Thursday, November 18, 2010

NATO Scrambles Jets Against Russian Bombers Over Baltic Sea

Messages In This Digest (14 Messages)

U.S., NATO Pressure Turkey On Interceptor Missile System From: Rick Rozoff
U.S. Leads Large-Scale NATO Military Exercises In Latvia From: Rick Rozoff
NATO Conducts Third Annual Propaganda Blitz In Georgia From: Rick Rozoff
Nobel's Pro-Military Agenda and NATO's Future World Order From: Rick Rozoff
U.S. Continues Using NATO For Military Build-Up In Baltic Sea From: Rick Rozoff
NATO Scrambles Jets Against Russian Bombers Over Baltic Sea From: Rick Rozoff
NATO Air Strike Kills At Least 18 In Afghanistan From: Rick Rozoff
U.S. Missile Attacks Kill At Least 80 In Pakistan This Month From: Rick Rozoff
Polish Troops' Afghan War Deployment Prolonged From: Rick Rozoff
NATO Continues To Train New Iraqi Armed Forces From: Rick Rozoff
Pentagon's Number 2: Cyberspace Is New Domain Of Warfare From: Rick Rozoff
Obama Wins British Obedience Over Global NATO Commitments From: Rick Rozoff
Baltic, Arctic: U.S. Secretary Of Navy Meets With NATO, EU Cohorts From: Rick Rozoff
U.S. Aircraft Carrier, Over 60 Warplanes Sent For Afghan War Surge From: Rick Rozoff



U.S., NATO Pressure Turkey On Interceptor Missile System

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:40 am (PDT)

Global Times
October 18, 2010

Missile shield puzzles Turkey
By Zhang Wen

Turkey faces a difficult foreign policy decision regarding joining a NATO missile shield proposed by the US against possible Iranian threats, AFP quoted analysts as saying Sunday.

While the US is pushing Turkey to participate, it is a true dilemma for Ankara, which has been recently seen as trying to maintain good relations with its neighbors, said Sinan Ogan, director of the Turkey Center for International Relations and Strategic Analysis.

US President Barack Obama put forth the idea of building a network of ballistic missile interceptors in Europe, but Russia perceives such action as a direct threat. The plan has been taken up by NATO, which is trying to convince members of the alliance to back the project.

Turkey will likely be pressed to get off the fence soon, as NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen wants a decision on the missile shield to be made at a summit of the alliance's leaders November 19 and 20 in Lisbon.

According to the Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review, US officials admitted last week that they have visited Turkey "a couple of times" to hold talks over the new missile plan.

Steven Pifer, director of the Arms Control Initiative at the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank, said Turkey should at least view the plan as an "insurance policy" against Iran, even if it does not believe that Iran wants nuclear weapons.

However, "Turkey is 'turning east' recently, after many years of pursuing full membership in the club of the West, including the EU," Tian Wenlin, a researcher with the Institute of Western Asian and African Studies at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, told the Global Times.

Turkey refused to support UN sanctions against Iran, and established the Turkish-Arab Cooperation Forum to strengthen trade and energy resource ties with the Middle East. In May, eight Turkish activists were killed when their Gaza-bond aid ships were intercepted by Israeli commandos.

Separately, Iran on Friday welcomed EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton's offer to return to the nuclear talks next month.

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U.S. Leads Large-Scale NATO Military Exercises In Latvia

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:40 am (PDT)

Russian Information Agency Novosti
October 18, 2010

Latvia hosts large-scale NATO military drills

Riga: Units from the Baltic states, Poland and the United States started joint military exercises at the Adazi Training Area in Latvia on Monday, the Latvian Defense Ministry said.

Over 1,700 servicemen from five NATO countries will take part in the Sabre Strike 2011 exercise until October 31 in preparation for their possible future deployment in Afghanistan.

"The aim of the Sabre Strike 2011 drills is to practice interoperability procedures and improve the integration of the land and air operational ability of three Baltic States and the United States with prospects of participation in the ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) operation in Afghanistan and other multinational operations in the future," the ministry said.

This is the first time the exercise, which is organized by the United States, has been held in the Baltic States.

Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia contribute troops to the 55,000-strong ISAF contingent in Afghanistan. The countries have 175, 245 and 160 troops deployed in the war-torn country respectively.

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NATO Conducts Third Annual Propaganda Blitz In Georgia

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:40 am (PDT)

Russia Today
October 18, 2010

The Caucasian candidate: days of NATO in Georgia
Irina Galushko

Georgians are in for a week of, of all things, NATO. Starting on Monday, days dedicated to educating the Caucasian nation about the Alliance, kick off in the country. It is the third time Georgia has held such an event.

As in previous years, the "days of NATO" are organized by the Alliance itself, with the help of the Georgian Information Centre on NATO, and are supported by the Georgian Ministry of Integration into European and North Atlantic Structures.

The organizers seem to target primarily the younger audience. Most of the events – talks, speeches, and information booths – will be held at schools and universities across the country.

Representatives of the organization, as well as diplomats from NATO member states, are expected to visit the country during the week. As yet there is no public confirmation of who will visit.

The event is designed to introduce the population to the Alliance, organizers say. Last year, Robert Simmons, NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia, headlined the event.

He called the week an "important event" in the NATO-Georgia calendar each year. "It provides an excellent opportunity for the Georgian people to learn more about NATO-Georgia relations and the new policy initiatives at NATO," he added.

NATO membership is one of the main slogans under which Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili is carrying out his external policy.

The organization's Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said that the North Atlantic Alliance is going to expand its cooperation with the former Soviet republic. Addressing Georgian MPs during his visit to Georgia earlier this month, the organization's chief stated that "the 2008 Bucharest summit decision still holds good today, and Georgia will become a NATO member."

A NATO Liason office was opened in Tbilisi during Rasmussen's visit, which the NATO chief said should further cooperation between the Alliance and Georgia. At the same time, he once again stressed the importance of reforms, which Tbilisi should undertake before being admitted into the Alliance.

Member of the opposition, Petre Mamradze, believes though the events are pure formality, since, in his opinion, NATO is no longer interested in integrating Georgia.

"The West has had an opportunity to see that Saakashvili is unbalanced, unpredictable, and unstable," says Mamradze. "If he's given a chance to enter NATO, he'll try to start another conflict with Russia, and will draw NATO into it, as well."

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Nobel's Pro-Military Agenda and NATO's Future World Order

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:06 pm (PDT)

New America Media
October 18, 2010

Nobel's Pro-Military Agenda and the Future World Order
Yoichi Shimatsu*

-The emerging connections between NATO and America's East Asian allies are starting to reveal the New Strategic Concept: the coming naval encirclement of China and Russia. With ground troops on bases in Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan, the circle is closing. The world is plunging into the Second Cold War.
-The fact that an open warmonger heads the Nobel Peace Committee has completely discredited what was once the world's most prestigious Peace Prize. That honor is now just another weapon in the arsenal of the Great Powers mobilizing to reassert their authority over their former colonial domain. The goal of the West is not democracy and human rights; what its leaders really desire is domination and warfare. The intentions are clear. Thus we must each prepare, in our different ways, for the coming bloodshed.

In its most recent selections of peace laureates Barack Obama and Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has been pushing the strategic agenda of its chairman since 2009. Outside of European policy circles, Thorbjoern Jagland has no celebrity status, yet he is among the most powerful figures influencing the future global order.

The veteran Norwegian Labour Party politician has taken a stance similar to that of Britain's Tony Blair in support of European Union integration and a strong alliance with Washington to ensure Western leadership in international affairs. He has served as Norway's prime minister, foreign minister, speaker of the parliament known as the Storting, and current chairman of the Council of Europe, a body that backed the EU and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization during the Cold War.

His political career has been defined by his close relationship with NATO. He sat on the Norwegian government's standing committee on defense and was a key player in NATO parliamentary conferences.

On his home turf, Labour is the party of choice for the Norwegian officer corps. Despite its relatively small size, Norway is a significant military player due to its strategic location near the former Soviet Arctic Fleet base at Murmansk on the Kola Peninsula. Throughout the Cold War, the Norwegians—every male citizen is a soldier and has a rifle—were the front line on the Russian border.

