Rebel Newsflash: Lords of the Ring (plus 99 more items) |
- Lords of the Ring
- Schopenhauer and the Perception of the Real or Surreal Postmodernity (Part 2)
- Vinnie Paz And David Icke - End Of Days
- Bombs, terrorism and manure
- Tariq Aziz Sentenced to Hang
- Inside Story - The cargo plane bomb plot
- Health overhaul may lead to free birth control
- Viciously Attacking Israeli Arabs
- Why the talks were always destined to fail
- Lebanon simmers as Hezbollah braces
- Farooque Ahmed: Entrapped by an FBI Sting
- Adnan Mirza: Another US War on Terror Victim
- Military rule haunts Burma election
- Mike Gravel to introduce Multi-State Initiative to Investigate 9/11
- Victor Thorn Interviews Former CNN Reporter Who Was First on Scene at Pentagon on 9-11
- Saturday: 11 Iraqis Killed, 11 Wounded
- Three cheers for Israel's right
- Who's the real victim?
- Israel is proud to present: The aggressor-victim
- Zionists and Jews – Padding in chicken soup
- Netanyahu, Abbas and the battle for the U.S. press
- Peddling politics in America
- Toner Bomb Results in More Airport Molestation
- In the End, Only One Way to See It
- Forget the Details, its all about the Land
- Were "the chosen people" picked for their virtues or vices?
- Barry May Not Run in 2012. Does It Matter?
- Powerful EU Nations May Reform "Mission Impossible" Treaty in Secret
- Setting Brazil's agenda
- Is Rupert Murdoch ignorant or an agent of Zionist deception?
- Hizbullah: 'Obama, we are not that stupid'
- The high and the mighty
- A Tainted Tribunal: Israel's Other War on Lebanon
- Welcoming Muslims for the Love of Christ
- Friday: 27 Iraqis Killed, 76 Wounded
- Ed Miliband irks 'British Friends of Israel'
- From London to Qom for Islam
- Israeli police shoot legislator as racists march in Arab town
- Hiding truth behind euphemisms, omissions, truth behind euphemisms, omissions, slanders and lies: A reply to Rupert Murdoch
- Red Apples For the President and the Defense Minister
- US Palestinians converging to help shape homeland's future
- Such is the Peace Process: Obama as a Salesman
- Israeli Police Shoot 'Hated' Arab Legislator in Back
- Democracy in Illinois: Pro-Israel Tweedledum and Tweedledee
- Corporate Media On High Alert Over "Manipulated" Toner Cartridge On UK Plane
- Edwin M. Wright Comments on the Zionist Takeover of America
- Big Men, Big Money, Big Voting Scam
- Jonathan Pollard's First Freedom Gambit
- This is just the tip of the iceberg: Israel and terrorism
- Persecuted FEMA 9-11 Photographer Fights Extradition
- Snakes On Our Plane
- Kashmiris commemorate 'Black Day'
- Jeff Feltman's 'really great plan'
- A refugee, single mother, worker, struggler
- Jack Conway Takes Money from Criminal Drug Company
- Halloween or The Art of Living Amongst Lemmings
- Jewish or Israeli?
- A Perjurer on the US Supreme Court
- Mystery of American Political Madness
- The Financial Puzzle Behind 9/11
- Is Israel Poisoning the Peace Talks?
- A Clash Over 'Lesser-Evil' Voting
- Tea Party Thuggery as Elections Near
- Obama's Feckless Afghan Escalation
- California Voters Take on the Drug War
- Meg Whitman Spends $163 million to Lose the California Election
- The Tea Party Disconnect
- Vatican: Bible doesn't promise Palestine to Jews
- As Israel fires on activists, BDS movement claims victories
- New Scandal Rocks Zionist Federation
- Morbid Theater: Benjamin Netanyahu's Israel
- How Do Fascists Creep into Power?
- The end of multiculturalism?
- The rotting Safed cheese
- Israel and Europe are still racing toward racism
- Has Israel become a third-world country?
- Wikileaks for Dummies
- Montreal activists launch campus boycott campaign
- Press TV's Kaneez Fatima talks to Chip Pitts on US War in Afghanistan
- OECD and Israel's "tourist" colonization of Syria's Golan
- Debunking pro-Israeli arguments against boycott
- Interview: Dahr Jamail
- Conway Coverup: Rand Paul Opponent Involved in Obstruction of Justice
- New Footage Implodes 9/11 Cover-up
- Gaza's ancient treasures threatened
- Aussie Trades Unionist Exposes 9/11 Cover-up
- Wednesday: 1 US Soldier, 12 Iraqis Killed; 33 Iraqis Wounded
- Polish Prosecutor Will Investigate Torture Of Guantánamo Prisoner
- Domination by insects, the real 'New World Order'
- Wikileaks Confirm Western Culture of Torture & Lies
- Why 9-11 Truth Has Won – The Coming of the Flood
- George Soros: Legalize Marijuana
- US Sanctions on Iraq & Gaza
- The Geopolitical Agenda behind the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize
- Israel's Racist Polices in Practice: News from the Other Front
- Think Soros Leaks RINO Neocon Takeover Doc
- Inside Story - Global corruption
- A short news story
- Israeli Flotilla Attack
- New photographs reveal IDF's "purity of arms" claim to be a sick joke
Posted: 31 Oct 2010 08:47 PM PDT Many moons ago and for a few years only, I wore my locks long and sported colourful garb and roamed the psychedelic haunts of Paris, London or Amsterdam, usually holding a joint in one hand while employing the other to underline with languid gestures my latest concept of how to bring instant peace and love to the world. As for my fellow freaks and hippies, most subsisted on very little, at least money-wise, but nearly all had pets, the latter named frequently after a brand of heroes much en vogue during those innocent times. For cats, Galadriel stood high on the agenda, also Arwen and Legolas. In Amsterdam my next-door neighbour, a middle-aged lady with henna-dyed hair, flowing dresses and tinkling bells around one fat ankle, owned a huge tomcat called Gollum . When he was one day run over by a lorry, she came and cried bitterly into my lap. I did my best to comfort her, though secretly rejoiced because the cunning bastard, nomen est omen , used to be a veritable bane for the local sparrows and blackbirds, and long since had I weighed means of abandoning him in a far-away place without coming under suspicion. As for dogs, I remember a Frodo, Bilbo and Pippin, also one Boromir , him a mighty Leonberger and the gentlest fellow I've ever met. |
Schopenhauer and the Perception of the Real or Surreal Postmodernity (Part 2) Posted: 31 Oct 2010 08:26 PM PDT
No belief system, no ideology, no religion is immune from self-serving delusional tenets linked to false perceptions of reality, although, in due time, each of them will undergo the process of demythologization and eventually become a laughing stock for those who see the illusions underlying these delusional myths. |
Vinnie Paz And David Icke - End Of Days Posted: 31 Oct 2010 07:03 PM PDT The greatest form of control is when you think you're free when you're being fundamentally manipulated and dictated to. One form of dictatorship is being in a prison cell and you can see the bars and touch them. The other one is sitting in a prison cell but you can't see the bars but you think you're free. What the human race is suffering from is mass hypnosis. We are being hypnotized by people like this: newsreaders, politicians, teachers, lecturers. We are in a country and in a world that is being run by unbelievably sick people. The chasm between what we're told is going on and what is really going on is absolutely enormous. |
Posted: 31 Oct 2010 03:56 PM PDT We have seen it all before. Last Christmas, the "Crotch Bomber" was another "PETN/Yemen" terror fiasco. Press stories blamed Al Qaeda and were ready to build this into a new 9/11 except that reliable witnesses, Detroit area attorneys, saw the terrorist, no passport, no visa, escorted onto the plane. Before that, newspapers said the bomber had a diplomatic passport, a visa and had "evaded" security. |
Posted: 31 Oct 2010 03:39 PM PDT
Inside Story - The cargo plane bomb plot Posted: 31 Oct 2010 07:15 AM PDT
Health overhaul may lead to free birth control Posted: 31 Oct 2010 06:58 AM PDT Fifty years after the pill, another birth control revolution may be on the horizon: free contraception for women in the U.S., thanks to the new health care law. That could start a shift toward more reliable — and expensive — forms of birth control that are gaining acceptance in other developed countries. |
Viciously Attacking Israeli Arabs Posted: 31 Oct 2010 06:53 AM PDT In Arab Umm al-Fahm, "Dozens of extreme rightists (hooligan West Bank settlers) held a protest against the Islamic Movement," an initiative advocating Islam among Israeli Arabs on three levels - religious, social, and support for Palestinian self-determination.
