Sunday, November 21, 2010

Murder of History in Pakistan


Murder of History in Pakistan


Agha H Amin


Irfani sahib


This is old stuff from 1990 .


While it is true that the religious parties opposed partition , religion was used as a slogan in 1946 elections study any book on 1946 elections specially in punjab .a million died in partition . so the right emerged stronger . note that the dominant group in pakistans establishmenmt is the east punjab group who dominated the civil service as far as the punjabis in civil service were concerned .my great grandfather got land in lyallpur in 1898 or so and my grandfather saw these migrants in the lyallpur of 1940s and 1950s.......the 1977 agitation against ZAB was a refugee show whether lahore multan or karachi ...note that jaamaat was strongest in karachi , multan was a ranghar majority city and ranghars are east punjab migrants who are non punjabi and lahore was also more than 59 % east punjabi refugee ....zia again was a east punjabi although the familly may have had a link with saharanpur before 1850s



out of domination of the east punjabis and Upites in the civil service came the syllabus ......thus we had an Allama Iqbal on the Punjabi quota and a Liaquat Ali Khan on the Hindustani quota …….Pakistans idea was thrust on Iqbal whereas all that Iqbal wanted was a Muslim province in the northwest India as is proven by his correspondence and many before Iqbal had given the Pakistan idea like the Khairi brothers and many others


note that when the Muslim League was routed in the Punjab elections of 1936 Mr Jinnah did say that the Punjab is a hopeless place and he will never come to the Punjab again …..although come he did many times later !


the whole idea of the so called Muslim liberal is fallacious …… have a liberal Sir Syed who wanted the British to segregate Hindus and Muslims on basis of religion in the army because he saw religious unity as the cause of 1857 since Hindus and Muslims were mixed without distinction in the regiments before 1857


the fact of the history is that the English East India Company saved Muslims from complete extinction when they liberated Delhi from Marathas in 1803 and Punjab and Frontier from Sikhs in 1846 and 1849 ! Sindh and Bahawalpur were saved from Sikhs in 1809 when the English Company imposed a restriction on the Sikhs from expanding south at the Treaty of Amritsar !


religious exclusivism was basis of Pakistan whatever the liberals may say ………all along liberals wanted quotas on basis of religion ….a separate religious vote ……yet most dressed in western attire , most drank whiskey some ate pork !


but how does one explain a berkeley educated prime minister and his UK ediucated law minister drafting a law to declare ahmadis non muslim ? or a scotch drinking prime minister coming with the objectives resolution ? all along our so called educated classes have misused religion to achieve narrow class agendas...if the mullahs opposed pakistan ...the so called muslim league wanted it for narrow class objectives .....only 5 % were eligible to vote in 1946.......where was muslim league in getting votes in 1936 minus the pakistan and religious slogan ?


thus discrimination in religion was introduced by a Muslim politician who belonged to the so called Muslim liberal class in 1949 by the Objectives Resolution ! The worst religious discrimination in Pakistan was introduced when the PPP declared the Ahmadis non Muslims ! A Grand Faux Pas of the PPP !
even the Zia junta and Musharraf junta who misused Islam in Afghanistan had nothing to do with religion ! Zia all along was using religion as a facade to cover a humble background , a pathetic appearance and as a political tool ! Major General Tajammal Hussain Malik remembers that he never saud his prayers in middle of meetings in the ZAB era ! Zia liked whsikey drinking officers ! He only used Islam as a tool because he was under severe threat for having imposed the martial law in 1977 and then too he was supported by the so called educated East Punjabi and Urdu speaking Muslims in Lahore and Karachi !
Lets face it , that the so called educated Muslim elite started misusing Islam for getting jobs and political advantages from 1858 under Sir Syed and the Muslim right picked up religion as a political tool based on state after 1947 ! Both were guilty of using religion as a cheap pill or as something worse as a rain coat in another role ! Barsati as my friend Adnan Janjua once summed up !


Blasphemy laws again were only an extension of PPPs Ahmadi faux pas ! Chaudhry Sardar Ali the old IG police states that he was a direct witness when these laws were promulgated to woo Saudi Arabians to give aid !
The contradictions are outrageously glaring ! Benazir talked about liberal Islam but her government was the midwife of Taliban in Afghanistan ! Musharraf talked about liberal Islam but his government all along supported Taliban and many other extremist groups even after 9/11.


Francis Robinson a brilliant historian has analysed and proved that muslim separatism was a class driven agenda in his book Separatism amomg Indian Muslims


My question is that if the syllabus was so twisted what did the liberal PPP did to untwist it ? What did the so called liberal Musharraf did to correct it ?



best regards




Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death."  --
Albert Einstein !!!


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