Monday, December 27, 2010

Major Aslam Watanjars Brilliant Coup of 1978

The Saur Revolution of April 1978 was an inspiring event in history !

My hero in this was off course the man who made it all possible !

Major Aslam Watanjar the indomitable tankist who played hell with Daud Khans presidential palace !

It was Aslam Watanjars bold action of April 1978 that inspired me to join Pakistan Armys tank corps in 1981 !

We all saw the illegitimate usurper Zia as an illegitimate man who had no business to be there !

We are human beings and just because a man was the army chief we did not have to regard him as onewhen he was in reality an illegitimate usurper !

Watanjar may have been an Afghan by birth but he was greater than that ! He was a hero who transformed a country and removed an arbitrary president ! We identified with his actions of April 1978 ! From where he was was not material or relevant !

We saw Aslam Watanjar  as a revolutionary and a hero !

As Pakistans illegitimate military junta of that time was isolated and a pariah state it invented Jihad to get US Dollars ! What is propagated as Jihad was all about US Dollars !

I had the great honour of meeting my hero Jagran Watanjar in 1995-96.

He died in 2000 and is buried in Oddessa ! May God Bless his soul !

Later I met many Khalqis and Parchamis in Afghanistan .

A Parchami Colonel who was a dare devil pilot of Mig 21 and Sukhoi 5

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