Rebel Newsflash: TSA Agents Revolt Over Body Scanner Radiation Exposure (plus 26 more items) |
- TSA Agents Revolt Over Body Scanner Radiation Exposure
- Kulongoski Criticized for Dealing with Israel
- Amnesia As A Way Of Life: WikiLeaks Amid The "Careless People"
- Farewell to the EU Superstate
- Why America must die
- Smells Like White Guilt: Christian Lander's Whiter Shades of Pale
- CIA's Denial of Protecting Nazis is Blatant Lie (Part 1)
- A Day in the Life
- From the Pages of Time: Truths about US and Israel
- Was FBI grooming Portland suspect for terror?
- Iranian Official Responds to Wikileaks: 'The United States Is Behind This Deliberate Leak'
- The Secret Behind Ted Turner's Call For A Global One Child Policy
- Environmental Protection Agency?
- Critics Of Big Sis/Wal-Mart Spy Campaign Branded Insane
- Of Ostriches and Rebels
- Wikileaks and Imperial Mobilization
- South Africa: Black Entitlement is Cause for Brutal Crimes
- Day of Deceit: FDR and Pearl Harbor
- Letter from Sweden
- The hatemonger from the Netherlands
- Revelations on US plan to attack Iran
- The Online Threat
- Israel First: Discrediting Rule of Law in Britain
- Intelligence Contractor Floats Body Cavity Bomb Propaganda
- The Palestinian People Have Rights too
- TSA-Style Pat Downs Hit The Streets
- Sex, lies and diplomatic cables
TSA Agents Revolt Over Body Scanner Radiation Exposure Posted: 08 Dec 2010 05:54 AM PST TSA workers are complaining about the amounts of radiation they are being exposed to on a daily basis in the wake of the mass introduction of body scanners to airports around the country. USA Today reports that TSA agents are unhappy with the fact that they are being kept in the dark by their employers, despite repeated requests for information. |
Kulongoski Criticized for Dealing with Israel Posted: 08 Dec 2010 01:57 AM PST
On the 27th of Oct., Kulongoski signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the State of Oregon and the State of Israel "to develop and strengthen economic, industrial, technological and commercial cooperation between [them]," according to the governor's press release. |
Amnesia As A Way Of Life: WikiLeaks Amid The "Careless People" Posted: 08 Dec 2010 01:12 AM PST As many wags have noted, the disclosures of Wikileaks have subjected the US Empire and its operatives to a full-body scan. Turnaround is fair play, because, until now, in the US, the powerless masses are subject to arbitrary pat downs and body scans, while the powerful and connected are massaged by privilege and ensconced in immunity. In hindsight, one realizes, when the Obama administration promised transparency and accountability in government, National Security State enabler that Barack Obama has proven himself to be, that his administration's definition of transparency would entail the countenancing of said body scans at the nation's airports, revealing the private bits of the hoi polloi, as, all the while, his administration was engaged in stonewalling the hidden agendas and felonies of the corporate and governing elite. Recent events should remove any doubt regarding who stands exposed and who will remain cloaked by official aegis. |
Posted: 07 Dec 2010 05:04 PM PST Wednesday's press conference with ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet turned out to be a real jaw-dropper. While Master illusionist Trichet didn't commit himself to massive bond purchases (Quantitative Easing) as many had hoped, he did impress the gathering with his magical skills. The Financial Times recounts Trichet's what happened like this: " Trichet started to speak, his ECB troops stepped into the market to buy as many peripheral bonds as they could, particularly Portugal and Ireland. Started evidently in bidding for 10 -25 mln € clips and then moved onto 100 mln € clips … which is very rare indeed." |
Posted: 07 Dec 2010 02:17 PM PST
At the same time, the U.S. government has – for decades – been acting in ways that made the United States eclipse even the Zionist hell-hole as the most hated country in the world, despised by hundreds of millions, if not billions of people, who cannot wait to see both countries to be 'wiped off the map'.
