Rebel Newsflash: Pakistanis have great deal of emotional attachment with the Iranian people: Shahid R. Siddiqi (plus 46 more items) |
- Pakistanis have great deal of emotional attachment with the Iranian people: Shahid R. Siddiqi
- The New, More Racially Diverse US Army
- General Toufik: 'God of Algeria'
- David Icke: The Beleaguered Warrior
- The Road to World War III - The Global Banking Cartel Has One Card Left to Play
- Israel's Reasoning against Peace
- West's tax benefits for donation to Israel Army
- A Lie at the Heart of Israel's Settlement Project
- Is South African Foreign Policy with Palestine Tied in Knots?
- It Takes a Cynic: 'If I Were Not Obama, I Would Be Diogenes'
- Israel's Political Firewall against the Truth
- Tuesday: 3 Iraqis Killed, 24 Wounded
- There goes the neighbourhood
- Sunlight Disinfects Sunstein - Now Bring on the War Crimes Tribunals
- Amazing "Coincidence": UT Shooting Cancels Pro-Gun Speech
- Big Sis Tries To Force Body Scanners On Other Countries Amidst Backlash
- White House Science Czar Questioned The Right of Unborn Child to Live Inside Womb
- The Emperor Has No Clothes
- Ed Milliband - The Manchurian Candidate
- Going nuclear: Arab-Iranian fissure
- Africa ... States of Independence - Interview: Ibrahim Babamasi Babangida
- Israel's reasoning against peace
- Turkey and Russia: Cleaning up the mess in the Middle East
- Ashcroft's Post-9/11 Roundups Spark Lawsuit
- Sorry, You're Under Surveillance
- Riots Grip East Jerusalem
- Stuxnet False Flag Launched For Web Takeover! - Alex Jones Tv 2/3
- Poll – Arabs prefer Ahmadinejad over Obama
- Obama's Internet Wiretap Move: Just One Small Facet Of Total Domination Project
- You Promised Me Democracy
- Reaping terror's reward: get in there first – that's the secret
- Israeli Raid on Gaza Flotilla: Revealing UN Rights Council Report
- What if peace talks "succeed?"
- Anthony J. Hall and Joshua Blakeney Challenge Michael Shermer About His 9/11 Denialism
- Truth will set US free: breaking Israel's stranglehold over American foreign policy
- Press TV's Waqar Rizvi talks to James Morris on Israeli Nukes
- Burying Nuclear Waste in the Palestinian Territories
- Monday: US Soldier, 10 Iraqis Killed; 28 Iraqis Wounded
- War Crimes in Fallujah, Tony Blair and a "Man with a Mission"
- CrossTalk on Immigration Fears
- Credit Collapse and the Shadow Banking System
- Stuxnet False Flag Launched For Web Takeover
- Game of War 'Blackwater Style' & Rats Leaving Obama White House
- Review: Norwegian doctors' "Eyes in Gaza"
- Rabbi–"You Must Suck During Circumcision"
- Eight US universities say yes to apartheid
- US Zionists in uproar over article showing Israelis don't care about peace
Pakistanis have great deal of emotional attachment with the Iranian people: Shahid R. Siddiqi Posted: 29 Sep 2010 07:58 AM PDT The 2010 Pakistan flood was one of the most unpleasant and painful incidents of the year which attracted widespread international attention due to its extensiveness and destructive impacts. The floods started in July following heavy monsoon rains and overflow of the Indus River in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan regions of Pakistan. It is estimated that more than two thousand people lost their lives and over a million homes were destroyed since the flooding began. According to the United Nations estimates, over 21 million people have been injured or displaced as a result of the devastative flood. |
The New, More Racially Diverse US Army Posted: 29 Sep 2010 06:18 AM PDT
General Toufik: 'God of Algeria' Posted: 29 Sep 2010 02:29 AM PDT September 2010 is the 20th anniversary of the world's longest serving 'intelligence chief' taking office. The man in question is General Mohamed 'Toufik' Mediène, the director of Algeria's Département du Renseignement et de la Sécurité (DRS). He was appointed head of the DRS in September 1990, 15 months before Algeria's 'Generals', or 'the group' as they were known at the time, which included Mediène (then a colonel), annulled the elections that would have brought to power the world's first ever democratically elected Islamic government. |
David Icke: The Beleaguered Warrior Posted: 28 Sep 2010 05:58 PM PDT There is a time when the warriors amongst us must be honored. |
The Road to World War III - The Global Banking Cartel Has One Card Left to Play Posted: 28 Sep 2010 05:50 PM PDT
Israel's Reasoning against Peace Posted: 28 Sep 2010 05:33 PM PDT
West's tax benefits for donation to Israel Army Posted: 28 Sep 2010 05:27 PM PDT In July 2010, the British goverment launched an investigation into the possible links between country's leading Muslim charity, Islamic Dawah Centre International and the anti-USrael terrorist groups. The IDCI joined the list after the British Home Secretary, Zionist Theresa May, banned India's top Muslim preacher, Dr. Zakir Naik, to address a meeting sonsored by the charity group. Interestingly, British Prime Minister, David Cameron, who had boasted of his Jewish roots – has agreed to become a patron of Jewish National Fund (JNF), following in the footsteps of his predecessors Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. JNF collected US$12.2 million last year and is well-known for giving financial aid to Israel Occupation Force (IOF) projects. |
