Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Coup d'etat in Ecuador

In Defence of Marxism
  Friday, 1 October 2010 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Patrick Larsen

Ecuador: Mass insurrection defeats coup d'état. Photo: Gobierno Municipal de Piñas.Dramatic events unfolded in Ecuador yesterday, when a sizeable group of the country's police forces tried to overthrow the left-wing government of Rafael Correa. The official reason for the rebellion of the police forces was a law passed by Congress on Wednesday that would end the practice of giving members of Ecuador's military and police medals and bonuses with each promotion.

By Erik Demeester in Brussels

Euro-demonstration in Brussels - the working class on the rise. Photo: Antonio Ponte.On September 29 more than 100,000 trade unionists from 27 different countries marched through Brussels in protest against the austerity measures being imposed by governments across the whole of Europe. The turnout was far greater than the trade union organisers had expected and it reveals the seething anger that is spreading throughout the whole of the European working class.

By In Defence of Marxism

September 29 powerful general strike in Spain reveals angry moodIn Spain the workers responded massively to the unions' call of for a general strike on September 29. In addition to the two main trade union confederations, the UGT and CCOO, the strike was supported by many smaller unions: CGT, SOC / SAT (Andalusia), IGC (Galicia), CSI (Asturias), STEs (teachers) and others. Many members of Left parties, especially the Communist Parties and United Left participated actively in many areas of Spain. [The following report has been compiled from reports sent from Spain]

By Iyabo Ajewole

Nigeria@50: How justified are the N6.5billion being spent on the celebrations? Photo by Mad African.On October 1st Nigeria celebrates 50 years of independence. A lot of money is going to be spent on the celebrations by the present ruling elite. But what is there to celebrate for the teeming masses of poor? The already terrible living conditions are getting worse as each day passes.

By David Rey

El fracaso del intento de golpe de estado en Ecuador es una victoria para los obreros, campesinos pobres y activistas populares de Ecuador y de toda América Latina, que ayer salieron por miles a las calles de todo el continente para repudiar este accionar contrarrevolucionario.

By Alan Woods

Publicamos la última entrega de La Historia de la Filosofía, de Alan Woods, con un apéndice que trata sobre las filosofías india e islámica. Como en los anteriores capítulos, Alan Woods relaciona los sistemas de pensamiento de estas civilazaciones con la filosofía del marxismo, el materialismo dialéctico, y con la lucha de la humanidad por ascender a una sociedad superior, el Socialismo.

By Alan Woods

لقد استقبلت وسائل الإعلام البرجوازية العالمية نتيجة الانتخابات للجمعية الوطنية في فنزويلا، يوم الأحد الماضي، بالابتهاج. ما يزال من المبكر إصدار حكم نهائي بخصوص النتائج. لم يتم تأكيد تفوق اليمين على الحزب الاشتراكي الموحد الفنزويلي في الأصوات. ومع ذلك، فإن دق طبول الانتصار في وسائل الإعلام الدولية سابق لأوانه.

By Alan Woods

Il risultato delle elezioni venezuelane di domenica per il rinnovo dell'Assemblea Nazionale è stato salutato dalle grida di giubilo dei media borghesi a livello internazionale. E' presto per un giudizio definitivo sui risultati e non è confermato il sorpasso della destra sul PSUV in termini di voti assoluti. Pertanto il coro assordante di trionfo dei mezzi di comunicazione a livello mondiale è prematuro.

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