Rebel Newsflash: When will the conspiracy of silence end? (plus 23 more items) |
- When will the conspiracy of silence end?
- Wikileaks under doubt as "classified" documents substantiate bogus U.S. claims
- Lebanon's Palestinian civil rights campagin moves into the Christian heartland
- Jeffrey Feltman, is the U.S. ignoring Avigdor Lieberman?
- US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
- Hungary is a Failed State. Over. Extinct.
- Jewish Supremacism–The Worst of the Nasty Odors Stinking Up Our World Today
- Call it terror, not price tag
- In the eyes of the interpreter
- What led to IDF bombing house full of civilians during Gaza war?
- Iran-Egypt Transport Agreement Irks US
- A Tale Of Two Beggars
- SPLC: Profiteers of Hate, Emotional Terrorists
- Saturday: 10 Iraqis Killed, 33 Wounded
- Ho Hum, More Wikileaks "Chickenfeed"
- What's in WikiLeaks' Iraq war logs?
- Fascism – no longer a taboo in Israel
- At the Crossroads
- Gaza's Historical Treasures Under Seige
- Do Afghan Peace Talks Have Traction?
- "If Americans Knew" made the ADL's anti-Israel list
- Friday: 5 Iraqis Killed, 15 Wounded
- Police repress convergence on UK weapons factory
- How Permanent Are America's Afghan Bases?
When will the conspiracy of silence end? Posted: 24 Oct 2010 05:29 AM PDT
Wikileaks under doubt as "classified" documents substantiate bogus U.S. claims Posted: 24 Oct 2010 05:16 AM PDT The war between Wikileaks and the Pentagon supposedly continued on Friday as the famous "whistleblower" website released 400,000 "classified" documents. The Pentagon has reportedly assigned 120 personnel to pore over the documents to determine the potential damage they could cause to U.S. security. However, like many news reports in this day and age, the real story may be buried under the hype surrounding the release of these supposedly "classified" documents and the "outrage" they are causing. |
Lebanon's Palestinian civil rights campagin moves into the Christian heartland Posted: 24 Oct 2010 05:15 AM PDT The Palestine Civil Rights Campaign-Lebanon and the Washington DC-Beirut based Sabra Shatila Foundation have released a copy of the Open Letter that was delivered this morning in Rome to representatives of Pope Benedict XVI and Lebanon's Marionite Patriarch, Cardinal Nassrallah Sfeir on the occasion of the VATICANS 2010 SPECIAL SYNOD ON THE MIDDLE EAST Supporters of civil rights for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, from 105 countries have signed hard copy and online Petitions, totaling more than 430,000 signatures urging Lebanon's Parliament to support the immediate enactment of elementary civil rights, including the full right to work and to own at home, in Lebanon's Parliament. The personal appear to the Pope and Lebanon's Maronite Patriarch is part of the recently launched campaign to achieve civil rights for Lebanon's Palestinian refugees, the largest and oldest refugee population and the one depraved of the most basic civil rights in Lebanon. |
Jeffrey Feltman, is the U.S. ignoring Avigdor Lieberman? Posted: 24 Oct 2010 02:38 AM PDT Jeffrey Feltman is the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. He has a long history in the Middle East, having served as ambassador to Lebanon, twice at the embassy in Tel Aviv, and a stint at the consulate in Jerusalem. Coming right off a trip to Lebanon, Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Morocco, Feltman was in Paris to help prepare a planned summit between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Abbas Thursday - a meeting that did not take place. |
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right Posted: 24 Oct 2010 02:32 AM PDT "I'm not a witch... I'm you." With these words, Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell attempted to convince voters that despite admitting to have dabbled in witchcraft and holding many extreme views, her values and views are closer to those of her state's voters than those of the "Washington elite," represented by her opponent, Chris Coons. |
Hungary is a Failed State. Over. Extinct. Posted: 23 Oct 2010 07:05 PM PDT Hungary is a failed state, pushed to extinction; the men's sperm killed off and the women's germ cells fried as the next generation, as yet unborn, is killed in the womb. They never even had a chance. |
Jewish Supremacism–The Worst of the Nasty Odors Stinking Up Our World Today Posted: 23 Oct 2010 06:27 PM PDT It's never a small slice of heaven when someone (obviously handicapped viz-a-viz grasping the finer points of social etiquette) decides it's in his or her best interest to fumigate the area with an unannounced (and unwanted) digestive eruption. Worse still are those who somehow get their kicks from doing it, and who can't imagine a funnier, wittier way of telling a joke than to shit his or her pants and stink the place up and watch the subsequent reactions from the innocent victims around him.