Why the talks were always destined to fail Posted: 31 Oct 2010 05:40 AM PDT The Palestinian Authority and Israeli government began direct 'peace talks' in September 2010 after coercion by the US; this time it was going to be different. The two sides would go back to their people and claim that peace has been 'negotiated' and that the conflict has ended. Some may have called this naïve; sceptics claimed these were just fantasies. But those around the negotiating table, analysts who have been following this conflict for decades, and those on the ground knew different. The success of these talks depended on three key issues, which one or both sides would never abandon and so this worn out approach was destined to fail yet again: |
Lebanon simmers as Hezbollah braces Posted: 31 Oct 2010 04:37 AM PDT By calling for a boycott of the tribunal investigating the assassination of Rafiq al-Hariri, the late Lebanese prime minister, Hezbollah has drawn a line in the sand: collaborating with the investigation is paramount to collaborating with the US, Israel and all other external forces that are targeting the party. For Hezbollah, the Special Tribunal on Lebanon (STL) has become no more than a tool to achieve what Israel failed to in the 2006 war - disarming the movement credited with the 2000 liberation of southern Lebanon from Israeli occupation. |
Farooque Ahmed: Entrapped by an FBI Sting Posted: 31 Oct 2010 02:43 AM PDT Though too early to conclude guilt or innocence, what's so far known is worrisome, involving an FBI sting to entrap. Based on numerous previous cases, without exception, innocent men and occasionally women have been targeted, evidence later showing no plot and no crime. Yet suspects are arrested, charged, tried, and convicted by manipulated/intimidated juries, right-wing judges sentencing them to long prison terms.
Adnan Mirza: Another US War on Terror Victim Posted: 31 Oct 2010 02:39 AM PDT On October 22, the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Texas headlined, "Pakistani Student Sentenced to prison for conspiring to support the Taliban and unlawful possession of firearms," saying: Adnan Mirza was "convicted in May 2010 (on nine counts) following a jury trial....Senior US District Judge Ewing Werlein (imposed) the maximum applicable prison term for each" one, complying with prosecutors' request for terrorism enhancements, used when they claim a crime aimed to influence or coerce government policy. Mirza was also fined $1,000 for each count, $9,000 in total.
Military rule haunts Burma election Posted: 31 Oct 2010 01:07 AM PDT The ghost of military-ruled Burma's first strongman, General Ne Win, has returned to haunt the South-east Asian nation's current junta leader, Senior General Than Shwe, as the country heads for its first general election in two decades on November 7. In a bizarre twist, the candidates loyal to the late Ne Win, who ruled Burma with an iron fist from a 1962 coup untill 1988, are being cast in some quarters as a welcome force for expanding the very restricted political space in place since the early 1990s, when Than Shwe came to power. |
Mike Gravel to introduce Multi-State Initiative to Investigate 9/11 Posted: 31 Oct 2010 12:21 AM PDT Mike Gravel, famous for the Pentagon Papers that revealed the lies the public and Congress were told by the Johnson administration about Vietnam, has gone public for 9/11 Truth. He met with members of WeAreChangeLA to discuss starting an initiative in California that would put an investigation of 9/11 on the 2012 ballot. |
Victor Thorn Interviews Former CNN Reporter Who Was First on Scene at Pentagon on 9-11 Posted: 30 Oct 2010 08:06 PM PDT There's an old saying: Don't spit on my leg and tell me it's raining. Likewise, don't show me a photo taken only minutes after the 9-11 Pentagon "event" and insist that a Boeing 757—which is 155 feet long with a 124 foot wingspan and weighs 100 tons—crashed into America's military nerve-center. During an Oct. 19 interview, this writer questioned former CNN correspondent Jamie McIntyre about the 200,000 pounds of missing wreckage. McIntyre was one of the first establishment reporters on the scene soon after the Pentagon event and has been cited repeatedly by researchers exploring alternative views about what happened on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. |
Saturday: 11 Iraqis Killed, 11 Wounded Posted: 30 Oct 2010 07:28 PM PDT At least 11 Iraqis were killed and 11 more were wounded in light violence. Five of casualties died of injuries received in yesterday's blast in Diyala province. In political news, the Goran party has quit an alliance that included the Kurdistan Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan. This new development casts further doubt that a new government will be selected quickly. Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Badr Organization has denied the group is splitting away from the Supreme Islamic Council. Also, Iraqiya says it will not give up its constitutional right to be part of the new government. And late in the day, a Saudi offer to broker resolution talks between the parties was rejected by Shi'ite politicians. |
Three cheers for Israel's right Posted: 30 Oct 2010 06:43 PM PDT At this point the Western world is looking at Israel with a complete lack of understanding. Is it just a banana republic, something like a failed state? Or is it just behaving like a spoiled child, as Tom Friedman lately argued? Or is it an ethnocracy that, unsuccessfully, tries to hide ethnic cleansing and colonial ambitions behind protestations that it is under existential threat? |
Posted: 30 Oct 2010 05:29 PM PDT Once upon a time the staple piece of clothing was the blue shirt of the Labor Movement, and songwriter Mordechai Zeira sang about it: "And it's much better than all jewels." A new generation has arrived, and its shirt is darker. Today it's black and bears the legend: We are all the victims of Goldstone. |
Israel is proud to present: The aggressor-victim Posted: 30 Oct 2010 05:29 PM PDT Once upon a time the staple piece of clothing was the blue shirt of the Labor Movement, and songwriter Mordechai Zeira sang about it: "And it's much better than all jewels." A new generation has arrived, and its shirt is darker. Today it's black and bears the legend: We are all the victims of Goldstone. |
Zionists and Jews – Padding in chicken soup Posted: 30 Oct 2010 05:13 PM PDT "I am not a nice Jew, because I don't want to be a Jew, because Jewish values don't really turn me on and all this 'Pour out Thy wrath on the nations' stuff doesn't impress me," Gilad Atzmon. The great majority of westerners cannot differentiate between Zionists and the Jews. First of all there are far more Zionists among the Christian extreme than among the Athiest and Orthodox Jews. The western world has been fooled by the doctrine that there two categories of Jews; one who blindly support Israel and the other who are not anti-Israel but are against the Nazi policies of the Zionist regime. |
Netanyahu, Abbas and the battle for the U.S. press Posted: 30 Oct 2010 11:23 AM PDT Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's attempts to strike a blow for Israel in the international media apparently misfired this week when he failed to convince a group of top American journalists of Israel's commitment to peace. On Wednesday, Netanyahu hosted a group of senior New York Times staff for a personal briefing at his office in Jerusalem. The aim: to make the world understand that it is the Palestinians, not settlers, blocking the path to peace. |
