosure wave is about to arrive.


Texas Third

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 03:40 AM PST

Texas has become the third state this month to pass a restrictionist immigration law.

Last night, the Texas Senate passed the "controversial" Voter ID law, 19 to 11. It only took six hours of debate and getting past 40 Democratic amendments.

Book review: From mourning to mobilization

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 01:24 PM PST

Ronit Lentin is an Israeli-born academic and novelist now based in Ireland, where she teaches sociology at Trinity College, Dublin. She describes her latest book, Co-memory and Melancholia: Israelis Memorialising the Palestinian Nakba, as "a reflection on the contested relations between commemoration and appropriation from the standpoint of a member of the perpetrators' collectivity, whose politics align her with the colonized." Writing it led her "to think of the obsessive preoccupation with Palestine and Palestinians by anti-Zionist Jews ..." as involving "a deep melancholia for the Palestine they/we destroyed and the Palestinians they/we dispossessed" (5), amounting to "unresolved melancholic grief for Zionism's own original sin" (153) -- the 1948 Nakba, when more than 750,000 Palestinians were expelled or fled from Zionist militias when Israel was established.

Kris Kobach's Legal Jihad

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 09:23 AM PST

Newsweek has a big story on Kris Kobach. He has gotten some negative attention lately from the SPLC and Center for American Progress. Largely due to his efforts, the Left is playing defense on immigration across America this year.

The SPLC has accused Kobach of waging a "legal jihad" and "blazing a trail of tears." He is working through the system to accomplish in the real world what the fantasists on the internet have talked about for decades.

Amren 2011

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 06:05 AM PST

There are conflicting reports that the 2011 Amren conference in Charlotte has been cancelled due to anti-racist pressure.

I got a phone call about this last night from a reliable source who said that some black city councilman got the hotel to cancel the reservation. There is nothing about a cancellation on the Amren website though.

Shut Down The Federal Reserve, Break Up The Big Banks And 16 Other Ideas Barack Obama Could Have Proposed If He Actually Wanted To Fix The Economy

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 08:18 PM PST

How do we fix the economy?  That is a question that tens of millions of Americans are asking right now.  Republicans are harshly criticizing the empty economic proposals being put forward by Barack Obama and the Democrats, but the Republicans don't seem to have any real solutions either.  There is talk of cutting taxes a little bit more, reducing federal spending a little bit and getting rid of a few useless federal regulations but doing any of those things would essentially be like spitting into Niagara Falls - the effect would not really be noticeable at all.  As this column has documented over and over and over, the economic and financial problems that we are facing are so enormous that radical solutions are needed.  In essence, what we need is not an "economic bandage" or two - what we need is major reconstructive surgery.  If dramatic action is not taken, our economy is going to completely collapse.


Quiet Awakening

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 07:01 AM PST

The "Quiet Awakening" continues to gather steam.

While the attention of the White Nationalist world remains fixated on the 2011 Amren conference and the Egyptian protests, the state legislatures are back in session. They are taking on immigration in unglamorous places like Lincoln, Nebraska and Jackson, Mississippi.

Mother of Bilin martyrs: we will not be stopped

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 01:52 AM PST

The village of Bilin in the occupied West Bank was quiet on 12 January 2010, but reminders of the violence that hits the village every Friday during the weekly demonstration against Israel's illegal wall were visible. Posters of Jawaher Abu Rahmah were hung up and taped to signs and walls around the village. It had been nearly two weeks since Jawaher was killed on 1 January 2010 as a result of severe inhalation of tear gas fired by the Israeli military at a demonstration the previous day. In the immediate aftermath of her death, the Israeli military attempted to deflect blame for the killing by spreading misinformation, assisted by the right-wing blogosphere and the Israeli and US media about Jawaher. Israel's propaganda, though, was quickly refuted by eyewitnesses to the death.


Detroit's Demise a Dire Warning for Other Cities

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 08:57 PM PST

Detroit might not be the only city that sinks into bankruptcy this year if the economic storm that is prophesied to sweep across the nation lives up to its billing. Recent estimates place 48 states in an at-risk status, with Illinois the odds-on favorite to topple first.

So it may be that the noble effort to save the Motor City has come too late. It's of little consequence, no doubt, that Detroit would be spared the ignominy of going down in history as the solitary failed city. Instead, it will be known as the first of many to have fallen. Presently, Detroit has suffered a 60-percent drop in factories and a nearly 90-percent reduction in its workforce from 1960 levels. The staggering impact of those numbers on the local economy doesn't take into consideration the loss of industry-related jobs and of secondary businesses that spring up around major employment facilities.

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