Charles also let us know that all the Internet Killed Television Theme Songs were downloadable from their website, so if you want those, just travel over to Alli is out and she runs into a girl that they met at the Weezer concert back in late January. If you haven't seen that video, you can watch it here: Charles and Alli go see Weezer. It's funny because while Alli is filming the girl, another girl spots the camera from behind her and freezes lol. Random stuff in these CTFxC videos that catch your attention.
Charles was taking Zoe and Marley out for a walk but it started raining, so he put Marley in her little yellow rain slicker lol. He also uploaded a video to his iPhone channel on YouTube. You can see the clip called Little Dog In A Yellow Raincoat!! (with Alli singing) at Trippy - you can even download the song from SendSpace for free (now THAT'S a dedicated CTFxCer!).
But What Was That Part About Alli Being Pregnant?!
No, Alli is not really having a baby. It seems that Alli has been having problems with her stomach for a while (that's why she hasn't been in too many CTFxC videos). She gets these abdominal pains for several days and they subside, but they return a few months later. They've been to see doctors about it, but they don't know what it could be - so, Charles has decided that it has to be an alien baby. It's so obvious! Alli has a little space baby growing inside her and Charles is already picking out names: E.T., and Alli thinks "Charles the 4th" would be good. So, she's not preggers, and hopefully it's not something like an ulcer. Send Alli some best wishes that she will get over this quickly.
Another thing, Charles mentioned that he will definitely be going to Tennessee around the 12th (he mentioned that cabin thing with other youtubers in Sleepy Charles Trippy And Cussin' Alli) and he bought a GoPro
The guy at the end is another youtuber, themightythor1212, who will be showing Charles around for the launch of the space shuttle. And wow, that was uploaded fast! Here's themightythor1212's video:
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