Posted: 30 Oct 2010 10:29 AM PDT Our country is in economic distress. Millions are out of work, and cutbacks in public services are pervasive at the city and state levels. The 'great recession' is deep and could go deeper. Most families are tightening their belts and in some cases are at breaking point because their benefits have run out. |
Toner Bomb Results in More Airport Molestation Posted: 30 Oct 2010 10:01 AM PDT The absurd accumulation of junk found on a UPS plane from Yemen to Chicago ridiculously described as an al-Qaeda bomb has provided the government with an excuse to conduct "an unpredictable mix of security layers that include explosives trace detection, advanced imaging technology, canine teams" and intimate "pat-downs," more accurately described as breast and crotch groping. It has been almost a decade since we were told Muslim cave dwellers made NORAD stand down and performed miracles with the laws of physics. Since that time not one airport instance of officialdom molesting millions of air passengers has produced a hidden bomb or threat to aviation. In fact, as in the case of the fizzle pants non-bomber, the government has allowed potential threats to board aircraft. |
In the End, Only One Way to See It Posted: 30 Oct 2010 09:29 AM PDT I came to the Holy Land thinking I could find some type of middle ground and lodge myself there. As a Palestinian-American, I am equipped with the knowledge, cultural awareness and communication skills to show a Western audience the unvarnished truth behind the conflict. I try not to get emotionally involved with the political issues and "stay above" the fray. As a trained journalist, that is what I was taught. Yet I recently watched a Palestinian friend get into a political discussion with an Israeli security guard on the way to the dorms at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. My friend is a fiery artist from the north with Israeli citizenship, and the guard, an imposing Sephardic Jew of Moroccan descent. |
Forget the Details, its all about the Land Posted: 30 Oct 2010 09:29 AM PDT
Were "the chosen people" picked for their virtues or vices? Posted: 30 Oct 2010 09:06 AM PDT On the face of it, the latest good news from Rome represents a step towards the reassertion of moral Christianity at the expense of Zionist (or "Zionised") Christianity. The formulation of a western Christian, especially Roman Catholic, stance on the plight of the Palestinians at the hands of the Zionists is welcome. However, it probably has more to do with reasserting Christianity's moral identity than with making any serious effort to challenge the Israeli regime, which under Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing leadership is drifting through unbridled jingoism towards fascism. |
Barry May Not Run in 2012. Does It Matter? Posted: 30 Oct 2010 07:56 AM PDT According to WorldNetDaily, an influential Democrat operative reports that some "senior personalities in the Democratic Party have discussed with President Obama's advisers the possibility of him not running for re-election in 2012." It would be best for the party if Obama did not seek re-election in 2012, and more than one discussion has been held on the matter with Obama's top advisers, according to the party operative, writes Aaron Klein. Back in 2008, as the corporate media went wild over Obama and his zombie-like supporters fainted and swooned, we said he would turn out to be an utter and complete disaster. It was obvious this groomed community activist out of Chicago's south-side was simply a momentary grab-bag selection intended by the elite to once again trick the plebs and continue their long-term agenda of global consolidation and domination through engineered social and economic collapse. |
Powerful EU Nations May Reform "Mission Impossible" Treaty in Secret Posted: 30 Oct 2010 07:45 AM PDT The AFP reported today that the European Union members agreed to make "landmark" and "tricky" reforms to the current Lisbon Treaty designed to "fend off another financial crisis." To clarify, they did not all agree on final reforms, yet they all agreed changes must be made. However, a top EU diplomat warned that getting all member nations to agree on the actual reforms may be a "mission impossible." So, reportedly, the final deal may be hashed out in secret without any input from the European parliament or "wish-list" political requests from representatives of member states. According to AFP: |
Posted: 30 Oct 2010 06:21 AM PDT When the first book is written about Brazil's 2010 presidential elections the opening chapter will probably detail how the person with the greatest impact during the runoff phase was not even on the ballot on October 31. That person is Marina Silva, a working-class senator from a small Amazon region state and much-acclaimed former environment minister. |
Is Rupert Murdoch ignorant or an agent of Zionist deception? Posted: 30 Oct 2010 04:34 AM PDT In a recent speech at an ADL (Anti-Defamation League) dinner, Rupert Murdoch, arguably the most influential mainstream media chief on Planet Earth, made some extraordinary statements which must be challenged. But first it's necessary for us all to be clear about what ADL's role is. Its proclaimed objective is to "fight anti-Semitism". In reality its main purpose under the leadership of Abe Foxman is to smear, harass, silence and preferably destroy those of all faiths and none who are critical of Zionism in action – critical of Israel's policies in general and its contempt for international law in particular; and critical of the awesome power of the Zionist lobby, in America especially. |
Hizbullah: 'Obama, we are not that stupid' Posted: 30 Oct 2010 04:25 AM PDT Not before the dust settled down after Iranian President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to Lebanon where he was received as a national hero, Jeffrey David Feltman, Obama's Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs landed in Beirut. Feltman, a former US ambassador to Lebanon, met Lebanese President Suleiman and Prime Minister Sa'ad Hariri, whom he delivered Ben Obama's personal message. The Speaker of Lebanese parliament, Nabih Berri (founder of Amal party) refused to meet Feltman. In an interview with Danna Harman, published in Israeli daily Ha'aretz (October 24, 2010), Feltman said: "Lebanon right now is going through a difficult period. This is something that is related to the internal dynamics of Lebanon, not to the conflict with Israel. What is happening now is there are some people in Lebanon saying, you have to chose between justice – as symbolized by the special tribunal for Lebanon—and stability. In our mind that is an artificial choice. The people saying this are the very ones trying to destabilize Lebanon now. The reason I went to Lebanon was to deliver a message from Obama which was a reaffirmation of our strong support for Lebanon's sovereignty and independence. What we are trying to do is to find a way to lower the tensions and reduce the temperature in Lebanon." |
Posted: 30 Oct 2010 02:45 AM PDT Cannabis is California's number one cash crop. This fall, voters will decide whether or not to fully legalise the drug and transform US drug policy. The implications are huge if it passes. It will have a profound effect on the state's struggling economy, the overburdened criminal justice system and even the raging drug war in neighbouring Mexico that has claimed nearly 30,000 lives. In the meantime, no politicians running for statewide office are supporting the measure. What does that say about the politics of cannabis? |
