Friday, December 10, 2010


Messages In This Digest (16 Messages)

U.S. To Continue NATO Expansion, Global Interceptor Missile System From: Rick Rozoff
U.S. Approves Another $205 Million For Israeli Missile Shield From: Rick Rozoff
Russia Doubts NATO "Sincerity" After Baltic News From: Rick Rozoff
NATO To Inaugurate New Headquarters Site Next Week From: Rick Rozoff
Families Of Slain Pakistanis Protest CIA Drone Strikes From: Rick Rozoff
Afghan War: NATO Loses Thirteen Soldiers So Far This Month From: Rick Rozoff
Canada Expects $16 Billion, 65 F-35 Deal With U.S. "On Time" From: Rick Rozoff
Ukraine Condemns Romania's Plan To Annex Moldova From: Rick Rozoff
U.S. Globemaster Delivers First Abrams Tanks To Afghanistan From: Rick Rozoff
U.S. Air Force Trains Baltic NATO Allies For Afghan/Iraqi-Style Wars From: Rick Rozoff
Russian Military To Respond To Pentagon's Buildup In Poland From: Rick Rozoff
U.S. Senate Tells Russia To Withdraw From "Occupied Territories" From: Rick Rozoff
Georgia Solicits U.S. Aid For NATO Membership Prospectus From: Rick Rozoff
Clinton Hails Albania As Loyal NATO Partner From: Rick Rozoff
Plans Proceed For Launching Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade From: Rick Rozoff
NATO HQ: Rasmussen, Estonian Leader Tout "Collective Defense" From: Rick Rozoff



U.S. To Continue NATO Expansion, Global Interceptor Missile System

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 9:12 am (PST)

December 9, 2010

Russia not able to react to its neighbors’ membership to NATO

-[I]n formally declared goals and in case of intention to integrate Russia with what will be considered the NATO missile defense (that is the missile defense of the overall Atlantic alliance), the elements of the missile defense to be working on the United States pursue more global goals including creation of such a protection system which will make the United States invulnerable in the face of any nuclear threat either from the side of Russia or China.

News.Az interviews Maxim Minayev, leading expert of the Political Conjuncture Center.

Will the resolutions of the recent NATO summit have any influence on the countries of the post-Soviet area?

I think it is possible to expect the preparation of scripts on the membership of a number of states to NATO in the nearest future that is in period from 2012 until 2016. In case Obama’s administration is able to win by results of elections in 2012, I think the script which will be adjusted to the idea of expanding security sphere in Eurasia and strengthening the anti-missile shield oriented for fighting the states either having the mass destruction weapon or claiming for it, is quite possible. The matter is primarily about Iran and North Korea.

How will Russia react to NATO expansion through post-Soviet countries?

The way it reacted in the 1990’s. That is it will do nothing. Russia has never had real mechanisms to stop this process. And Washington understands it well. If we take the practice of Clinton’s presidency and his relations with Yeltsin, we will see that the decision about NATO’s expansion was ready in 1995-1996, but it was put off to 1997 in order not to spoil Yeltsin’s election campaign.

The same is observed now. Here some circles around Obama want to continue expansion.

By means of whom?

There are definite countries, in particular, Azerbaijan and seemingly Moldova. It should not be ruled out that the alliance will also include Georgia but the problem is that this task will not be settled in the next two years.


The matter is that President Obama’s election campaign starts next year and in addition the rapprochement between the United States and Russia which is profitable for Washington will start next year. As a result, in case of reelection for the second term, there will appear a certain corridor of opportunities for Obama.

It should also be clear that in fact this expansion is interesting primarily for the countries that want to join the alliance but it is not interesting for the alliance itself, since the military might or the commitments before the new members will not consolidate, because the alliance today is not a serious combat unit in this current form (except for the United States and a number of European countries which develop the military potential on the due level, including Britain and Greece and Turkey, though it may seem odd)

May Americans in the dialogue with Russia on missile defense system agree on Moscow’s proposal on joint operation of the Gabala radar station?