A Military Mentality

That vanguard role continues today, with Norwegian troops on the ground in Afghanistan, its naval vessels curbing piracy off Somalia, Pentagon anti-ballistic missile systems and anti-satellite technology waging the struggle for outer space, and the world's most advanced anti-submarine technology. Norway has the highest per-capita troop deployment among NATO's 28-member states.

The challenge for the West has changed since the collapse of the Soviet Union, with a new potential enemy taking shape in an economic coalition known as the BRICs — Brazil, Russia, India and, most feared of all, China. Jagland, as a public voice for NATO strategists, is calling on an enlarged Western alliance to stand down the resurgence of military powers China and Russia and disrupt their ever-closer relationships with Brazil and India.

At a NATO-sponsored conference of European parliamentarians last year, Jagland spoke tough words: "When we are not able to stop tyranny, war starts. This is why NATO is indispensable. NATO is the only multilateral military organization rooted in international law. It is an organization that the U.N. can use when necessary — to stop tyranny, like we did in the Balkans." His reference was to the NATO bombing campaign, invasion and occupation of the now-terminated Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia in the late 1990s.

To summarize his message: If, anywhere in the world, tyrants cannot be overthrown by peaceful means, war is inevitable — and NATO will wage that war.

These are chilling words coming from the chairman of the Nobel Peace Committee. Jagland later said on announcing the peace prize for Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo: "We have to speak when others cannot speak. As China is rising, we should have the right to criticize. We want to advance those forces that want China to become more democratic."

A term like "advance those forces" is eerily similar to the euphemisms in Japanese textbooks that describe "advances" into foreign territory on continental Asia. It reflects a militaristic mindset.

The New Global Order

At the 2009 NATO conference, Jagland dropped a hint of what was to come: "We must build alliances and adapt to new realities. [We must] understand and debate how democratic rights can be upheld in the 21st century. How freedom can be assured. What kind of alliances we need to that end. And we need a New Strategic Concept."

Among his political foes in Norway, Jagland is called "our own George Bush Jr." It's good joke, but not when considering the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, or while Jagland, with this latest Nobel Peace prize, has just precipitated a damaging diplomatic crisis between the West and China. The controversy will only worsen when the Nobel medallions are given out in December.

The Nobel scandal has already scuttled the Norwegian oil firm Statoil's plans to sell Beijing the Peregrino oil field offshore of Brazil — the first real blow against the BRIC coalition. Politicians and businessmen who are eager about emerging international trade opportunities are simply naive about geopolitics. Once again, the civilians have been outflanked by the military.

NATO's Asian Allies

Meanwhile, Jagland's colleagues among the Norwegian defense forces have recently initiated military-technology deals with South Korea and Japan at a time of regional tensions with China. The conservative government of President Lee Myung-bak is pursuing a crash program to build a new generation of Sejong-class KDX-3 destroyers. In the wake of the past summer's South Korean ship-sinking crisis, Seoul is putting renewed emphasis on anti-submarine warfare.

Norwegian shipbuilders, including the Kongsberg Group, are the world leader in sonar and electronic warfare systems. The Norwegian Nansen-class of anti-submarine destroyers is top of the line. The Royal Navy of Norway has decades of real-life experience at chasing Soviet, now Russian, U-boats. The military ties between Oslo and Seoul go back to the Korean War, when Norway sent a military medical unit as an ally.

Meanwhile in Tokyo, the Japanese defense industry recently hosted a high-level Norwegian military delegation. Among the topics of discussion was the growing naval threat of China and the need for NATO and the US-Japan security alliance to cooperate to defend the new Arctic Sea passage. As global warming melts the polar ice cap, the waters north of Russia can be navigated.

The emerging connections between NATO and America's East Asian allies are starting to reveal the New Strategic Concept: the coming naval encirclement of China and Russia. With ground troops on bases in Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan, the circle is closing. The world is plunging into the Second Cold War.