A Tainted Tribunal: Israel's Other War on Lebanon Posted: 29 Oct 2010 10:06 PM PDT The extraordinary scenes this week at a gynaecological and obsetrics clinic in the southern suburbs of Beirut have again cast light on the work of the UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL), set up to investigate the assassination of Rafiq Hariri. STL investigators went to Dr Inam Charara's clinic with a demand to be given access to the files of patients dating back to 2003. More specifically, they wanted the addresses and phone numbers of 17 patients. The presence of STL investigators in her clinic disturbed women waiting for appointments. Other women arrived from other clinics in the building and a fracas broke out. Eventually the investigators were driven off, but not before a computer, a briefcase, mobile phones and notebooks had been snatched from them. The episode raises fresh questions about the role of the STL. The southern suburbs are predominantly Shi'a and many of the patients in Dr Charara's clinic are the wives, daughters and mothers of Hizbullah officials. What the STL hoped to find remains known only to itself. |
Welcoming Muslims for the Love of Christ Posted: 29 Oct 2010 09:52 PM PDT In the small Tennessee town of Cordova sits Heartsong Church, who welcomed their Muslim neighbors in a time of distress. The church's act of generosity is deeply gratifying to me as a Muslim. This story was not found in mainstream media, but rather on an Arabic website whose name translates as "incoming traffic," and was filled with heartwarming pictures of the event. |
Friday: 27 Iraqis Killed, 76 Wounded Posted: 29 Oct 2010 05:30 PM PDT A deadly blast shattered an otherwise quiet day in Iraq, where at least 27 Iraqis were killed and 76 more were wounded, almost all of them in Balad Ruz. To the south a possibly accidental chlorine gas explosion brought back memories of the chlorine attacks that marked the height of the sectarian violence several years ago. In better news, a successful trade in Kirkuk liberated two Kurdish women who were kidnapped a day earlier. At least 25 Iraqis were killed and 75 more were wounded during a suicide blast at a Balad Ruz coffee shop that is located in a predominantly Feyli Kurd neighborhood. In Mosul, a body belonging to the owner of an exchange office was found strangled. |
Ed Miliband irks 'British Friends of Israel' Posted: 29 Oct 2010 05:25 PM PDT On October 25, 2010 – Ed Miliband 40, became the youngest leader of Britain's Labour Party. He closely defeated (50.65% vs 49.35%) his elder brother David Miliband, the nototiously pro-Israel former British Foreign Secretary in Gordon Brown's government. David Milliband is listed as "Author" by Israel Hasbara Committee. Ed Miliband seems to be influenced by his mother, who is signatory of Jews for Justice for Palestinians. Ed Miliband is considered a close friend of the newly-appointed Labour Party's Shadow Justice Secretary Sadiq Khan. Ed Miliband in his speech at the Lobour Party conference said that Israel should lift the naval blockade of Gaza and that its attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, which killed nine Turkish aid activists, was "wrong." |
Posted: 29 Oct 2010 05:07 PM PDT Last week, speaking at the Global Peace and Unity Event in London (UK), Lauren Booth (born 1967), sister-in-law of the Islamophobe former British prime minister Tony Blair, currently UN special envoy to Middle East, said: "What I wanted to share with you today is that I am Lauren Booth and I am a Muslim". The British journalist Lauren Booth, who currently works with Iran's Press TV said that she converted to Islam after her spiritual journey the city of Qom. She told The Mail on Sunday newspaper that she now wears a hijab whenever she leaves her home and had not ruled out adopting the burqa. She said she prays five times a day, visits her local mosque "when I can", and has given up pork and alcohol. |
Israeli police shoot legislator as racists march in Arab town Posted: 29 Oct 2010 04:57 PM PDT Israeli police injured two Arab legislators on Wednesday in violent clashes provoked by Jewish right-wing extremists staging a march through the northern Arab town of Umm al-Fahm. Haneen Zoabi, a parliament member who has become a national hate figure in Israel and received hundreds of death threats since her participation in an aid flotilla to Gaza in the summer, was among those hurt. |
Posted: 29 Oct 2010 04:28 PM PDT
Red Apples For the President and the Defense Minister Posted: 29 Oct 2010 03:36 PM PDT I don't know who gave to Austrian President Dr. Heinz Fischer and his Defense Minister Norbert Darabos the two red apples. Was he that child who the President stopped at his side to take a commemorative picture, or someone else? It was a short moment which separated me from this human and beautiful scene. When they received the red apples I was few steps in front of them caring to be at the right distance for taking pictures. When I turned around, I saw a red apple in the hands of each of the men as signs of happiness and pleasure, while they were smiling as if each apple was a rare jewel. |
US Palestinians converging to help shape homeland's future Posted: 29 Oct 2010 03:36 PM PDT When activists from across the United States convened in August 2008 for the US Palestinian Community Network's first Popular Conference, few people knew what to expect. The energy at the conference was palpable as organizations, individuals and families from our communities across the country, as well as solidarity forces allied with our cause, came together to participate in healthy discussions, necessary debates and to study our victories and failures to help strengthen the ongoing movement to realize justice in Palestine. This weekend in Chicago, the second Popular Conference for Arabs and Palestinians in the US ( promises to continue to push our movement forward. After more than six decades of colonization, forced dispossession, home demolitions, occupation and apartheid, Palestinians remain steadfast in their refutation of the Israeli assertion that "The old will die, and the young will soon forget." Students, youth, elders, women, men, professionals, artists and workers will convene in order to continue to build strong institutions that represent all Palestinian and Arab social sectors. Through these institutions, the US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) continues to develop a representative national body of Palestinians and Arabs capable of and empowered to unify our voice and affirm the right of the Palestinians in exile to participate fully in shaping Palestine's future. |
Such is the Peace Process: Obama as a Salesman Posted: 29 Oct 2010 03:13 PM PDT It wouldn't be an exaggeration to claim that the resumption of peace talks between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority have thus far yielded nothing of value, at least not as far as settling the decades-long struggle. For one, the media has paid the talks little attention, aside from the ceremonial coverage of the first round of talks in Washington on September 2. It barely noticed the following round in the Middle East nearly two weeks later. What did capture the media's attention was US President Barack Obama's attempt to minimize the damage he invited upon himself for merely pressing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to issue a partial moratorium on settlement building (about 11 months ago), and then to extend the settlement freeze. |
Israeli Police Shoot 'Hated' Arab Legislator in Back Posted: 29 Oct 2010 03:05 PM PDT Haneen Zoubi, a parliament member who has become a national hate figure in Israel and received hundreds of death threats since her participation in an aid flotilla to Gaza in the summer, was among those hurt.
