Rebel Newsflash: The Federal Reserve: Stupid Bank Robbers or Robber "Hood" Barons: A Psychohistory Analysis (plus 22 more items) |
- The Federal Reserve: Stupid Bank Robbers or Robber "Hood" Barons: A Psychohistory Analysis
- Congress hearings on Muslim radicalization in the U.S.
- Russia Today looks into our revelations on the Hariri assassination
- One More Year of Inhumanity Coming to a Close. What Happens Next?
- America Should Follow Switzerland on Immigration
- George Clooney sponsors satellite monitoring of Sudan
- Assumptions on Overfishing Challenged
- FBI Delivers Anti-terror Flyers to Farm Supply Stores
- Girly Nation
- Trilateral process towards North American integration proceeds with little notice
- Jewish Extremism and Its Media Cover Up
- America's Gulf: New Report Says it's Dying
- FOX News Reconstructs Conservative History
- The Hidden Costs of Third World Immigration
- Does Obama fear assassination?
- Israeli Repression Hardens, Palestinian Recognition Increases
- 'Death to America': A new poem by Osama bin Laden?
- Rabbis: 'Abortion delays the coming of Jewish Messiah'
- Bad News For Israel
- Role of Israeli firms raises boycott concerns about Rawabi
- Poll Reveals Americans Opposed to Government Takeover of Internet
- A Commonsense Solar Defense
- Western terrorism against Iran
The Federal Reserve: Stupid Bank Robbers or Robber "Hood" Barons: A Psychohistory Analysis Posted: 30 Dec 2010 05:16 AM PST "The Federal Reserve isn't evil because they print our money and make us (the U.S. Taxpayers) pay interest on it. They are evil because, until October 2008, the Fed gave us a no-limit credit card that we used to buy houses, cars, RVs, TVs and DVDs—the "stuff" which, according to the GEO4, a massive United Nations Report, put the planet at the unknown points of no return."[1] G. Edward Griffin, author of, The Creature from Jekyll Island, a work considered by Ron Paul to be "a superb analysis of the Federal Reserve," has this to say about the Fed. |
Congress hearings on Muslim radicalization in the U.S. Posted: 30 Dec 2010 03:35 AM PST Republican Representative Pete King of New York was appointed chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. He immediately blazoned his intention to open a Congressional inquiry into the radicalization of U.S. Muslims. Mr. King, a Catholic extremist who backed the Irish Republican Army against the Anglican British monarchy, is reputed for his unconditional support of the U.S. Patriot Act and for his islamophobic remarks. According to him, there are too many mosques and muslims in the United States, 85% of whom are allegedly terrorist sympathisers. |
Russia Today looks into our revelations on the Hariri assassination Posted: 30 Dec 2010 12:32 AM PST Russia Today's Panorama programme of 28 December 2010 focused on Voltaire Network's revelations on the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri. The participants underlined the integrity of our investigation and the need for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) to respond to it. |
One More Year of Inhumanity Coming to a Close. What Happens Next? Posted: 29 Dec 2010 10:01 PM PST This year the list of atrocities committed under the guise of representative democracy is extensive, as anyone concerned in analyzing the actions of governments in the West can ascertain. If it was our wish, we could bombard the airwaves with images of suffering people from around the world, and swiftly link their pain to the corrupt institutions of government we have accepted as legitimate. With similar ease, we could trace the wealth accumulated by a small minority of ruthless economic elites, to their governmental bonds. But I see little need in contributing to this exercise considering the amount of relevant information already available. Instead, I find it more useful to speculate about what happens next. I am fairly confident that is what those bearing the brunt of our inhumanity must wonder. Will we end the bombs? Will we stop the banks? Will we transform our democracies? |
America Should Follow Switzerland on Immigration Posted: 29 Dec 2010 08:00 PM PST OK. Let's start the new year with a politically incorrect column by telling it like it is, for a change. During the last week of November, in Portland Oregon, the F.B.I. arrested a Somali born U.S. resident as he was about to blow up a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in a public square full of mothers and children. Although the authorities were aware of it and had provided the would-be multiple murderer with phony bombs of mass destruction, my question is why was this Somali sub-human in the United States in the first place, and why had he obtained American residence? For once, the F.B. I. acted intelligently. As defense lawyers in cases involving sting operations often accuse the F.B.I. of entrapment, the undercover agents had offered the sub-human – his surname is Mohamud, what else? - several nonfatal ways to serve his blood lust, like prayer, for example, but he insisted he wanted to kill Americans, and what better place to find the old fashioned Anglo-Saxon type than in Portland, Oregon. |
George Clooney sponsors satellite monitoring of Sudan Posted: 29 Dec 2010 03:41 PM PST An internet site dedicated to the satellite surveillance of southern Sudan goes live on 29 December 2010. Satellite Sentinel is the latest CIA find in terms of political communication: the aim is to come up with evidence of President Omar al-Bashir's guilt pending his appearance before the International Criminal Court, which has charged him with three counts of genocide. The launching of the website was trumpeted by a posse of Hollywood stars summoned by George Clooney for his Not on our Watch organization. |