A Lie at the Heart of Israel's Settlement Project Posted: 28 Sep 2010 05:24 PM PDT As Israel's self-imposed and largely irrelevant settlement freeze ends, Prime Minister Netanyahu has asked settlers to show 'restraint'. It is an interesting choice of adjective, for people who show restraint are the injured and outraged; they are victims who although entitled to a full measure of justice settle for less to maintain good will and harmony. In the context of the West Bank settlers and Israel's illegal colonisation no adjective could be less appropriate. Yet unwittingly it also reveals the mendacity behind Israel's whole approach to these negotiations. Settlements - or to describe them accurately, illegal Jewish only colonies - did not happen by accident; nor do they continue as some sort of unfortunate but unavoidable historical hangover. Rather they are central to Israel's entire policy with regard to the Palestinian territories. |
Is South African Foreign Policy with Palestine Tied in Knots? Posted: 28 Sep 2010 05:20 PM PDT In a recent interview, South Africa's ambassador to the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, Ted Pekane, made an intriguing observation: "Currently we have no intention of breaking ties with Israel. That would be counter-productive. Our policy of engagement applies to Israel as well. Only if the [Palestinian Authority of President Mahmoud Abbas] asked us to support the disinvestments and sanctions campaign against Israel would we consider packing our bags". |
It Takes a Cynic: 'If I Were Not Obama, I Would Be Diogenes' Posted: 28 Sep 2010 05:13 PM PDT As a lawyer and one time activist, President Barack Obama should not have lashed out at the Cynics when he asked the United Nations General Assembly and the world to back his plan to forge a Palestinian State and a secure Israel. Actually, it is Cynicism itself that is sorely and desperately needed in order for a just and secure Palestinian State and Israeli State to peacefully co-exist and thrive. It is unfortunate too, that the current meaning of "cynic" is someone who assumes the worst about human nature. However, Cynicism was an Ancient Greek philosophical movement probably founded by Diogenes of Sinope. The Cynics took their name either from their meeting place or from the word kynikos, referring to the free, unfettered-and always questioning-lifestyle mixed with contempt for the established social and political orders of their day. |
Israel's Political Firewall against the Truth Posted: 28 Sep 2010 05:10 PM PDT |
Tuesday: 3 Iraqis Killed, 24 Wounded Posted: 28 Sep 2010 04:02 PM PDT At least three Iraqis were killed and 24 were wounded in mostly late evening attacks in and near Baghdad. Meanwhile, a U.S. servicemember is in custody for the deaths of two fellow soldiers last week. Also, Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari called on the United States to increase its role in helping Iraq form its new government. The U.S. military is holding a U.S. servicemember in connection with a deadly shooting in Fallujah last week. Spc. Neftaly Platero is suspected of killing Spc. John Carrillo Jr. and Pfc. Gebrah P. Noonan, while wounding a third unnamed soldier, in an attack that followed an argument between the four servicemembers. |
Posted: 28 Sep 2010 01:17 PM PDT
Sunlight Disinfects Sunstein - Now Bring on the War Crimes Tribunals Posted: 28 Sep 2010 11:50 AM PDT
Amazing "Coincidence": UT Shooting Cancels Pro-Gun Speech Posted: 28 Sep 2010 11:14 AM PDT |
Big Sis Tries To Force Body Scanners On Other Countries Amidst Backlash Posted: 28 Sep 2010 09:51 AM PDT |
White House Science Czar Questioned The Right of Unborn Child to Live Inside Womb Posted: 28 Sep 2010 09:49 AM PDT It is almost tiresome, but yet another writing by White House science czar John P. Holdren has surfaced- this time questioning the right of a "potential human" to live and grow in the womb of an "actual woman". One could fill a medium-sized library with the writings by this Malthusian monster, denouncing humans and their right to live under the sun. |
Posted: 28 Sep 2010 08:30 AM PDT
Ed Milliband - The Manchurian Candidate Posted: 28 Sep 2010 08:25 AM PDT
After the long charade of a feud between the brothers David and ED, we now see that it was all just a scheme to keep them in the public eye. It appears that 10% of the votes were not counted, an astonishing 36,562 votes were rejected because a new addition ofa small box on the bottom of the ballot paper was not ticked, this meant that these were marked 'spoilt' and not counted, most people did not even see this new addition to the paper.