Democracy in Illinois: Pro-Israel Tweedledum and Tweedledee Posted: 29 Oct 2010 02:59 PM PDT Helen Keller's pithy observation about American democracy being little more than a choice 'between Tweedledum and Tweedledee' was never more true than in the upcoming midterm elections in the ninth congressional district of Illinois. In a district which includes the affluent northern suburbs of Chicago along the shore of Lake Michigan, the central issue is not the two wars—or is it now three?—the country is fighting, nor is it the tanking economy, in great part caused by those debt-inducing wars. No, the burning issue here is… who cares more about Israel? |
Corporate Media On High Alert Over "Manipulated" Toner Cartridge On UK Plane Posted: 29 Oct 2010 09:54 AM PDT Officialdom and authorities jacked up the scary rhetoric this morning in response to a "manipulated" toner cartridge found on a plane in the United Kingdom that tested negative for the presence of explosive material. "Airports in some of the United States were on high alert Friday after investigators found a suspicious package on a plane in the United Kingdom the night before, a law enforcement source with detailed knowledge of the investigation said," reports CNN. |
Edwin M. Wright Comments on the Zionist Takeover of America Posted: 28 Oct 2010 11:30 PM PDT Edwin M. Wright (pictured) was a State Department employee in the 1940s and 1950s, excerpts from his recollections concerning Zionist control over America make for some absolutely eye opening reading — admin: Edwin Wright: Zionist Jews Worked to Capture US Government |
Big Men, Big Money, Big Voting Scam Posted: 28 Oct 2010 11:00 PM PDT The other day, on the front page of my hometown newspaper was a shocking tale of Iranian perfidy in Afghanistan headlined "Iran Is Said to Give Top Karzai Aide Cash by the Bagful." The mounds of euros reportedly being passed to Afghan President Hamid Karzai's chief of staff Umar Daudzai were a familiar form of influence peddling — intended, as the New York Times piece put it, "to buy the loyalty of Mr. Daudzai and promote Iran's interests in the presidential palace, according to Afghan and Western officials here. Iran uses its influence to help drive a wedge between the Afghans and their American and NATO benefactors, they say." The Times even had a vivid account of a "large plastic bag bulging with packets of euro bills" being passed to Daudzai on a plane departing Iran. Strange, though, how few seem to remember the way American "benefactors" launched this latest disastrous chapter in Afghanistan's three-decade-old catastrophe by proudly delivering their own bag-equivalents stuffed with cash. Back in 2001, with planning for a U.S. invasion ramping up, CIA agents reportedly appeared in Taliban-free northern Afghanistan with devastatingly convincing arguments for supporting Washington: metal "suitcases" — okay, when it comes to bribery, call us a little classier than our rivals — stuffed with millions of dollars in non-sequentially numbered hundred-dollar bills. Back then, it was called "preparing the ground" for invasion and, at the time, was considered not perfidious corruption but brilliant spycraft. Of course, in one form or another, as Karzai — who, as Juan Cole recently commented, "appears not to understand the word 'corruption'" – noted in a news conference this week, American money has never stopped flowing in staggering amounts. |
Jonathan Pollard's First Freedom Gambit Posted: 28 Oct 2010 11:00 PM PDT Attorneys filed a petition asking President Barack Obama to commute Jonathan Pollard's life sentence. The petition argues that Pollard, a civilian U.S. Navy analyst who pled guilty to spying for Israel in 1986, received a sentence greater than "many others who were found guilty of similar activity on behalf of nations adversarial to us, unlike Israel." Four Democratic members of Congress are circulating a letter in Congress supporting clemency. Former assistant secretary of Defense Lawrence Korb is also calling for Pollard's release, arguing that initial damage assessments of Pollard's espionage performed by his boss, former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, were overblown. Would clemency result in a renewed surge of Israeli espionage against US national security and commercial targets that was cresting when Pollard was arrested? Would it exonerate the many others who were never properly investigated or prosecuted for spying for Israel? Leading indicators are not encouraging. The FBI's latest reverse sting operation recently netted an Akamai employee eager to sell corporate secrets to the Mossad in exchange for cash and perhaps knocking off his estranged wife overseas. Stuart Nozette awaits trial. The apparent ease with which the FBI still rounds up copycat spies imbued with Pollard's patriotism toward a foreign country and lust for easy cash seems to follow the Michael Scheuer dictum that "Israel's intelligence services have found a seemingly unending number of recruits who …have decided that Israel's — not America's — advancement is paramount and justifies criminal and/or treasonous behavior." |
This is just the tip of the iceberg: Israel and terrorism Posted: 28 Oct 2010 08:49 PM PDT If you support Israel, then you support terrorism, 100% no doubt! This clip is only the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately, people think Palestine is angry muslims so they give a blind eye and leave Israel doing crimes against humanity. what a pathetic thinking ! |
Persecuted FEMA 9-11 Photographer Fights Extradition Posted: 28 Oct 2010 08:06 PM PDT For five weeks following the 9-11 attacks, high-ranking FEMA official Kurt Sonnenfeld was given unlimited access to the various crime scenes as an official videographer. However, when Sonnenfeld discovered that his official documentation contradicted the U.S. government's account of the events, he refused to be a part of a cover-up and did not turn over the tapes to officialdom. |
Posted: 28 Oct 2010 07:19 PM PDT
These are stimulus/response creatures without souls, all hiding under the cover name of US Intelligence Services. These sickening vile snakes have infested our physical plane, and are trying to swarm over us spiritually, with their drugs, poisons, and behavioral modification programs.
Kashmiris commemorate 'Black Day' Posted: 28 Oct 2010 06:12 PM PDT On Wednesday, New Delhi imposed curfew in four districts of Jammu and Kashmir Valley and thwarted the protest march to the United Nations office on the anniversary of the invasion of Hindu Occupation Force (HOF) on October 27, 1947. The protest was called for by the veteran Kashmiri Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, to commemorate the 62nd anniversary of the invasion of Indian army, an annual event known as the 'Black Day'. Syed Ali Gilani, now living in Indian jail, has said that the ongoing Kashmiri resistance cannot be suppressed by India through use of brute force. |
Jeff Feltman's 'really great plan' Posted: 28 Oct 2010 04:21 PM PDT Beirut is abuzz this morning over some pretty bizarre events that have been unfolding the past few months concerning Hezbollah and the UN created International Tribunal for Lebanon, created in 2007 to bring to justice those involved in the Valentine Day 2005 assassination of then Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri. Another one occurred yesterday morning, 10/27/10, at 9:00 am at Dr. Iman Charara's street level private obstetrics and gynecology clinic, here in Dahiyeh, a Hezbollah south Beirut neighborhood which is still recovering from Israel's 33 days of carpet bombing in 2006 which destroyed pretty much everything including more than 250 homes, scores of businesses, and much of the infrastructure. |
A refugee, single mother, worker, struggler Posted: 28 Oct 2010 02:13 PM PDT Seventy-year-old Amna Hammad, or Umm Jihad as she is more commonly known, sat on a mattress in her cement room as the sun began to set over al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip. She started to relate her story of raising three children -- now grown men -- despite decades of separation from her husband. "In 1967, when Israel occupied the Gaza Strip, my husband left Gaza along with thousands of others who fled the Israeli invasion. He left me with three sons, Jihad, then aged four, Nihad, then two and Adnan, a six-month-old baby. So I had to take responsibility for all of them, being a mother and father at the same," Umm Jihad explained. |
Jack Conway Takes Money from Criminal Drug Company Posted: 28 Oct 2010 07:18 AM PDT The more you look at Jack Conway, the worse it gets. Yesterday we reported on Conway's effort to obstruct justice in a criminal drug investigation of his brother. Today we report that Jack Conway accepts money from a company that pushes a dangerous drug, OxyContin. The NADDI, the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators, dropped a $50,000 check on Kentucky and its Attorney General Jack Conway. |
Halloween or The Art of Living Amongst Lemmings Posted: 28 Oct 2010 07:00 AM PDT Halloween is coming soon, one of those times, where people who are living with their eyes wide open are wondering how to deal with the concerted effort of our media and education system to cutify, death, witches and devils. Especially those of us with young children need to decide what to do about the Halloween activities of our off-spring's schools. Given the days and weeks of preparation going into the event, not allowing the children to go to school on Halloween day is simply not enough. The damage is already done. |
Posted: 28 Oct 2010 05:37 AM PDT Every time I cross the Jordan River, I overhear people talk on their cell phones, saying how they just got into the Jewish side, left the Jewish side, or were waiting to go through the Jewish side. Such comments can be heard as people approach or leave an Israeli checkpoint or have any other dealings with Israelis.
