Friday, December 10, 2010

Mindset Warfare

Rebel Newsflash: Mindset Warfare (plus 5 more items)

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Mindset Warfare

Posted: 07 Dec 2010 05:24 AM PST

At the close of World War II, the U.S. was home to 50% of the world's productive power. That economic strength assured America's dominant financial position for at least two decades. That strength included the ability to issue the world's top-rated bonds.

Look at us now.

The financial cost to the U.S. of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is projected to top $3 trillion-all of it borrowed. The interest expense alone could reach $700 billion.

Israeli drones buzz over Lebanon skies

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 06:10 PM PST

Three Israeli reconnaissance planes have penetrated Lebanese airspace and flown over parts of the country in flagrant violation of a UN Security Council resolution.

An unmanned Israeli aircraft crossed into Lebanese airspace at 4:45 a.m. local time (0145 GMT) on Monday and conducted several unwarranted flights above the al-Fakiha area in Baalbek, located 86 km (53 miles) northeast of the capital Beirut, according to a statement released by the Lebanese military.

He is not a Terrorist

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 04:08 PM PST

Its name is Kurban. It is an Indian movie.

WikiLeaks: What, really, is the problem?

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 02:25 PM PST

Some commentators, bloggers and other writers, were quick to jump to the conclusion that the avalanche of documents being released by WikiLeaks is part and parcel of an Israeli/Mossad deception strategy. One implication being that WikiLeaks' founder, Julian Assange is, knowingly or not, manipulated by Zionism.

On the basis of the first two or three days of the Wikileaked revelations as reported by the mainstream media, in America especially, there most definitely was a case for saying that the agenda best served by the leaked diplomatic cables was that of the Zionist state of Israel, its lobby in America and its many stooges in Congress. The essence of the case was in the message that Iran is the biggest single threat to the peace of the region and the world not only because the Israelis say so but also because Arab leaders agree with them.

Jewish Extortion

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 05:39 PM PST

The "Internal Revenue Service" is a collection agency for the private, profit-making corporation that calls itself the Federal Reserve System. The fools who still send money to this private company can prove this by examining the backs of their canceled checks to the IRS. It will say "Pay to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York." It doesn't say, "Pay to the US Treasury Department." Why do you suppose that is? Your hard-earned money goes to a private company that has never been audited, that was created by foreign Jews for their own gain. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is a private company, just like Goldman Sachs, both owned by pretty much the same people. See Lewis v. US (1982).

Dissolving the Union

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 08:47 AM PST

For those who think the U.S. is broke, think again. It's far more serious than that.

To renew Bush-era tax cuts for our most well-to-do 2% would reduce U.S. government revenues by $700 billion over the decade. That shortfall will need to be borrowed.

Or we could provide college scholarships to 14 million U.S. high school students. Or tuition, room and board for about half of today's college students.

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