The Peace Laureate

How does an obscure dissident sitting in a Chinese prison figure into this grand plan for global conflict? Liu Xiaobo's personal link with Norway started during his days as a visiting scholar to the University of Oslo in 1988. At that moment, the Soviet Union was in a deep crisis of disintegration. NATO strategists were anxious about the prospect of Moscow being saved in the nick of time by its onetime friend and ally, China. Faxes out of the Chinese Embassy in Moscow were of utmost concern, but were indecipherable, being written in Chinese.

Back in those dark days of the Cold War, there weren't many Chinese in Scandinavia, so Liu was a rare commodity — a scholar from Beijing who loathed Beijing. Whether Liu became a NATO asset is a matter of top-secret classification. Oslo's repeated inquiries about him through two decades, the Western media's patronage, and the Nobel selection over other Chinese dissidents indicate some sort of special bond. Whatever the hidden details of his foreign involvements, Liu's Peace Prize is serving as the bugle call for NATO's global crusade against so-called "tyranny."

The fact that an open warmonger heads the Nobel Peace Committee has completely discredited what was once the world's most prestigious Peace Prize. That honor is now just another weapon in the arsenal of the Great Powers mobilizing to reassert their authority over their former colonial domain. The goal of the West is not democracy and human rights; what its leaders really desire is domination and warfare. The intentions are clear. Thus we must each prepare, in our different ways, for the coming bloodshed.

*Yoichi Shimatsu, former editor of the Japan Times Weekly in Tokyo, is a Hong Kong–based writer on renewable energy for European business publications and news commentator for the Bon Ocean Network (BON) in Beijing.


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U.S. Continues Using NATO For Military Build-Up In Baltic Sea

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:07 pm (PDT)

United Press International
October 28, 2010

Latvia hosts NATO military training

RIGA, Latvia: Military units from Poland, the United States and the Baltic states began joint military exercises Monday at a training area in Latvia, Latvian officials said.

More than 1,700 military personnel from five NATO countries are taking part in the exercise called Sabre Strike 2011 at the Adazi Training Area until Oct. 31, RIA Novosti reported.

It is the first time the training operation, organized by the United States, has been conducted in the Baltic states.

"The aim of the Sabre Strike 2011 drills is to practice interoperability procedures, and improve the integration of the land and air operational ability of three Baltic states and the United States with prospects of participation in the ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) operation in Afghanistan and other multinational operations in the future," a statement from the Latvian Defense Ministry said.

Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia each contribute troops to the 55,000 serving with the NATO ISAF contingent in Afghanistan, RIA Novosti said.

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NATO Scrambles Jets Against Russian Bombers Over Baltic Sea

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:07 pm (PDT),7340,L-3971366,00.html

October 18, 2010

NATO jets check Russian bombers over Baltic Sea

NATO scrambled two fighter aircraft during an alliance exercise in Latvia on Monday to check on two Russian bombers that flew through nearby Baltic Sea air space without identifying themselves, Latvia's defence ministry said.

Airis Rikveilis, a ministry spokesman, said two Russian air force SU-24s were spotted flying over international Baltic waters between the Latvian ports of Liepaja and Vetspils. "(They) were flying in the direction of Kaliningrad," Rikveilis told Reuters, referring to a nearby, sensitive Russian enclave. "It is not a friendly gesture. (But) our security was not threatened," he added.

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NATO Air Strike Kills At Least 18 In Afghanistan

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:07 pm (PDT)

Press TV
October 18, 2010

US-led airstrike kills 18 in Afghanistan

A fresh US-led airstrike has killed at least 18 people and wounded several others in the troubled northeastern regions of Afghanistan.

NATO issued a statement, saying that the Sunday airstrike targeted a senior Taliban commander in Baghlan Province but added that it could not be verified whether the target had been killed in the attack.

Meanwhile, eyewitnesses and local sources said all those killed in the attack were civilians.

Afghan officials have repeatedly demanded a halt to the attacks. Hundreds of civilians have lost their lives in US-led airstrikes and ground operations in different parts of the war-ravaged country over the past months.

A large number of civilians have fallen victim to the air raids since the 2001 US-led invasion of Afghanistan.

Civilian casualties caused by NATO attacks are a major source of tension between the US-led foreign forces and Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who is under increasing pressure at home over the unpopular war.