I think yes. But here we should take into account the fact that this will likely be the object analogous to the facilities in Bulgaria and seemingly Romania. Also it should not be ruled out that such an object will also appear in the Czech Republic. Thus, the execution of this initiative will soon became a gesture of good will from the side of the United States in the relation to Russia, since in formally declared goals and in case of intention to integrate Russia with what will be considered the NATO missile defense (that is the missile defense of the overall Atlantic alliance), the elements of the missile defense to be working on the United States, pursue more global goals including creation of such a protection system which will make the United States invulnerable in the face of any nuclear threat either from the side of Russia or China. Therefore Gabala will be primarily oriented on doubling and outlining the Russia-NATO connection rather than
provision of US security since Americans’ goal is different-to attract Russia and provide its security from Russia.

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U.S. Approves Another $205 Million For Israeli Missile Shield

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 9:12 am (PST)

December 9, 2010

U.S. allocates $205 million for Israel's Iron Dome anti-rocket system

Funds come atop another $200 million designated for joint U.S.-Israel anti-missile projects, David's Sling and Arrow
By Natasha Mozgovaya

Barack Obama's administration has allocated $205 million dollars toward funding Israel's advanced anti-rocket system, the Iron Dome.

The House of Representatives made the decision 212-206 after it passed a continuing resolution regarding funds for the 2011 fiscal year.

"This was a priority of Congress and President Obama, and it is the first funding of its kind for this important short-range rocket and artillery shell defense system," said Representative Steve Rothman (D-NJ), a member of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee.

The funds are in addition to the more than $200 million allocated for the Arrow and David's Sling, joint U.S.-Israel anti-missile systems.

"This funding sends a strong message, to both our enemies and allies, by providing more total dollars than ever before toward these rocket and missile defense programs," said Rothman. "This is only the latest example that when it comes to defense, military, and intelligence cooperation, the relationship between the U.S. and Israel has never been stronger."

"Given the scrutiny that our nation is appropriately giving to every dollar expended for all purposes – including the defense of the United States and its allies – it is a mark of the great importance of these projects that they were included in this funding bill," Rothman added.

The U.S. Congress passed last week the Obama administration's initiative to provide Israel with the grant to procure Iron Dome batteries just before the system aced its final test over the summer.

To date, the Defense Ministry has bought two batteries. Several months ago, the ministry's top brass estimated the sum the Americans allotted would be sufficient for procuring eight or nine batteries, half of what is necessary to protect the Negev and the Galilee from short- and intermediate-range rockets and missiles.

The defense establishment is still weighing the balance between the number of radars for the systems to the number of intercept missiles necessary. Different estimates suggest that each intercept missile will cost $40,000.

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Russia Doubts NATO "Sincerity" After Baltic News

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 9:12 am (PST)

Russian Information Agency Novosti
December 9, 2010

Russian foreign minister doubts NATO sincerity after Baltic leak

Mpscow: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has expressed concern over NATO's integrity after the revelation of the military alliance's plans on defending the Baltic states against Russia.

The latest batch of U.S. embassy cables released by WikiLeaks shows NATO drew up plans in January to defend the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania against any possible attack by Russia.

"The question arises as to when NATO was being sincere," Lavrov said. "When they talk to us on developing a partnership or when they resolve contradictory issues among themselves behind closed doors?"

"We have posed these questions and we expect to get answers. I presume we have the right," Lavrov added.

Russia's top diplomat also said that NATO's plans were being developed in December 2009 at the same time as the first high-level Russian-NATO Council meeting since the August 2008 Russia-Georgia war.

"So with one hand, NATO openly agrees to develop joint cooperation documents on a ministerial level, and with the other hand they make a decision behind our backs to defend themselves from us," Lavrov went on.

Meanwhile, NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen said NATO did not consider Russia as an enemy, and that the alliance itself did not pose a threat to Russia.

"We want to move ahead in our relationship and we want to preserve and maintain the positive spirit of the partnership that took place in Lisbon [during the Russia-NATO summit]," Rasmussen said.

