Sunday, December 12, 2010

Conspiracy against Freedom of Thought in Pakistan

Department of International Relations
University of Peshawar

They have done to higher education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa today what Musharaf with all his military might could not do - and we depend on them to represent the people's struggle for democratizing Pakistani state and society - to fight obscurantism and extremsim. no more elected teacher representation in governance of Peshawar University - bill passed by KPK Assembly today.

Zia ul Haq took away student representation and gave wide ranging powers to the Governor including the power to transfer Univesity Teachers to any other University College or government department - Musharaf tried to do away with any representation at all but failed (at least in the existing universities.


He was able to enforce his undemocratic higher educational system through his Model Act only in the new universities) - the current democratic hope of this state has completed the process of totally suffocating any modicum of independence that had remained - orginally given in 1974. People should no more expect any independent analysis from Universities of KPK. Though I do not claim that much was coming out any way, but the little that did will no more be possible.  

Through an amendment in the 1974 Peshawar University Act the KPK Assembly on 06 December 2010 removed all elected representation from University Governance. A reconstituted Senate with only 17 members all nominated with Chancellor/Governor as its Chairman will be the main executive body of the University rather than the syndicate was chaired by the Vice Chancellor with elected members. That nominated body would have trhe power not just to transfer but even to fire any un wanted University Teacher.

The probability that the ANP - PPP combine did not even understand what they have done does not lessen the harm done or absolve them of the resopnsibility. The bill was prepapred secretly somehwere by some one and presented, defended and aproved by the progressive democratic legislators.

All those interested in defence of academic freedom must shout out loud.

Dr. Ijaz Khan
Department of International Relations
University of Peshawar

Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan

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