Assumptions on Overfishing Challenged Posted: 29 Dec 2010 03:33 PM PST
FBI Delivers Anti-terror Flyers to Farm Supply Stores Posted: 29 Dec 2010 02:38 PM PST An reader was recently visited by the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force and asked if he wanted to prevent another Oklahoma City bombing. "I work for a large farm store retailer with stores in Colorado, Texas and New Mexico yesterday I had a visit from the FBI joint terrorism task force requesting that we train our staff to help prevent terrorism," the man writes. |
Posted: 29 Dec 2010 11:49 AM PST Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, on hearing that a football game between the Philadelphia Eagles and Minnesota Vikings had been canceled due to snow: There is a magic to football. And part of that magic is you play no matter what that weather is—no matter what the conditions are….Yeah, I think it's part of the wussification of America. We've lost a lot of our pioneer spirit. |
Trilateral process towards North American integration proceeds with little notice Posted: 29 Dec 2010 08:46 AM PST With little attention from mainstream media, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with the foreign ministers of Canada and Mexico in a North American Foreign Ministers Meeting in Quebec, Canada. The December 13 meeting is a prelude to the next North American Summit Leaders meeting in 2011, a yet unscheduled trilateral summit that is the continuation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. Under the low-key format, the continental meetings have been carried out with little fanfare and outside of congressional oversight. |
Jewish Extremism and Its Media Cover Up Posted: 29 Dec 2010 01:57 AM PST
America's Gulf: New Report Says it's Dying Posted: 30 Dec 2010 04:37 AM PST Concerned Citizens of (CCF) believe efforts must be made now "to address what may very well be the greatest environmental catastrophe of North America in modern history....government (and media) cannot be relied on" for truthful information. As a result, its site is a platform for truth and accuracy on a disaster of such magnitude. On December 1, CCF published a special Dr. Tom Termotto Gulf disaster report, titled "The Gulf of Mexico is Dying." He's National Coordinator for the Tallahassee, FL-based Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (International Citizens' Initiative). Its disturbing findings are discussed below. He published them so "the world community will come together to further contemplate this dire and demanding predicament." Future generations depend on it. |
FOX News Reconstructs Conservative History Posted: 30 Dec 2010 02:52 AM PST FOX News has been running a series on the conservative movement and recently released a DVD showing what purports to be the definitive picture of the movement's progress. I have a close friend who regrets he couldn't watch every minute of this treasured series and is ordering the DVD to keep the authorized view of American conservatism from the 1950s onward preserved in his cabinet. I missed some of the series' installments, and what I saw consisted largely of news footage from GOP presidential campaigns and interviews with people whom I had met numerous times. But unlike my friend, I can live happily without FOX's self-interested remembrance of the past. When I expressed indifference to the televised series, it was explained to me: "You're just mad because they didn't interview you." At the time I was too distracted to provide my real reaction to this and other such slights inflicted on people of the right who are out of favor with what Pat Buchanan called "the kennel-fed conservatives." What viewers were seeing on FOX has about as much veracity as histories of Bolshevism composed by Stalin's scribes. It is the winners who are writing the history, and those who do not fit the script are relegated to non-speaking roles. |
The Hidden Costs of Third World Immigration Posted: 29 Dec 2010 10:30 PM PST
Most estimates made of the cost of mass immigration overlook the billions of dollars sent to immigrants' nations of origin by relatives living in our country. Remittance payments sent from our country over the last ten years equal hundreds of billions of dollars. Such amounts are far larger than those doled out by our government through official foreign aid. America recurrently ranks first among nations bleeding wealth through transfer payments made by foreign workers and residents. Accounting for total remittance payments can be difficult, because much of the money sent home by immigrants is done so in cash, through unaccountable channels, such as physical mail and hand-to-hand transfer. Records kept by licensed money transmitters therefore reflect only a portion of total remittance sent home by foreigners. |
Does Obama fear assassination? Posted: 29 Dec 2010 05:01 PM PST What three American writers, Jeff Gates, Gordon Duff and John Perkins, have in common? They all fear the assassination of President Barack Obama unless he keeps dancing on the orders of the groups which hold strings of power in the so-called "world's model democray". On January 6, 2010 – Jeff Gates asked the question -Will Israel Assassinate Barack Obama?. Then Jeff Gates answered his own question by saying: "To assassinate an American president with impunity requires pre-staging. For Israel to succeed would require an Evil Doer on whom the deed could plausibly be blamed. The emerging fact patterns suggest that such pre-staging is well underway and that a Pakistani could be the perceived culprit. The recent history of Evil Doer branding offers insight into what to expect." |