The NATO head declined however to comment on the WikiLeaks release in question.

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NATO To Inaugurate New Headquarters Site Next Week

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 9:12 am (PST)

Defense Professionals
December 9, 2010

New NATO HQ Construction Site Inauguration Ceremony to Take Place Next Week

On Thursday 16 December 2010, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Prime Minister Yves Leterme, Minister of Defence Pieter De Crem and Minister of Foreign Affairs Steven Vanackere will inaugurate the construction site for the new NATO Headquarters in Evere. The ceremony will include the unveiling of a commemorative plaque.

On 21 November 2002, Belgium and NATO signed an agreement on the grant of land to NATO for the extension of its permanent headquarters and the addition of new infrastructure. Belgium was then asked to manage the project for the construction of NATO’s permanent headquarters. On 8 December 2004, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the NATO Secretary General, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defence and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

During the period January 2005 to July 2010, designs were produced, the old buildings on the Quartier Roi Albert site were demolished, and the 2010 construction contract was drawn up and awarded.

Building work began on 18 October 2010 and is expected to be completed in mid-2015.

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Families Of Slain Pakistanis Protest CIA Drone Strikes

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 9:13 am (PST)

Asian News International
December 9, 2010

Civilian victims' kin protest against CIA drone attacks in N.Waziristan

Two-dozen tribesmen hailing from the North Waziristan tribal region are staging a silent protest in Pakistan's capital against US drone attacks along the Afghan border.

The protesters in Islamabad identified themselves as relatives of the civilians who killed or wounded in the drone-fired missile strikes, the Dawn reported.

The tribesmen displayed banners criticising the CIA-sponsored attacks while sitting silently near the Parliament building, and threatened to sue the United States unless it agreed to pay hundreds of millions in compensation for the victims.

Although Pakistan publicly condemns the drone strikes, it is believed to secretly aid them.

Meanwhile, a report released by Conflict Monitoring Centre (CMC) has revealed that intelligence officials of US and Pakistan "deliberately overlook civilian fatalities and relay only censored accounts to Western media organisations."

"However, study reports suggest that the civilian casualties generally outnumber the killings of militants in drone attacks," said CMC's monthly report that was released last week.

According to the report, the month of November saw 15 drone strikes in North Waziristan, killing a total of 84 people, including a high number of civilians.

The months of September and October witnessed 23 and 21 drone strikes respectively, resulting in over 400 casualties during the last three months.

Noting that despite these massive-scale drone strikes, no top ranked militant was targeted, the report said, "No high-value target was either killed or injured in drone attacks during the month, only a local militant commander, namely Mustafa, was killed in the attack on November 21." ===========================

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Afghan War: NATO Loses Thirteen Soldiers So Far This Month

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 9:13 am (PST)

Associated Press
December 9, 2010

NATO service member killed in southern Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan: Insurgents killed a NATO service member Thursday in southern Afghanistan, where coalition and Afghan troops are battling to gain control of traditional Taliban strongholds.

The international military coalition did not provide details about the death, which brings to 13 the number of NATO service members who have died in Afghanistan this month. More than 670 have been killed so far this year, already exceeding the 502 killed last year.

Associated Press writer Mirwais Khan in Kandahar contributed to this report.

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Canada Expects $16 Billion, 65 F-35 Deal With U.S. "On Time"

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 12:54 pm (PST)

Xinhua News Agency
December 9, 2010

Canada expects F-35s to be ready on time and on budget

OTTAWA: Canadian Defense Minister Peter MacKay said Wednesday he believed Canada's order of F-35 stealth fighters will be delivered without cost overruns and delays.

Canada plans to spend 9 billion Canadian dollars (the Canadian dollar is near par with the U.S. dollar) on 65 new stealth fighter jets. With a maintenance contract, the cost is predicted to be 16 billion Canadian dollars.

MacKay expected the F-35 deal to create high-paying, long-lasting manufacturing jobs in Canada, where some of the F-35 components will be built, while speaking at an F-35 buyers' conference held by Lockheed Martin and the government of Canada in Fort Worth, Texas.