A Perjurer on the US Supreme Court Posted: 28 Oct 2010 01:31 AM PDT In late 1998, when the Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted to impeach President Bill Clinton for lying under oath about a sexual affair, many on the Right insisted that the issue wasn't the sex but the perjury. They are now confronted with a parallel case in which U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas quite clearly perjured himself to get his seat on the bench. On Friday, former federal prosecutor Lillian McEwen, one of Thomas's girlfriends in the 1980s, broke a long silence and confirmed that Thomas did engage in sexual harassment of women at work and did discuss pornography in the way that Anita Hill and other women described to the Senate during Thomas's confirmation hearings in 1991. |
Mystery of American Political Madness Posted: 28 Oct 2010 01:31 AM PDT Your recent e-mail, wondering "what the f--- is going on" these days, questioning whether we Americans have taken "more than your usual amount of stupid pills," is well deserving of a considered response. How is it possible, you ask, that the very rightwing party whose policies helped create the current mess may very well take control of the House of Representatives and conceivably the Senate as well, in the upcoming November elections? "Is the U.S.A. experiencing some kind of death wish? Are we in Europe witnessing the paroxysms of a failing democracy, and a failing empire? Will the flat-Earth Know Nothings really take over in America?" |
The Financial Puzzle Behind 9/11 Posted: 28 Oct 2010 01:31 AM PDT During the 1980s and early '90s, the CIA worked in partnership with BCCI in what was, at the time, the agency's largest covert operation ever, pumping an estimated $10 billion into funding the Afghan mujahedeen. Through this operation, Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network was formed. Bin Laden had accounts in BCCI and ran CIA/BCCI-funded camps. [For more on that history of how key BCCI players kept operating after the bank was finally shut down, click here.] In Modern Jihad:Tracing the Dollars Behind the Terror Networks, investigative reporter Loretta Napoleoni described the origins of the al Qaeda network: |
Is Israel Poisoning the Peace Talks? Posted: 28 Oct 2010 01:31 AM PDT Michael Oren is the Israeli ambassador to the United States. This means he stands in a line of foreign diplomats who are often quite out of the ordinary. For one thing they may well be ex-Americans. Oren (nee Bornstein) was born in upstate New York and grew up in West Orange, New Jersey. He switched countries in 1979. |
A Clash Over 'Lesser-Evil' Voting Posted: 28 Oct 2010 01:31 AM PDT It seems I upset a lot of people with my recent article looking at the four previous times in modern U.S. politics when many on the Left chose to punish the Democrats by casting ballots for third parties or not voting, a tactic under consideration again this year. My hope had been to break through the calcified debate over whether it's better to vote for "the lesser evil" Democrat or let the Republicans and their increasingly right-wing agenda prevail. Instead of engaging in that longstanding argument, I thought it might be helpful to see if the "teach-the-Dems-a-lesson" approach had worked in a practical sense. |
Tea Party Thuggery as Elections Near Posted: 28 Oct 2010 01:31 AM PDT One of the most memorable moments in television coverage of American politics came during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968. Out on the streets, anti-Vietnam war demonstrations were attacked viciously by law enforcement officials in what later was described in an official report as "a police riot." Inside the convention hall, tightly controlled by the political machine of the city's notorious Mayor Richard J. Daley, CBS correspondent Dan Rather was attempting to interview a delegate from Georgia who was being removed from the floor by men in suits without ID badges. |
Obama's Feckless Afghan Escalation Posted: 28 Oct 2010 01:31 AM PDT
The talk in Washington of late has been Bob Woodward's book Obama's Wars. The books are piled in the front of every bookstore in town, and people are whispering in the usual "inside baseball" way, about who in the Washington security bureaucracies dissed whom to Woodward. If it weren't for the latest salacious bureau-gossip, the book would be rather boring — and tragic. Boring, not because the issues are uninteresting or because Woodward is a bad writer, but because the author records a dysfunctional White House internal decision-making process in which meeting after meeting features the same reasonable questions about the U.S. war in Afghanistan but in which nobody ever has very good answers to them.
California Voters Take on the Drug War Posted: 28 Oct 2010 01:31 AM PDT The great divide between politicians and the people is showing itself in California where polls show the voters support Proposition 19 and where the mainstream politicians mostly oppose it. To many Americans, there are few policies more bankrupt than the prohibition on marijuana use, a recognition that a blue-ribbon panel reached four decades ago, urging an emphasis on drug education rather than incarceration. |
Meg Whitman Spends $163 million to Lose the California Election Posted: 28 Oct 2010 01:30 AM PDT After defeating Steve Poizner in the Republican primary, it looked as though Meg Whitman would simply steamroll the Democrat candidate. Meg Whitman had been the CEO of e-Bay and became a billionaire in the process. The idea of a successful businesswoman running California had a strong appeal, but an over-managed campaign by inept advisers and Whitman's inability to take a stand on key issues of the greatest importance to California doomed her campaign to failure. The individual running against Meg Whitman is none other than aging hippie retread, Jerry Brown, the same bungler who allowed California state workers to unionize, which led to salary and pension deals, that are helping to drive California toward bankruptcy. You'd think Whitman might have mentioned that in a few commercials, but her dream team of "genius" political advisers either didn't think it was important or they were afraid of offending the union members. |
Posted: 27 Oct 2010 11:00 PM PDT Some have expressed hopes that the tea partiers, many of whom grew out of the Ron Paul movement, will bring about a shift away from American imperialism through their demands for smaller, cheaper, less intrusive, and more accountable government. But it ain't necessarily so. The tea partiers generally fail to understand that the indispensable element in the explosive growth of big government over the past ten years has been Washington's failure to craft a foreign and security policy that is commensurate with the nation's resources and proportional to the actual level of threat that exists in the world. This results in the tea partiers overwhelmingly supporting an aggressive security policy even though they must know that leaving the Pentagon budget untouched and untouchable guarantees deficit spending and continued growth of the parts of government that are allegedly committed to "keeping us free."
Vatican: Bible doesn't promise Palestine to Jews Posted: 27 Oct 2010 06:59 PM PDT The statement issued at the conclusion of the two-week Synod of Bishops conference on Middle East at the Vatican this month – called for the end to the Jewish occupation of Palestine. It also said that the biblical concept of the "Promised Land nor the Chosen People" justify the building of new illegal Jewish settlements nor the occupation of the Holy Land. |
As Israel fires on activists, BDS movement claims victories Posted: 27 Oct 2010 06:45 PM PDT At least fifteen Palestinians were injured in the occupied West Bank village of Nabi Saleh on Friday, 22 October, when Israeli forces opened fire at a demonstration against the wall and ongoing land confiscation. Villagers "marched alongside Israeli and international supporters towards the village lands, where Israel is building the wall," the Palestinian News Network (PNN) reported. "Soldiers fired rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas at them, injuring 15 civilians, one critically. Troops also fired tear gas into homes, burning three houses. Soldiers took a fourth house and told the owner they would use it as a military post for 45 days" ("Fifteen injured, Three Homes Burned In Nabi Saleh Village," 22 October 2010). |
New Scandal Rocks Zionist Federation Posted: 27 Oct 2010 06:27 PM PDT The latest scandal to hit a self-confessed pro-Israeli organization in South Africa, the SA Zionist Federation, [SAZF] is likely to invigorate the 'Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions' [BDS] campaign against Israel and its affiliates. This remarkable turn of events involves a Johannesburg-based bag manufacturing company, Saley's Travel Goods, who refused to supply the SAZF with goods on the grounds that it did not want to "aid and abet" organizations responsible for "crimes against humanity". |
