Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Zionists Ganging On Pakistan

Rebel Newsflash: Zionists Ganging On Pakistan, Again! (plus 6 more items)

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Zionists Ganging On Pakistan, Again!

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 09:43 AM PST

The new Zionist think tank, Atlantic Council's South Asia Center, headed by a Pakistani 'expert', Shuja Nawaz, who writes for the Huffington Post and had formerly worked at Hasbara organs like RAND, the United States Institute of Peace, and Center for Strategic and International Studies – recently painted another scary picture of Pakistan's changing political landscape for America's failing operation in Afghanistan, which the Jewish Lobby media organs have been blaming, both in Afghanistan and Iraq, on the neighboring Islamic Republic.

Dr. Harlon Ullman (a neocon military strategy adviser to Nato, Pentagon) and known Israel-Firster, wrote under the heading "Pakistan At The Brink":

Osama bin Dead awhile

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 08:40 AM PST

The next time the CIA comes up with another Osama bin Laden videotape, you might want to compare their images of the alleged al-Qaeda leader to the photograph I've provided here.  If he looks any healthier than that, then you're probably looking at an imposter.

Yeah, Osama has definitely seen better days.  But give the guy a break, huh?  You wouldn't look much better if you'd been dead for nine years.

Oh, by the way, in case you've just joined us?  Osama bin Laden is dead.

Distorting the Tax Policy Debate

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 07:29 AM PST

George Orwell warned us about the use of "meaningless words" in politics, words that are endlessly repeated by sloganeering politicians until they have no meaning at all. Meaningless words certainly were on display during last week's congressional debate over the latest tax bill.

Over and over again we heard trite, empty phrases like "tax cuts for the wealthiest 2%," "tax giveaways," "tax earmarks," and "borrowing money to give to millionaires." Time and time again the same falsehoods were presented as fact, and reported as such by a credulous media.

Don't Go, Don't Kill

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 07:07 AM PST

The recent repeal of the US military policy of "Don't ask, don't tell" is far from being the human rights advancement some are touting it to be. I find it intellectually dishonest, in fact, illogical on any level to associate human rights with any military, let alone one that is currently dehumanizing two populations as well as numerous other victims of it's clandestine "security" policies.

Placing this major contention aside, the enactment of the bill might be an institutional step forward in the fight for "equality"; however institutions rarely reflect reality.

ROK President Lee heats up cold war on Korean peninsula

Posted: 23 Dec 2010 11:46 PM PST

The first key fact is that north Korea is a military pipsqueak in comparison with the militaries that have taken an actively hostile stance towards it. South Korea's military budget is many times larger than north Korea's, and the south Korean military is integrated into the world's preeminent military machine, the US armed forces. Close to 30,000 US troops are stationed on Korean soil; 40,000 in nearby Japan can be deployed quickly to increase US military power on the peninsula. US submarines lurk on the edges of north Korea's territorial waters. US spy planes fly high over its territory. And US strategic nuclear missiles are targeted on north Korean sites. To think that north Korea poses a danger to south Korea is to think that a flyweight boxer is a threat to a middleweight backed by the world's superheavyweight champion. The best a flyweight can do is strike back if attacked and inflict some damage, knowing he'll be pulverized in the conflict.

The north Koreans recognize the gross imbalance in power and do what a military pipsqueak can only do: develop the most formidable deterrents it can while seeking peace.

Tennessee Fusion Center Puts ACLU On Terror List

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 08:56 AM PST

On Thursday, we reported on a Florida fusion center snooping on Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty. Now we discover that a fusion center in Tennessee has put the ACLU on a terror list.

On Wednesday, the Chattanooga Free Press reported that Tennessee antiterrorism officials placed the legislative lobbying organization on an internet map detailing "terrorism events and other suspicious activity" after the group warned schools to ensure holiday celebrations "are inclusive."

Supporters Demand Justice for Aafia Siddiqui

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 04:41 AM PST

steve lendman

A full account of her case from March 2003 through December 2008 can be accessed through the following link:


Numerous follow-up articles discussed subsequent events to the present. All are posted chronologically on sjlendman.blogspot.com.

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