MacKay, Industry Minister Tony Clement, and executives of 61 Canadian aerospace companies also toured the production plant of Lockheed Martin, the builders of the F-35.
However, some opposition politicians claimed the F-35 was the wrong plane for Canada as its single engine makes pilots vulnerable, especially when ***patrolling Canada's vast northern region***.

"F-35 fighter jets will ensure the air force defends against the ever-changing threats of the 21st century," MacKay said in response to critics.

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Ukraine Condemns Romania's Plan To Annex Moldova

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 12:54 pm (PST)

December 9, 2010

­Ukraine slams Romanian plans to annex Moldova

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has condemned a statement by the Romanian president, in which he vowed to make Moldova part of his country within 25 years.

­One of Ukraine’s top Foreign Ministry officials has spoken out against any attempts by Romania to alter existing European borders. Oleg Voloshin says this will “only destabilize the entire system of European security, with unpredictable consequences.”

The warning comes in response to a statement by Romanian President Traian Basescu last week, in which he said Moldova would be incorporated into Romania within 25 years.

Moldova is currently in a state of political crisis. The country’s lawmakers have been unable to elect a president for over a year. Neighboring Romania is a member of NATO and the EU. Both Moldova and Romania are bordered by Ukraine.

The Romanian president says he wants Moldova to become an EU member and intends to erase the border between Romania and Moldova. Basescu expressed hope that such territorial changes will prompt Ukraine to join the EU as well.

However, Moldova has an unsolved territorial issue within its own borders – the Republic of Transdnestria. It is populated mostly by Russian speakers and lies along Moldova’s border with Ukraine. The republic broke away in the early ‘90s after a brief but bloody civil war which ended with Russia’s intervention. Russian peacekeepers still remain in Transdnestria.

The republic is not recognized by any nation apart from similar breakaway states. According to NATO regulations, a country with unresolved territorial issues cannot become a member of the alliance. Romania, on the other hand, is already a NATO member.

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U.S. Globemaster Delivers First Abrams Tanks To Afghanistan

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 2:33 pm (PST)

U.S. Air Forces in Europe
America Forces Press Service
December 8, 2010

C-17s deliver firepower to Afghanistan
by Capt. Justin Brockhoff
618th Air and Space Operations Center Public Affairs

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. - An Air Mobility Command C-17 Globemaster III and its crew delivered the first of 17 M1A1 Abrams tanks to military forces in Afghanistan recently.

The delivery marked the first time U.S. tanks have deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

The tanks were requested by Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Richard P. Mills, the commander of Afghanistan's Regional Command-Southwest, according to a Department of Defense release. The RC-Southwest region lends itself to armored operations with wide open areas and none of the mountainous terrain that characterizes Regional Command-East and the northern portions of Regional Command-South.
"We're conducting full-spectrum combat operations today, we'll be doing it tomorrow, we'll be doing it next month," said Marine Col. Dave Lapan, a DOD spokesperson. "Until the Afghan security forces are ready to take over lead for security ... we will continue to do combat operations to defeat the enemy."

"Whether we use tanks or infantry on the ground, these are all tactics we use to defeat the enemy," Colonel Lapan said.

The continuing process of deploying the tanks is accomplished by a combination of sealift and airlift assets. The tanks and associated equipment are taken by ship for the majority of the trip around the world, and airlifted the last portion of their journey into land-locked Afghanistan by C-17s.

All of the airlift missions for the deployment are planned, tasked and command-and-controlled by the 618th Air and Space Operations Center's Theater Direct Delivery division at Scott Air Force Base, Ill. As 18th Air Force's hub for global operations, the 618th AOC plans, schedules and directs a fleet of nearly 1,300 mobility aircraft in support of strategic airlift, air refueling and aeromedical-evacuation operations around the world.

"Our deployed C-17 forces are ideal for this type of movement," said Lt. Col. Doug Edwards, the chief of the 618th AOC's Theater Direct Delivery division. "Over the past quarter alone, TDD missions moved an average of 1,800 passengers and 550 tons of cargo daily for Operations Enduring Freedom and New Dawn. Moving the tanks is another way the Theater Direct Delivery community can impact the fight and support troops on the ground."