Smells Like White Guilt: Christian Lander's Whiter Shades of Pale Posted: 07 Dec 2010 09:31 AM PST I saw Christian Lander in San Francisco on Tuesday, December 2nd, speaking to a tiny sweater-clad audience at a small independent bookstore in the Marina District. Lander told the story of the amazing success of his blog Stuff White People Like which in about six months grew from a private joke to a New York Times bestselling book (with a reported $300,000 advance). In his talk, Lander made it very clear that he is not talking about all White people, but just "the right kind of White people," as opposed to "the wrong kind of White people." |
CIA's Denial of Protecting Nazis is Blatant Lie (Part 1) Posted: 07 Dec 2010 06:32 AM PST On November 17, 2010 the CIA's Director of Public Affairs, George Little, wrote a short letter to the editor of the New York Times. Little, on behalf of the agency, protested a just published Times article that detailed CIA "interactions with former Nazi officials in the early years of the post World War II era." Mr. Little wrote, "We would like to make clear that the agency at no time had a policy or a program to protect Nazi war criminals, or to help them escape justice for their actions during the war." |
Posted: 06 Dec 2010 04:59 PM PST Take Friday. I get up and make some calls to try to squirm out of a new tax that San Mateo Co. has passed to pay for more dough for schools to squander on the uneducable…. I send a check to my local White elementary school. Then I head down to my health club. While driving down at normal speed a small car starts tail-gateing me. What I do when that happens is hit my emergency flashing lights. I usually wait to do that becauseI drive a big German car with bumper-sticker "America First, Not Israel", and folks like to come up on me to read it and then they back off. Not so with small car which is on me at 60 mph with about 1-2 carlengths. I start to change lanes to make a turn on the freeway and as I do she crowds me ever more, anticipating that I will soon be out of her way. By now I can see Latina written all over her face. I touch my brake pedal to slow down just a bit as she begins to swerve. She panics and I see her car nose-dive. I complete my lane change and she comes by with window down screaming. I wave and smile.I get to the gym, a pretty posh place, and note the big Christmas tree. Then I see a menorah with its 9 electric lights, perched on a prominent ledge. The nine lights represent victories over one of the Jews' manifold enemies. It is all Race folks. So I start to head for the workout room, but cannot stand it and knock on the door of Management. I talk to a guy with a name that could be Jewish. He is not Jewish, and we have a good talk. I point out that the Christmas tree is pagan, not Christian. He thinks for a moment and agrees. Then he carefully says a few things about the racial stuff and the Jews, which indicate he agrees with me (or he is a Jew and is sucking me out?…careful!) …that there ought to be a Christian symbol if there is a menorah, etc. I tell him that while I'm not a Christian, my history, culture, ethics, Civilization…are in me and that this menorah thing is all about displacing the culture of people like me. |
From the Pages of Time: Truths about US and Israel Posted: 06 Dec 2010 04:28 PM PST Was there ever a time when a leading organ of the US media could speak the unvarnished truth about the links between the United States and Israel? Consider this quote from Time magazine of January 1952, embedded in an article that explained its choice of Mohammed Mossadegh as its Person of the Year for 1951. It had no compliments for Mossadegh, the man who was spearheading his country's bid to take back its oil resources from the British-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. No surprise there. |
Was FBI grooming Portland suspect for terror? Posted: 06 Dec 2010 02:44 PM PST FBI undercover operatives helped fund Mohamed Osman Mohamud's would-be terrorism plot to detonate a car bomb during a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony on Friday at a crowded public square in the heart of the city. Operatives helped him find components needed to create a bomb and schooled the 19-year-old Somali-born man in how to set off the explosives. |
Iranian Official Responds to Wikileaks: 'The United States Is Behind This Deliberate Leak' Posted: 06 Dec 2010 02:15 PM PST Iran has its own special take on the diplomatic cables recently published by WikiLeaks. Presidential Advisor Esfandiar Rahim Mashai assumes that the United States government leaked the documents itself. In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, he says that Washington's goal is to play off the governments in the Middle East against one other. |