Going nuclear: Arab-Iranian fissure Posted: 28 Sep 2010 07:27 AM PDT Schisms in Arab-Iranian relations litter their common history. None perhaps threatens calamity for both sides more than the fissure over Iran going nuclear. However, in Arab-Iranian relations the fusion of religion and politics is more of a quandary than the nuclear fusion Iranians seem to be seeking. This is not a time for the Arab side to melt from the heat of Iran going nuclear. This is a time to put intellectual and political wisdom before irrational machinations against the 'other.' |
Africa ... States of Independence - Interview: Ibrahim Babamasi Babangida Posted: 28 Sep 2010 05:37 AM PDT
Israel's reasoning against peace Posted: 28 Sep 2010 04:06 AM PDT With the resumption of settlement construction in the West Bank yesterday, Israel's powerful settler movement hopes that it has scuttled peace talks with the Palestinians. It would be misleading, however, to assume that the only major obstacle to the success of the negotiations is the right-wing political ideology the settler movement represents. Equally important are deeply entrenched economic interests shared across Israeli society. |
Turkey and Russia: Cleaning up the mess in the Middle East Posted: 28 Sep 2010 01:17 AM PDT The neocon plan to transform the Middle East and Central Asia into a pliant client of the US empire and its only-democracy-in-the-Middle-East is now facing a very different playing field. Not only are the wars against the Palestinians, Afghans and Iraqis floundering, but they have set in motion unforeseen moves by all the regional players. |
Ashcroft's Post-9/11 Roundups Spark Lawsuit Posted: 27 Sep 2010 11:00 PM PDT Hundreds of people who believe they were falsely detained and imprisoned by the Department of Justice in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks are now seeking redress through the U.S. courts. The exact number of detainees is unclear, as no lists were ever released publicly. But according to a report by the Office of the Inspector General in 2002, 475 9/11 detainees were arrested and detained in New York and New Jersey. Hundreds more were arrested across the country. |
Sorry, You're Under Surveillance Posted: 27 Sep 2010 11:00 PM PDT Orwell, Kafka, For governments keen on muzzling and thwarting opposition, terrorism is a God-sent cover. A nation subject to terrorist attack can get away with deception, surveillance, secret arrests, harassment, entrapment, censorship, spying, stealing, and grievous infringements on travel. Nothing to it… you just cite national security. |
Posted: 27 Sep 2010 11:00 PM PDT A Palestinian man was killed by an Israeli settlement security guard in disputed circumstances, a Palestinian toddler asphyxiated on tear gas, and dozens of Palestinians were injured by beatings, rubber-coated metal bullets, and tear gas inhalation. |
Stuxnet False Flag Launched For Web Takeover! - Alex Jones Tv 2/3 Posted: 27 Sep 2010 07:35 PM PDT
Poll – Arabs prefer Ahmadinejad over Obama Posted: 27 Sep 2010 07:18 PM PDT Last month, Brookings Institute released results of a poll conducted by Professor Shibley Telhami of Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings Institute – in co-operation with Zogby and the University of Maryland. The participants from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates expressed they're more supportive of Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad's views on the Middle East than US President Barack Obama. Professor Shibley Telhami pointed out that the results of "the poll present problem for the US, which has counted on Arabs seeing Iran as a threat – maybe even bigger one than Israel". |
Obama's Internet Wiretap Move: Just One Small Facet Of Total Domination Project Posted: 27 Sep 2010 06:35 PM PDT The Obama administration is drafting legislation that will see all internet providers and other online communication services, including email clients and social networks, be forced to allow the intelligence agencies unfettered backdoor access. "Essentially, officials want Congress to require all services that enable communications — including encrypted e-mail transmitters like BlackBerry, social networking Web sites like Facebook and software that allows direct "peer to peer" messaging like Skype — to be technically capable of complying if served with a wiretap order." The New York Times reports. |
Posted: 27 Sep 2010 04:05 PM PDT |
Reaping terror's reward: get in there first – that's the secret Posted: 27 Sep 2010 02:58 PM PDT If it wasn't for the "war on terror" America and Israel wouldn't be enjoying such military fun and games and reaping such fat rewards. Whole new industries are flourishing thanks to the considerable effort they've devoted to sowing the seeds of terror. The Institute of Terrorism Research and Response (ITRR), for example, is an American-Israeli corporation "created to help organizations succeed and prosper in a world threatened by terrorism". |
Israeli Raid on Gaza Flotilla: Revealing UN Rights Council Report Posted: 27 Sep 2010 02:11 PM PDT Following Israel's raid on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on 31 May, the UN Human Rights Council elected to establish an independent international fact-finding mission to investigate violations of international law, including humanitarian and human rights law. On 23 July the three-person Mission was appointed. It consisted of Chairman Karl Hudson-Phillips, retired Judge of the International Criminal Court and former Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago; Sir Desmond de Silva, former Chief Prosecutor of the UN-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone; and Ms Mary Shanthi Dairiam, a specialist on international women's rights. They were assisted by a large team including external specialists in forensic pathology, military issues, firearms, the law of the sea and international humanitarian law. The Mission began work in Geneva on 9 August and an advanced unedited edition of its report was published just over six weeks later on 22 September. |
What if peace talks "succeed?" Posted: 27 Sep 2010 02:00 PM PDT
Anthony J. Hall and Joshua Blakeney Challenge Michael Shermer About His 9/11 Denialism Posted: 27 Sep 2010 01:42 PM PDT
Truth will set US free: breaking Israel's stranglehold over American foreign policy Posted: 27 Sep 2010 01:24 PM PDT If Israel's stranglehold over US foreign policy is to be broken, Americans will need to be informed about the harm that Washington's unconditional support for the Jewish state is doing to American interests, say leading analysts of US-Israeli relations.