Israeli Repression Hardens, Palestinian Recognition Increases Posted: 29 Dec 2010 03:07 PM PST On December 24, Ecuador became the fifth Latin American country to recognize 'the Palestine state as free and independent within its borders since 1967.' An accompanying statement read: "Sadly, the Middle East continues to face wars and violent events that have led to the death of many innocent people, a situation contrary to the humane and pacifist position established by the Ecuadorian Constitution. This recognition is meant to reinforce the valid and legitimate wish of the Palestin(ian) people to have their own free and independent state." Having it is "fundamental to achieve the peaceful co-existence of the nations in the region through dialogue and mediation." |
'Death to America': A new poem by Osama bin Laden? Posted: 29 Dec 2010 09:14 AM PST On May 16, 2007, on my twenty-ninth birthday, a beautifully written manuscript in calligraphic script fell into my hands in India. This was simply a series of sentences separated by diagonal strokes (/) which purported to be a literal, word-for-word paraphrase in English of an extended poem written in Arabic by Osama bin Laden in the immediate aftermath of 9-11. Bits had been added to the manuscript (in the broad margins) over the intervening years. These served as commentaries and clarifications. The poem was divided into several parts, each headed by a symbol which I took to be a letter of the Arabic alphabet.
Rabbis: 'Abortion delays the coming of Jewish Messiah' Posted: 29 Dec 2010 07:41 AM PST Israel's Chief Rabbis Yona Metzger and Shlomo Amar have called the Israeli Jews to fight the abortion epidemic, which is delaying the arrival of the 'Promised Jewish Messiah'. Interestingly, in 1974, Zionist Jews like Henry Kissinger and Z. Brzezinski have lead this epidemic among the non-western countries via food, abortion and other means of birth control. These measures are killing an average of one million female children in India (popl. 1.1 billion). In United States (popl. 300 million), over 1.2 million abortions were officially reported in 2005. |
Posted: 21 Dec 2010 07:54 AM PST Ynet reported today that for the first time IDF Merkava tank was hit by a 'massive' anti-tank missile. In other words, Israeli power of deterrence belongs to history. Ashkenazi was also brave enough to admit that WikiLeaks publications, is "a very bad thing, which affects our relations with foreign countries." |
Role of Israeli firms raises boycott concerns about Rawabi Posted: 30 Dec 2010 07:51 AM PST Rawabi ( is touted by developers as the "first planned Palestinian city." It has the political backing of the Western-supported Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority (PA), and international sponsors of the "peace process" including the United States government and former UK prime minister and current envoy of the "Quartet," Tony Blair. The Quartet is comprised of the US, the European Union, Russia, and the UN Secretary General. |
Poll Reveals Americans Opposed to Government Takeover of Internet Posted: 29 Dec 2010 07:59 AM PST According to a recent Rasmussen's poll, most Americans understand the FCC's internet regulations will be used by the government to push a political agenda. 54% of respondents oppose the FCC effort to regulate the internet while 21% support it. 25% are not sure. By a 52% to 27% margin, Rasmussen reported on December 28, voters believe that more free market competition is better than more regulation for protecting internet users. Most Democrats see an unbiased regulatory approach, while most Republicans and unaffiliated voters fear a political agenda. |
Posted: 29 Dec 2010 10:17 AM PST Women living in the Pashtun area between Pakistan and Afghanistan share similar goals. They want to charge their cell phones, power a few light bulbs and refrigerate their food. That's a challenge the Pentagon can meet. Solar panels can handle part of that task though not all. But again, that's a good start. Widespread access to cell phones is also helpful. |
Western terrorism against Iran Posted: 28 Dec 2010 04:28 PM PST Iranian had been victims of western terrorism even before the 1979 Islamic Revolution. In 1953, the US, Israeli and British intelligence agencies with the help of local and foreign royalists engineered a military coup against the democratically elected secular-nationalist government of Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh and re-installed Reza Shah on the Peacock Throne. However, the foreign terrorist activities through anti-Iran media campaign, inflicting a human catastrophe for 8-year through a proxy regime in neighboring Iraq, funding and training the anti-Islam Iranian militias and terrorist groups, carrying out false-flag terrorist operations inside and outside Iran in the name establishing democracy and human-rights in Iran – imposing international sanctions against the democratically elected successive Iranian governments since 1980 and military threats coming from the US and the Zionist entity on daily basis. This western state-sponsored terrorism is lead by Israel, the US, Britain and their western stooges in Germany, France, Canada, Austraia and the Arab world. |
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