Thursday, November 4, 2010

Students at University of Agriculture Faisalabad protest against callous Administration

In Defence of Marxism
  Thursday, 7 October 2010 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Lal Khan

Pakistan: Asian Marxist Review Editor's Note Autumn 2010. Drawing: LatuffThe mightiest imperial power in history is in the throes of decay and degeneration. A crumbling economy, record deficits and wars they cannot win have shattered the confidence of the Unites States ruling class. Its strategists are lurching from one blunder to another. The highest ever unemployment, a jobless recovery, pessimistic economic forecasts and the ever rising debts have created uncertainty amongst the working masses and doom and gloom overshadows society.

By our correspondent in UAF

Pakistan: Students at University of Agriculture Faisalabad protest against callous AdministrationLong power cuts, tremendous hikes in tuition fee and other dues, a ban on student unions, an increasing presence of security forces inside the university and other brutal measures against the students have forced them to come out and protest for their demands.

By Gulzar Lodhi

Book inauguration of The inauguration was held on October 3 in the PPP offices in D.G. Khan at Khetran Plaza near Traffic Chowk. Almost 250 workers, peasants and students attended the ceremony. D.G.Khan Division was the worst hit by the recent floods. The cities of Jampur and Kot Addu were completely submerged in flood waters while hundreds of villages and towns were destroyed.

By The Communist

New edition of the Moroccan 'The Communist' in Arabic has just come outThe October 2010 edition of the Moroccan Marxist journal, The Communist, is now available online.

By Lucha de Clases

"Hay que construir una corriente radical dentro del PSUV". El 10 de febrero del 2010 se le informó a Eduardo Samán que el Ejecutivo Nacional había decidido sustituirlo en el cargo de Ministro para el Poder Popular del Comercio. Samán era conocido en Venezuela cómo un ministro muy cercano al pueblo revolucionario, muy atento con sus problemas e inquietudes. Era además muy popular entre los trabajadores por el hecho de haber trabajado por el control obrero en fábricas como La Gaviota, Edo. Sucre.

By Lucha de clases

Balance del 26-S: Ciertamente se ha obtenido mayoría simple en la AN, pero como muestran las cifras es innegable que la derecha ha avanzado. Publicamos en formato PDF un nuevo volante donde el Comité de Redacción de Lucha de Clases hace un balance de las elecciones y las tareas de los revolucionarios ahora en adelante. Hacemos un llamado a nuestros luchadores lectores para que reproduzcan este materíal y sea divulgado en sus comunidades, barrios, fábricas, organizaciones, etc.

By La Riposte

Invité par le réseau « Renforcer le PCF, renouer avec le marxisme » et le journal La Riposte, le théoricien et militant marxiste Alan Woods sera en France, du 11 au 16 octobre, pour animer une série de réunions publiques sur le thème : « La crise du capitalisme et l'actualité du marxisme ». Connu notamment pour son soutien actif à la révolution vénézuélienne, Alan Woods est l'auteur de plusieurs livres et dirige le site In Defence of Marxism.

By Patrick Larsen, da Caracas

Gli avvenimenti drammatici dell'Ecuador del 30 settembre scorso, quando un consistente gruppo di membri delle forze di polizia ha tentato di rovesciare il governo di sinistra guidato da Rafael Correa, sono ancora davanti agli occhi di tutti.

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