Press TV's Waqar Rizvi talks to James Morris on Israeli Nukes Posted: 27 Sep 2010 01:07 PM PDT
Burying Nuclear Waste in the Palestinian Territories Posted: 27 Sep 2010 12:48 PM PDT
Monday: US Soldier, 10 Iraqis Killed; 28 Iraqis Wounded Posted: 27 Sep 2010 11:26 AM PDT As if the political deadlock over the premiership did not already stoke sectarian tensions in Iraq, the Interior Ministry has now ordered the demotions of hundreds of Sunni police officers. Meanwhile, the violence continues. At least 10 Iraqis were killed and 28 more were wounded across the country. Meanwhile a U.S. soldier was killed in a vehicle rollover in Kuwait, and a sniper wounded a U.S. soldier in Amara. |
War Crimes in Fallujah, Tony Blair and a "Man with a Mission" Posted: 27 Sep 2010 09:17 AM PDT |
CrossTalk on Immigration Fears Posted: 27 Sep 2010 08:12 AM PDT
Credit Collapse and the Shadow Banking System Posted: 27 Sep 2010 07:45 AM PDT While local banks are held in check by the new banking czars in Basel, Wall Street's "shadow banking system" has hardly been curbed by regulators at all; and it is here that the 2008 credit crisis was actually precipitated. The banking system's credit machine is systemically flawed and needs a radical overhaul. On September 13, the Bank for International Settlements issued heightened capital requirements that will make lending even more difficult for local banks, which do most of the consumer and small business lending today. The new rules are ostensibly designed to prevent a repeat of the 2008 credit collapse, but they fail to address its real cause, which involves a "shadow" banking system that has largely escaped regulation. |
Stuxnet False Flag Launched For Web Takeover Posted: 27 Sep 2010 05:43 AM PDT |
Game of War 'Blackwater Style' & Rats Leaving Obama White House Posted: 27 Sep 2010 04:10 AM PDT
Review: Norwegian doctors' "Eyes in Gaza" Posted: 27 Sep 2010 02:31 AM PDT
Rabbi–"You Must Suck During Circumcision" Posted: 26 Sep 2010 12:36 PM PDT Keep in mind folks, THESE are the people who run our society, the ones Jesus warned us about and who are attempting at present to impose THIS world view upon everyone–a small subsection of which includes the practice of sucking on a baby boy's penis during the circumcision process. Can you just IMAGINE if the Muslims did this? It would be listed up there with all the other "72 Virgins" BS and all the rest, but yet, we hear NOTHING concerning this perverse behavior on the part of these rabbis, and of course we all know why. |
Eight US universities say yes to apartheid Posted: 26 Sep 2010 11:06 AM PDT A letter from Gaza appeared on the web dated 24 September 2010. It was from a group of Gaza academics and students and sought to publicize the fact that eight American universities have recently signed agreements with various Israeli universities to offer US students free semester-long programmes in Israel. Among the American universities participating in this venture are Harvard, Columbia and Michigan. |
US Zionists in uproar over article showing Israelis don't care about peace Posted: 26 Sep 2010 11:05 AM PDT When Time magazine carried an article on "Why Israel doesn't care about peace", a whole coterie of American Zionist supporters reacted as if Time had become anti-Semitic. Author of the Time article, Karl Vick, writes: "Asked in a March poll to name the 'most urgent problem' facing Israel, just 8 per cent of Israeli Jews cited the conflict with Palestinians, putting it fifth behind education, crime, national security and poverty." |
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