The Secret Behind Ted Turner's Call For A Global One Child Policy Posted: 06 Dec 2010 11:09 AM PST Just months after a leaked UN blueprint that revealed climate change alarmists would start pushing "overpopulation" fears in favor of the discredited mantra of global warming as a means of dismantling the middle class, billionaire globalist Ted Turner followed suit during a Cancun luncheon yesterday when he urged the world to adopt China's brutal one-child policy, and even suggested poor people should be sterilized in return for government handouts. |
Environmental Protection Agency? Posted: 06 Dec 2010 06:05 AM PST Michelle Nix, from Pensacola, Florida, founded the group Gulf Coast Oil Spill Volunteers in an effort to be pro-active and do what she could to help when the BP oil disaster began on April 20. "I had 500 volunteers coordinated to help with cleanup, people offering free oil boom, people donating their work and time to help," Nix told Al Jazeera. |
Critics Of Big Sis/Wal-Mart Spy Campaign Branded Insane Posted: 08 Dec 2010 05:58 AM PST According to the driving force behind Big Sis' creepy Wal-Mart spy campaign, if the state encouraging Americans to report each other to the authorities causes you unease, you're insane, similar to how critics of informant programs were also branded mentally ill and persecuted in the former Soviet Union. In what has been dubbed "the battle of Wal-Mart" by The New York Observer, the controversy over Big Sis Janet Napolitano's announcement that Homeland Security messages encouraging shoppers to "report suspicious activity," without telling them what constitutes suspicious activity, will play at at Wal-Mart checkouts, has "set off a rebellion among the conspiracy-theory crowd, a number of whom are among the store's core customers," writes Aaron Gell. |
Posted: 08 Dec 2010 02:47 AM PST Can today's handful of rabble-rousing moral activists with their chest-thumping internet-jihad and the occasional street-dance protesting with loud drum-beating, fight such a nemesis that is not only legally endowed with an infinite supply of money conjured out of thin-air, but whose controlling power pervades all public and private institutions from universities to businesses to governments to non-profit supra-organizations like the United Nations and none dare talk about it without being called a 'kook'? To genuinely reverse this unstoppable impetus towards global management surely requires an order of magnitude different strategies and tactics other than blaring into bull-horns and publishing books and eloquent websites don't you think? |
Wikileaks and Imperial Mobilization Posted: 08 Dec 2010 02:43 AM PST
In order to comprehend the ostensibly bizarre Wikileaks phenomena that is continually in the news these days, it is essential to first comprehend the concept of the 'Mighty Wurlitzer'. It used to be the honorific of Frank Wisner, the first chief of political warfare for the Central Intelligence Agency, used to describe the C.I.A.'s plethora of front organizations and newsmedia stooges that he was capable of playing (like a great organ with many keyboards) for synthesizing any propaganda tune that was needed for the day. More details may be gleaned in the disclosures of Operation Mockingbird |
South Africa: Black Entitlement is Cause for Brutal Crimes Posted: 07 Dec 2010 05:00 PM PST Over the weekend Steve Hofmeyr stated something on his Facebook page that is on the mind of many South Africans, especially white South Africans. Its the matter of the entitlement that is ingrained into South African black population from a young age. From politicians to the street cleaner that see the white man in his nice house, driving a car and believe with all their hearts its only because he is white that he has those things. That's just not true. |
Day of Deceit: FDR and Pearl Harbor Posted: 07 Dec 2010 04:00 PM PST |
Posted: 07 Dec 2010 09:30 AM PST In Sweden the arguments from the elites are very similar. Our elites claim that "structural racism" in the Swedish culture is a deep problem in our society. At the same time our elite argue that Swedish culture and the Swedish people are social construction. A very common argument is that "Swedish culture is the sum of all cultures". Often, our elite begin a debate with the rhetorical question: "Who is a Swede" when they argue for multiculturalism. What they want to do is to tell us that we as Swedes do not exist. We, as Swedes can only exist when we discriminate against immigrants. This kind of argument was easy for the nationalist Swedish Democrats (SD) to reject. They just say, we exist as a people and as a people we have the right to decide who and how many people can come here to Sweden moreover, they should adopt our values. In one debate, Congressman (SD) Matthias Karlsson just said "If we as a people do not exist, how can the Kurdish people exist, and how can you claim identity politics for them". The journalist and his political opponent just gasp. |
