Saturday, November 20, 2010

Comments on -US Drone Strikes in Pakistan-Bill Roggio




The Long War Journal - Charts on US Strikes in
Pakistanas well as reporting from The *Long War Journal*. Given the Taliban's
control *...*
www.*longwarjournal*.org/pakistan-strikes.php -


My dear Friend

This is waste of time and ammo . It is not changing the likely outcome of afghan war. From a close angle I see the extremists adopt improved and subtler methods !

Long War Journal is a commercial site and they have to attract readers and thus the beautiful charts ?

What has the US dine to eradicate drugs in last ten years ?

Has these drone strikes made the Afghan roads in the areas south of line Kabul Shindand safer for Afghan civilians ?

The whole premise that the extremists should present themselves as sitting ducks to US drone strikes in an area some 20 miles x 50 miles is fallacious !

Suicide bombers and IEDs can train in any area other than the above narrow strip !

How correct is Roggios data ! The charts are beautiful and Roggios site attracts traffic ! But is that the strategic objective of US military in Afghanistan ? To make Roggios site commercially viable ?

How reliable is the Humint ? We have had the Muslim 786 Drone attack on the CIA Quixotes in Khost last December 2009 !

Lets be frank that the perception on the Pakistan side is that USA wants to destroy the Pakistani state and this is their real objective while Al Qaeda is only the stated objective ?

What has the US done to change this perception ? This is being reinforced every day ! As they said “fear made men believe in the worst “ ?

To say that Russia will support the USA fight a victorious war in Afghanistan is fallacious !

Support a country designing missile shields and attempting to encircle Russia in every manner ! Constantly holding dry runs of war against Russia !

If Afghanistan is trumpeted by USA as its victory over USSR , WOULD RUSSIA ALLOW A 100,000 US MUSKETEERS TO LEAVE AFGHANISTAN VICTORIOUS ?

One fact is clear ! The US casualties are low which means that there is no real fight ! US companies in Afghanistan are making big bucks !

The defense contractors you have like RONCO,Dyncorps,Xe, SSSI ,Global ,MPRI etc are making good money selling HUMNIT to the US Government ! These companise are hiring Pashto interpreters , Balochi interpreters and what not !

Louis Burger , Fluor,Black and Veach ,Red Star , Mina Corps ,TRYCO ,Halliburton,KBR and Seven Seas may your Afghan success stories ! Certainly private business did well in Afghanistan ! But what about the soldiers real job i.e the war ?

What is the on ground situation ? From 2001 to 2007 I could travel all the 1050 kilometres from Kabul to Herat in my private vehicle without a single weapon to defend myself ! Since 2007 I cannot ! How easy it is to enter Kabul ! I have driven many times from Jalalabad to Kabul after 2200 hours !

How good is the military virtue of the Afghan Army ? A military machine that the US and its hirelings destroyed in between 1978 and 1992 has still not been created ?

The question is how good is Roggios data in real tangible terms ?

You have a US force in Afghanistan surrounded by all Afghanistans neigbours who want the US to fail for various reasons ?

You pound flies with hammers with your mighty drones ? And this is the cause for a martial celebration !

The americans need to read more about the greatest army in history the Wehrmacht or the Red Army which did the real fighting for the US ! War is not New York Stock exchange and the enemy is not Dillinger who the FBI or BATF can overwhelmingly outnumber and outgun !

Datta Khel is not Ruby Ridge where neo NAZIs from BATF , FBI etc can shoot a man of honours wife like a partridge !

No war in history was won by air power alone while the 100,000 overpaid , over fed musketeers have failed to pacify Afghanistan , failed to interdict the flow of 90 % of worlds heroin to Europe and the states !

Perhaps there is a method in this madeness !

How is that Ali Jalali the most outstanding Afghan professional had to be sacrificed by the US to please the drug mafia in Afghanistan ?

I am not a religious man and this is not about religion !

The bottom line is that US policy since many years is manipulated by the US businesses may it be Oil and Gas, Wall Street or construction ! The sacred business of war has been sub letted to commercial businesses !

There is a deep question mark about Drones and I will base my assessment that God may not be with both drones or the characters that they are targeting !

The other side has an independent will and all may not proceed as Field Marshal Petraeus may desire or as a Wall Street sponsored political supremo may decide !

You have a secretary of state more fit to be in the Wallmart , clueless about strategy or war and a naieve spinster (philosophically) who has never set a squadron in the field !

This is war and it has less or good luck and bad luck and more of logical consequences of our actions and our adversaries actions !

best regards



Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear
of punishment and hope of reward after death." --
Albert Einstein !!!


Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --
Albert Einstein !!!

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