The loss of civilian lives at the hand of foreign forces has dramatically increased anti-American sentiments in Afghanistan. ===========================

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U.S. Missile Attacks Kill At Least 80 In Pakistan This Month

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:07 pm (PDT)

Xinhua News Agency
October 19, 2010

6 killed in U.S. drone attack in NW Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: At least six people were killed in a U.S. drone attack launched late Monday night in northwest Pakistan's tribal area of North Waziristan, local media reported.

According to the report, the U.S. drones fired six missiles, two of which were targeting at a house and the remaining four at a vehicle, at Sandali village of Datta Khel area in North Waziristan, which borders Afghanistan.

Monday's strike is the 11th of its kind since the beginning of October. At least 80 people, most of whom are believed to be militants, have been reportedly killed in these strikes.

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Polish Troops' Afghan War Deployment Prolonged

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:07 pm (PDT)

Polish Radio
October 18, 2010

Poland extends mission in Afghanistan

President Bronislaw Komorowski, as Poland's commander-in-chief, has agreed to prolong Poland's mission in Afghanistan by half a year.

Two and a half thousand Polish troops are deployed in Afghanistan as part of ISAF (International Security Assistance Force). The current mission was supposed to end on 13 October but at the government's request the president decided to prolong it until 13 April 2011.

President Komorowski also said during the presidential election campaign this summer that an exit strategy and date for withdrawal is a top priority for the troops. He suggested 2012 as an optimum date for ending the mission in Afghanistan.

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NATO Continues To Train New Iraqi Armed Forces

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:23 pm (PDT)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Operations
October 15, 2010

NATO leader discusses Iraqi Self-Sustainability

Baghdad: The NATO Training Mission-Iraq Deputy Commander, Maj. Gen. Claudio Angelelli, visited the three Iraqi Security Forces Operation Centres where he discussed the Iraqi Self-Sustainability issues with their leaders October 10 and 11.

The three Iraqi Security Forces Operation Centres are located at the Prime Minister's compound, Minister of Interior and Minster of Defence. These Operations Centres reached Full Operational Capability earlier this year.
"With your Operations Centres now operating at full capability, NATO intends to progressively redirect dedicated personnel away from supporting them. This is a real sign of tangible success for NTM-I and progress towards self-sustainment for the Iraqi Security Forces," said General Angelelli.

"Of course, we will remain available to provide support and advice as necessary and access to out-of-country training courses will help further to deepen Iraqi capability and expertise in strategic Command and Control," continued the NATO general.

"The NTM-I work is very important for the Operation Centre," said Mr. Hussein Mohammed Abdul, the general director of the Prime Minister's Operation Center."

"NATO trained our people how to face different problems and issues, and how to react upon them; we are really grateful for this", continued Abdul.

During this meeting, both, the NATO and Iraqi leaders agreed to conduct an additional meeting between General Angelelli and the Prime Minister's office to discuss the future cooperation post 2011.

Additionally, Maj. Gen. Mordhi Abdulaimi, Ministry of Defence Joint Operation Centre director, discussed with General Angelelli the major activities scheduled in regards to the Self-Sustainability to include a training exercise which is planned for the near future.

"(With) these activities we can create a new link of our relationship," he said.

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Pentagon's Number 2: Cyberspace Is New Domain Of Warfare

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:15 pm (PDT)

U.S. Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service
October 18, 2010

Lynn: Cyberspace is the New Domain of Warfare
By Cheryl Pellerin

WASHINGTON: With the creation of the U.S. Cyber Command in May and last week's cybersecurity agreement between the departments of Defense and Homeland Security, DOD is ready to add cyberspace to sea, land, air and space as the latest domain of warfare, Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III said.

"Information technology provides us with critical advantages in all of our warfighting domains so we need to protect cyberspace to enable those advantages," Lynn said during an Oct. 14 Pentagon Channel interview.

Adversaries may be able to undermine the military's advantages in conventional areas, Lynn said, by attacking the nation's military and commercial information technology, or IT, infrastructure.

This threat has "opened up a whole new asymmetry in future warfare," the deputy defense secretary said.
Lynn laid out a draft cyberstrategy in the September/October issue of "Foreign Affairs" magazine. He said DOD is working to finalize the strategy.