The hatemonger from the Netherlands Posted: 07 Dec 2010 02:21 AM PST Israel's manifestly fascist Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has once again demonstrated virulent malice and ill-will toward Muslims in general, including Israel's own Muslim citizens who constitute nearly one fourth of the population, by inviting anti-Islam Dutch leader, Geert Wilders, to visit Occupied Palestine to spew his hatred and racism before a Jewish audience. |
Revelations on US plan to attack Iran Posted: 06 Dec 2010 04:33 PM PST On December 5, 2010 – Gordon Duff, senior editor Veterans Today, after interviewing a former high official who served during Dubya Bush era at the White House, Pentagon and the CIA – claimed that AIPAC ordered Bush to attack Iran. According to Gordon Duff's source – "The invasion of Iran was sheduled for 2006 but was planned in 1999″. |
Posted: 07 Dec 2010 04:47 PM PST
Israel First: Discrediting Rule of Law in Britain Posted: 07 Dec 2010 04:37 PM PST Professor Richard Falk put it most eloquently: 'The idea of Nuremberg after World War Two was that crimes against the peace, crimes against humanity and war crimes are also offences against the whole of international society...' The law that was applied to surviving German criminals of World War Two would not be respected unless those who sat in judgment upheld it in relation to their own behaviour. The UN Special Rapporteur was speaking in London at a parliamentary briefing on Universal Jurisdiction, the principles of which the British government intends to undermine for the benefit of its Israeli friends. |
Intelligence Contractor Floats Body Cavity Bomb Propaganda Posted: 06 Dec 2010 07:38 AM PST Get ready for the government to add body cavity searches to its intrusive airport repertoire. The intelligence disinformation operation known as the SITE Intelligence Group has scoured the internet and found jihadis on a forum used by supposed al-Qaeda affiliates discussing "Frankenbombers" on a forum, according to the New York Daily News. An individual described as a doctor posted his thoughts about a "new kind of terrorism" – surgically implanted bombs. " |
The Palestinian People Have Rights too Posted: 07 Dec 2010 04:47 PM PST If there is one thing a Palestinian cannot understand, or If he did understand cannot forgive, it is the apathy and hypocrisy with which governments in the 'Free World', especially in the United States, react towards issues of right and wrong in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Indeed, questions of morals and of justice seem to have no relevance, and policy appears in most cases to be determined solely by considerations of what one party only to the conflict might agree to, or at least not protest about. Ninety-three years ago, Lord Arthur James Balfour, British Foreign Secretary, signed a document which has bedeviled the peoples of the Middle East ever since. Although I do not propose to discuss here this document at length, in any serious debate on the Palestinian – Israeli conflict the Balfour Declaration can hardly be avoided given its place in the mythology of all peoples involved in the conflict. |
TSA-Style Pat Downs Hit The Streets Posted: 06 Dec 2010 05:53 AM PST In Philadelphia, you don't have to visit the airport to have the government molest you, TSA-style "stop, question and frisk" pat downs are already being conducted by police on the streets targeting people who act suspicious, by doing things like putting their hands in their coat pocket. As we have repeatedly warned, everything unfolding in the airports, from naked radiation body scanners to pat downs, is now being implemented on mass transit as well as every major street corner in America. Constitutional protections of privacy and immunity from unreasonable search and seizure have been abolished, replaced with guilty until proven innocent. |
Sex, lies and diplomatic cables Posted: 06 Dec 2010 02:02 AM PST Western diplomats may or may not always be lying for their own country. But could Western diplomacy, in the case of the Middle East, serve to make non-Western rulers lie to their own countries? The Wikileaks revelatory cables shed some light on this puzzle. |
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