Morbid Theater: Benjamin Netanyahu's Israel Posted: 27 Oct 2010 06:19 PM PDT Admittedly, I am a relative newcomer to this discussion, which is not the same thing as saying that I am an ignorant one, as one Israeli correspondent has implied, saying that I have 'a huge anti-Israeli bias.' If by that he means that I question the honesty and aims of Israel's government in its reading of history and its dealings with its Palestinian neighbors and citizens, then I stand guilty as charged. I have followed this conflict and discussion about it for years. The difference between 'then' and 'now' is that I poke around and ask questions, such as: What compelled Netanyahu to quash the recent peace talks with the Palestinians? In spite of what Mr. Netanyahu says in photo ops, his intentions have been quite consistent from the beginning. His address to the United Nations in September 2009 illustrates my point, and illustrates it, as the saying goes, "in spades." |
How Do Fascists Creep into Power? Posted: 27 Oct 2010 06:19 PM PDT Uri Avneri's always powerful observations raise the most profound question. How can it happen, the lure of Fascism that oozes into the fabric of societies with the promise of a better life? There are always those who are not vulnerable to the language of temptation, the racist rhetoric that tears a society apart. These heroes become freedom fighters. An example is Hans Lebrecht, my father's first cousin who was an active resistance fighter in World War 11, a noted Communist activist and supporter and writer for Gush Shalom. He was my mentor and beloved friend. Now in his 90's he resides at Kibbutz Beit-Oren. I cannot visit him for I am not allowed to return to Israel because I have dissented against their injustice to Palestinians. Here is a still timely quote from "JewishFriends of Palestine Gateway, by Hans. "I am sorry and upset that now, as an active member of the CP and the progressive peace camp in Israel, I still have to fight fascism. I am currently a member of the leading bureau of the International Federation of Resistance Fighters. The fight against neofascism in Europe and throughout the capitalist world continues. This includes against the fascist hoodlums in Israel who attempt to torpedo the peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians." |
Posted: 27 Oct 2010 05:54 PM PDT It is hard to accept the statements of the Christian Socialist Party leader in Germany, Horst Seehofer, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, about the death of multiculturalism. As state leader Merkel added feebly that there is a place for Muslims in Germany, perhaps because from her office in the center of Berlin she sees countless Germans of Turkish origin, whose parents were labor migrants. |
Posted: 27 Oct 2010 05:54 PM PDT Think of a town in Austria. Or perhaps France. A mountainous, ancient major district town, with a college situated in the middle of it, whose students include quite a few Jews. The town priest calls an "emergency meeting," funded by the government and held in the municipal cultural center, attended by 400 sympathetic citizens, including 18 priests from the area, calling for a ban on renting apartments to Jewish students. |
Israel and Europe are still racing toward racism Posted: 27 Oct 2010 05:54 PM PDT It is hard to accept the statements of the Christian Socialist Party leader in Germany, Horst Seehofer, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, about the death of multiculturalism. As state leader Merkel added feebly that there is a place for Muslims in Germany, perhaps because from her office in the center of Berlin she sees countless Germans of Turkish origin, whose parents were labor migrants. |
Has Israel become a third-world country? Posted: 27 Oct 2010 05:54 PM PDT Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi doesn't like questions. He doesn't like questions from the prime minister, the defense minister or state commissions of inquiry. Nor does he like them from the media. The outgoing Israel Defense Forces chief of staff doesn't like questions from any monitor, elected official or democratic entity. But in the weeks to come, both State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss and the Turkel Committee investigating the naval raid on the Gaza-bound Turkish flotilla will finally force Ashkenazi to answer a few questions. Some of those answers could even prove decisive. |
Posted: 27 Oct 2010 05:14 PM PDT Despite the commendable efforts of the whistleblower website WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange to expose the truth about the Iraq war in a responsible manner - that not only would not endanger lives but aim ultimately to save millions of lives, in addition to seeking justice for the countless number of lives already lost - some media outlets are determined to mislead the public about the lessons to be learned from the war. A number of media outlets, which are entrusted to explain to the public the implications of the leaked raw data, seem to go out of their way to make the best of a bad situation (for Pentagon officials) and derail the essence of the message that comes out from these classified documents. They are desperate to downplay the scandalous actions perpetrated by the American forces with the green lights that go high up the chain of command, and try to divert the focus on the Iraqi side alone despite the following... |
Montreal activists launch campus boycott campaign Posted: 27 Oct 2010 04:47 PM PDT As a boycott, divestment and sanctions conference was convened in Montreal last week, activists launched a boycott campaign at two city universities. A group of students, professors and staff from Concordia and McGill universities are calling on the schools cut ties with the Israeli Institute of Technology, more commonly referred to as Technion University. A report compiled by the group says that the links between Concordia, McGill and Technion universities "serve to normalize the Israeli state's policies of institutionalized oppression and should be of serious concern to students, faculty and all members of McGill and Concordia's campus community." |
Press TV's Kaneez Fatima talks to Chip Pitts on US War in Afghanistan Posted: 27 Oct 2010 04:19 PM PDT
OECD and Israel's "tourist" colonization of Syria's Golan Posted: 27 Oct 2010 03:31 PM PDT On 20 and 21 October, the 86th session of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) tourism committee was held in Jerusalem. Leading up to the conference, there was conjecture on how the member countries in attendance would handle Israel's tourism policies regarding the occupied territories: the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Gaza Strip and the Syrian Golan Heights. The Palestine Liberation Organization called on countries to boycott the meeting, saying that it served to condone Israel's illegal annexation of Jerusalem. The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee also called on the OECD to relocate the conference. |
Debunking pro-Israeli arguments against boycott Posted: 27 Oct 2010 03:05 PM PDT While the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against apartheid Israel continues to grow, its opponents continue to resort to the same old canards in trying to defend Israel. In a Jerusalem Post article published on 17 October 2010, columnist Hannah Brown gives us a good example of some of the Israeli talking points ("British director Mike Leigh cancels Israel visit". In her concluding paragraph she writes: "[The] irony is that Israel is virtually the only country in the world that is being boycotted by the filmmaking community. Iranian filmmakers are lauded the world over and no one accuses them of having any complicity with a government that shoots pro-democracy protesters. Nor do directors who disagree with the US military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan see a need to skip the New York Film Festival, for example." |
Posted: 27 Oct 2010 12:36 PM PDT
Conway Coverup: Rand Paul Opponent Involved in Obstruction of Justice Posted: 27 Oct 2010 12:17 PM PDT Forget the corporate media dust-up over a Rand Paul supporter attacking a activist. That incident pales in comparison to a story about the brother of Paul's opponent in the race for Kentucky's Senate seat, Jack Conway. On Saturday, the Louisville Courier-Journal published a story about Conway's brother, Matthew, who resigned from the Jefferson County, Kentucky, attorney's office to enter private practice after he was tipped off by Louisville narcotics detectives twice in the past two years that he was under investigation for possible drug use or trafficking. Matthew C. Conway was an assistant commonwealth's attorney, a position he still holds, when detectives tipped him off on a second drug-related investigation. |
New Footage Implodes 9/11 Cover-up Posted: 27 Oct 2010 12:14 PM PDT An intriguing video has appeared on You Tube that appears to show a FDNY film crew being interviewed in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks by the the director of the FBI's New York office, who has suspicions that one of the World Trade Center towers took a "secondary hit" before collapsing. The video appears to be part of NIST's recent FOIA releases and therefore has not been seen before now. |
Gaza's ancient treasures threatened Posted: 27 Oct 2010 11:35 AM PDT
Aussie Trades Unionist Exposes 9/11 Cover-up Posted: 27 Oct 2010 11:14 AM PDT
