Monday, November 22, 2010

Phil DeFranco Discusses Justin Bieber Winning The AMAs And "Half-Head Guy"

Not surprisingly (or maybe it was), Justin Bieber took home the bulk of the trophies at the recent American Music Awards and Philip DeFranco has some words about it. Also, he needs to reassure his viewer named "Steve" about his mom.

Best line: "I'm going to hell because the first thing I thought was 'Oh look, another young boy talking about Michael Jackson behind a stand.'"

And yes, Taylor Swift looked quite fetching. I may have to re-assess my rule about country singers. That dude with the mis-shapen head deserves some kind of pass. I sorta shuttered seeing it and was glad that Phil didn't show him again. If that makes me a shallow person, then hey, I'm shallow.

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