Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hugo Chavez Can now be legally tough with landlords and speculators

In Defence of Marxism
  Wednesday, 22 December 2010 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Patrick Larsen

Venezuela: Parliament passes Enabling Law, Chávez beings offensive against landlords and speculators. Photo: Prensa MirafloresOn Friday 10th of December, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez publicly asked the PSUV deputies in the National Assembly to pass a new Enabling Law, giving him power to take rapid action, faced with the natural disaster caused by the heavy rainstorms, which have left around 100,000 Venezuelans homeless.

By Socialist Appeal - Britain

Britain: 2011 - Year of Struggle. Photo: Chris Beckett.The deepest crisis since the Great Depression, with its accompanying financial, banking and sovereign debt crises, has opened up splits and arguments not seen for generations. Where do they go from here? Savage austerity, which threatens the weak recovery, or possibly pump-prime the economy and risk market turmoil? That is their choice as the crisis moves into its next dangerous phase. Under the topsy-turvy logic of capitalism they are both right and both wrong. Whatever they do they will not be able to cure this unsolvable and protracted crisis of the system.

By Socialist Appeal New Zealand

Socialist Appeal sends its deepest sympathies and stands in solidarity with the families of the 29 miners who died in the recent Pike River disaster, and the West Coast communities .

By Vasco Fraga, militante do PCP

En éste artículo, Vasco Fraga, militante del PCP, explica el trasfondo económico, social y político que llevó a la huelga general en Portugal el 24 de noviembre.

By El Militante - CMI Argentina

El 19 y 20 de diciembre se cumplen nueve años de las jornadas que iniciaron toda una nueva época histórica en la vida nacional. La irrupción de las masas en las calles fue una manifestación de repudio ante la situación socioeconómica, pero también de los manejos políticos y hasta de toda una cultura dominante, la de los años noventa.

By International Marxist Tendency

Dunia kita sedang berubah, memasuki sebuah periode transisional dari satu epos ke epos lainnya. Berikut ini adalah perspektif dunia untuk mehamami proses tersebut dan memberikan kita, kaum revolusioner, arahan untuk bertindak dan membawa sosialisme ke muka bumi.

By Tom Trottier e John Peterson

Nas recentes eleições dos EUA, os Republicanos garantiram um dramático retorno após sua derrota eleitoral há dois anos. Ganharam várias governadorias, assentos no senado e tomaram o controle total da Câmara de Deputados. Como isto foi possível?

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