(Mr. Jim Garamone, American Forces Press Service, contributed to this report)


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U.S. Air Force Trains Baltic NATO Allies For Afghan/Iraqi-Style Wars

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 2:33 pm (PST)

U.S. Air Forces in Europe
December 9, 2010

Sabre Strike 11 refuels NATO, family spirit
by Capt. Scott Frohardt
100th Operations Group

-The purpose of this exercise was to continue mutual support for the fight in Afghanistan and demonstrate previous successful NATO coordination in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

ADAZI TRAINING ARIA, Latvia: The 100th Air Refueling Wing participated in a multinational Joint Terminal Air Controller exercise with Europe's Baltic states Oct. 19 to 22.

The United States, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland were involved in the coordination and training of JTACs and Polish F-16 close air support missions during Operation Sabre Strike 11 at Adazi Training Aria, Latvia.

The purpose of this exercise was to continue mutual support for the fight in Afghanistan and demonstrate previous successful NATO coordination in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

The 100th ARW provided fuel to the Polish F-16s, which allowed the fighters to conduct bomb and strafing runs as coordinated by the NATO JTAC trainees and instructors. This marked the first time that live munitions were dropped in Latvia since their separation from Russia in 1992.

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Russian Military To Respond To Pentagon's Buildup In Poland

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 3:27 pm (PST)

December 9, 2010

Russian military plans will take into account deployment of U.S. bases in Poland - ministry

MOSCOW: Moscow will take into account U.S.-Polish military cooperation plans when implementing its own program to build up its Armed Forces, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

"The Russian Foreign Ministry took note of the decision announced after the meeting between U.S. President Barack Obama and Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski to deploy a U.S. Air Force unit at the airbase in Lask [Poland] to host fighter and transport aircraft," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"This step has to be seen in light of the now publicized NATO plan to defend Poland and the Baltic States 'from possible aggression on the part of Russia,'" the ministry said.

"It should be recalled that U.S. Patriot missile units, which have deployed in Poland since 2009 [May 2010], also raise questions about their true purpose," the statement said.

"Apparently, in this particular case the old NATO reflex of building forces in detriment of other nations' security has worked. It is all the more strange that all this is occurring after the positive outcomes of the NATO-Russia Council summit and the alliance's declarations that Russia is not regarded as an enemy," the ministry said.

"We will certainly have to take into account the U.S.-Polish plans when implementing our own program to build our Armed Forces and in working with our allies," the statement said.

"However, we believe European security interests would be met by directly opposite decisions which guarantee at least that military planning is not aimed against one another," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

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U.S. Senate Tells Russia To Withdraw From "Occupied Territories"

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 3:35 pm (PST)

Rustavi 2
December 9, 2010

U.S. Senate resolution in support for Georgia put to vote

The resolution prepared by the U.S. Senate in support of Georgia has been put to a vote. The resolution depicts all the issues concerning Georgia, including territorial integrity, de-occupation and ethnic cleansing.

The U.S. senators in the resolution call Russia to sign the cease-fire agreement, de-occupy Georgian territories and assist dignified return to their homes.

The resolution recognizes Georgia`s territorial integrity and inviolability of borders. The document also says, international humanitarian missions should have access to Georgia`s occupied territories.

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Georgia Solicits U.S. Aid For NATO Membership Prospectus

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 6:55 pm (PST)

Associated Press
December 9, 2010

Georgia pressing US for NATO membership prospectus

WASHINGTON: The former Soviet republic of Georgia wants the United States to outline the steps necessary for it to join NATO.

Deputy Prime Minister Georgia Baramidze was raising the issue in Washington this week with the Obama administration. He said in an interview with The Associated Press that Georgia wants a "road map" to membership.

The United States and other NATO members have said that Georgia should eventually join NATO. But Russia has opposed the bid, and the issue of membership has appeared stalled since the brief Russia-Georgia war in 2008.