Wednesday: 1 US Soldier, 12 Iraqis Killed; 33 Iraqis Wounded Posted: 27 Oct 2010 11:06 AM PDT Tariq Aziz remained the focus of news as his death sentence, considered unfair by many, could further stall the process of government formation, the number two story in Iraq today. The two topics overshadowed a return of Tony Blair to the Chilcot inquiry and a possible delay in the national census. At least 12 Iraqis were killed in new violence. Another 33 were wounded. Also, a sniper wounded a U.S. soldier in Amara, and the Dept. of Defense announced the non-combat death of a U.S. soldier three days ago in Baghdad. |
Polish Prosecutor Will Investigate Torture Of Guantánamo Prisoner Posted: 27 Oct 2010 10:39 AM PDT NEW YORK – The Polish prosecutor will investigate the detention and torture of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri at a black site in Poland after he was kidnapped and transported there by the CIA. This is the first time an extraordinary rendition victim's claims have been recognized in an official investigation in Poland. In response to the announcement, the American Civil Liberties Union called for accountability in the U.S. for top-level officials who may have known about and authorized torture, and for cooperation with the Polish prosecutor in securing documents and witnesses in the ongoing investigation. |
Domination by insects, the real 'New World Order' Posted: 27 Oct 2010 10:39 AM PDT The age of openness and freedom we were promised is a lie, we live in darkness, censorship, we live under dictatorship as pure as any Orwell could have imagined. The slaves of slaves tell other slaves they aren't slaves. We have redefined freedom, we have redefined human endeavor by based on a model that even insects would reject, the instincts for survival of the hive overriding the drive toward mindless self destruction. The institutions developed during the Renaissance and Age of Reason, the great universities, the press, the dissent of science and the war on religious hypocrisy are now only a memory. Rabbi's call for enslavement of mankind under a Jewish "master race," preachers in America reach millions with messages of hate, fear and destruction and the ignorant and cynical of Islam's dregs, powered by petro-dollars spew hatred and dogma to deflect yearnings for freedom and progress. |
Wikileaks Confirm Western Culture of Torture & Lies Posted: 27 Oct 2010 10:18 AM PDT Hosting by WikiLeaks on its website some 391,832 US military messages documenting actions and reports on Iraq over the period 2004-2009,can be divided in five heads: Reliance on private contractors aka mercenaries ; the so-called "surge" of 30,000 additional US troops; the deaths of Iraqi civilians - killed mostly by other Iraqis, but also by the US; a litany of prisoner abuse by Iraqis - which US officials ignored - even more lurid than the infamous photographs of torture from Abu Ghraib prison in 2004; and the so called "aggressive" intervention of Iran's military providing "weapons, training and sanctuary" to Shia combatants. |
Why 9-11 Truth Has Won – The Coming of the Flood Posted: 27 Oct 2010 10:15 AM PDT I recently wrote in MWC News arguing the case for Why 9-11 Truth Has Won, due primarily to the weight of irrefutable scientific proof of the two key elements that evidence controlled demolition of the three WTC Towers – free fall collapse and the presence of thermite, explaining the total absence of structural resistance. For this and for other reasons the successful demand by the 9-11 Truth Movement and others for a new, wider, proper investigation is only a matter of time. The flood would come. The recent political squabble in Australia represents further breaching of the dam wall that will bring that flood. |
George Soros: Legalize Marijuana Posted: 27 Oct 2010 10:09 AM PDT Gazillionaire hedge fund swami and globalist George Soros wants to legalize weed. He has bankrolled three initiatives to change drug laws in California and has endorsed the marijuana legalization initiative known as Proposition 19. Michael Vachon, a Soros worker bee, said the one-worlder "plans to make a significant contribution" to Prop 19 and possibly help make it so, according to the Los Angeles Times. Anybody with two remotely active brain cells to rub together knows that marijuana prohibition is absurd. George Soros, however, is not a Libertarian or an old hippie nostalgic for the Haight Ashbury days. |
Posted: 27 Oct 2010 10:04 AM PDT
The Geopolitical Agenda behind the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Posted: 27 Oct 2010 09:36 AM PDT The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo was clearly no coincidence of events. Rather it must be understood in my view as a calculated part of a long-term strategy, not from a few members of the Norwegian Parliament, but from the leading elite circles of the world's hegemonic power, the United States, to break China's stride to become a sovereign and leading world economic factor. From their point of view, China must be "cut down to size." The Nobel Peace Prize's world media theater is a calculated part of this strategy - trying to make China "lose face" in the eyes of the rest of the world. That is all part of an orchestrated deeper game, using "human rights," and a web of NGOs and organizations that Washington controls directly or indirectly, as a weapon of Washington geopolitics. |
Israel's Racist Polices in Practice: News from the Other Front Posted: 27 Oct 2010 08:49 AM PDT Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman pressured Justice Minister Yaakov Neeman. Yaakov Neeman pressured Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Binyamin Netanyhu pressured Defence Minister Ehud Barak. Ehud Barak pressured the handful of Knesset members from the Labour party. And all of this because of racist Liberman, the fascist! Really? Everything because of Liberman? |
Think Soros Leaks RINO Neocon Takeover Doc Posted: 27 Oct 2010 07:14 AM PDT One faction of globalist tools outing another faction of globalist tools. That's how we play politics in America today. Think Progress — which should be called Think Soros because it is funded by George Soros — has released a private correspondence sent out by Charles Koch of Koch Industries. The memo has the itinerary of a private meeting to be held at an exclusive hotel in Aspen attached. |
Inside Story - Global corruption Posted: 27 Oct 2010 07:11 AM PDT
Posted: 27 Oct 2010 07:10 AM PDT The way that the media dealt with this news item illustrates the skill involved in passing-off such a threatening piece of news in a way in which very little interest was stirred-up, even among the potential victims of US-Israeli strategic cooperation. In truth, the people of the Middle East and their leaders should now be able to see more clearly that the US can never be an honest broker on Middle East affairs in general, let alone the Israel-Palestine conflict; it will never be able to achieve a just and comprehensive peace as long as it offers such support to one side in the conflict, namely Israel. The latest "strategic planning" also goes some way towards explaining why the so-called peace process has failed over the past twenty years. Successive US administrations are held hostage by the strategic dialogue with the occupying power and pretend to be a broker for peace. Meanwhile, the reality is that the US sustains the state of Israel in every possible way as a strategic partner; militarily, politically and economically. In such a scenario, Palestinian lives and neighbouring countries face military occupation, war and insecurity in order to preserve Israel's military supremacy. |
Posted: 27 Oct 2010 06:20 AM PDT
New photographs reveal IDF's "purity of arms" claim to be a sick joke Posted: 27 Oct 2010 05:15 AM PDT These images speak volumes about the prevalent culture in the Israeli army. It is quite obvious that the Israeli soldiers in the photographs do not appear to regard their Palestinian victims as human beings. They see nothing wrong with what they are doing to the Palestinians; their suffering is something to be savoured; just check the title of Abergil's Facebook page and the grinning faces of the soldiers. The Israelis have always claimed that their army is the most moral in the world; "Purity of arms" is a treasured part of Israeli Defence Forces culture. But the reality is far from that; the IDF is characterised by an attitude of sadistic racism. The Palestinians have been completely dehumanised and harming them is seen as a commendable act. Early in 2009, a similar event revealed the depths to which the soldiers of "the most moral army in the world" could plumb, although it attracted less media coverage. This was a set of T-shirts printed and worn by Israeli soldiers; one showed a pregnant Palestinian woman in the crosshairs of a gun-sight with the caption "One Shot, Two Kills". Others displayed the same murderous sentiment in more obscene ways, such as the T-shirt showing a Palestinian woman weeping at the grave of her dead son. Once again, the figure was in the crosshairs of a gun-sight and this time the caption read, "Better use Durex". It is difficult to think of any other society, except perhaps 1930s Nazi Germany, where opinions like this are condoned and spoken of openly. |
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