Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why Americans elect any Tom Dick and Harry as President

Below are thoughts of a genuine man , my friend.
Withdrawal is not the solution .

As Machiavelli said God was neither with us nor them !

Nothing is inevitable in history !
Human rights are the biggest weakness of the west ! A fatal weakness possibly !
Agha Amin
Thoughts of an American or why Americans elect anyone with a coat and tie from anywhere
The fact that "normal" Americans have been staying home, hunkered down, since 11 September 2001, instead of seeing the world as businessmen, tourists, students, etc., have placed us way behind in the ranks of people proficient in world affairs. 
Our political leaders - an oxymoron perhaps - will take advantage of any perceived weakness.  And ignorance is weakness, particularly self-inflected ignorance. 
 Thus, we Americans are left with leaders influenced by "expert" lobbyists of various stripes - another potentially fatal flaw. 
Our system allows anyone with a coat and tie from anywhere on the earth to gain access to any elected national leader and promote a cause.
The hyenas are converging on the wounded beast. 
Can the beast rise?  Will the beast's like group/s rally around to fight off the hyenas?

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