"There's no agreed-on definition of what constitutes a cyberattack," Lynn said. "It's really a range of things that can happen -- from exploitation and exfiltration of data to degradation of networks to destruction of networks or even physical equipment, physical property. What we're doing in our defense cyberstrategy is developing appropriate responses and defenses for each of those types of attacks."

One element of the strategy –- working with Homeland Defense to protect critical military and civilian IT infrastructure -– was put into place Oct. 13, when Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced a new agreement to work together on cybersecurity.

The agreement includes a formal mechanism for benefiting from the technical expertise of the National Security Agency, or NSA, which is responsible for protecting national security systems, collecting related foreign intelligence, and enabling network warfare.
Envisioned attacks on military networks could impair military power, national security and the economy, Lynn said.

Enemy cyberattacks could deprive the military of the ability to strike with precision and communicate among forces and with headquarters, he said, and it could impair logistics or transportation networks and eliminate advantages that information technology has given military forces.
Working more closely with allies is an important element of the strategy, he said, to ensure a shared defense and an early warning capability.

The NATO 2020 report rightly identified the need for the alliance's new 10-year strategic concept -- a draft of which is an expected product of the 2010 NATO Summit slated for Nov. 19-20 in Lisbon, Portugal –- to further incorporate cyberdefense concepts Lynn wrote about in Foreign Affairs.

U.S. technological advantages are a critical part of the cyberstrategy and the Pentagon already is working with industry and with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to put these to work, Lynn said.

As part of a public-private partnership called the Enduring Security Framework, Lynn wrote in his Foreign Affairs article, chief executive officers and chief technology officers of major IT and defense companies meet regularly with top officials from Defense, Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

DARPA also is working on the National Cyber Range, a simulated model of the Internet that will enable the military to test its cyberdefenses before deploying them in the field.

The Pentagon's IT acquisition process also has to change, Lynn wrote in Foreign Affairs. It took Apple Inc. 24 months to develop the iPhone, he said, and at DOD it takes on average about 81 months to develop and field a new computer system after it is funded.

"The Pentagon is developing a specific acquisition track for information technology," Lynn wrote in Foreign Affairs, and it also is bolstering the number of cyberdefense experts who will lead the charge into the new cyberwar era.

The military's global communications backbone consists of 15,000 networks and 7 million computing devices across hundreds of installations in dozens of countries, Lynn wrote. More than 90,000 people work full time to maintain it, he said, but more are needed.

Through the establishment of U.S. Cyber Command and the bolstering of cybersecurity at other defense agencies "we've greatly increased the number of cyber professionals we have at DOD and will continue to increase that," Lynn told the Pentagon Channel."

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Obama Wins British Obedience Over Global NATO Commitments

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:42 pm (PDT)

Xinhua News Agency
October 19, 2010

Obama wins assurance by British PM over commitment to NATO

U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday won an assurance from British Prime Minister David Cameron that Britain will remain committed to meeting its responsibilities in NATO.

In a phone call with Obama, Cameron tried to assuage U.S. concern that planned military cutbacks by the British government could damage the NATO military alliance.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told BBC last week in Brussels that the NATO alliance "has to be maintained." and "each country has to be able to make its appropriate contributions." Britain is the second largest contributor of troops to Afghanistan.

"The prime minister stated that the United Kingdom would remain a first-rate military power, and remains committed to meeting its responsibilities in NATO," the White House said in a readout of Obama's call with Cameron.

"The president emphasized how much the United States values the United Kingdom's contributions to global security," the White House said. "He noted that in the context of our special relationship and shared commitment as NATO allies, he appreciates the Cameron government's commitment to retain the full spectrum of military capabilities that permits our forces to partner effectively together around the world."

It added that the two leaders also discussed close and ongoing counterterrorism cooperation between their countries.

As part of their austerity measures, a number of NATO member states, including Britain and Germany, have proposed to make cuts in defense spending, prompting NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen to warn that Washington would look for other allies if Europe fails to pull its weight on security.

