Thursday, November 18, 2010

France: Battle over pensions – bring the economy to a halt

In Defence of Marxism
  Wednesday, 20 October 2010 About us     Contact us     Join us  
By Jerome Metellus (PCF Paris 18)

Photo:Audrey AKAfter October 12, the movement against the attack on pensions has reached a critical threshold. The great days of action are no longer the centre of gravity, although they are still massive and increasingly militant, as shown by October 19. Now, the central axis of the struggle has shifted onto open-ended strikes and pickets blockading different sectors of the economy.

By Greg Oxley (La Riposte)

Alan Woods' French speaking tourThe Marxist paper La Riposte and the internal network of the PCF, Renforcer le PCF, renouer avec le marxisme, organised a speaking tour by Alan Woods in six public meetings, from the 11th to the 16th of October, in different parts of France. The meetings were held in Rouen, in Niort, in Toulouse, in Alès, in Lyon, and finally in Paris. The tour was a great success, and took place against the background of a rising tide of strikes and demonstrations throughout the country.

By Alan Woods

[Vidoe] Alan Woods: Crisis of Capitalism and relevance of Marxism In the midst of the biggest strike wave in France since the mid-1990s, Alan Woods, editor of In Defence of Marxism, addressed meetings of workers and youth in six French cities. This video (in English with French translation) was recorded at a packed meeting in Paris at the very end of the tour on the evening of the 16h - a day when millions of people were on the streets in France.

By Alan Woods

We have received the esperanto translation of a message of solidarity to the World Workers Esperanto Congress in Brashov, Romania, in August, sent by Alan Woods on behalf of the IMT. Socialism is internationalist by its very nature. Our internationalism is not dictated by sentimental considerations. It reflects an imperative necessity. Since the world is already united in a single, indissoluble economic entity: the world market, the struggle for socialism is internationalist by its very nature.

By Lal Khan

Los periodos revolucionarios son excepciones históricas. Las masas entran a la arena de la historia para transformar sus destinos con sus propias manos. El 18 de Octubre de 2007 observamos uno de esos momentos cuando Benazir Bhutto volvió de su último exilio. Una marea de oprimidos inundó las calles de Karachi. Los cálculos varían entre 1,5 y 2,5 millones.

By Jérôme Métellus (PCF Paris 18e)

Depuis le 12 octobre, le mouvement contre la casse des retraites a franchi un seuil décisif. Les grandes journées d'action n'en forment plus le centre de gravité, bien qu'elles soient toujours aussi massives et sans cesse plus combatives, comme l'a montré le 19 octobre. Désormais, l'axe central de la lutte s'est déplacé sur le terrain des grèves illimitées et des différentes opérations de blocage de l'économie.

By Jorge Martín

Vergangenen Samstag strömten abermals mehr als drei Millionen Menschen in ganz Frankreich auf die Straßen und protestierten gegen die Pensions"reform". Die Bewegung hat sich in den letzten Tagen rasant weiterentwickelt.

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