The struggle against the attacks on pensions in France is perhaps moving onto a higher stage. After mass demonstrations mobilising between two and three million workers, on 7th and 23rd September and on the 2nd October, a new demonstration is planned for the 12th. The national leadership of the trade unions intends to limit the action to "days of action" of this kind, but rank-and-file pressure is growing in favour of indefinite strike action. | By Hands Off Venezuela The international solidarity campaign organised by the Hands Off Venezuela campaign and the Bolivarian Congress of the Peoples coinciding with the National Assembly elections in Venezuela was a resounding success. More than 30 events were organised in 20 different countries, and nearly 1500 people from 65 different countries signed the solidarity appeal. | By Ted Grant in 1968 This 1968 perspectives document was a fundamental document that prepared the British Marxists for the stormy period that lay ahead. "The Labour government has faithfully, if clumsily and stupidly, carried out the dictates of the capitalist class—much more effectively than a Conservative government could have done under the same conditions", commented Ted Grant, but the victory of the Tories in the imminent election would unleash the anger and frustration of the workers and youth and push the trade unions decisively to the left. | | | ESPAÑOL | By Corriente Marxista Socialista El Militante (Argentina) A diferencia de los países de nuestro entorno, la clase trabajadora argentina carece de un partido político propio que exprese o refleje sus intereses particulares. Por el momento es un hecho irrebatible que para una gran parte de la clase trabajadora el kirchnerismo aparece como la única alternativa viable frente a la oposición de derecha y sus políticas reaccionarias. | |
| OTHER LANGUAGES | By Jorge Martín Am 13. September kündigte der Gewerkschaftsverband Kubas (CTC) über die „Granma", eine Reihe von Veränderungen in der Wirtschaft des Landes an. Diese Maßnahmen sind das Ergebnis der tiefen Wirtschaftskrise, die auch Kuba voll getroffen hat. Eine Analyse von Jorge Martin. | By Alan Woods Viviamo nella prima decade del 21° secolo, epoca in cui lo sviluppo scientifico e tecnologico ha fatto miracoli. Possiamo mandare un uomo sulla luna e spedire satelliti ad esplorare i più remoti angoli del sistema solare ma, ancora nel 2010, milioni di uomini e donne sono ridotti a vivere in condizioni primitive al limite della barbarie. In Pakistan ciò avveniva anche prima delle recenti alluvioni ma ora milioni di poveri sono aggrappati alla vita con sempre minore forza. | | |
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