Posted: 23 Oct 2010 05:57 PM PDT Hebrew is a beautiful language. But it is also like a model whose golden days are behind her and must use pancake makeup to cover what age and strife have wrought. By way of example two terms that have become inseparable parts of the language, to the point that their real meanings has been forgotten: "price tag" and "neighbor procedure," which gave birth to "child procedure." On the face of it, what could be more innocent than retaliating to a past or future injustice? A settlers' synagogue was torched - even if it has not happened yet - a mosque will be torched. Settlers' olive trees are uprooted - or not - Palestinians' trees will be pulled up, and the same for the mutual puncturing of tires. After all, what else can they do? How can they defend themselves against the inherent evil of the Palestinians? Can they go to the police, the army? The settlers have learned from the Palestinians what happens when they complain to the police. |
In the eyes of the interpreter Posted: 23 Oct 2010 05:57 PM PDT A Military Police investigation into an air strike that killed 21 Palestinian civilians during Operation Cast Lead, according to a recent Haaretz report, indicates senior air force officers had approved the attack. The report, published on Friday by Amos Harel and Anshel Pfeffer ("IDF probes top officers on Gaza war strike that killed 21 family members" ), alleges senior officers authorized the bombing despite being warned by more junior officers that civilians were likely located at or nearby the target site. |
What led to IDF bombing house full of civilians during Gaza war? Posted: 23 Oct 2010 05:57 PM PDT A Military Police investigation into an air strike that killed 21 Palestinian civilians during Operation Cast Lead, according to a recent Haaretz report, indicates senior air force officers had approved the attack. The report, published on Friday by Amos Harel and Anshel Pfeffer ("IDF probes top officers on Gaza war strike that killed 21 family members" ), alleges senior officers authorized the bombing despite being warned by more junior officers that civilians were likely located at or nearby the target site. |
Iran-Egypt Transport Agreement Irks US Posted: 23 Oct 2010 05:06 PM PDT Turkey, China, South Korea, Venezuela and Brazil are not the only countries being scrutinized for their on-going trade relations with the Islamic Republic while ignoring the US-sponsored 'crippling sanctions' against the Islamic Republic. The US-Israel-EU axis have rebuked its most important Arab ally in the Middle East (Egypt) for signing the recent Transport Agreement, worth US$1.37 billion. Since 1978, when the former US President Jimmy Carter succeeded in blackmailing Egyptian dictator Anwar Sadat (1918-1981) to recognize the illegal Zionist entity in return for an annual USAID of $1.5 billion and a Nobel Prize (Israel receives USAID$6-14 billion per year) – Cairo along with Riyadh and Amman has been toeing US-Israel policies towards Islamic Iran, Lebanon and Palestinian Islamic Resistance, Hamas. |
Posted: 23 Oct 2010 10:59 AM PDT
Two beggars are sitting on a park bench in Ireland. One is holding a cross and the other a Star of David. Both are holding hats to collect contributions. People walk by, lift their noses at the man with the Star of David and drop money into the hat of the man with the cross. Soon, the hat of the man with the cross is filled and the hat of the man with the Star of David is empty. A priest watches for a while and then approaches the men. He says to the man with the Star of David, "Don't you realize that this is a Catholic country? You'll never get any contributions holding a Star of David." |
SPLC: Profiteers of Hate, Emotional Terrorists Posted: 23 Oct 2010 09:59 AM PDT The favorite slander used by the Democrats for anyone they disagree with is "extremist"; yet there is hardly any people more politically extreme than the Southern Poverty Law Center, now part of Homeland Security. The SPLC was co-created by the apparent psychopath (look up the word), Morris Seligman Dees–a pedophile, adulterer, liar, and an emotionally blackmailing homoerotic wife beater. He is described as "a sexual psychopath and an emotional terrorist" and "an emotionally destroying monster". Perfect for carrying out the SPLC agenda. His use of epithets emerged in childhood in spite of his own father's principles against mistreating others. To this day, Dees and the rest of the SPLC not only use epithets and emotional blackmail against the people they hate, but profit from it. The following article is from the magazine, The Social Contract, and their entire Spring 2010 issue is dedicated to the exposition of the "smear-mongering agenda of the Southern Poverty Law Center." |