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Baltic, Arctic: U.S. Secretary Of Navy Meets With NATO, EU Cohorts

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:42 pm (PDT)

Navy NewsStand
October 12, 2010

SECNAV Concludes Trip to Visit European Partners
By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kevin O'Brien, Secretary of the Navy Public Affairs

NUUK, Greenland: Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) concluded a whirlwind trip Oct. 12 that included Belgium, all three Baltic states, attended a reception on board USS Taylor (FFG-50) in Spain and met with local leaders and scientists in Greenland.

SECNAV Ray Mabus began his trip in Brussels, Belgium, with Supreme Allied Commander Adm. James Stavridis to discuss current operations in the European Command.

Mabus spent the following day meeting with both U.S. and European military and civilian leadership at NATO to discuss strategic objectives for the Navy and Marine Corps and maritime security cooperation with European nations.

Mabus also had meetings with Belgian Minister of Defense Pieter de Crem, Belgian Ambassador to the United States Howard Gutman and Deputy Director General of Crisis Management Planning Directorate EU Council of Ministers Madame Claude-France Arnould.

"My trip to Belgium has been very productive," Mabus said. "I had several meetings with members of NATO and the European Union. Our discussion included everything from military coalition contributions in Afghanistan to the research of energy alternatives and maritime security."

Following a two-day stop in Belgium, Mabus visited all three Baltic States, Mabus met with several civilian and military leaders including the U.S. Ambassador to Estonia Michael Polt, Minister of Defense Jaak Aaviksoo, Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Paet and Commander of the Estonian Navy Capt. Igor Schvede. During his meetings, Mabus discussed the relationship and the joint cooperation between the U.S. military and the Estonian military.

"The contributions your country's military has made in Afghanistan and your relationship with our Navy and Marine Corps is appreciated," Mabus said. "I want to personally thank you for your continued support."

Mabus' second visit was to Riga, Latvia, and included office calls with the U.S. Ambassador to Latvia Judith Garber, Minister of Defense Imants Liegis and a meeting with Latvian President Valdis Zatlers.

While meeting with Zatlers, Mabus discussed the strength of the bilateral and NATO commitment to Baltic security.

"Mr. President, thank you for meeting with me today," Mabus said. "Your commitment to security is so important to Lativia, your Baltic neighbors and the United States. We will continue to work together to strengthen the Baltic region."

Following his trip to the Baltics, Mabus made a quick overnight visit to La Coruna, Spain, to visit with Sailors on board USS Taylor (FFG 50). Mabus personally thanked the crew for their patriotism and service to our Nation.

"It is an honor for me to be here today in La Coruna on the final leg of your deployment," Mabus said. "The sacrifice you and your families make everyday is appreciated by me and the people at home. Thank you for keeping us safe."

Mabus concluded his trip with a visit to Greenland. During his visit, Mabus met with the Premier of Greenland Jakob Edvard Kuupik Kleist and spent a day on board the Danish Arctic Patrol Vessel HDMS Ejnar Mikkelsen (P-571). While underway, Mabus expressed his concerns and goals regarding the climate change in the region.

"U.S. shares your interest in the Arctic and recognizes this is a region that requires more attention," Mabus said. "One of my priorities as SECNAV is making the Department of the Navy more energy efficient. For example, by 2016, I plan to deploy the Great Green Fleet powered entirely by alternative fuels and by 2020 one half of all the energy will be from alternative sources."

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U.S. Aircraft Carrier, Over 60 Warplanes Sent For Afghan War Surge

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:42 pm (PDT)

Navy NewsStand
October 17, 2010

Lincoln Arrives in 5th Fleet Ready to Support Afghanistan Surge
From USS Abraham Lincoln Public Affairs

MANAMA, Bahrain: Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) and guided missile cruiser USS Cape St. George (CG 71) arrived in the 5th Fleet area of responsibility (AOR) Oct. 17.

Abraham Lincoln, with embarked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 2, brings more than 60 additional aircraft to the theater in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates approved the presence of a second carrier in the 5th Fleet AOR to provide surge support for coalition forces in Afghanistan, and to support existing maritime security operations.

A second carrier also provides support for the drawdown of forces in Iraq.

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