Thursday, November 4, 2010


Summary from interview on GEO TV ,November 2010
Lieutenant General Khwaja Ziauddin (Retired) nominated as army chief
and promoted to four star on 12 October 1999 who had served as Director General Inter Services Intelligence Agency from 1998 to 1999 in an interview with Pakistans GEO TV made following important
1. US was not really serious about apprehending or eliminating Osama
Bin Laden in the period 1998-99.
2. The ISI furnished US with a report that Osama could be targeted at
a feast being held at Dasht I Margo in Nimroz but US CIA declined to
take action as UAE Royal family was also in attendance.Thus the US
lost a good chance of eliminating Bin Laden.
3. US funded ISI special force had the capability to apprehend Osama
Bin laden in few months had Musharrafs 1999 October coup not taken place after which this special force was disbanded by Musharraf.
4. Musharrafs nominated DG ISI General Mahmud questioned General Zia in 1999 after the coup as to why General Zia was planning to capture
Osama Bon laden and hand him over to USA as it was against Pakistans
national interest.
5. General Ziauddin summed up General Musharraf as a chronic liar .
6. General Ziauddin stated that General Musgarraf literally begged
Pakistans Prome Minsister Nawaz Sharif to go to Washington on 4th July
1999 and request President Clinton to ask the Indian military to agree
to a cease fire and give safe passage to Pakistani troops stranded in
Kargil and to request India not to escalate the conflict.
7. US intelligence point of contact Major Sheehan designated to
liaison about Osama with ISI used to be dead drunk at most time .An
indicator of US non seriousness about Bin Laden.
8. That Mullah Omar had agreed to a trial of Osama Bin Laden on
terrorism charges but the USA showed no interest.
Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear
of punishment and hope of reward after death."  --
Albert Einstein !!!
Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death."  --
Albert Einstein !!!

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