Saturday: 10 Iraqis Killed, 33 Wounded Posted: 23 Oct 2010 08:30 AM PDT At least 10 Iraqis were killed and 33 more were wounded in new violence. The worst attack occurred outside of Baghdad in the suburb of Abu Ghraib. Meanwhile, the Wikileaks Iraq logs could undermine the prime minister's attempt to retain his seat. Documentation of extensive torture of detainees in the newly released Wikileaks reports could support previous allegations that the Iraqi government has either turned a blind eye or itself directed torture and illegal executions during Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's term. While Maliki only claims to have been tough with terrorists, his rivals are using the documents to call for his removal from office. He has been at the helm of a caretaker government since March when his State of Law narrowly lost the national elections. These revelations are not expected to harm his chances of maintaining the premiership, but they could help lead to a previously suggested power sharing scheme with leading party Iraqiya, which has been unable to form a large enough coalition to knock Maliki completely out and seat their own premier.
Ho Hum, More Wikileaks "Chickenfeed" Posted: 23 Oct 2010 08:18 AM PDT
What's in WikiLeaks' Iraq war logs? Posted: 23 Oct 2010 07:32 AM PDT Whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks on Friday released nearly 400,000 classified US military files chronicling the Iraq war from 2004 through 2009, the largest leak of its kind in US military history. The documents themselves are known at the Pentagon as 'SIGACTs,' raw field reports chronicling "Significant Action" in the conflict as seen by US forces on the ground in Iraq. |
Fascism – no longer a taboo in Israel Posted: 23 Oct 2010 06:25 AM PDT In Berlin, an exhibition entitled "Hitler and the Germans" has just opened. It examines the factors that caused the German people to bring Adolf Hitler to power and follow him to the very end… [S]ince childhood, precisely this question has been troubling me. How did it happen that a civilized nation, which saw itself as the "people of poets and thinkers", followed this man, much as the children of Hamelin followed the pied piper to their doom. |
Posted: 22 Oct 2010 11:00 PM PDT One of the principal arguments of advocacy journalists in the 1990s was that the "international community" had a duty to intervene in the Bosnian war to save the "multicultural" government in Sarajevo from the ethnically exclusive Serbs and Croats. This was a myth; the regime in Sarajevo was overwhelmingly Muslim, and led by an internationally recognized theorist of Islamic revolution. But it was a myth the nascent American Empire found convenient, and built into the foundation of the 1995 Dayton peace agreement. Although Bosnia has historically been a home of Orthodox and Catholic Christians, Muslims and Jews, these communities never lived together, but rather side by side. They began intermixing only in the secular, socialist Yugoslavia, following WW2. As novelist and commentator Muhrem Bazdulj noted on October 19, on the pages of the Sarajevo daily Oslobodjenje, prior to the 1990s conflict the communities in Bosnia had their distinctions, but were actually amazingly mono-cultural: they spoke what they considered the same language, and weren't segregated. |
Gaza's Historical Treasures Under Seige Posted: 22 Oct 2010 11:00 PM PDT Few outside of Gaza would consider its history much beyond the decades of Israeli occupation. But Gaza is a historical treasure house. Many of those treasures are now in Israeli museums, and those that remain are becoming difficult to preserve due to the Israeli siege. Gaza, set along the historical silk road and on the bridge between Africa and Asia, was host to civilizations, including the Pharaohs, Canaanites, Philistines, Crusaders, Mamluks, Romans and many following. Alexander the Great invaded Gaza; Napoleon Bonaparte passed through. |