Pointing to Georgia's close cooperation with the military alliance and large contribution to its mission in Afghanistan, Baramidze said Georgia already behaves as if it were a member of NATO.

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Clinton Hails Albania As Loyal NATO Partner

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 6:55 pm (PST)

U.S. Department of State
December 9, 2010

Remarks With Albanian Foreign Minister Edmond Haxhinasto Before Their Meeting

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I am delighted to welcome my colleague and the minister from Albania here to Washington for discussions on the full range of issues. As you know, Albania is a partner and a friend that we value greatly and an ally within NATO. And so there is a lot to discuss and much to work on going forward.

FOREIGN MINISTER HAXHINASTO: It is a delight for me to be here today and I thank Secretary Clinton for creating this opportunity. This visit will reaffirm the great friendship between our two countries, will affirm that the United States is a strategic ally for Albania, is our partner in meeting the challenges that we have as NATO member countries, but also is a partner in our bilateral agenda, always has been supportive of the good things that happen – happened in Albania with democracy, with strengthening of democracy, the peace contribution in the region. And also we want to see – we put some perspective in our agenda regarding bilateral relations, regarding strengthening the economic ties, and, of course, the friendship between our two people.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you so much, Mr. Minister. Thank you all.

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Plans Proceed For Launching Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 7:06 pm (PST)

Defence Professionals
December 9, 2010

Points of establishing joint Lithuania, Polish and Ukrainian Brigade addressed in Vilnius

-The Brigade and its elements are planned to be invoked for deployment to operations of international organisations.

Experts of Lithuania, Latvia and Ukraine agreed on documents and procedures stipulating signing an intergovernmental trilateral treaty in 2011 on the formation of a trilateral Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade, LITPOLUKRBRIG.

Documents linked to the legal basis of the three states' joint Brigade - capability planning, training, and logistics - were agreed upon and approved in a meeting held on December 7 at the Ministry of National Defence by experts of the defence sector of Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.

In the meeting, Lithuania was represented by military and civilian personnel of the Ministry of National Defence and of the Lithuanian Land Force and National Defence Volunteer Force. Ukraine sent a delegation of leading officers of the national Land Force and Poland officers from the General Staff and Command of the Land Force.

The opening address was delivered by Director of the International Relations and Operations Department Robertas Šapronas who highlighted the importance attached to the project of establishing a joint Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade. He also accentuated Lithuania's resolution to strengthen security and defence cooperation in the region.

The experts' meetings related to the establishment of a joint trilateral brigade are held in an international format on a regular basis in Vilnius, Warsaw and Kiev. In such meetings defence experts of the three participating states plan and coordinate activities for the establishment of the Brigade.

The Joint Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade, LITPOLUKRBRIG, is a practical cooperation project designed to enhance defence ties among states of the region. The Brigade and its elements are planned to be invoked for deployment to operations of international organisations.

Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine signed a Protocol of Intent on the formation of the joint Brigade in November 2009.

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NATO HQ: Rasmussen, Estonian Leader Tout "Collective Defense"

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Thu Dec 9, 2010 7:54 pm (PST)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
December 9, 2010

Secretary General and Estonian President pledge to keep momentum after Lisbon

On 9 December, Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves visited NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen to discuss the way forward on the results of the successful Lisbon Summit last November.

Mr Rasmussen expressed his gratitude for the important contribution Estonia makes to NATO's operation in Afghanistan in the challenging Helmand province, which stands proof of Estonia's contribution to NATO solidarity and shared security.

They welcomed the fact that the New Strategic Concept reinforces NATO's commitment to collective defence as a core task for the Alliance. The Secretary General reiterated that NATO's ongoing air policing mission for the Baltic states is a visible proof of Allied commitment to collective defence. At the same time, Estonia has and will continue to bring its own valuable contribution to the Alliance. The NATO Cyber Security Centre of Excellence in Estonia will play a key role in building up our collective defences on this 21st century battle-front, Mr. Rasmussen said.

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