Do Afghan Peace Talks Have Traction? Posted: 22 Oct 2010 11:00 PM PDT Reports over the past 10 days of high-level talks between the government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai and senior representatives of the Taliban have spurred growing speculation here about whether Washington is looking for a speedy exit to the longest foreign war in its history. The speculation has been fueled by a number of factors, including reports that U.S. and NATO officials have been actively facilitating the talks by, among other things, providing safe passage of Taliban leaders to Kabul, and a spate of news accounts suggesting that U.S. forces have finally turned the tide of battle in Kandahar, the Taliban's most important stronghold. |
"If Americans Knew" made the ADL's anti-Israel list Posted: 22 Oct 2010 09:28 PM PDT The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) recently released a report on the top 10 "anti-Israel" organizations affecting the mainstream discourse in the United States. We are pleased to announce that If Americans Knew is in this elite group of principled organizations. Despite its alleged mission "to secure justice and fair treatment to all" the ADL (sometimes pointedly referred to as "the Arab Defamation League") has a record of supporting Israel's most egregious human rights violations and extremist leaders and of attacking anyone who speaks up on behalf of Palestinian rights. It recently joined the bigots who opposed the building of a New York Muslim Community Center and has a history of illegal spying against American citizens. |
Friday: 5 Iraqis Killed, 15 Wounded Posted: 22 Oct 2010 04:00 PM PDT Wikileaks released almost 400,000 documents related to the Iraq occupation today. In those reports, the U.S. military had chronicled over 100,000 deaths, mostly civilians. About 15,000 of the civilian deaths had gone unreported outside the military. Violence continued today with at least five Iraqis dying in new violence. Another 15 were wounded. A sticky bomb in Garma killed a Sahwa fighter and injured a female companion. A man was killed as he was planting a separate bomb. |
Police repress convergence on UK weapons factory Posted: 22 Oct 2010 12:31 PM PDT As Israeli warplanes flew over Gaza on 13 October, activists converged on Brighton, United Kingdom for the annual mass action against the local EDO/ITT factory that produces components used in weapons by the Israeli Air Force, amongst others, to devastating effect. Faces clad, dozens of protesters attempted to break through police lines. Outnumbered by police three to one, the activists were chased down, detained and arrested. The surreal background symphony continued: photographers' flashes, stubborn traffic attempting to worm its way through police lines, the chants of "Free Palestine!" and the unmistakable sound of a police chopper circling overhead. |
How Permanent Are America's Afghan Bases? Posted: 21 Oct 2010 11:00 PM PDT As we know from a single April 19, 2003 New York Times piece, the Pentagon arrived in Saddam Hussein's Iraq preparing for a long stay. They already had at least four mega-military bases on the drawing boards as they entered the country (all subsequently built). "Enduring camps" they decided to call them, rather than the dicier "permanent bases." In the end, hundreds of bases were constructed in Iraq, from the tiniest combat outposts to monster installations, to the tune of untold billions of dollars. In the end, hundreds are now being left behind to be stripped, looted, or occupied by the Iraqi military. From Baghdad, the British Guardian's correspondent Martin Chulov recently reported that part of the price Nouri al-Maliki seems to have negotiated (in Tehran, not Washington) to retain his prime ministership may involve not letting the Pentagon keep even a single monster base in Iraq after 2011. This was evidently demanded by former U.S. nemesis, rebel cleric, and now "kingmaker" Muqtada al-Sadr, whose movement controls more than 10% of the votes in Iraq's new parliament. That can't make the Pentagon, or the U.S. high command, happy – and the Obama administration is already kicking. |
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